Hello all. I finally got 5 votes to bring in the GiW. This chapter will be where they show. The president will be Butch Hartman. Hope you all enjoy.

Clark Kent's POV:

Lois and I just arrived in Amity Park. "Where would we find Danny Phantom?" Lois asks. "We just have to look for a ghost attack. Where there's a ghost attack, Phantom is sure to be there." I reply. Lois and I walk around until we come to the park where we find a robotic looking ghost attack civilians. "Why don't you ever just stay in the Zone Skulker?" Phantom asks. "Because my most worthy prey is here." Skulker says. Just then Skulker is tied up in glowing green ropes. "You know Skulker, I could end your existence with the flick of my wrist. In case you haven't noticed, I have my true form." Phantom says. Before Skulker can say anything, Phantom sucks him into a thermos. "Phantom wait!" Lois shouts when Phantom was about to fly away. "Can I help you?" Phantom asks. "We were sent here to interview you for the Daily Planet in Metropolis." I say. "I'm not doing any interviews here where anyone can hear. Meet me at Fentonworks." Phantom says. "Alright Phantom." Lois says.

Danny's POV:

I told Lois Lane and Clark to meet me at Fentonworks for an interview. I fly back home and land in Jazz's room. "Jazz, can you get mom and dad out of the house for a few hours?" I ask. "Why?" Jazz asks. "I have Lois Lane and Clark Kent coming here to interview me. I need to debug the house and make sure nobody can listen in." I explain. "I will get them to go to Vlad's for a few hours." Jazz says. "Thanks Jazz." I say while hugging Jazz. "No problem Danny." Jazz says while hugging me back. I watch invisibly as Jazz gets mom and dad to go to Vlad's. I then start to debug the house and set up an EMP generator that shuts down Plasmius Tech and any other listening devices. Soon enough Clark and Lois Lane show. "Come on in." I say while opening the door. "Where are the Fenton's?" Lois asks. "They're going to see an old friend." I say.

Lois's POV:

"So what questions to you have to ask me?" Phantom asks. "Why did you start to protect Amity Park from other ghosts?" I ask. "I lived here when I was alive. I wasn't about to let ghosts run amuck in my hometown." Phantom answers. "Why did you kidnap the mayor?" Clark asks. "That I was framed for. One ghost by the name of Walker, he's the warden of the Ghost Zone Prison, wanted to make Amity Park a prison so I would beg for his prison. I caused a jailbreak so he wanted revenge." Phantom answers. "Why did you steal?" I ask. "I was being controlled by the ringmaster to Circus Gothica. He had a staff that could control ghosts." Phantom answers. "Why are you different than the ghosts you fight?" Clark asks. "I'm known as a halfa by the other full ghosts like Skulker. My arch enemy, Vlad Plasmius or the Wisconsin Ghost, and my daughter, Dana Phantom, are the only other halfas." Phantom answers. "What exactly is a halfa?" I ask. "A half-human, half-ghost hybrid in Plasmius's case. A half-Kryptonian, half-ghost in Dana's and my cases." Phantom says. "Any more questions?" Phantom asks. "That's it. Thank you for your time Phantom." Clark says. "Anytime." Phantom says. Clark and I then leave, planning on heading back to Metropolis to write about this.

President Hartman's POV:

I'm currently in a meeting with the GiW. "Tell me again, what is it you want?" I ask. "We request permission to capture Phantom. He's a menace that needs to be destroyed." The head agent says. "Did you idiots not see the news from Metropolis? Phantom helped stop an alien invasion. Phantom is also keeping crime low in the whole world. If I gave you permission, I would have the entire Justice League and other world leaders breathing down my neck. Permission denied." I ask then say. But Mr. President, don't you care about the safety of the American people?" Another agent asks. "I do. Phantom is keeping crime low in the whole world and in Amity Park. Other heroes, like Batman, have had property damage from their fights with super villains. Phantom is no different. If I find out that you went against my orders to leave Phantom alone, I will personally see to it that agent in your organization is put in prison for treason." I say. The agents leave my office then.

Time skip: one week later: Danny's POV:

I'm currently in the park with Dana. Both Dana and I are in ghost form. All of a sudden, I'm in a net. "Daddy!" Dana shouts. "Fly to Smallville and find your mother." I tell Dana. "Ok Daddy." Dana says then flies off. I look to see where the net came from and see the Idiots in White. "Danny Phantom, under the federal Anti-Ecto Act Section 1 Subsection A, you are hereby under arrest." Agent K says. "You do realize that I could contact Batman and he can kick your butts right?" I ask. "We're not scared of Batman." Agent O says. "Hey Bats?" I telepathically ask. "Yes Phantom?" Batman asks back. "I'm in a bit of a jam here. I got two agents from the Guys in White here trying to arrest me. Can you come and kick their butts to free me?" I say then ask. "I will be there soon." Batman replies. Right when Agents O and K are about to put me in a plane of theirs, Batman shows. "What are you two doing to my teammate?" Batman asks. "He's a menace. We're taking him in for experiments." Agent K says. That earns him a punch to the jaw. President Hartman shows up too. "I'm sorry Phantom, Batman. I already denied permission for the GiW to capture you Phantom. I will make sure that every agent is arrested for treason." President Hartman says. Batman gets me out of the net I was in.

Meanwhile, Dana's POV:

I'm flying to get mommy like daddy told me too. "What's wrong Dana?" Mommy asks when I find her. "Daddy was captured by men in white suits. Daddy told me to find you mommy." I say. "Well then let's go free your dad." Mommy says. Mommy and I fly back to Amity Park only to find Batman with daddy. "Why is Batman here daddy?" I ask. "I telepathically called him to come help me. Now that you're here Supergirl, we can go on our second date." Daddy says.

Well the GiW is no more. Next chapter will have some Danny/Kara action.