My tank stood atop a hill, surveying the valley below. I had a feeling in my gut that this would be a good battle, it was a tier 8 match and my Panther II was fully upgraded with camo net and enhanced gun laying drive. I had a black and white skin, created by myself. Looking at the enemy team, there was only one tank I was really worried about. The enemy team had a Lowe, and that big gun was a threat to my medium. The map was sacred valley, definitely not the best map for this tank. I could adjust, but I needed to know where the enemy team was first. I typed into the chat.
[ELC AMX, head south and spot at J8, I'll cover you.]
He shot back a simple "Affirmative!" and began on his way. I'll be honest; the Panther II isn't the fastest tier 8 medium. However, I stayed close behind him, climbing the hill and heading towards its crest. Our team down in the lowlands was doing rather well, although there was a T-43 holding the line rather well. I focused back on the ELC, who was cresting the hill. The map suddenly lit up, three heavies were heading my way. There was a Tiger 1, an AMX 50 100, and the Lowe. I ordered the ELC to fall back to my position, and the tiny little guy turned around and high-tailed it down the hill. I was alone, against the best player on the enemy team. A quick look at the player confirmed that.
"Well, Xx_Artemis_xX, let's see if that winrate of yours can hold up." I muttered to myself. A quick keyboard fingering combo moved my tank behind a rock, and I positioned myself to sidescrape. My first shell was loaded, ready for anything.
[Arty, get ready for action at J8! Wake up!]
The friendly arty replied with a "Negative!" that told me I was on my own. A Tiger II started moving to back me up, but his engine was damaged. It would be all over by the time he arrived. Finally, the AMX 50 100 crested the hill. I waited for a good shot into his lower glacis, and fired an AP round that took 235 HP off of him. He stopped and took aim, firing one shot that bounced off my angled side armor. He fired his entire ammo clip, telling me he was a noob with French autoloaders. I reloaded while he was firing, and shot his tracks. After I did this, the Tiger 1 appeared next to him. I shifted targets quickly, putting a round into his lower glacis as well. It was a lucky hit, and the tank began to burn. He fell back behind the hill, and used his fire extinguisher. I turned and fired yet again into the AMX's tracks, keeping him in place. My second shot went through his turret, damaging his gun. I was able to put in two more shots before he finally repaired his tracks and backed up. Now I had to deal with the Lowe.
The Lowe crested the hill after the others fell back, but soon the Tiger appeared next to him. I pulled back to take a shot, but received a hit to the gun mantlet from the Lowe. I took full damage, but I manage to get one shot off into the tank's lower glacis. It angled its armor, and I was unable to get a shot at the lower glacis. While it reloaded, I pulled out and took one more shot at the Tiger 1, leaving it a one-hit kill for me. I then pulled back where they couldn't damage me, and tried to think of a plan.
"What do I do, what do I do…" I thought to myself. Then I had an idea. I would fall back down the hill, and draw the Lowe down here to finish me off. I would then fire into its right track, causing it to veer to the side. Then it would be exposed, and I might be able to get a shell into the ammo rack. I would likely take two or three hits as I withdrew. I loaded my gun, and started to drive backwards down the hill. I took two damaging hits, doing around 500 damage or so to my beloved Panther II. If this worked, it would be worth it. The Tiger 2 made the terrible mistake of following me, and I was able to plant a killshot into it before it could reach me. The Lowe started to follow, just as intended. It rushed towards me, and I took aim at the tracks. I fired, striking the tracks and destroying them. Nothing. The tank didn't veer at all, not enough speed. I was doomed.
Suddenly, a shell struck the turret cheek of the Lowe, doing around 400 damage. It was the Tiger II, finally arriving to help. The Lowe repaired its tracks and turned towards the Tiger, firing and hitting my ally. I took advantage of the opportunity, and sped up the hill towards the distracted premium. I snuck in behind and fired point blank, penetrating clean through the turret. It noticed me and began to turn to face me, but I had already spelled its doom. I got in so close that it couldn't turn its hull, and pressed my barrel into the side of the tank. Point blank range. It fired at me, but glanced off my turret cheek. I pulled back and gained distance, aiming directly under the turret. The reloading indicator made the satisfactory "click" that I was reloaded, and I fired. The shell blew the turret off in a massive explosion, flying through the air and landing next to me. Done.
[Thx for the help KT!] I typed into the chat. He replied with a simple "Affirmative!" and continued up the hill. After that, it was simply a matter of how quickly the capture would go. Not long, we had 5 tanks in the zone. I did have the satisfaction of finishing off the 50 100 before the cap finished. It was a great game, I had gotten 3 kills and defeated a Lowe. I couldn't help but get up out of my chair and look at the post-game stats with a smile.
As I sat back down, I received a private message from someone named Xx_Artemis_xX. Wait, that was the Lowe driver!
"Probably here to accuse me of hacking. I can see it now, 'HAX HAX HAX!'" I muttered as I clicked it. No, it wasn't an accusation. The message read;
"Dear Zerokiller1628, you performed extremely well in that last battle, I'm impressed. You are the first person to kill me today, so you have gotten access to the latest test server early! Follow this link to join, and enter the code XXARTEMISXX to download!"
I sat there for a second. Was this "Artemis" person a developer? It had to be. I clicked the link, and explorer opened a black page with a single code entry in the middle. I entered the code, and downloaded the file. Still suspicious, I scanned the file for any viruses before opening. When It opened, the computer started flashing. I felt sick to my stomach, and light headed. I closed my eyes, and fell unconscious on the keyboard.