
Ch. 1

—Fadrielindë's POV—

Falling. I am falling. Plummeting into a deep abyss. My hair whips around my face, my helmet almost ripped from my head from the force of my descent. My vision is blurred, and everything spinning. I can't remember how I came to be falling or what happened before; all I can think about is the stomach dropping sensation. I feel like I am in a long glass tube, lights reflecting off the atmosphere shine into my face. Everything blurs together and I can't make sense of anything. Who am I? What is happening to me? After what seems like an eternity, I finally slam into a hard surface, landing on my back and knocking the breath out of me. I gaze up at the night sky above me, but the stars projected in the sky are not constellations with which I am familiar. I hear shouting as my head sinks into the ground and my eyes start to close. Running footsteps and a whirring sound approach me, but before I can decipher where the sounds are coming from, I am engulfed by blackness.

—Loki's POV—

Scepter in hand and feeling quite pleased with myself, I watch as the Fury fellow's aircraft crashes to the ground in flames. I look away from the wreckage and tell the archer to drive faster. I have to shout for him to hear me from the back of the vehicle we stole from SHIELD. Feeling triumphant, and rather tired, I look forward to finding a place to hide so that I may rest. I breathe in the cool night air and attempt to keep myself from thinking about how I came to be here on the planet called "Earth". What an uncreative and unattractive name. However, it does fit the planet well. I close my eyes and prepare myself for the long ride ahead. All of a sudden, I see a beam of bright light shining down from the sky. The light projects from the sky all the way to the ground in a circle. As I squint my eyes, I see a small form falling in the light. It is a person! I yell at the archer to turn into the cornfield toward the light. Once the vehicle stops, I leap out and watch as the person slams into the ground with breathtaking force. I tell the others to follow me, and I run over to the person. I reach the faller and realize that it is a woman.

She is wearing a black hood over a mask that covers her face. Swirled lines engraved on the helmet in an intricate design. She is wearing what looks to be ebony armor decorated with the same design. The armor resembles a kind of bird, like a crow or raven. Spread out beneath her is a long black cape secured with a gold disc at the base of her neck. Only her fingers are left uncovered. On one finger sits a ring inlayed with a glowing red stone. At her waist in a holster is a strange weapon. At the top of the weapon are three sharp points. There are multiple points around the entire weapon. It is slate grey and appears to have a green glow that slowly pulsates. I decide to remove her helmet to see if she is alive. I carefully lower her hood and remove the mask. She is beautiful. Her hair is a long waterfall of ebony black with subtle streaks of crimson. Her dark and long eyelashes frame almond shaped eyes. Her face is sculpted and tanned. She resembles a human, but looks more exotic and alien. I notice that her ears are slightly pointed at the end. Her skin is a golden color, and she has unusual shimmering golden markings on her neck. They seem to continue down her back.

"Take her to the vehicle!" I order the archer.

He gently takes her in his arms and places her in the back where I was sitting.

"Are we taking her back with us?" he asks.

I give him a pointed look and he strides back to the driver's seat. I climb into the back with the woman as the vehicle starts to move. I do not know who she is or where she came from, but I do know that she is not from Earth. I smile to myself. Perhaps she could be of great use to me.