Some of you asked for Theo's story, so here it is. I was going to start with the usual light-hearted-ish chapters, but I thought I'd just confuse you all to start off with, much more fun :D Just a bit of a heads up- I only have a few ideas for this, so I don't know how often I'll be able to update.

Percy Jackson and co aren't mine, blah blah blah, except for my OCs which you lot pretty much know already :'D

You would just say he was 'one of the triplets', the 'eldest triplet' and sometimes even 'Callum' by mistake. As much as he loved his family, Theo would love a break. There was always something going on, whether it be his siblings, his parents or another family member. There was never a quiet minute. He often wondered what it would be like to not have a headache and to not be tired.

"Hey, Theo. Did you do the-?" Callum broke off. "You OK?"

"Yeah, sorry. Lost in thought." Theo sat up and pulled his rucksack from where he had kicked it under his bed. He handed Callum his Math book. "Don't tell Lilly."

"Or Sage." Callum confirmed. "Thanks, bro. I owe you."

"You owe me, like, a hundred and twenty-three, but hey. Who's counting?" Callum gave him a pointed look. Theo fell back to lie across his bed. "Wake me when you're done." He mumbled, closing his eyes. Two seconds later, there was screaming from next door. The two brothers were up and into the next room instantly. Lilly and Sage were standing on Sage's bed. A spider the size of a saucer was creeping towards them from the other side of the room.

Theo turned to his brother. "Your turn." He sighed, returning to his room. See? It never ended. It could anything- a spider to a natural or not-so-natural disaster- there was always something.

He was just dozing off when Lilly walked in, tucking her hair nervously behind her ear. She was still shaken, but the spider was gone now. She sat next to him on the bed and he forced himself to sit up. "You alright now?"

"Spiders." She shuddered. Theo patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, but his heart wasn't really in it. He had been so close to sleep, so close. But his sisters had needed help and, as their brother, he was under orders to help. Or pass it on to Callum if it was a spider. "Theo?" Lilly waved her hand in his face. "Anyone home?"

"Sorry." He mumbled, rubbing wearily at his eyes. "What were you saying?"

"I was saying you shouldn't let Callum copy your homework. He'll never learn and he used your book to get rid of the spider, so…" Callum walked in then, holding the book at arm's length and mouthing an apology. Lilly cringed away and disappeared. A spider, dead or alive, was nasty. It was especially nasty splattered all over the front cover of Theo's Math book.

"Sorry, bro. I didn't think. I just… I just squashed it."

"It's alright." Theo lied, reaching for the book and, careful not to touch spider guts, he tore the cover off, wading it up and throwing it effortlessly into the bin.

"Heh," Callum snickered, "naked book."

"Only you." Theo sighed, holding out the book. "Go and do your homework." Callum grinned thankfully and tottered off to his side of the room. Theo slumped sideways and settled back down to sleep.

He was awoken a few hours later by his mother, offering lunch. "Are you alright, Theo? You look a bit peaky."

"I'm fine, Mom."

"Sure?" Theo nodded, sitting up and wiping drool from his chin. Annabeth smiled amusedly and ushered him downstairs to food. Callum, Lilly, Sage and Alvie were sat at the table, tucking into shepherd's pie. Alvie looked up as Theo passed, frowning slightly in concern. Theo kept his mind as blank as he could, but there was no hiding anything from Alvie.

Thankfully, his older brother said nothing and his look eased. Annabeth hadn't noticed anything, getting a chunk of shepherd's pie from Callum's hair. How it got there, Theo had no idea. It was best not to ask with Callum. "I've seen more life in a morgue." Annabeth analysed. "What's wrong you with lot, huh?"

"Behind on work." Sage said between forkfuls. Theo frowned. How could Sage be behind on work? He watched as she wolfed down her meal. "Stupid spidery setbacks." Good point.

"Ooh, alliteration." Callum pointed out proudly. "Yeah, that's right. I learnt something."

"And we're all so proud of you for it." Theo replied evenly. His mother rolled her eyes, but said nothing. Callum ignored Theo's sarcasm and went on to tell the tale of his heroic deed of the day.

"It wasn't very nice on Theo's book." He concluded. "All splattered and oozing guts and gore and-"

"And that's enough on spiders." Annabeth said firmly, looking queasy. "Sage, don't eat so fast, you'll choke. Theo, eat something." Worry seeped into Annabeth's eyes. Theo avoided her gaze, forcing himself to eat some pie.

Theo, Alvie's voice cut into his mind, don't hide this.

I'm not hiding anything.

We both know that isn't true.

"Mom, can I take this upstairs?" Theo asked. Sage had already been excused and Callum and Lilly were giggling about something, heads bent towards each other and whispering.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah. Headache." Theo felt Alvie's stare on him, but there was no further mental intrusions. Alvie wouldn't say anything to Annabeth, would he? She worried enough as it was and she had six other kids to deal with, not to mention her husband, the grandchildren and other Valdez-orientated dramas. Theo wasn't worth the extra hassle.

Alvie came up ten minutes later, closing the door behind him. He frowned at Theo's mangled and uneaten food and then at Theo lying on his bed.

"Why?" He asked.

"What? You don't know." Theo feigned surprise.

"Everyone's entitled to privacy." Alvie replied calmly, not picking up on Theo's tone. "You can't-"

"Don't pick, Alvie." Theo sat up. "I'm fine, alright? Just tired." His brother didn't look convinced. "Look, Mom and Dad have enough to fret over as it is and there isn't anything about me that needs to worry them. I'm OK."

"For how long?"

"For as long as I live." Theo shot back defiantly. Alvie looked like he wanted to say something more, but he held back.

"If I can help-"

"I'll ask." Alvie bit his lip. Theo never asked for help. He didn't say this, giving a curt nod and taking his leave. Theo lay back down and went to sleep.

Probably not my best first chapter, sorry about that. But any guesses to what's up with Theo?