A/N: I've always been a fan of TVD, and I've wanted to write a fic involving Tyler Lockwood, but feared that I couldn't do the series justice. To start, this is a bit of an AU and OOC. It revolves around a OMC that had fallen in love with Tyler only to be used by him more than once, now that Brandon (OMC) decides to move on, he enters the twilight universe to get in touch with his roots, only to meet another volatile wolf by the name of Paul. Details have been left out for the readers to discover, but I can say that Brandon will face many challenges. So please, whether you're a TVD or a Twilight fan, I hope you give this a chance, otherwise, I will just delete this one.

D: Disclaimed


I'm trying to remember how I ended up in this situation. Leaving. Hurt. Lost.

I know that it hurts. I know that feeling of my heart squeezing so tight is because it doesn't know how to break. I think it's inflating itself with so much hatred and betrayal; it's preparing my insides to explode, than collapse into nothing. Or that throbbing ache along the right and left side of my brain, a vibration back and forth and forcing me to clench my eyes. It's probably the spells. I could've done more than I should have.

I guess this time I was running. Running because this time I was sure I was no longer needed or that I no longer wanted to be used. No matter what I told myself, it felt like this was end. I was carrying so much pain that I hadn't realized it would be such a burden. It wasn't supposed to hurt this much. But it did.

I've been living with my grandma Mimi in a place called Mystic Falls. A small down that seemed to vacate every supernatural being except humans. We were infested, and little did I know, my grandma and me were a part of it. We kind of were in a coven with old lady Bennett, my friend Bonnie's grandma. We were born into a strong line of witches, but of course, Bonnie discovered it before I had. I guess I was a late bloomer, but that didn't stop me from becoming one of the strong ones.

I guess it's time for introductions. My name is Brandon Call.

I live with my grandma Mimi because my parents died in the hands of what my grandma call the enemies. Vampires. The Salvatore's to be specific. Damon in particular, of course if hadn't been for his brother saving his ass, my mother would have succeeded in ridding Damon.

But I'm sort of getting ahead of myself. Before I knew about the supernatural world, my grandma told me that my parent's died in a car accident, and she took me in, secretly teaching me about our culture. What I thought were the native teachings from our ancestors, were the powers she had known all along. Sometimes, growing up, I would hear people whisper about my grandmother being a witch, but I never believed in them. It would be too surreal. Bonnie and me grew up hearing this a lot, and we hadn't giving it much attention until Bonnie began believing it all.

I thought she was crazy.

Until I began to notice the strange things going on in life, especially high school, and that was the time that Stefan Salvatore came into town –or should I say when he returned and began wooing Elena Gilbert. Something about him didn't sit right with me, and when I approached Bonnie about it, she sort of felt the same way. I figured maybe he could be some sort of woman beater or something, I just never expected him to be a vampire.

With his arrival, came his brother, and my grandma insisting I pay attention to everything she needed to teach me. At first, I had to get in touch with the spirits within me. I thought she was crazy, but grandma mentioned that once I embraced them, I would begin to understand why she needed me to.

My social circle wasn't as big as Bonnie's, and all of her friends seem to change in some ways, and I was put in a predicament I thought I would never be in, Tyler Lockwood's path. I knew that him and Elena's kid brother Jeremy Gilbert had never really gotten along, and they fought over some chick named Vicky Donavan.

Unfortunately, I was vulnerable teen and naïve at the time, so when the first teen boy that came my way, I thought I had met the one. And that one so happened to be Tyler Lockwood. The act of lust happened during one of the bonfire parties, and I hadn't expected it. He was drunk; I was tipsy, vulnerable and stupid at the time. He took me to his truck that happened to be parked far from the party, and promised to take care of me from then on.

I knew I was gay since I reached puberty, I just never could tell who was. Tyler's reputation was best known as the jock that slept with every girl he could, I wouldn't have expected him to swing my way. A part of me knew that this was a one-time thing, and after that night, he brushed me off as if I was another notch in his bedpost. Bull shit if you ask me. It was all because he was sure that Vicki was sleeping with Jeremy that he wanted to get even, and apparently she hated it when he would fool around with another guy. I became her target on prom night.

If it hadn't been for Bonnie, I would have been vampire bait, the same night Vicki had been changed. She used her new abilities to track me down and kill me. I was scared shitless the first moment I saw her and those evil eyes. Her fangs were long and already bloody, and she had me cornered outside where she figured no on would hear me. That's when Bonnie came to the rescue and sent her flying with a spell.

She dragged me to safety and told me to stay in one spot until it was safe. I don't remember much but her coming back to bring me home. When I had asked her what was going on, she explained everything to me. She even knew Vicki's reasons for attacking me, and told me to stand clear of Tyler from then on.

I was a bit in distraught when she mentioned that Tyler would soon be involved in this somehow.

From then on, I kind of lived in fear. Avoiding mostly everyone except Matt Donavan. The reason for that was because he was just too kind-hearted and he was the only one who didn't know about his sister's whereabouts. I felt guilty knowing the truth and not being able to tell him. Which is why I stopped being friends with him, that and the fact that Tyler was coming around more often too, and acted as if I was nothing most of the time I was around.

I heard him asking Matt why he spoke to me, and a couple times I was the reason they would argue. Even when him and Jeremy became friends, Jeremy began defending me in some ways. I think it was because he had a crush on Bonnie, and Bonnie was getting tired of Tyler's attitude.

I kept to myself, but remained observant as I began to embrace who I really was. If it hadn't been for my grandma, I would be clueless to how to defend myself, or keep myself hidden from all of the drama. At first, I needed to learn to use my powers to protect me, and the first thing I had learned was to levitate items, not sure what good that would do me. Thankfully Bonnie was there to help me too. Both of our grandma's were there to teach us too.

With Caroline Forbes, the sheriff's daughter being changed, it was about time I learned how to conjure fire and being able to manipulate it to make it grow rapidly. But it came to our surprise when the first ability I had learned was sending shockwaves throughout my hands. That and the simple spell of making any being feel internal pain; this would come in handy if a vampire had come close to me.

I witnessed Bonnie using it once on a vampire named Katherine, Elena Gilbert's doppelgänger that came to make the girl suffer. Bonnie was the only one she couldn't mess with, and soon she realized I couldn't be too.

With everything going crazy, and the town being exposed of vampire's by the council that had always fought together to get rid of them, kind of blew back in the mayor's face when he soon realized that him and his son Tyler Lockwood was affected by it.

That's when my grandma said I was ready to protect the other's along with Bonnie, and soon I would be there to make things right. I would be sent alongside Bonnie when we had to attend the house parties. If Damon, Stefan, Katherine or Caroline caused any troubles, it would be up to Bonnie and me to stop them. It was mostly Katherine that caused chaos, and gladly, I would put her in her place and often threaten that when it came time to end her, I would gladly do it.

Then it came to the matter of Tyler Lockwood. His lineage was discovered because his uncle came back into town, and the breed of werewolves returned to Forks. We were told that werewolves wouldn't really harm our kind, but that didn't mean that their animal instincts wouldn't kick in, and that meant testing us for their pleasure.

Before I was told to keep an eye on Tyler so he wouldn't fall to the curse, I was already too late the moment I had walked into his father's office to see him and Jeremy standing over a dead girl's body. I had no choice but to help them come up with a cover story, and call the police and tell them that a freak accident happened at Tyler's party.

Somehow, and for some reason, my grandma ordered me to keep a close eye on Tyler for his first shift. The full moon was more than two weeks away, and I had to learn how to help him control himself until then.

Neither of us liked being near each other in the beginning, but I had to tell him that I needed to help him get through this, and help him control himself during his first shift. He didn't believe me until I had to tell him what I really was. But that became difficult at the moment because Caroline decided involve herself too. But after dealing with Tyler for about a week with no response, I had no other choice but to paralyze him with pain, the same way Bonnie had shown Katherine. I told him that his first shift would be a lot worse than the pain I was inflicting on him, and if he didn't listen, than I wouldn't be able to help him find a way to cope with this. Of course, I didn't know what I was doing, but after that, he began to trust me.

We became closer, that's the one thing I didn't plan. But with it, came his anger issues, and somehow, I was able to handle it, but Caroline couldn't. She apologized to the both of us and told Tyler that she thought she could handle it, then she left. This upset Tyler even more, and frightened me in ways, but I still hung in there somehow. I hadn't known at the time that Tyler was crushing on Caroline, and having me around didn't help because that's when he told me I was his mistake.

That pissed me off and I made him suffer for what he said by practically shocking him into a coma. I told him that I was only there to help, and I would have left it wasn't for the fact that grandma told me the reasons that we may need him in the future. If we can form alliance with Tyler and his future pack, then he'd be able to help us finally get rid of all the vampires in Mystic Falls.

I hated hearing that we were just building an army, and I had almost refused to go forth with it until my grandma finally told me how my parents died. I needed to avenge them in some way, and that would be finishing off what they started, by killing Katherine and the Salvatore's.

According to the story, neither vampire knew of my existence, or the fact that I was the son of Andrew and Marie Call. I was the secret weapon that happened to inherit my parent's abilities.

With Tyler in the picture, I had to tell him of my ambition at one point, and he couldn't believe that I planned to get rid of the Salvatore's, especially when they almost seemed indestructible.

During the last week before his transition, our life stories became known to each other, and the closer we knew each other, the more I had realized that maybe Tyler was a good guy, and that maybe, I was falling in love with him.

Once again, I had ended up with him, but this time in his bed. I figured we'd regret it all the next day, but it came to my surprise to know that he wanted me next to him for the whole night. From then on, I wasn't sure what the relationship status we held. It was hard to tell if we were friends, or more than that. We hadn't really spoke about it, and the more time spent with him, I've seen a different side of Tyler.

Then came the full moon when we finally discovered the hidden dungeons below the Lockwood manor. I decided that I would lock him up in the chambers securely before the moon rose, and he would remain locked in the dungeons until the next day. But he didn't want me near the place in fear that he might hurt me. He was beginning to really feel the affects of it and the only thing he could think of was to kill. This scared him the most and he made me promise him that I would run far from here until it was safe for me to return.

I almost didn't make it out of there in time, but that hadn't stopped him and his uncle from changing that night and killing a couple unknown vampires during the process.

I didn't know how to react when I noticed that Tyler was laying below my window seven in the morning, naked and unconscious. I did what I could, and thankfully I knew the levitation spell, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to carry him to my bed to make sure he was okay.

My grandma began questioning my intentions with Tyler, and warned me that falling for a shape shifter could be dangerous. I wanted to believe her, but I guess it was too late. When she left, Tyler woke up and asked me what had happened, and why he was at my place. I told him what I knew, and he surprisingly thanked me and asked me to lay next to him.

I guess that was the time he actually made love to me.

I was lost in his touch, and he was so gentle and caring with me, I was sure that this wasn't Tyler, but a man that was actually falling in love with me. He laid with me for most of the day and we began talking about how crazy our lives were turning out to be. I was shocked to find that he asked me about dating, and if I was willing to go public if had ever decided. I was okay with it, but I wanted him to be. Who knew that was close to impossible.

When it came time for him to go, he promised to call me later, which he had.

I was sure from then on that things would get better, and in the beginning they had. Tyler would often come visit me, or he would bring me to his place whenever his parents were gone. I knew that we were a secret at the time, but something seemed a bit off. I told him that if it was just I, it had to be just me, which he couldn't sleep around anymore; otherwise, I wouldn't stick around.

But that hadn't lasted long, and neither did the fairy tale I made up in my head. Because around that time, the vampire's known as the Originals had made there way back to Mystic Falls, and Bonnie and I were becoming targets for the oldest sibling Klaus.

The bastard came into my life, and began to show interest in me. Of course around this time, Tyler and I were constantly arguing and he was often called out whenever someone would tell me he was sleeping with almost every girl that came his way. I didn't expect him to be my boyfriend, but I expected him to at least tell me the truth rather than toying with my heart.

I didn't know what Klaus was at the time because he looked nothing like the enemy. I was working at the grill at the time, and happened to serve him when he slipped me his number. Boy I was stupid, but I was vulnerable.

It was Bonnie who told me that something was off about Klaus, and now that his siblings were in town, she was sure of it. As charming as Klaus was, I had to put my faith in my friend. So I told Klaus that I could no longer see him because of the age difference, my excuse is that my grandmother didn't approve of a sixteen year old dating a twenty-four year old. I wanted to believe him that age was nothing but a number, but that was his way of luring me in.

That's when everything came out into the open. They were hunting down Katherine and Elena for their blood so that Klaus could form his army of hybrids. Once again I was put on the spot when Tyler came to me yelling that I was sleeping with the enemy. That's when he admitted our broken relationship, that he was going to fight for me, but that was only if I could tell him honestly that I didn't lie in the same bed as him.

He believed me when I vented out to him that he was an asshole to think I was that easy. I was ready to say fuck it all and just end them all; Tyler kissed me in front of all of his friends. All of our friends. It was shocking to everyone, especially me. I would have never expected Tyler to come out to anyone, let alone a bunch of people in one moment.

He apologized for being an ass and promised to make it up to me. I was forgiving, but that didn't last for long when he became the target of Klaus. And when Klaus discovered that I was dating Tyler, he voiced it out Tyler that I would soon be his, and Tyler would become apart of the army he was building, and we no longer would be able to see each other.

Chaos broke from there. The more we tried protecting Katherine and Elena, the more insistent on claiming his prizes. Who knew that it would be that difficult, but with his siblings, Rebecca and Elijah, they easily took the blood samples, and for my punishment for going against him, I was forced to watch him use Tyler as his first experiment. I became Tyler's target; Klaus' plaything in his sick game, and my grandmother's secret weapon.

When Klaus wasn't screwing around with Tyler and my relationship by purposely sending him after us, my grandmother began training Bonnie and I along with Bonnie's grandma on how to finally getting rid of the vampire's for good; well at least these types.

I never knew what they meant at that moment.

But after discovering the consequences of ridding Klaus and his siblings, Bonnie and I discovered that we'd lose practically most of our friends. With Elena being recently changed into a vampire and Tyler being changed into a hybrid, we both came to a halt. It was just something we couldn't do, and if we hadn't, apparently we'd regret it.

But rather than luring Klaus and the originals in for their last minute of existence, we might have done the wrong thing by turning the tables and rewriting the spell and changing the ritual by not exactly destroying ever bit of them, but instead petrifying their bodies so they would remain immobile for years until either Bonnie or I released them. Thankfully, Allaric and the Salvatore brothers separated the bodies and hid them in different locations in the world where they would only find them.

It wasn't exactly the plan that we were supposed to go with, but Bonnie and I were sure that this would probably be the best plan so far.

I thought from then on things would be going great and Tyler and I could pick up the pieces where we left off. But he had become distant and began to ignore me, and I became restless knowing that I did most of it for nothing. Everyone was graduating and going their separate ways, so I decided that I would too. Seattle seemed to my best bet since I seemed to be losing everything that year, including my grandmother. She passed before she could see me graduate, and it really felt like my life was falling apart.

When Tyler discovered that I was the only one that was really leaving rather than joining the rest of the group, he started coming around again, trying to convince me to come with them. I just couldn't I felt that this chapter in my life was over with. Then he offered to change me.

At first I felt offended, I despised most vampires, and yet he was asking me to become half of one. I would lose everything I had become just to become a hybrid. His motive made sense at the moment; this was his way of making sure that we could spend eternity together. But even then, that was hard to believe that he was willing to spend the rest of his existence with me, and I realized that it was just something I didn't want.

I gave Tyler my answer, and he wasn't too pleased with it. It was more of blaming me now that I was the reason our relationship fell apart. He really made me feel like shit, and I knew that he was toxic, but a part of me was still in love with him. I wanted to make things at least tolerable, but he took it as something more.

He bit me.

It was supposed to be my goodbye that turned into my biggest mistake. I wanted him to know that the love was there, but not really worth saving.

I don't remember much from then on other than the shouting and screaming. The abuse. The hate. The blood. I fled the scene and found my way at Bonnie and her grandma's. By the time I reached them, the thirst was already getting the best of me, and all I could do was beg them to kill me.

The thing was, the bite was already killing me. I was immune to the change, but that didn't mean that I would live unless Bonnie hadn't done anything about it. It took several days for them to keep me alive and bring me back. Unfortunately, with reviving me, I would be back at square one.

I would need to teach myself how to use my powers once again, and I just couldn't do that here, which is why I've been driving for hours to a reservation known as La Push, to the only place where I had living relatives that might be able to help me. My aunt Tiffany and her son could help me regain what I lost.

I left everything behind to start over. Hoping that if I had ever had to return to Mystic Falls, I would never have to go through the same thing.

If only I could find the house now.

A/N: I debated whether I should have switched Brandon with Jeremy Gilbert, what do you guys think. Should I leave it or change it. Anyways, please review and let me know it this is continue-worthy.

Much Love,
