Author's Notes: Yello minna-san. This is Soul, and welcome back to The Maelstrom of Sister New Devil! Holy crap, it's been a year. Then again, same with my other stories. Unlike the previous chapters, I was trying to get this out with a full episode chapter, but I just wanted this out now, especially with 7K words. Sorry, no sexy time, but there will be in the next chapter. Don't know if there may be a lemon next chapter. Kinda 50/50 on it, but we'll see.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Shinmai Maou no Testament/Testament of Sister New Devil, or any other crossover that'll appear.

Special thanks to my buddy Rixxell Stryfe for beta-reading this! Now on with the show! Well, half a show…

Chapter 04-A: A Maelstrom of Destruction –Memories Unleashed–

(Uzumaki Mansion)

"Thanks for your help tonight, Juliet. Next time you come around when things are different, dinner's on me." Naruto said as he and Juliet Sterling fist-bumped at the front gate.

"Dinner and a movie. You know my many tastes." Juliet said teasingly with a flirtatious wink before getting on her motorcycle.

"Yeah. American, dattebayo." Naruto said, rolling his eyes when Juliet purposely flashed him a view of her panties as she got on her cycle.

"True, but Japanese is working its way into this beautiful bod of mine, as long as I keep up my Devil Hunter workout regimen." Juliet said and turned in her motorcycle with a mischievous wink.

Naruto laughed at that before saying, "Don't be a stranger now."

Juliet just smiled and nodded at him before driving off, with Naruto closing the gate securely, not noticing that someone sneaked past him while seeing Juliet off.

"Now then."

Naruto entered the mansion and closed the door behind him, just as Narumi went up to him.

"Everything is set, and everyone is accounted for. We also have our eye on Mio just in case she makes the idiot decision to sneak out. Hell, we're not allowing her to take a bath or go into her room." Narumi reported and toss a key to Naruto, who caught it.

"Good. I'd hate to go on a wild goose chase. I also trust that Maria will keep an eye on Mio when we-" Naruto said before frowning, his nose twitching as he sniffed the air.

"Sir, ma'am, it appears that we have an intruder." JARVIS said on a console near the front door.

"Naru-nii, what is it?" Narumi asked before sniffing as well and scowled angrily when recognizing the scent.

Tracing the foreign but recognizable scent, their eyes wandered to the closet that has a window on the wall inside.

"We know you're in there. Come on out, now!" Narumi snarled, summoning Blue Rose and pointing it at the door.

After a moment, the door slowly opened, but Naruto summoned Monado and grabbed the handle, yanking it open to reveal Yuki, who landed on the floor at him and Narumi's feet, with Monado at the side of her head and Blue Rose pointed at her.

"Hmm. Guess she wants to come too." Naruto mused as he and Narumi looked down on a now nervous Yuki.

(Opening Theme: Blade of Hope by sweet ARMS)

(Uzumaki Mansion)

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to do more. If only I'd arrived sooner…" Maria said sadly, but Naruko shook her head.

"It's fine, Maria. If anyone had the situation handled without us, it's Naru-nii." Naruko told her with a grin, "That masked man had absolutely no idea who he was dealing with. I mean, we're Devil Hunters who went under Hero-style special physical conditioning."

"Just how many more surprises do you Uzumaki have? I mean, not only are you the infamous Twilight Celestials, but the feared Devil Hunters who used to be Heroes as well! Is there anything you're not?" Maria asked in wonder, with Naruko flashing the trademark foxy smile.

"What we're not should be obvious, Maria. As for us being Heroes, we were never- Finally, you're back…and with some familiar company as well." Naruko noted as Naruto and Narumi dragged Yuki with them by her arms into the living room with their weapons on them.

"Nonaka Yuki! What is she doing here?" Mio demanded as Naruto and Narumi threw her into a nearby sofa.

"She snuck in, so we "invited" her for tea and crumpets." Naruto said smoothly as Narumi had her gun still trained on the bluette, "JARVIS, scan her bio signature so you'll have a record of it, just in case."

"It shall be done, sir." JARVIS confirmed as a scanner appeared from the ceiling and scanned Yuki, with Naruto's eyes suddenly grazed over for a few seconds, "Also, preparations for the jump has been complete. Am I to assume that Miss Yuki Nonaka will be accompanying you?"

"You assume correct, JARVIS. I've just been informed that a certain someone wishes to speak with her, through our Uzumaki family bond. Everyone, to the front door!" Naruto ordered, gesturing for the girls to follow him, with Narumi roughly lifting Yuki up, keeping a firm grip on her arm.

"Are we using that time-space technique to get to Uzushio?" Maria questioned, since where they were, Uzu Island was pretty far.

"Nope. Something better." Naruto said and held up the key, "There's more to time-space techniques than just teleportation."

Naruto opened the front door, seeing the front gate to the manor and the view of the city before closing the door again. He then inserted the key into the door and turned it, with a strange sensation enveloping the interior that caused the lights and electricity to flicker, and Mio, Maria, and Yuki to shiver, while Naruto, Naruko, and Narumi were unmoving, as if used to it, with smirks on their faces.

"When you combine time-space techniques, fuinjutsu, and magic, miracles like this can happen." Naruto said and opened the door, "Well, what are you waiting for?"

Wondering what happened, Mio and Yuki stepped out first with Naruko following close behind, with Yuki coming out next when Narumi finally let her go.

"Is that…Tokyo?" Mio asked, looking out into the horizon, before looking down and screamed, "WHAT?!"

Mio ran across the lawn to what appeared to be a railing, looked down, and screamed again.

"How is this possible?!" Maria squeaked as she followed Mio and looked as well.

(Uzushio Island, North Tower of Spiral Corporation International)

Uzu Island, full name: Uzushiogakure no Shima; home of Spiral Corp, aka Spiral Corporation International, a huge conglomerate that branches off in various fields run by the Uzumaki Group controlled by the Uzumaki Clan with the Clan Head, Uzumaki Mito as the Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer; and Uzumaki-Namikaze Kushina as the Chief Operating Officer. The corporation's most notable alliances include Stark Industries, Wayne Enterprises, DOATEC, Maverick Securities, World Wrestling Entertainment, and many others.

Located on a large, fortified private island a few miles away from the mainland, it's one of most secure places in the world. The island, while limited in terms of land and fossil energy, was able to maintain a self-sustainable economy in terms of food, water, and renewable energy, with the latter generated thanks to solar panels and windmills. As an emergency back-up, an Arc Reactor from the corporation's partner, Stark Industries, was offered up to further maintain the ideal of Uzushio being completely free of all forms of Fossil energy.

The island is more secure than the United States of America, the security is tighter than Fort Knox itself due to its advanced tracking technology, with walls taller than that of Las Noches in Hueco Mundo along the border of the island and made of the strongest known metal alloy there is, Adamantium. Furthermore, the surrounding water is guarded by the shy Tailed Beast that is the Three-Tailed Turtle, Isobu, who is the sole means to control the whirlpools around the island. This is further protection from undesirables who have sought to bring war to the nation, thus ensuring that only identified ships can safely pass to and fro, and help to control the trafficking of illegal contraband and other smuggling.

The only way on the island by foot or vehicle is a bridge that rises up from the water that connects to the mainland. Planes and helicopters can fly in inside the walls and land on the landing strip inside, and ships can dock at the harbors located outside the wall. From the latter, they're four large gates in each cardinal direction that can only be accessed from the harbors. In the heart of the island is five tall floor skyscraper towers that is the main headquarters of Spiral Corporation International with the middle tower having 88 floors while the surrounding towers have 101 floors. Around the main towers were various buildings with different purposes, like a private military base, training areas, apartments for employees and other tenants, an airstrip for landing planes, a shopping mall, a couple hospitals, etc; in other words, places that a city would usually have.

"What about the mansion back in the neighborhood?" Mio questioned with wild eyes and freaking out.

Yuki was too, albeit silently, despite her usual look on her face.

"It's still there, and it looks normal. The door, when used with this key, comes a gateway to this mansion here on Uzu Island." Naruto said, showing the key before pocketing it.

"So what exactly are we doing here?" Maria asked as they headed to what appeared to be an elevator.

"We're heading to the R&D Department for a quick operation. It should take no more than an hour. In the meantime, you and Mio are free to roam the island." Naruko said as the elevator took them down.

"What about me?" Yuki asked as the elevator suddenly stopped.

"You'll be escorted to the Central Tower. I received a telepathic message from that certain someone here who wants to talk to you. I suggest that you be as truthful as possible, understand?" Naruto told her as they got up, "In fact, I think that's your escort there."

"You thought right, Foxy-kun!"

Yuki's escort was a young woman with violet hair styled in a short spiky fanned-ponytail, light brown pupil-less eyes, a slender figure with D-cup breasts, and wearing an orange corset blouse and a dark orange orange miniskirt over a see-through form-fitting mesh bodysuit that stretched from her neck to her thighs, a forehead protector on her head, a small snake fang pendant around her neck, a wrist watch, pale-grey shin guards, and black ninja sandals.

"Mio, Maria, and Yuki, meet one of kaa-chan's students and one of our mentors, Mitarashi Anko." Naruto introduced her to his adoptive sisters and childhood friend.

"So these are the young virgins you're dealing with? Looks like you got your work cut out for you." Anko mused and popped a dango in her mouth.

Anko Mitarashi

Crazy. Sadistic. Watch out for her snakes!

"Oh, Anko-chan, you have no idea." Naruto muttered, looking back at Mio, Maria, and Yuki, with the former fuming, while Maria noticing the way Naruto addressed Anko.

"Anko-chan is also a fellow Devil Hunter and member of Spiral Corp's Black Ops Division, as well as the second-in-command of the Torture and Interrogation Unit. Yuki, be on your best behavior while you're here, not to mention respectful." Naruko said and pushed Yuki towards Anko.

"Thanks. Let's not keep her majesty waiting." Anko said cheerfully, and before Yuki could say anything, they both disappeared via Shunshin.

"Naruto-san, who is Anko-san to you?" Maria questioned point-blank as they rode down the elevator to one of the sub-levels, "You called her "Anko-chan"."

"Another time, and no, I will not budge on my answer." Naruto replied and looked out the window of the elevator, not seeing Maria's reproachful look.

"Who is Nonaka Yuki going to see?" Mio asked as they passed the ground floor, giving a sideway glance to said bluette.

"Don't worry about that. We won't be long." Naruko responded as she took out her iDroid to call someone.

"Can I at least ask what we're doing here?!" Mio asked loudly, hating the fact that her siblings aren't answering her questions.

"Do you have ears, Red? We told you that we're here to undergo an operation we're taking. It's nothing major. Just some AI buddies that we're being implanted with." Narumi said with a sideward glance.

"A.I.?" Maria asked as they arrived on sub-level 10.

"Artificial intelligence. You could say that we're doing this for an experiment that we so graciously volunteered for." Naruko said before handing Mio and Maria keycards, "We won't be here long, so you girls can waltz around the island for a bit. I've arranged for a watcher to look out for you, so it'll be safe."

Naruto, Naruko, and Narumi walked off the elevator, and when Mio and Maria tried to follow, Naruto held them back with a raised hand.

"Sorry girls, but authorized personnel only. You haven't been in the family long enough to have access to this area, but one day, you will. For now, you enjoy the nightlife on the island." Naruto told them sternly and pushed the button for the ground floor.

"But wait! You have to be with us! Isn't it your duty to guard Mio-sama with me?" Maria demanded angrily.

"What part of me assigning a watcher with you have you not gotten, succubus?" Naruko countered with a cool smile, making Maria shiver with fear and remembering the punishments she administered to her.

The twintail-haired vixen of the Uzumaki-Namikaze siblings couldn't tell if Maria's brain processors was slow or what.

"It's okay, Maria. I can use the fresh air anyway." Mio suddenly said, and smiling gratefully at her siblings, ignoring Maria's complaints as the elevator door closed, "I'll be waiting."

Once the girls went up, the three siblings sighed in relief and entered the R&D area where one of their cousins was waiting.

Said cousin was a young woman with the trademark Uzumaki blood-red hair in an unusual hairstyle, her hair short and spiky on the right side, while longer and straight on the left side giving half her hair the appearance of being spiky and somewhat unkempt on one side, while the other side is neat and straight. She has green eyes with brown glasses, a lithe figure with D-cup breasts, and wearing a purple sweater jacket that exposes her navel, short black pants, high black stockings, and black high heel boots.

"Finally, you're here. What in the blue hell took you sex fiends so long?"

Karin Uzumaki

TBMENT - Tsundere with Brutal Medical Efficiency and No Tact

"Aw, what's wrong, Karin? Upset that it's been a week that Naru-nii's been inside you?" Naruko teased, causing Karin to sputter.

"I am not!" Karin shrieked, waving her arms childishly.

"I thought it was a few days since my last visit. Don't tell me you've forgotten my lovely tsun-tsun nurse-chan." Naruto teased, following Naruko's example and make Karin steam.

"Just get in here and get this over with!" she yelled and led them inside.

"Aww, you are lonely." Narumi cooed and caressed Karin's hair, "Tell you what, you stop being mad and I'll take you out on a date. A Girls Night Out if you will, with me tending to your…secret garden…"

"Mou, Narumi…" Karin growled as her fellow redhead and her sisters looked over the operation pods they will be going into, "If you guys need to go to the bathroom, now the time."

"Trying to ambush us, Karin? Kinky. Tayuya-chan has competition." Naruko said and licked her lips.

"Maybe…" Karin fired back with a wink.

(Central Tower, Top Floor, with Yuki)

"Your stop, Yuki." Anko said after leading Yuki to a set of double doors.

"Um, thank you, Anko-san." Yuki said and wondered who was behind the door that Anko was knocking on and opened part-way, slipping her head in.

"Boss, she's here." Anko called out.

"Send her in."

With a nod, Anko ushered Yuki inside before closing the door and leaving herself. Yuki walked further in and looked to the front of the chair to see the back of a chair.

"Come closer, dear. Let me have a look at you." the woman said as she set a glass of fine aged wine down on her desk.

Yuki did so, cautiously doing so until the chair slowly spun around, revealing the woman who's the CEO and Chairwoman of the Board.

She has long, bright-red hair arranged in buns similar to Naruto and his sisters' childhood friend Tenten, large, black pupiless eyes, a slender figure with G-cup breasts wrapped in bandages give her chest the appearance of D-cup breasts, and wearing a black business attire with a black jacket with the absence of a collared shirt allowing her to show off her bandaged cleavage, a black miniskirt, high stockings, and high combat heels.

"Mito…sama…" Yuki gasped with recognition and a step back.

"Hello. It's been some time, Nonaka Yuki. We have much to discuss, you and I…" Mito replied with a cool tone to match her unamused face.

Mito Uzumaki Senju

A woman even the great(?) Uchiha Madara fears

(R&D Department VR Lab)

Karin led Naruto, Naruko, and Narumi to some comfortable-looking pods that will connect their brain to Uzu cyberspace so their chosen A.I. can integrate with a chip that will be implanted in the back of their necks that will be connected to their brains.

"I'm going to put you three under for this operation. First comes the implantation in which your A.I. will be stored in the chip in your neck which will be connected directly to your brain via the miracle of fuinjutsu. Then the upload where the A.I. will sync in your brain. Once that's done, viola! From there, you bond with your A.I. as they go through the four stages of rampancy: Melancholia, Anger, Jealousy, and Metastability."

Melancholia is an unnoticed stage where an A.I. may become apathetic and uninterested with the world due to either mistreatment or assigned duties not befitting their station, but it is possible for an A.I. to skip this stage. Anger is the most evident of A.I. Rampancy, as an A.I.'s systems and programming restraints will be pushed too far, causing its pent up emotions to be released in a fit of rage, exposing everyone around it to danger. Jealousy is then an A.I. manages to free itself from its anger and seeks to grow and develop as a person. And finally Metastability, where an A.I. can be considered fully human.

And when Metastability is completed, they will be brought into the world via Uzumaki-made synthesized organic bodies augmented by the application of Blood Clones and In'yōton: Banbutsu Sōzō (Yin-Yang Style: Creation of all Things), within a Regeneration Cradle created for Spiral Corp by a scientist and colleague of Tony Stark's, named Helen Cho, but first they must grow alongside their user partners.

And the children of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina are the only ones with mental capacity capable of pulling it off.

"Wonderful." Naruto remarked dryly before his fist into his hand, "Sounds like a lot of fun, and we can handle it."

"Ditto." Naruko agreed with a nod.

"We can do it. We're the only ones that can!" Narumi added with a determined look with her fist pumped.

"Then get those sexy asses into those pods and we can begin." Karin said as she opened the pods and gestured for the siblings to get in, "You better have gone to the bathroom before this. Heh heh heh."

Her cousins rolled their eyes before opening the pods and settled themselves in as they closed.

"Now then." Karin muttered as she started the process by typing on her the main characters, with the statuses of the siblings coming up, followed by information of the A.I.s to be installed into their minds, "Prepare for your new homes, ladies. Just don't go too rampant."

(Spiral Corp Private Server - Isolated Cyberspace)

Within a reserved cyberspace within a sector of the servers at Spiral Corp, three young women materialized in the space.

The first has pale skin, full-length black hair with her hair long on one side and shaved on the other, piercing blue electronic eyes, and black clothing; and is assigned to Naruto.


The second has long glowing sky blue hair, red electronic eyes, and white, blue, and black clothing; and is assigned to Naruko.


The third has short boy-cut hair, blue eyes, and wearing a black skintight suit with blue circuitry; and is assigned to Narumi.


Then, a beam of light appeared between the three, before they suddenly dispersed into sparkling particle that spread out in the empty space before they were absorbed into the light.

(Mito Office)

"I have to say, the fact that you've been chosen to observe a high-profile target like dear Mio-girlya, as well as being chosen as the Spirit Sword Sakuya's wielder, speaks volumes of your potential. Five years after the Cursed Sword Incident, and you've already become strong. Not just that, but I admire you and the Hero Tribe's determination in observing dear Mio-girlya, despite knowing the fact that she's been adopted into MY clan, the Uzumaki clan, for her protection, so she and her retainer wouldn't be on the run for the rest of their lives. It's the least I can do since she and my grandson have a history together. Unfortunately, when it comes to the Hero Tribe and the Demon Clan, they both don't care, and just as it's a problem for us, it however, is a major problem for them as well. And that my dear, extends to you as a member of the esteemed Japan-sect of the Hero Tribe." Mito remarked before taking a break by sipping her wine.

At that last point, Yuki stiffened up, knowing that she's downright a part of said Hero Tribe and Mito was implying her to be a threat to not only Mio, but the Uzumaki clan in general.

Something that she never wanted to be, due to her feelings for Naruto.

"While I admire your loyalty to the Hero Tribe, the Japan-sect as a whole are hell-bent on harassing Mio, just like the Demon Clan. I allowed Mio-girlya to be adopted into the Uzumaki clan to give her our last name, not only to give her a new family, but to send a message that she is a part of us now, as part of our family. Sadly, neither the Hero Tribe nor the Demon Clan are looking to back off, so now my family are back in the spotlight to remind everyone in the Human World and Makai that provoking the Uzumaki Clan and those they hold dear to our hearts is both unhealthy and unwise…which brings me to you, Nonaka Yuki…"

Mito suddenly stood up, making Yuki slightly jump in fright as Mito slowly made her way around the desk, the redhead's cold eyes trained on her.

"You are a member of the Hero Tribe, and their representative to observe Mio-girlya, willing to kill her when necessary. Worse, you have quite the crush on my grandson, who is quite willing to return your feelings, but not when you're targeting one of his precious girls. And that, my dear Yuki-girlya, is what makes this a complication."

Now sitting on her desk, her Rinne-Sharingan suddenly activated, with several chakra chains sprouting from her back and floated in a menacing way, as if daring Yuki to move an inch, with Yuki's fear increasing times 1000.

She is loyal to the Hero Tribe, yes; but for the first time in her life, Yuki was questioning the decision making of the elders when it comes to them dealing with Uzumaki Naruse Mio, despite knowing that she's an Uzumaki now.

(R&D Department VR Lab)

"Angel to Naruto. KOS-MOS to Naruko. Quorra to Narumi." Karin murmured as she rapidly tapped buttons on her keyboard, "Let the integration begin…Now."

Pressing Enter, a pulse awakened the named A.I. as they loaded into their respective Users' minds, just as an alert beeped on Karin's computer.

"This is…an abnormality? Oh, I see, a mutation huh?" Karin mused as she looked back at her sleeping cousins.


"Angel: Online."

Angel opened her eyes to find herself in a field where little kids were training and playing around, until seeing her User at a young age, finishing up a spar with another child his age.

"All right! Naruto, Basara, that's enough!"

"Location, a memory from years past. Approximately six-years-ago." Angel murmured as she moved closer to inspect the scene, just as Naruko and Narumi's A.I. materialized.

"KOS-MOS: Online."

"Quorra: Online."

Angel didn't acknowledge her fellow cyber sisters as she focused on the scene before her, with the memory Naruto and his friend wiping their brows of sweat, as they were evenly matched.

"You were amazing, Naruto, Basara!" a young memory Yuki praised her dearest friend with admiration, with the two brothers in all but blood grinned in a carefree in response as the rest of the kids gathered around them, as the adults and elders looked on.

"That's Jin's son all right, and it's impressive that he was hold his own against the descendant of the Rabbit Goddess, the pride of the Uzumaki clan." one of the adult said in an impressed tone.

"With the respective powers they inherited from their bloodlines, they will be the greatest hope of the world in their generation." one of the elder praised with a smile.

"How about it, Basara? One more go?" Naruto offered as he twirled his wooden sword between his fingers.

"You bet! One of us has to win sometimes since we're all tied up on wins and losses." Basara with a cheeky grin until they heard running footsteps.

"Bad news!" one of the villagers cried out as he ran up to the adults.

"Hmm? What's happened?" one of the elders asked, noticing the injury on the Hero Tribe member's shoulder.

"It's the Demon Sword! The seal on Brynhildr has been broken!" the villager exclaimed, shocking the adults who were now looking worried.

"'Demon Sword'? What's that?" Narumi asked in confusion.

"The sacred blade that was once a Spirit Sword that sealed demonic beings long ago." Basara explained with Naruto looking concerned.

"Since it sounds like a demon sword, it's no doubt been corrupted or something. Please tell me you have it deep underground or something?" Naruko asked in a hopeful tone, but Basara shook his head.

"My dad told me that it was in a shrine just a mile from the village." Basara answered as the adult's banter reached them.

"Who did this?!"

"It was Seito!"

"Him?! He's always been unhappy about our ceasefire with the Demon Clan. Is he trying to travel to the Demon Realm: Makai on his own?"

"It's worse than that! He's been possessed by the evil spirits within the sword, and is now heading for the village!"

"What?! Dammit! We need to evacuate the children!"

"Of all the days Jin is away with Kushina!"

The battle-ready Heroes formed up to block the approach of the possessed Hero, as Naruto now realized the severity of the situation as he managed to look beyond them, seeing a figure cloaked in darkness charging at them.

"Oh no no no no…we gotta run!" Naruto yelled as they saw the possessed Hero speeding forward with the Cursed Sword in hand, "Come on!"

The children ran as the adults stood their ground against the charging being that was once their comrades, who then leapt into the air and slashed his sword down, wiping his opposition out in an instant, with the air pressure from the slash separating and blowing the kids back.

Naruto's body skipped and landed hard on the ground, busting him open as he saw and saw the body parts of the defending adults splatter onto the ground in horror, which only increased when he saw Naruko, Narumi, and Yuki recovering together, with the former Hero bearing down on them.

"Naruko! Narumi! Yuki-chan!" he yelled, and with a burst of power, he quickly zipped between his sister and friend and the mad swordsman, "Seito-san! Stop this! Get a hold of yourself!"

Seito's response was to only roar and raised the Cursed Sword, with Naruto now hugging the girls close with his back to the former Hero, looking to use his body as a shield to protect them, gritting his teeth as he braced themselves for pain. Despite hearing the swipe of the sword and the sound of metal slicing through flesh, the pain never came, except for a familiar scent of blood that horrified him as he turned around.

Blood splattered onto his body as he saw his best friend Basara, his brother in all but blood, bifurcated from the waist up across the heart, with the upper part of his body landing on Naruto, who caught him.

"Ba…sara?" he asked in a cracked voice, frozen in shock seeing his friend slowly die in his arms and his blood dripping into his wounds, "N-No…"

"Na-ruto-? Ar- you…ok?" Basara weakly asked before coughing up blood, slowly putting a hand on the blonde's shoulder, "Wha- about your-sis…ters…and Yu*cough*ki?"

"They're fine. They're okay, but you… you're not okay! Why?! You didn't need to do that!" Naruko snapped angrily with tears rolling down her face.

"I don- know. My body just…moved on its own. *cough* Then again, what reason do I need…to protect my…comrades…and my…brother…" Basara replied with a smile his body suddenly jerked before relaxing.

"B-Basara?" Yuki asked in a shaky voice when Basara wasn't speaking anymore.

Instead, the light faded from his eyes as his arm slid down Naruto's chest.

"Oh no…no…" Narumi murmured and shook her head in denial, "Oi, Basara. Now's not the time to take a nap! Please!"


"The shadow…" Angel suddenly spoke up, looking at the ground.

"What was that?" Quorra asked, with Angel pointing at the the location.

"When that boy, Tojou Basara, jumped ahead, a shadow attached to him, increasing his speed, but leaving him unable to defend himself as the sword slashed through his being. It looks like there's more going on here…" Angel murmured before following the shadow that retracted itself.

Meanwhile, Naruto went cold as he no longer could hear his brother's heartbeat, and felt his spirit leave his body.

"Basara! BASARA!" Yuki screamed and cried when the realization that her dear friend was not coming back.

"It can't be! No!" Narumi wailed as tears fell from her eyes and fell into Naruko arms, with Naruko holding her close and unable to form words due to choking up.

As the being once known as Seito raised his blade to finished off the children, Naruto's eyes shined red as he let out an unholy roar of rage and sorrow as a foreign power that was not his exploded from him and engulfed the girls and the area.

When the dust cleared, Yuki opened her eyes to see Naruko and Narumi covering her with their bodies, with Naruto standing and breathing heavily, his eyes red with slits and tears flowing down, his fangs elongated, the upper half of Basara's body still in his arms, and the Cursed Sword: Brynhildr impaled into the ground behind him, with Seito nowhere in sight.

At the same time, the three A.I. discovered the source of the shadow, noting that while the siblings themselves could not recall, their brains could, as they work in a manner similar to the powerful brain enhancement drug, NZT-48, recalling images and details they might have missed, with the A.I. using it to discover the source of the Cursed Sword Incident.

A man with a cane and eyepatch, flanked by two men with blank masks.

"Konoha ROOT." the trio of A.I. said together before disappearing.

(Uzu Island)

"Sugoi!" Maria squealed as she looked around, "To think Uzu Island would also have a Red Light District. How much you want to bet that Naruto-san picks up a girl and takes them into a Love Hotel to have his way with them?"

As Maria thought about that with a perverted look on her face, she failed to realized that Mio had run off a while ago before they got to the Red Light District.

Guess they shouldn't have been walking in silence…

(Mito's Office)

"So Yuki-girlya. When the time comes, you have a choice to make, and that will be your one chance to choose which side your bread is buttered. I will not allow you to be with my grandson and target Mio-girlya at the same time. The last thing I want my family to have are complications. You've been warned. Dismissed."

Mito waved her off after retracting her chains, but Yuki stayed.

"Mito-sama, I-" Yuki started, but was silenced by Mito's deadly glare.

"Still here? I thought I told you that you're dismissed. In case you have a hearing problem, I shall repeat myself this once by simplifying what I said. The next time I see you, I hope you will have made the right choice, and only then will we talk. Now go." Mito ordered with a glare before sitting at her desk to deal with the remaining paperwork with her Shadow Clones.

Not wanting to push her luck, Yuki finally left, deep in thought until she sensed something amidst on the island, and wondered if it was the reason that Mito wanted her to go.

To help Naruto and his sisters protect Mio…


Naruto opened his eyes to find himself in front of a shrine under the night sky. There was nothing in the surroundings other than that appears to be a light green energy field in a vain similar when Naruto communicates with spirits in his mindscape.

"This is new." Naruto mused as he walked up the shrine.

As he got closer, memories bombarded his head as he felt that it was the effects of his new A.I., who was rumbling through his memories of the past in the Hero Tribe.

Memories of that fateful day.

When he arrived at the front of the door, Naruto frowned when the A.I. transferred its findings to his surface thoughts, and growling upon learning its discovery.

Not only has the Hero Tribe's been played, but the Uzumaki clan as well.

"So, you finally figured it out, eh? And it took that artificial intelligence installation for you to find out. Seriously, how pathetic is that? And you Uzumaki are supposed to be perfect? Ha! As if!"

The sudden voice from the other side of the door startled the blonde and caused him to materialize Blue Rose, just as the area turned purple.

"We're not perfect. Not by a long shot, and we prefer it that way." Naruto countered before kicking the door open.

In the middle of the room was a cloaked figure that was a young woman in a silver hooded robe with light green hair and purple eyes with the hood shadowing her face.

"Perhaps. But it doesn't change the fact that you are a stupid idiot, not to mention a total scumbag for keeping me sealed within you. I chose you for a reason, but you locked me away because of my role in your brother's death out of hatred. You have quite a way of showing how different you are from the Uchiha Clan-"

The hooded figure was suddenly silenced when multiple chakra chains shot out from Naruto's back and pointed themselves at the spiteful-sounding young woman, with killing intent flooding the room, forcing the female to nearly kiss the ground.

"The only thing that my clan and the Uchiha Clan share is the blood of the Rabbit Goddess and her son, the Sage of Six Paths. Nothing more, nothing less." Naruto countered in a chilling tone.

"This sure is a funny way to show it." the figured growled before Naruto let up on his sakki, "What happens now is I break out of this seal, out of your body, and then tear your sorry ass to pieces!"the girl shrieked, as she launched demonic spiritual energy at Naruto that knocked the chains away, but he batted it away with a flick of his wrist, and flexed his own power back at her.

"You're not going on a rampage on my watch. Don't even bother threatening me because it's not going to work!" Naruto said coldly before this time unleashing his spiritual pressure that slammed the girl facefirst into the ground again while warping the light green energy field outside before shattering it.

Revealing the naturalistic wide area that was his mindscape.

"As if you have the power to stop me!" the girl said before materializing a familiar sword from years past and swung it at Naruto.

Who caught it effortlessly between his index and middle finger, with his eyes turning the same green color with slits, shocking the girl.

"What?! That's-! After all this time, you-!" the girl stammered as Naruto smirked.

"Five years can be a long time, as my hatred has lessened for you the more I learned and matured. I suspected foul play during the incident in the Hero Tribe's village, and thanks to my new A.I., it's confirmed. I already got rid of the limiters that held me back; my conscious one, my sub-conscious one, and finally just now…my hatred of you for your role in the death of my brother Basara." Naruto told the shocked girl, who dropped her sword.

"Naruto…" the girl said as her eyes turned light green.

"I can no longer blame you for what happened, and I was a stupid idiot for even doing so. It would be like blaming Kurama-chan for her attack on Uzu Island on the night of my birth thanks to that traitor to my father, Uchiha Obito, and I can't do that. You're right however, we're not perfect. After all, the Uzumaki clan has traded in absolute perfection for constant evolution in order to continue to learn more, evolve with the times, and break our limits. And we can do it together." Naruto said as she reached his hand towards the girl, who looked away.

"I'm a Cursed Sword. I'm tainted thanks to the demonic souls that my previous wielder didn't purify, causing me to be "corrupted". And now I'm addicted to feasting on demonic souls. I'm broken, all I can do is cause pain, and now I can never ascend to the heavens. So, how the hell can you, an imperfect being, help me?" the sword girl questioned with a glare.

"I honestly have no idea, but you can count on me. Soon, you'll no longer be a Cursed sword, but a Spirit Sword like Yuki-chan's sword, and that's a promise of a lifetime. I will help you, and make up for neglecting you due to my misplaced hatred. This I can promise. I'll give you time to think about it, Brynhildr."

With that, Naruto turned and faded away, leaving a fuming former Valkyrie.

"Baka! Now I hated you for nothing! No matter! You better keep your promise! Besides, it's not like I really wanted to break out and control you! Because of who you are and your pedigree, the Uzumaki Clan are the only ones who can wield me now, and that includes you, Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto Sparda! You hear me?!"

"Shut up ya tsundere Valkyrie! I'm trying to sleep here!" Kurama boomed through the mindscape before going back to her nap.

(R&D Lab)

As one, Naruto, Naruko, and Narumi opened their eyes as the pods they were laying in opened.

"Integration complete. How was your naps, sleeping beauties?" Karin asked teasingly as Narumi yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Nostalgic, with a hint of clarity." Narumi answered and looked to her siblings, who were nodding in agreement.

"We were dreaming the same dream. A dream of that day five years ago in the Japan-sect Hero Tribe Village. For the past five years, we had the same dream playing out the same way, but time…" Naruto trailed off with a frown.

"There was a third-party. A third-party we know all too well, basically confirming how they got into an alliance with the Hero Tribe after we the Uzumaki Clan broke ours off from them." Naruko finished for her brother where gritting her teeth.

"Konoha, huh? If that's the case, then a confrontation with the Hero Tribe is inevitable, provided that Mio's doesn't unleash her untrained power anytime soon." Karin said as she opened up reports on the Hero Tribe's movements that coincided with Konoha's task force.

"Don't worry about that. If the Hero Tribe marks Mio for termination, we'll be ready to strike them down…even if they send our former friends…and Yuki." Naruto said, making a fist while frowning at the possibly of fighting said former friends.

Then again, they were never really friends to begin with if they easily believed the BS about Naruto and Basara being responsible for the partial destruction of the village, even when it was known that the former Hero Seito broke into the shrine containing the Cursed Sword and went on a rampage when the demonic spirits sealed within it took him over.

"Are you sure?" Karin asked until she saw the resolve in their eyes.

The eyes of Naruto, Naruko, and Narumi showed that they were dead serious.

"Well then, now that you got you're A.I.s, you have one more perk to help protect the Uzumaki Clan and your friends." Karin said with a thumbs up, just as the A.I. appeared in hologram form besides the siblings.

"Angel, prepared to assist you." Angel said, with Naruto nodding.

"Nice to meet you, Angel. And thank you for showing what I missed in my memories."

Naruto said gratefully, with Angel smiling, happy that she was of use.

"KOS-MOS, ready for duty." KOS-MOS said with a salute.

"Excellent! I look forward to working with you, KOS-MOS." Naruko said as she used her finger to pat KOS-MOS on her head.

"Quorra, what is your command, my user?" Quorra asked in a semi-stoic voice, with Narumi smiling.

"For now, you and your A.I. sisters will provide a direct link to the Uzu mainframe and watch our backs with the electronics around us. We're going to do great together." Narumi said, with Quorra nodding in understanding.

Suddenly, an alert sounded on their phones, with Naruto and his sisters opening them and scowled at the message they received.

"Looks like we better go." Naruto growled before he, Naruko, and Narumi disappeared in a flash.

"Those rotten leaves. They're making their move." Karin muttered as she turned back to the reports on her phone, "If my suspicions are correct, then Konoha is playing both sides in the war for Mio-san. …No matter, because before winter comes, they will not live to see the end of this year…"

(With Mio, a while ago)

Off the west coast of the island in the forest area, Mio was standing alone, enveloped in a crimson aura, her face showing one of focus.

"The warding spell is complete…" Mio muttered as the energy receded from her, "This will be for the best. I'm sorry, you guys… I'll settle this myself. Naruto...minna...please be safe."

It was pretty easily to slip away from Maria since she was preoccupied in exploring the island, and with Maria's perverted tendencies popping up in the Red Light District area, Mio managed to slip away in the crowd and down a thankfully empty alleyway.

Despite the revelation that she was amongst Devil Hunters who could easily handle anything that comes their way, the words of the Masked Demon still affected her. Somehow, the idea that since she existed among them, her presence would invite conflicts that will affect her newfound family. Soon, innocent people would get caught in the crossfire, and their deaths would be on her hands.

That's why she has to end this chaos herself, and leave the Uzumaki clan in peace.

"It would appear that you made your decision." Lars, the masked demon from before, noted as he stepped out from behind a tree after easily tracing Mio's magic usage.

"Yes." Mio murmured with a nod.

"You made the right choice. If you keep fighting, more will die. But if you are willing to be the sacrificial lamb, then this will all end." Lars said as he walked up to her.

"You're right. It would be, but… Sadly for you, I'll keep fighting!"

Suddenly, the ground erupted under the feet of Lars, who was engulfed in a fiery tornado. But Mio was not done, as she added thunder spells to electrify the fire tornado to add more damage to the Demon Lord's minion.

"Got him! I caught him off guard with my strongest fire spell! And now have more more! Hyaaaaa!" Mio yelled as she fire more fire spells into the tornado that increase in size to the point that the cyclone reached into the heavens.

Unfortunately, Mio had to take some time to recovered after firing off offensive spell after spell, due to her underdeveloped mana reserves.

" it..." Mio panted as she felt the effects of mana recovery.

"Feeling better now?"

Mio gaped in horror as her fire storm died down, revealing Lars to be unharmed by her barrage of attack spells, and merely dusted himself off.

"Your fire wasn't too bad, but don't tell me that was your plan to beat me? I'd never walk into a scenario where I could be defeated." he boasted with confidence.

"Ugh…!" Mio growled and conjured a fire spell in her hand.

"Speaking of fire, that fire of yours is quite nice...think it'd burn well? How about a competition? Your pillar of fire and this island. Which do you think will burn more beautifully?" he offered with malice as he gestured over to the "city" area of the island.

"You coward!" Mio screamed and aimed her spell threateningly at the masked demon.

"You're the one who involved him in this mess. If you're going to blame anyone, you can start with yourself." Lars countered coldly, redeploying his strategy to mentally cripple Mio.

Only this time, without Naruto or his sisters around to counter it.

"Shall I give the order? To set fire to this island where the Devil Hunters and their loved ones live, along with the rest of the innocent people? I wonder which flame would-"

"You want me, don't you?!"

Mio snarled heatedly at Lars for going as far as to threaten the lives of everyone on the island just to get to her. Plus, Naruto, Naruko, and Narumi were currently busy in the R&D department, so they couldn't possibly arrive in time to counter the masked demon.

"Then please, leave Naruto alone. If you lay a finger on him or his loved ones, I'll make you regret it! I'll kill you a hundred times over, no matter how I have to do it!" Mio threatened, with her power leaking out in waves.

"That can be negotiated. I would like to avoid any unnecessary work as well." Lars replied with shrug, unintimidated by Mio's tough girl act.

"Dammit! To think I have to give in to this jerk! But I can't keep putting Naruto at risk. Also..."

"Don't let him get to you. I've seen it happen to too many people and it never ends well."

"And leaving her the way she is any better? Then again, you prefer to have her attract demons just to keep yourself from getting bored? I know you desire action, and Naruse Mio is your meal ticket, isn't she?"

"Your hands..."

Mio raised them, and Lars formed a glyph that turned into energy and bound Mio's wrist together.

"This is a magic seal. I doubt it's needed at your level, but just in case." Lars said, smirking under his mask at Mio's annoyed look.

"Where are you taking me?" she demanded as Lars opened a portal.

"Isn't that obvious? To Makai, where my master eagerly awaits you. Come..."

Unfortunately, it should now be noted how much of an idiot the supposedly smart and calculating Lars is. He thought he easily snuck on the island and ambushed Mio. That the fight wouldn't attract too much attention, with those seeing the pillar of fire passing it off as a training session. As if a demon of his caliber could easily extract Mio and take her to his master in Makai before anyone could even notice her disappearance. Surely the information from the Demon Clan's secret benefactor about the Uzumaki Clan, the Devil Hunters, and Uzushio Island was legit. After all, the Uzumaki clan must be arrogant to think that the Demon Clan wouldn't come after Mio even though she on their home turf that was Uzushio.

He. Was. Wrong.

(Ending Theme: Still Sis by Kaori Sadohara)

Lar's danger senses suddenly went off out of nowhere and he had to jump away from a violet streak that separated him from a shocked Mio. The streak reformed on the branch of a nearby, granting both a view of a person.

It was a young woman who stood at 5'2" with straight medium-short length purple hair, red eyes, an athletic body with G-cup breasts. The woman wore a modified violet kunoichi outfit with a butterfly motif, and wielding dual Fuma Kodachi. As she turned back to look at the idiot girl she was tasked to guard, her hair tossed over her furious eyes.

"Geez, you two must be the biggest morons ever to grace Naruto's daily life in terms of kicking ass. You masked freak, really are a fool if you thought you could sneak here undetected. As for you redhead, Naruko was right to assign me to be your watcher." she said with a sneered as she looked at them over her shoulder.

"You're…" Lars growled as a scratch appear on his mask where the girl's sword struck it.

"What? Who are you?" Mio asked, not expecting anyone to show up, before remembering that Naruko had someone assigned to watch her.

"Me? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm formerly of the Mugen-Tenshin Ninja Clan, now part of Uzu Anti-Demon Squad and Devil Hunter, Taimanin Ayane." the violette introduced herself as she turned to face them, "At your service."


Good Things Come in Small Packages!

"Anti-Demon Squad? I see. So you're part of the same group of kunoichi as the infamous Asagi. Here to kill us both?" Lars asked, with Mio suddenly looking scared.

"Me? Hell no! Especially not Mio, since that would be a mission failed. The name may be Anti-Demon, but we target the lesser demons that plague Tokyo when it sometimes becomes Demon City Tokyo at night, and those that spill out of Makai looking to feast on humans. As for Asagi, don't lump me with that stupid idiot that easily gets caught and gangraped by demons almost every single fucking mission. She's on leave because of that by the way." Ayane said annoyed before turning serious.

"So you're really here to kill this girl before her power goes out of control." Lars guessed, with Mio looking at him weirdly with dots above her head, since Ayane has already denied looking to kill her.

Plus, she's a Devil Hunter, just like Naruto.

"Holy fuck! You really are trying too hard to mindfuck Mio here. Do you need hearing aids? I'm just here to stop you from taking her." Ayane deadpanned as she jumped down and looked over her shoulder, "Well, we're going to stop you. So you can come on out, Hero."

A wave of energy then passed an unflinching Ayane and headed straight for Lars, who jumped out of the way, but redirected and shattered Mio's cuffs.

"Well, this is surprising. I didn't think you would ally with her." Lars noted as the Hero made herself known and stood next to Ayane.

"Nonaka? Why are you..." Mio asked in shock as Yuki shifted into her Hero form.

"Don't misunderstand. I'm not doing this for you." Yuki replied coolly and pointed her sword at Lars, "I just have a score to settle with him! I'll make him pay for hurting Naruto the way he did."

"Hm, even though it didn't affect him in any way. But okay girlie, whatever you say." Ayane scoffed as she and Yuki prepared for battle, "Let's just show him a good time until Naruto, Naruko, and Narumi arrives. Until then, he's all ours."

"This...could be a problem..." Lars murmured and sweated behind his mask.


Next time – Chapter 4-B: A Maelstrom of Destruction –Annihilation Zero–

-Lars thought that getting to Mio would be a light breeze, but like many before him, he and his master has underestimated the power of the Uzumaki, their clan, their allies, and their friends. The battle for Mio is on! Jouchaku, Brynhildr!


The scene with the key is from The Matrix movie series.

The whole A.I. thing is from the unofficial Halo series, Red vs. Blue.

The Regeneration Cradle is from Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Angel is from Borderlands.

KOS-MOS is from Xenosaga.

Quorra is from Tron: Legacy.

NZT-48 is from the Limitless series.

The Anti-Demon Squad is from the hentai, Taimanin Asagi.

Released: Thursday, September 29, 2016