Kagome looked up from making dinner as Deucalion walked into the kitchen, his nose twitching. She almost laughed out loud but managed to stop herself.
Deucalion walked over to where he could watch her complete their meal and he took in a deep breath. It seems that Kagome had gone overboard on a welcoming dinner, though he wouldn't complain. It smelled absolutely mouthwatering and it had been a long time since he had an actual home cooked meal.
Kagome watched him amused as he seemed to be enjoying smelling what he was seeing. She would admit she probably went a bit overboard but she also knew he had been on a plane for a very long time and airline food never really left her satisfied. She had made steaks, a salad, baked potatoes, tsukemono (Japanese pickles), miso soup, and some rice.
Deucalion was the first to speak. "This smells wonderful, Kagome. Can I be of assistance?" he asked.
Kagome smiled and shook her head and replied, "I'm just putting things on the table. Everything is done," she said before humming and tilting her head to the side and then adding, "Well, there is one tray left. It has the stuff for the salad on it and several steak sauces as I was unsure of your tastes. It's on that counter there if you could put it in the middle of the table please." She then pointed to the condiment tray she was talking about.
Deucalion nodded his head and went to retrieve the requested item. He was shocked by the variety provided and also a bit touched. It had been a long time since any sort of kindness or thoughtfulness had been directed at him, although he would be the first to admit that he did not deserve it.
Kagome smiled as he brought out the last thing needed to set the table. She was happy to be able to finally cook for more than herself for a chance. She was also looking forward to using this as time to actually talk to him. She had only gotten a little bit from Marin and then from him at the airport and on the ride here. He had mostly been unpacking his things in his new room and had been looking around the property.
"So," Kagome began as they sat down to eat, "Deucalion, why don't you tell me a story."
Deucalion canted his head to the side and studied the woman in front of him. So far she had given him space but he knew it was time to tell his host about his past and why he was there, so he began the best way he know how, "Once upon a timeā¦"
So what did you guys think of this chapter? I am not sure whether to write out his story or not or to maybe even add more to it. Anyways, thanks for reading. Please review!