Kagome looked down at her phone and felt her lips pull down into a frown. 'Why does she keep calling me,' she thought as she put the phone back in her pocket. This however did not stop her phone from vibrating repeatedly. After an hour of almost nonstop vibrating, she had finally had enough.

"What?" she said angrily as she answered the phone. Her other fist was clenched so hard that blood droplets began to hit the floor.

"Kagome," the other voice said calmly.

"What do you want, Marin?" Kagome said in a more calm and defeated voice. She had hoped to never speak with this particular woman ever again. The brother, she liked but the sister was a different story altogether.

"I want to ask you for a favor," Marin said. She glanced at the male beside her as she spoke to Kagome on the phone. She knew that Kagome would be perfect for this, if she could get her to agree. The male beside her gave a curious glance to the phone, probably wondering why she was calling someone who obviously wanted nothing to do with her.

"I need you to let someone stay with you. This person needs to do some soul searching and yours is the most peaceful and protected place that I know of," Marin.

Kagome squinted her eyes and pinched her nose in annoyance and frustration. She glanced back at her house and thought about how she would deal with a guest. Her mom and grandfather had already passed on and Souta had been gone for years. 'Alone,' she thought. She had been alone for several years.

"And the name of this person?" she decided to ask. She would consider it. After all, once she hung up with Marin then she could always call and ask Deaton.

"Deucalion," Marin said and almost jumped at the loud thunk sound on the other line. This also drew Deucalion's attention as he was staring at the phone now. She noticed his head was tilted to the side to, as if he was listening to something only his senses could pick up.

Kagome felt her breath hitch as the phone slid from her hand. That was a name she recognized. He was some kind of supreme alpha werewolf that headed an entire pack of alphas. He was also a killer and known to murder anyone who stood in his way. She stared down at the phone in shock as she debated on whether or not to pick it back up.

It took a moment to get her breathing back to normal but when she did she picked the phone back up. Her hands only shook the smallest amount as she asked, "And is this Deucalion next to you?"

"I am here, Miss Higurashi," a deep voice answered her.

"Just Kagome is fine," she said in reflex to that.

"Alright, Kagome. What did you wish to ask of me?" Deucalion asked.

"Has Marin explained to you who I am?" was her first question. This would give her a good place to start.

Deucalion thought over everything that he had been told about Kagome from Marin after his battle with Scott and Derek. "She has told me a little bit about you. She said you were a priestess and that you would be able to help me find peace with myself," he explained.

"Do you know what a priestess is exactly?" she asked.

"Only that it is a form of holy person and that you have abilities," was his answer. He wondered if her asking these questions meant that she was willing to help him. He was also curious to meet someone of unknown abilities that even seemed to make Marin nervous.

Kagome hummed in amusement at that. It seems that she had only explained the basics about her. She was sort of happy about that as this gave her an advantage over Deucalion. He'd be more cautious around her if he did not know her abilities.

She then pulled the phone away from her head and quickly typed up a text to Deaton. She then put the phone back to her ear to continue talking to Deucalion. "And has she explained that the whole killing and violence thing are not welcome on my shrine?" she asked.

"I am aware of that. I merely seek a place of peace in order to find myself and become the man I once used to be," was his answer. It was the truth. He had lost himself to anger and vengeance.

Kagome thought about his response as the phone vibrated. She pulled it away to read the incoming text. Deaton had been quick to respond back to her. She was satisfied with what she read and put the phone back to her ear.

"Then you are welcome here. I hope you can find the peace that you are looking for," she said. Deaton's text had stated that he believed Deucalion had changed and that with proper guidance, he could stay on the right path and even agreed that she would be able to help him.

"Thank you, Kagome," Deucalion said looking over at Marin and nodding his head. "I will call you and inform you of what flight I am coming in on once I have it booked."

"That will be fine. I can pick you up from the airport. It will probably be better for you than getting a cab," she said.

Marin took the phone as Deucalion handed it to her. "Thank you, Kagome. I will owe you for this favor," she said.

"I'll make sure that you pay it," Kagome said as she hung up. She then turned and walked over to her fridge. 'Guess I do need to stock up if I am going to have a guest,' she thought upon seeing the limited supplies she had.

She decided to go shopping and turned to grab her pursed and money before locking up and leaving the house.

Right before she walked down the steps, she turned and looked at her house. 'It will be nice not to be alone again,' she thought before turning and going down the steps.

Disclaimer: Do not own Inuyasha or Teen Wolf. So what do you guys think of this plot.