"Can't you two at least pretend to get along?" Max had her arms crossed, doing her best to scowl evenly at both her partners, but that was proving more and more difficult considering the indignation coloring Victoria's every breath. Chloe looked just as pissed, but at least they were kind of laughing about it. Kind of.

Victoria had a phenomenal capacity for stubbornness that bordered on arrogant, and Max…found it really hot. And she knew Chloe did too, even if they would never admit it. Making out with Victoria just after you stoked her temper was ideal…as long as you had a scarf. Things got pretty tricky when you had to explain away marks on your neck, and Max was pretty sure her parents would rather her have a bowl of cereal tattooed to her forehead than hickeys from an angry Victoria Chase. Gay they could deal with. Poly, they could deal with. Proof that their daughter was "sexually active" was not something they could deal with.

They were handling it. For the most part.

"I'd love to extend an olive branch," Chloe smirked, nodding their head obligingly towards Victoria and offering her a hand. Scoffing and rolling her eyes, Victoria only took the hand when she saw the way Max raised her eyebrows.

"Fine, but this isn't the last you'll be hearing about it." She shook the hand.

Chloe grinned, their grip tightening for a moment. "Somehow, princess, that doesn't shock me." Max didn't even have a word for the shade of red Victoria's ears turned when Chloe kissed the top of her hand, except for maybe 'fabulous'; but the blush didn't keep Victoria from 'hmphing' and tossing her chin up.

"My lady." Chloe bowed - overdramatic, as always - and then fell back on the bed with a happy sigh.

"And I'm the problem?" Victoria eyed Max, her lip jutting just the slightest.


"I swear to God I'm breaking up with you losers."

Max just shrugged apologetically, a shy smile tugging at the edges of her mouth. Somehow, and she doubted Victoria even realized, but she earned a smile from her girlfriend. And it lit up the whole room.