Today was the day the heroes had been waiting for, but also the day they had been dreading, it was the day that they would be leaving the dorm for the last time, after all the prophecy had come true, Cronus had been defeated, and there was no reason for them to stay, even though they all wanted to since nobody wanted to say goodbye.
"I can't believe this is it." Atlanta said wiping some tears away.
"We all knew this day was coming." Archie said putting an arm around her.
"We'd all better stay in touch." Odie said stating the obvious since there was no way that they wouldn't keep in contact.
"Of course, Odie." Jay said taking out a camera, "I think we need one more group picture."
"I'll take it." Kyle offered.
"Thanks." Jay smiled, as he put an arm around Theresa and everyone squeezed into the picture.
"Got it!" Kyle said handing the camera back to Jay.
"You know you can never tell anyone about what you saw, or what happened here, right?" Theresa asked just to clarify.
"Don't worry, Theresa your secret is safe with me."
"We'll have to try and see each other more often." Theresa said hugging Kyle.
"Yes we will."
"It was so nice to meet everyone." Kyle said looking at the heroes one by one.
"Thank you for keeping Theresa safe, when I couldn't." Jay said shaking Kyle's hand.
"You're welcome." Kyle said, taking his keys out of his pocket, "I'd better get going." He said walking out of the dorm, and hopping in his car and driving off.
"I guess it's time for us to go too." Neil said sadly.
Everyone agreed, and then walked out the door, Theresa tried to follow but Jay took her hand stopping her.
"What's wrong?" Theresa asked surprised.
"I wanted to give you something." Jay said taking the heart necklace out of his pocket.
"You still have it?" Theresa said smiling.
"Of course." Jay said as Theresa turned around putting it on her neck.
"It's so beautiful." Theresa said looking at it in the mirror that was still up on the wall.
"Just like you." Jay whispered.
Theresa smiled and wrapped her arms around Jay's neck kissing him.
"I meant to ask you," Theresa said before trailing off.
"What's that?" Jay asked.
"Yesterday, when Cronus was going to have us fight to the death, were you actually willing to die instead of me?"
"Yes." Jay said simply.
"But you're the leader, if something had have happened and Cronus had have escaped, the others would have needed you."
"I would have never been able to go on without you." Jay said holding Theresa tightly to him.
"And you think I would have?"
"I don't know," Jay admitted, "but I do know you're a lot stronger then I am, and I think you would have been a great leader, I mean you've been my second in command for a long time now."
Theresa thought about this and then kissed Jay again, "thank god we live close to each other."
"You can say that again." Jay said staring into Theresa's beautiful eyes.
"Are you two coming?" Archie asked interrupting Jay and Theresa's quiet moment.
"Yeah sorry." Theresa said laughing, and then following Archie outside hand in hand.
"I put Jay's bags in your car as well, Theresa." Herry said closing her trunk, "I figured you'd be taking him home."
"Yeah that's perfect, Herry." Theresa said.
"So I guess this is it." Odie said sadly.
"Hey once a team always a team!" Herry said putting his hand in the middle of the circle that they were standing in.
"You got that right!" Jay said putting his hand on top of Herry's.
"Always!" Theresa said putting her hand on top of Jay's.
"We'll be friends forever!" Atlanta said putting her hand on top of Theresa's.
"We did it!" Archie said adding his hand to the circle.
"And we did it in style!" Neil said adding his hand to the circle.
"Never forget each other!" Odie said joining his hand in.
"Friends forever!" They all screamed throwing their hands up in the air, and laughing.
"Well it's been fun." Herry said, hopping into his new truck that Heff had managed to fix, so he was actually kind of happy that his other truck had blown up since he had wanted a new truck anyways, Neil and Odie then hopped in the back seat, since they lived fairly close together.
"Bye guys!" Jay and Theresa said waving as Herry pulled out of the driveway and drove down the street.
"I guess it's our turn." Jay said taking Theresa's hand, "shall we?"
"We shall." Theresa said before giving Atlanta one last hug and then hopped in the front seat of her car and speeding off down the street, toward their new future together, even though fighting Cronus had been hell he did bring Jay and Theresa together, and for that Theresa would always be somewhat thankful.
"So I guess it's time…" Atlanta said tears running down her cheek, as she hugged Archie, "I'll miss you."
"Me too." Archie said staring into Atlanta's eyes, and before he could stop himself he kissed Atlanta.
"Wow…" Atlanta said surprised after their kiss ended.
"I'm sorry." Archie said slightly embarrassed.
"Don't be." Atlanta said touching Archie's face, "it took you long enough."
Archie chuckled and kissed Atlanta again.
"So want a ride?" Atlanta offered, Archie was going to take the bus, but Atlanta's parents were on their way to pick her up, and having a ride sounded better than taking the bus.
"Are you sure?"
"My parents won't mind." Atlanta said smiling, and taking Archie's hand, she had waited forever for Archie to finally kiss her, and now that it had finally happened it was everything she had always dreamed it would be. And now she couldn't wait to see what the rest of her life held in store for her.
That's the end!
Thank you to everyone who read, and reviewed my story!
I don't own COTT