Hey, everyone. Here is a new story for you all. This was a story proposal from .144 and I am more than happy to create a new story after her wonderful support of my stories and her lovely message to me. I also had this idea for a young Reid story floating in the back of my mind and it seemed perfect time to do it. I hope you enjoy this and I look forward to hearing from you all.
There will be scenes of child abuse, domestic violence and a scene of child abduction but there will be no non-con so for those who are worried about that, don't be.
Enjoy and please review
All mistakes are my own
Spencer flinched as he heard something crash to the floor downstairs. "WHERE IS HE?"
He hated when his father didn't have a good day because it meant more pain and misery. Fear began to flood his small heart as his bedroom door slammed open. His father's heavy shoes slammed down on the ground as he stormed around the room. "I know you're here, Spencer. You're being a very bad boy. Be a man and take your punishment."
Spencer knew he wasn't a man, he was just a six year old boy and a frightened one who just wanted his father to be nice. Hiding under the bed wasn't what a child should have to do. He just wanted a normal family but he could never have that. He already knew why his father was angry. Spencer knew he was angry about the bottle of missing whiskey from the top of the cupboard that had been there in the morning but wasn't there any more. His mother had broken it while screaming about the world being nothing but a lie. A strong hand gripped his ankle and dragged him from under the bed.
"Daddy, no!" he pleaded as he was thrown against the bookshelf.
"You're going to pay for breaking that bottle," he yelled angrily into Spencer's face.
He wanted so much to tell his father the truth but that would mean his mother would be hurt again. The bruises she had been left with the last time were seared into his young mind. "I'm sorry, daddy. It was an accident."
A sharp slap came to his face causing him to the fall to the floor. Spencer clutched his cheek as tears ran down to his quivering lips. William grabbed Spencer's piggy bank and emptied it on the bed. He grabbed all of the money before gripping Spencer's jacket and marching him down the steps. The porch floor scraped the skin on Spencer's hands as he was thrown out of the house.
"You stay out of this house till tomorrow morning. If I find you in this house, you'll wish you had never been born."
This wasn't the first time that he had been thrown out of the house and Spencer knew it wasn't going to be the last. As he picked himself up and walked down the steps, he tried to ignore the stinging coming from his hands. He decided to go to the place where he felt safe but he knew he would only be able to stay there for a few hours. The library came into view after twenty minutes of walking through the busy streets.
"Oh, Spencer."
He looked up and smiled as the librarian rushed over to him and knelt in front of him. The library was his sanctuary and the one place he always felt safe. The librarian knew him from his many visits and was aware of his advanced intellect. Janet Poe was someone he trusted greatly. Spencer kept what his father did to him a secret because he didn't want his father to hurt her.
"What happened, Spencer?" she asked with a caring voice as she lifted his hands.
"I fell and hurt my hands. I hit my face down on the ground too. I'm sorry, Miss Poe."
"We all fall down, honey," she smiled. "Come with me and we will get you all cleaned up. I think we have some juice too so I'll get you some and then we can pick out some books for you to read. Did your father drop you off?"
"Yes, Miss Poe, at the corner, I fell walking from the corner. Daddy says I'm clumsy."
"We can't all be ballerinas with perfect balance," she chuckled before getting to her feet and guiding him over to a table. "What do you want to read today? Empty Planet is finally available. People have been checking that out like crazy."
"Sounds like a great book," Spencer said happily.
"We have a new case," Hotch spoke as he sat down at the round table. "It's not going to be an easy one either. Three children between the ages of five and seven have been reported missing in the last week and the police in Las Vegas suspect that the same person has committed the abductions."
"Do the police think that they are still alive?" JJ questioned as she looked through the file.
"No bodies have been found so far but each of the families have been sent the children's shoes along with a note. All the notes have had the word 'MONSTERS' written on them and that's it."
"Look at the way the shoes are," Emily observed. "The unsub is most likely a female. The shoes look freshly cleaned and the way the laces are tied is almost identical. Where were the children taken from?"
Garcia stepped in to speak this time. "Well, Johnny Pross was taken while walking to a friends house just down the street. Eric Wednesday was suspected to have been taken while at the park and Martin Quill went missing from outside his house. Social services is currently looking into the parents of all three children."
"Why?" Morgan asked.
"Johnny's mother was found to be intoxicated by a neighbour who had heard him scream. By the time they had managed to get to the street, he was gone. The neighbour rushed to the house but found that the mother had been drinking heavily. Eric's mother is being investigated over drugs as she was found with baggies in her possession and it looks like she was there to meet her dealer. Martin had been left home alone by his mother. She was partying with her boyfriend."
"The unsub doesn't want to hurt these children," Rossi sighed. "She's trying to protect them from their parents. Three abductions in a week is high risk and she must have stalked the families for weeks or even months before hand."
"We need to find these children quickly," Hotch said as he closed the file. "We have no idea what the unsub's mental state is and we need to get the children to safety as quickly as we can. Wheels up in thirty."
Three hours later
Miss Poe leaned around the door to check on Spencer. She worried about the young man and wanted him to tell her what was wrong. He looked too skinny for a six year old and had a sadness to his eyes that made her heart ache inside. Her attention became drawn to the back office as a crash that could only belong to glass filled the air. She was the last worker at the library and Spencer was the last visitor. She walked into the back to see pieces of glass scattered across the floor.
A fierce flash of pain filled her head as something smashed into the back of her head. She fell to the floor and saw her vision begin to fade. A pair of blue converses came into view before the darkness overwhelmed her.
Spencer finished reading Moby dick and stroked the cover of the book. He liked when the library was closing. There was no-one giving him strange looks and the silence around him became his own world where nothing could hurt him. As he turned around, he didn't have the chance to scream as a woman shoved a cloth over his mouth. No matter how much he struggled, the sweet smell coming from the cloth caused him to start falling asleep.
"Shhh," the woman cooed as she lowered him to the ground. "You'll be with your new family soon."
As he succumbed to the darkness overcoming him, he felt two arms lift him into the air and couldn't stop his head from falling against his abductor's chest.
An hour later
Hotch and the team walked into the station to be met with the worried face of an officer. "I'm Detective Glass. Another child has been abducted."
"From where and how old?" Hotch questioned.
"The boy's name is Spencer Reid and he is six years old. He was taken from the local library. The librarian was knocked out and when she came to, Spencer was missing and she knows that he wouldn't leave on his own. We've sent some officers to his home to inform his parents."
"The rapid abductions mean that the unsub is become more unstable. We need to find these kids and now."
Please review
- Note - Reid did state in the show that he read Empty Planet at the age of six.