AN: Hey guys! Hopefully you guys like this chapter. This chapter is inspired by an idea given to me via review by anthony1245. While his idea of killing Trent is a little much to me, I did mainly use his idea with a few slight alterations. SO, thanks for reading, and I hope you like it! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats.

AN: This takes place the day after the last chapter.

Bree's PoV:

The day after I told Adam that I had previously dated Marcus, my bionics started glitching, and while the glitching only lasted a few hours, it left me feeling beaten down and worn out. Which was why Mr. Davenport and Tasha let me stay home from school that day. Mr. Davenport and my brothers wanted to stay with me, but none of them could. Mr. Davenport and Tasha insisted that the boys had to go to school, and that I'd be fine. However, Mr. Davenport's plans of helping Tasha take care of me were ruined when he got a call about a huge, last minute business meeting. He started to cancel, or at least move the date of the meeting back, but I convinced him that I'd be fine and that he should go to the meeting. So after five minutes of me trying to persuade him to go to his meeting, he finally caved, making me and Tasha promise that we'd call if something happened.

So here I was, laying in Mr. Davenport and Tasha's bed, staring up at the ceiling with a thermometer in my mouth. It had only been a minute since Tasha stuck the wretched thing in my mouth, but it felt like an eternity. The thermometer finally beeped, and Tasha took it out of my mouth.

"104.5," Tasha told me, looking worried. We were silent for a minute, and I decided to tell her. I decided to tell Tasha about me and Marcus having been an "item."

"Tasha?" I croaked, because the glitching with my vocal manipulation the day before had left me almost without a voice. "I need to tell you something."

"Sweetie, can it wait? You need your rest, and I don't want you to tire yourself out," Tasha said, stroking my hair back in a motherly fashion.

"It really can't wait," I argued weakly.

"Okay. What is it?"

"Before we knew that Marcus was evil, Marcus and I...kinda, you know..." I told her, trying to spit it out but not succeeding.

"Dated?" Tasha asked, though I could tell by her tone that she knew she was right.

I gaped at her. "How did you know?"

"Sweetie," Tasha replied, smiling, "A mother knows those things. Besides, when he would come over to hang out with the boys, I saw the looks that you gave each other. It was so sweet. I'm sorry that it didn't work out."

"It's alright." I hesitated before continuing. "You know, this might sound crazy, but I think that I was in love with him. I mean, we only dated three months, but in that time, I learned so much about him. He was sweet, gentle, handsome, caring, protective, and so much more. We never fought, though we weren't afraid to argue over stupid and important things. It was...great. He was everything that a girl could want. And then he turned out to be evil." A tear rolled down my cheek. "Are all my relationships doomed to failure?"

"Sweetheart," Tasha said, smiling down at me sadly. "I know that it hurts right now, but one day, you'll find a guy even better than Marcus. He'll make Marcus look like a stupid amateur boyfriend, barely worthy of that title." She wiped the tear off of my cheek and kept going. "I promise that you'll fall in love again. I promise."

"Thanks Tasha," I croaked, sitting up to hug her.

We embraced for a minute, and Tasha whispered, "You're welcome." When we broke apart, Tasha's pep was back in her step. "Now, I'm going to make you something to eat. I think that the boys are coming home during their lunch period to check up on you. So, expect company. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything." I nodded in understanding and laid back down, slowly drifting off to sleep. The last thing that I thought was, "How will I tell Leo?"

*Two Hours Later*

(Still) Bree's PoV:

I woke up two hours later because I felt a hand slip into mine. A skinny hand. "Leo," I thought. I opened my eyes and confirmed my suspicions when I saw Leo sitting next to me.

"Hey Leo," I said, my voice coming back.

"Hey," Leo responded, "How are you feeling?"

"Better. My voice is finally coming back, as I'm sure you can tell." Then I noticed the absence of two people in the room. "Hey, where are Adam and Chase?"

Leo looked at me hesitantly. "They're here, but um, they don't want you to see them right now."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because they, um, kinda got into a fight with the football team. Thankfully, they managed not to reveal their bionics."

"Did they win?" I questioned, sitting up in alarm.

"Yeah, they won. But their pretty banged up. Not as much as the football team, but it's still pretty bad."

"I want to see them," I told Leo immediately, sitting up straighter.

"Bree, I don't think that their fit enough right now to walk all the way in here and talk."

"And why do you think that?"

"Because their both unconscious. Mom had to come pick us up, and we just got back."

"Then I'll go to them." But then I had a thought. "Leo, before I go see Adam and Chase, I need to tell you something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"I don't really know how to tell you this, so I'll just say it. Marcus and I dated for three months before we knew that he was evil."

Leo's pulled a very interesting face that was almost scary. "YOU WHAT?!" he screeched, standing up abruptly and smacking his hands on the sides of his head in surprise.

"We dated," I repeated calmly.

"Okay," Leo said, pacing around the room, "It's okay. I'm not mad, just really surprised. I can't believe that you dated an evil dude!"

"I didn't know that he was evil!" I defended.

"I told you that he was! If you had just LISTENED TO ME!"

"You're never going to let that go, are you?"

"NO!" Leo cried, "I will NOT let that go, BECAUSE WE ALL COULD HAVE DIED!"

"Alright, calm down!"

"I'm calm, I'm calm," Leo stated, sitting down next to me and taking my hand. "Look, like I said before, I'm not mad. I'm just glad that you're not still dating that creep." Leo took a deep breath in, then exhaled. "You wanna go see the guys?"

"Yeah." Leo helped me up out of bed, and we walked out of the bedroom. The first thing that I saw was Adam and Chase, now conscious, sitting on the couch practically covered in ice packs.

"Guys, what happened to you?!" I exclaimed.

"We got hurt, duh," Adam said, looking at me like I was stupid. I rolled my eyes.

"I can see that! How did you get hurt?"

"We got into a fight with Trent and the rest of the football team," Chase explained.

I sat down next to Chase and asked, "Why?"

"Because," Adam told me, "They were still making fun of you behind your back and spreading rumors about you. So, we fought them and won."

"Well, that was really sweet of you guys, but you shouldn't have gotten hurt because you were defending me."

"Eh, it was worth it," Chase said.

"Yeah," Adam agreed, "You didn't hear what they were calling you, and you're never going to hear what they said if we have any say in it."

I chuckled. "Alright. Well, because you got hurt due to the football team making fun of me, I'll take care of you."

"Bree, you don't have to do that," Chase argued.

"Yeah, and you're sick," Adam said.

"I feel fine, and I feel like it's my fault that they hurt you guys. SO, I'll take care of you two until you feel better."

They started to protest, but soon found that they didn't have the energy. "Alright Leo," I said, turning to face said person, "I need you to help me take them down to the lab. If we can get them into their capsules, they'll feel better."

"Okay. But how are we supposed to move them?" Leo asked, looking at our brothers.

"You grab Chase's legs, I'll grab his arms."

"Got it." Together we carried Chase into the elevator. When we arrived at the lab, Leo opened the door of Chase's capsule and I placed him gently inside. We shut the door and went back up to the living room, doing the same with Adam.

For the rest of the week, I took care of my brothers. Leo even helped. While Mr. Davenport and Tasha weren't happy that Adam and Chase got into a fight, they let it slide this once because they were defending me. Trent and the football team all ended up in the hospital, proving that Chase didn't need Spike to make an appearance in order to kick butt. I was better two days after the fight, which was a relief, because those two days had been hell.

When we went back to school the next week, I clumsily bumped into a guy, who turned out to be Kavan. I remembered him as the guy that I hit with a basketball on my first day of school. It turned out that Kavan was a pretty cool guy, and we started dating. Tasha was right. I did find a guy that was WAY better than Marcus. Kavan. We didn't have to hide our relationship, which was great. My family approved of him, which was even better. But the best part of all: we had what Marcus and I had in the past. Except with Kavan, it was one hundred percent better.

I thought about my family's promise to protect me, and my promise to protect them. It wasn't just A promise. It was THE promise. One that we would always keep. Of that, I was certain.

AN: SO, there's the end. Sorry if it seems a bit rushed or if it's just not good. I originally didn't plan for this to be the end, but I didn't know where else I could take this story. There's only so far that you can go with a story before it's just overkill, you know? Anyway, thanks to everyone who supported this story, and thanks for reading, reviewing, following, and favoriting, if you do! :D Later! :P