[Family life, two years later.]

Sunlight begins to pour into the room from the window. The cream-colored walls and the neutral-toned furniture seem to glow softly because of the yellow light. There's a large king bed in the middle of the room matching the furniture and upholstery colors, varying shades of earth-tones (brown and green). Across one side of the bed is a large shelf mostly filled with books and in the center spot is a framed photo with a moving picture.

In the photo is an older woman sitting in a chair with a young boy in her lap. Her hair is dark brown and done up into a tight bun. She wears a gold necklace and a modest, navy blue dress that reaches to her ankles. The boy has messy teal hair, the bangs of which are spiked up. He wears a short-sleeved white dress shirt with a red bowtie and black trousers that go to mid-shin. The boy blows a raspberry, his tongue elongating to below his chin like a frog's, towards the camera before giggling as the woman gives him a fond, but scolding look.

Behind the chair are two men, both in suits. One man wears a grey pinstriped suit with a white dress shirt paired with a silver-blue tie. His light brown hair is gently styled away from his face. The other wears a navy suit with a white dress shirt, the collar of which is unbuttoned. His normally unruly black hair has been tamed slightly with some wax and hairspray to a neater look with a defined right part in his hair. Their arms are wrapped around each other's waist and they look at each other lovingly before pressing their lips together and turning to the camera, smiling.

This is the picture that Harry wakes up to everyday, today being no exception. He awakens slowly and blinks for a bit before his eyes (which have been fixed since after his 7th year) can focus on the image.

Harry smiles and chews on his lower lip when muscular arms wrap around his waist. He's naked under the duvet, same as Dean, whose warm body is curled up behind him. He bares his neck so that Dean, currently trailing soft kisses against his neck, can comfortably hook his chin over Harry's shoulder. He reaches back to touch Dean's hip and his hand stays there, his fingers gently rubbing Dean's skin.

"Morning," Dean says against his cheek.

Harry turns his head to kiss him. "Good morning."

They share a slow kiss, tongues pressing against each other firmly and taking the time to re-explore each other's mouth. The kiss lingers, but when they finally part, they do with soft sighs of content. They lay in bed, simply relaxing against each other and caressing each other's body with their hands.

"You think the kid's up?" Dean asks, his fingers tracing circles around Harry's naval.

Harry shivers comfortably and he links his fingers with Dean's. "If he is, I'm sure Andromeda has him occupied."

Dean smirks. "Does that mean we've got some time to ourselves?" He drags his hand, Harry's attached, down Harry's lower abdomen and towards his crotch.

Harry groans. "Dean, we can't. We've got a Weasley party to attend soon."

"C'mon, Harry, it'll only be for a little bit." He lightly runs the pads of his fingers along Harry's length. Then he makes a loose fist and softly pumps it.

Harry feels his face warm as he pulls his hand from Dean's and moves to straddle him, pinning Dean's hands to the bed. He can feel Dean's hard-on from his position on top and refrains from rubbing against him unashamedly. He stares at Dean, who looks smug, for a brief moment before pecking Dean's lips and rolling off the bed to avoid Dean's grabby hands. Harry goes into the joined restroom.

"No hanky panky?" Dean has a disappointed face, lips bordering on pouting.

"We've got things to do, Mr. Winchester." He turns the shower on and waits for it to warm up. "But feel free to join me whenever you're done pouting, love." Immediately, he hears rustling and feet scrambling towards the restroom and laughs.

"Dad, are you done yet?" a semi high-pitched voice chirps from the kitchen. Teddy sits at the table, his spoon clinking against the bowl as he eats cereal.

"About so, pup. You sleep well?" Harry stops to place a kiss on the top of Teddy's head as he makes his way to the counter. He doesn't even reach for the cereal box like he normally would. Instead, he grabs a large mug and makes some tea with the already-heated kettle on the stove, courtesy of Andromeda. "Where's your grandmother?"

"Yes," Teddy says, drawling the "e". "Nan's in the yard, picking some flowers for Granny Molly."

Harry hums in response.

When Dean makes his way downstairs and into the kitchen, he stops to ruffle Teddy's hair. "Sup, kiddo. You excited for today? It's not everyday that you turn 9."

Teddy nods fervently. "I want lots of presents. Especially from Uncle George and Fred! They give the coolest gifts and since they picked me up from school last week, everyone at school tells me how lucky it is that they're my uncles-" He goes off on a long tangent about how amazing the twins are for exploding things and playing pranks.

At Harry's snort, Dean laughs. "Slow down, big guy. You're gonna hurt yourself." Then he pulls out a birthday card-sized envelope and slaps it onto the table. "Does that mean you don't want mine and Harry's gift to you?"

Teddy eyes the envelope with slight curiosity. "I do.." When he reaches for it, Dean slides it back and puts it into his jacket pocket.

"This is only part of the gift. You'll get the whole package at the party. Now hurry and eat your breakfast, runt." Dean ruffles his hair again before going to the counter to lean against it beside Harry.

Harry hands him a cup of coffee and sips his own tea. "It's a good thing we've learned to go to a Weasley party on an empty stomach. I don't understand how Teddy can eat breakfast beforehand. As soon as we get there, Molly's going to stuff a whole chicken down everyone's throats."

"And don't forget the dessert," Dean adds.

Andromeda walks into the kitchen from the side door and has a small bouquet of flowers in hand. She tuts. "You know she means well." She cuts the stems diagonally and then she goes to prepare some newspaper to wrap them up in.

"Of course, but there's only so much room in my stomach, Andy," Harry says with a teasing smile.

Andromeda laughs. "Oh, hush. I'm well aware that the three of you can eat double your weight in meals. Especially when it comes to your favorite desserts."

"Can we show him now?" Dean asks. In the background, children scream happily as they play and adults chatter. Underneath the table, covered by the tablecloth, is a cage. The puppy inside, despite the loud noises, is sleeping undisturbed.

"Impatient, aren't we?"

Dean rolls his eyes. "C'mon Harry, now's the best time! Imagine the look on his face; he'll be so excited to swimming in dog slobber! We won't have a happier kid around!"

Harry chuckles. "You just want to one-up your brother because Teddy's absorbed in the book about wolves that Sam got him."

(Several weeks ago, when Andromeda took Teddy with her to visit a friend, they'd met a bunch of puppies. It turned out that Andy's friend's pug had given birth to a litter of puppies and he wanted to give some away. Andromeda had watched Teddy become enraptured with all of the adorable furballs, especially one silly, black-furred puppy.

At the end of the day, once they got back home and she'd put Teddy to sleep, she told Harry and Dean about the puppy and they'd agreed on getting it for Teddy's birthday. Harry and Dean would buy the puppy from her friend and Andromeda would buy the starter necessities for the puppy.)

Dean gives him a look.

Harry raises his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright." He turns to find Teddy showing the Weasley kids his book and shouts, "Teddy! Come here for a moment, pup!"

Teddy shouts back an okay and closes his book, carefully tucking it between his arm and his body. When he scuttles over, he tilts his head adorably, a questioning look in his eyes. "Yes, Dad?"

Harry looks to Dean, who's pulling the cage out from beneath the table.

Dean places the cage on the table and opens it, reaching in to pick up the sleeping puppy. At Teddy's soft gasp of surprise, Dean smiles. As he pets the sleeping puppy, he explains to Teddy, "Well buddy, we heard that you had a special connection with one of the little guys when you went to visit Andy's friend." He hands the puppy to Teddy, who has placed down his book to gather the small puppy in his own tiny arms. "Happy birthday, Teddy."

Teddy shows great consideration for his new companion when his lip wobbles as if he's going to cry out in awe and thank his parents, but he doesn't and simply stares at the pug in amazement and disbelief. After a while, he gently places the puppy back in the cage and nearly coos as it yawns and rolls over to lay on its other side. He whispers, "Really?"

To which Dean and Harry chuckle at and confirm that yes, Teddy's got a puppy and Andromeda paid for a month's worth of food and other doggy necessities. For example, a collar. Harry hands the shiny new collar, blue with a golden circle in the front, to his godson.

Teddy holds the collar in his hand, turning it over to really examine it. Then he looks up at Harry and Dean and throws himself at them to give them a squeezing hug. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou," he mumbles into their shirts.

They return the hug for a long moment before Andromeda comes around with a knowing grin on her face. "So you couldn't wait to give it, could you, Dean?"

He laughs. "You know me, Andy." The pug seems to be waking up and Dean mentions so..

Harry watches as Teddy detaches himself and goes to latch onto Andromeda's side, watching closely as the puppy wakes itself up. "What are you going to name him?"

The black pug yawns and stretches before laying flat on his stomach, his pink tongue sticking out. He blinks his large eyes, staring into space.

"Moony," Teddy says.

The pug squeaks and licks its nose before resting its face on its paws dopily.

Andromeda laughs. "And this is Remus's namesake. Nymphadora would've never let that go if she were here."

"I'm sure that Sirius would've loved Teddy's choice of name as well," Harry comments with a big grin. He wraps an arm around Dean's waist and gets a kiss to the top of his head. They watch as Andromeda helps Teddy carry the cage over to his cousins. He's excitedly showing off his "coolest present ever"; the group of kids agree, ooh-ing and ah-ing curiously (from across the room, George and Fred take mock offense and chase after the children, threatening them with tickles).

Harry's never had such a strong feeling about how this is how everything is supposed to be. He watches as his mother figure and his son are smiling and happy, how they're surrounded by loved ones. Added to that is how he's got the most infuriating, wonderful man firmly beside him. This is all he's ever wanted. Harry's happy.

Dean leans against Harry and asks, "You good, Babe?"

Harry smiles. "Yeah. I am."


It's finally done. Short epilogue because I want to invest all my time into a new fic I'm writing, it's a Jojen Reed/Bran Stark one, modern-ish AU. It's gonna be good. Look forward to it.