AN: I just wanted Harry and Dean to fight and then make up.

I don't usually upload by chapters when I haven't finished the story, so I hope I'll keep updating till it's done.

I'm not caught up to recent seasons of SPN. Sam and Dean are still the awkward-but-loving pair of brothers to me. Let's pretend that sending Luci back to his cage was their saving-the-world event and the world was relatively safe after that.
As for Harry, everything is canon until after he beats Moldie-Butt. Obv. he didn't marry Ginny and have 3 kids. Instead, he moved in with Andromeda and Teddy at Grimmauld Place.

Certain characters are alive because I like them.


The bar is something out of an old movie. A grey, seemingly abandoned building that most people often drive past on the long road through the nowheres of Nebraska. It's certainly not the most colorful hangout scene, especially inside. But it wouldn't do to say that it doesn't have any color, it's just that everything is brown. Varying shades of brown, but brown nonetheless, with the exception of the semi-colorful bottles of alcohol on the shelves. It's a bit bland, but the bar's something older people would call a "classic".

The owner often refers to it as a safehaven for a specific sort of people. Though lately, it seems to have attracted a new group of people who seem to be just as peculiar, if not more. The owner says she's completely fine with that however.

One late evening after the bar closes, she admits to a friend, "At first, I didn't trust 'em. But my husband always said that the Roadhouse is a place for anyone who needs it. They're alright folks. I shouldn't have been surprised by 'em though, seein' as my normal customers aren't so ordinary themselves." She gives a pointed, but amused look to the man sitting at the bar, drinking from a flask.

Her friend tugs his trucker cap down and raises a thick eyebrow. "Y'ever think you'd get a bunch of wand-waving folks in here? I sure as hell didn't. Not alive anyway."

Ellen, the owner, grins. "C'mon Bobby, lighten up. Be glad it's not the witchcraft we're used to seeing." She wipes down the counter and continues on, "I'm happy that they're different. I used to believe in it, you know: wonderful, magical things."

Bobby snorts. "That didn't last long then."

She chuckles. "'Course not. My first demon encounter broke my heart." She pauses and looks at Bobby, who's rubbing his beard. "But it's real, good magic. I feel like a girl again; all of the nice things from stories and fairy tales are actually real."

Ellen smiles softly. "I think it's a sign of hope for us, Bobby."

Bobby wheezes with laughter. "God knows we need it."

[On one particular day at Harvelle's Roadhouse...]

The crowd shares hushed whispers and keeps up unsubtle stares at the two men at opposite ends of the bar. The tension is palpable and puts everyone, except for a handful of people, on edge. A sense of danger flickers at the back of everyone's minds, but they know better than to cause a fuss in Ellen's bar. They watch from the corners of their eyes as both men try to aggressively ignore each other's presence.

Sitting at a table in the center of the room, a bushy-haired woman taps away on her keyboard, casually researching something on her laptop. She picks up a mug of steaming tea with one hand and mutters something before sipping the drink as if it wasn't scalding hot. She places the cup down and without looking away from her screen, she asks, "How long do you think it'll be before they stop fighting?"

The tall man who sits across the round table from her bores into his laptop screen with furrowed brows. He responds with a sound that isn't quite an answer. His computer seems to be giving him problems. A notification pops up with a blink and informs him that his laptop may be infected with several viruses. With a groan, he clicks the scan button and looks incredulously at his screen. Several links are listed as the sources of the viruses. Websites such as "PornPlace", "hothentai4u", and "xxxvideos" are included. They are all sites that the man's brother frequents.

He realizes that perhaps he should hide his laptop far, far away from his elder brother. And probably change his password.

The woman makes her way around the table after getting an unsatisfactory answer, but also because she's partially curious about what's got the man upset. She laughs at what's on his screen and pulls the laptop closer to her. "Here, I've got this, Sam. In the meantime, can you go help your brother fix whatever he's botched up with Harry? While I'd prefer that they work it out on their own time, the rest of the customers shouldn't have to deal with their couple's spat."

Sam doesn't object to her request; he's rather tired of staring at his screen for so long. He was going to read more folklore online, but the tales of sirens and minotaurs could wait. He gets up and offers the woman a passing shoulder squeeze before he walks over to the side of the room that his older brother has decided to brood about in. As he gets close, he calls out with a teasing tone, "What did you do this time?"

As Sam takes a seat on the barstool beside his brother, his sibling grumbles under his breath. The other man stares at his glass of whiskey as if it holds the answer to all of his problems. His eyes are a bit red, whether from crying or lack of sleep, Sam can't tell. He grins at the idea of his brother pining over Harry and asks mockingly, "What was that, Dean?"

Dean's head whips towards Sam and he narrows his green eyes. "None of your business, Sammy. Who put you up to this? We don't do-" He gestures between the two of them awkwardly, "-feelings."

Sam tilts his head towards the woman in the center of the room.

Dean makes a sound of disgust and shakes his head. "Goddamn nosy witch. Hermione needs to get a life and stay out of people's business if she knows what's good for her."

There's a shout from the mentioned witch, "How rude!"

There is no way Hermione could have heard Dean talking from her location unless she was doing her magicky listening-in spell that Dean abhors. Dean shares a look with Sam that says, "See what I mean?" Then he turns around and shouts back at her, "Then you'd better keep your ears to yourself! Don't make me come over there!"

Hermione makes an offended noise and looks to be getting annoyed enough to keep up the spell just to irk Dean. But the beep of another notification on Sam's laptop catches her attention and she reluctantly ends the spell with a flick of her wand to get back to work.

Sam shakes his head and chuckles.

Dean's turned back around to stare at his cup again. He swirls the whiskey around in the cup and downs the rest of it before he places it onto the counter with a clink. He pinches the bridge of his nose and runs a hand through his short brown hair. Dean drops his face onto the counter and groans.

Sam waits a moment before saying anything. He opens and closes his mouth wordlessly a few times before he just sits, staring at his brother awkwardly. He's about to just give up and let his brother mope, but two beer mugs are slammed onto the counter, the liquid sloshing and nearly spilling over the edges.

Sam sees a flash of anger on the newcomer's face and before he can react, the person smacks Dean's head with a rolled-up newspaper.

Dean jerks up and yells, "What the hell?!" He notices the familiar smirk and blonde hair and growls. "Jo, you do that again and I'll beat the crap out of you."

The blonde laughs and flicks her ponytail over her shoulder. She waggles a finger at Dean. "Don't tempt me; you're being irritating enough as it is. That was for Harry; he's really upset, Dean." She looks at him seriously and he frowns.

"Why do you guys always think it's my fault? Maybe Harry's the one who did something wrong!" He pouts, but if asked, he would deny it completely.

Sam and Jo look at each other, shrug, and turn back to Dean. Sam's the one who answers, "Because three out of five fights between you two are your fault because you don't want to talk about feelings, remember?"

Dean glares at his brother and Jo for a good ten seconds before he stares at the bottles of alcohol behind Jo. While he'd love to get wasted, he has a feeling that it'd make him feel worse than he already is. He takes a good mouthful of the beer Jo placed in front of him before shooing her away.

She rolls her eyes and leaves, taking the empty cup with her.

If he's going to talk about feelings, he's going to need another drink. He gulps down half of the mug before he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and turns to Sam.

Sam waits patiently, tapping his fingers against his knee. He doesn't want to seem impatient, but the current situation is quite awkward and he doesn't want to scare Dean into closing up again.

Dean sighs and rests his forehead against his palm. His eyes are closed as he says, "Harry wants me to move in with him."

Sam tilts back in surprise. Then he leans in close and whispers, "Did he really ask you to?"

Dean sputters. "Noo, he didn't ask me to move in with him and that's why I'm not here instead of with him." Satisfied with his sarcasm, he moves on to angrily whisper, "YES, Sammy! He asked me to be all happy-family with him and Teddy and Andy and I said no."

"What the hell, Dean?" Sam shoves his brother by the shoulder. "Aren't you basically living with him already? Why'd you say no?"

Dean shoves Sam back and in a burst of anger says, "Because I can't do that to him! To them! I can't do that to y-" He cuts himself off and the unsaid, "I can't do that to you, Sammy" comes across clearly.

Sam sighs and scoots his stool closer to his brother. He speaks in a quiet voice, "Dean. We've already saved the world, they're going to be okay. And if you've forgotten, Harry's saved the world too. He's more than capable of protecting himself, Teddy, and Andromeda from the small fries of the U.S.'s supernatural world."

Dean's resting his head on his arms on the counter. He looks up at Sam, who's sitting up straight. With an almost pleading look in his eyes, he asks, "What if some crazy shit happens again and someone gets hurt? Or worse, what if I get one of them killed just 'cause some monster had a grudge against me hunting its uncle or something?"

Sam manages not to laugh at how innocent his brother sounds. He's aware that he's the more mature sibling of the two of them, even though he's younger than Dean, but it's different now. While they still can't communicate all that well (Sam's a bit surprised by how well they're doing it now, but it just shows how upset Dean actually is), they're slightly more open to each other.

Sam clears his throat. "Harry's a wizard, he can handle it. Andromeda's a tough witch too, so it's not like they're helpless. Don't, uh..." He wants to say, "Don't worry about it" but he knows how much Dean worries. Dean's a worrying warrior who becomes overprotective about anyone he lets close. Instead he says, "Go talk to Harry about it."

There's another awkward silence. They both try to nonchalantly drink their beers as if they weren't talking about their problems like normal siblings would do.

In the silence, Sam recalls an earlier topic. He approaches it carefully. "Dean... When you said you couldn't do that to..." The floppy-haired brunet trails off and makes a strange hand gesture because he knows that they both know what he's talking about, but he doesn't want to admit that he's a bit of a weak spot for his brother. He knows that Dean always thinks of him first because of an extreme, sometimes foolish, sense of loyalty.

He continues, "But I'll be okay. We can still hunt together, Harry can always apparate you to and fro. You just wouldn't have to go on every hunt. I can take Cas or Bobby with me if you're worried about stuff happening..." He sighs. "Alright, Dean. I'm just going to be blunt: go talk to Harry about this. I'm going to be fine, I can take care of myself. You deserve this after everything that's happened."

Dean turns to look at something and Sam doesn't even have to guess to know that his brother's looking across the room at Harry. Dean stares for a good minute and a half before he chugs his beer and stands up, Sam gets up as well.

The two fidget a bit before hugging each other briefly and letting go with a harsh slap to each other's back. Dean coughs, making the moment even more awkward than it already was.

Sam rolls his eyes and nudges him. "Just go already!"

His brother stumbles as he finally takes a step towards the other end of the room. He hesitates for a second and turns around. "Since we're doing all this sappy crap now: sorry I gave your computer a shit ton of viruses." He grins and turns back, finally walking over to his boyfriend.

"You're never using it again!"

Dean laughs.