A/N: I was really REALLY bored in History today, thus, this fic was born. It shall be a two-three shot, so expect the next chapter soon-ish. Maybe when History gets boring again...

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the FT characters, so don't sue me, Mashima...


Candy Kingdom was a sweet little candy store, wedged in between a tattoo parlor and a clothing store. The girl working at the counter was even sweeter and littler, smiling and waving at every customer, saying the exact same cheesy line.

"Welcome to Candy Kingdom, for those Kings and Queens in you!" Sometimes, when a little boy or girl wandered in, she would say with a wink; "And for those little princes and princesses too!"

Everyone in the small town of Magnolia loved Candy Kingdom, the sweets they sold ranging from baked goods to the old fashioned, over-the-counter lemon drops and licorice sticks. Shelves and buckets of caramel and jelly beans and saltwater taffy lined the walls, the center of the shop filled with rows upon rows of chocolate bars and bubblegum.

Wendy Marvell loved working there, she especially loved all the people she got to meet, and all the little kids that smiled when entering the store. Her best friend, Romeo, worked at the store too, managing the candy counter, while Wendy worked the cashier.

Candy Kingdom was a bright a happy place, but one look at the shop owner would send the toughest of biker dudes running to their mothers.

Because, ladies and gentlemen, the owner of the sweet little shop Candy Kingdom, was none other than Wendy's older cousin. Gajeel Redfox.

With long black hair, a mean and pierced face, and an even meaner attitude, no one could really guess that he was the owner of such a nice little shop. But alas, the pierced man owned the shop, but never showed his face in the store unless he wanted to send a little kid screaming for his mother. Again…

Gajeel didn't really mind, he was good with numbers, so keeping the account books and managing Candy Kingdoms assets from the small office in the back wasn't awful. He had Wendy to keep him company during lunch breaks, Romeo sometimes joining them. Gajeel loved his job, Wendy loved hers, as did Romeo. They didn't really need anything else.

On the other end of the spectrum, but just a few sidewalk panels away, the tattoo parlor was open and ready for business. Unlike some tattoo places, Masquerade was a classy, sanitized, and sterile environment, where the artists refused to ink people who were drunk, or wanted something vulgar or rude. Most people in Magnolia knew this, so, when drunk, they headed to the other side of town to ink themselves.

There were only three artists in the parlor, and two people who worked the counter in the front that rotated the job every week. And the muscle.

One of the artists was Reedus Jonah, a slim man with extraordinary art talent. If you wanted faces, or extremely detailed scenery, you requested him.

The second artist was Lisanna Strauss. She was younger than the other artists, and newer to the practice, but her art was still beautiful. Her skill was mostly in drawing animals and foliage.

Mirajane Strauss was the older sister of Lisanna, and she worked at the counter, rotating out with Cana Alberona every week. Actually, the system was botched, due to Cana's drinking habits, leaving her with massive hangovers and Mira to do her job for her.

The muscle was Elfman Strauss, the middle child of the Strauss Family. His job was to kick out the incompetent fools, who were probably too drunk for their own good, that wandered into the shop wanting those vulgar things the classy Masqueraders wouldn't permit.

The third artist was also the owner and manager of the tattoo parlor. With beautiful art talent that rivaled many, she was the most requested artist at the shop. Abstract art and calligraphy were her strong suits, but she was most known for drawing intricate and colorful flowers, small or big.

The third artist and owner of the shop was Levy McGarden, a sweet woman, and a small woman. No one could really understand how such a nice woman came to own a tattoo shop, but she did, and she loved it. She loved her work and her employees, they were her best friends.

She couldn't ask for more.

"So, I'm glad you're here everyone! Cana, how's the hangover?" The response Levy got was a groan and the middle finger. Levy laughed at her friend, the brunette had showed up, even though she had yet another hangover. "Anyway, I'd like to start this staff meeting by congratulating you all on a very successful month!"
The small office in the back was filled with cheering, Levy spoke words of truth. Masquerade had never been more popular.

"And since we have a surplus, you are all getting a raise!" The room exploded with cheers again, even the usually quiet Reedus smiled and cheered with everyone else. "However, there is a certain matter I would like to discuss with you guys." The room was now silent, as all of the staff had their undivided attention on Levy.

"I was thinking of expanding."

"Really?" Lisanna broke the silence, a large grin forming on her face.

"That would be amazing!" With an equally large grin, Mira hugged her younger sister.

"I know! I've been looking around, and I think I found the perfect place for us to open a bigger shop!"

"How long have you been thinking about this?" Cana asked, after chugging a big glass of water.

"A while." Levy admitted. "Except opening a bigger shop will mean I will have to hire some more help. We're all one big family and I wanted to get the a-ok before going ahead with my plan and looking into buying the building."

"Where is the building?" Elfman asked.

"It's right next door to the Heartfilia Books store."

"You mean the old Books Galore store that went out of business?" Lisanna asked with an amused glimmer in her eyes.

"Doesn't Mr. Justine own that building?" Mira asked.

"Yes, and we've been emailing and talking for a while, he definitely wants to sell. I've yet to check it out, but if you guys say its all good, I can go look at the building within the week!" Levy announced, trying to hold back her excitement.

"I think it's a perfect idea!" Reedus exclaimed, though quietly.

"Oh, you guys! I love you all!" Levy opened her arms the staff all rushed forward for a big group hug.

"I want to expand our store." Wendy giggled at the bluntness of Gajeel's statement, and smiled at the fact he said 'our store', instead of 'my store'.

"Really? Why though?" Romeo asked. Gajeel crossed his arms over his chest, his permanent scowl staying stuck to his face.

"We have some extra money, and I want to make our business bigger and better." He said, bringing out a file folder with several documents inside.

"Wait, if we have extra money, why can't you give us a raise?" Romeo asked.

"I'll give you a raise when you stop sneaking candy from the counter into your school bag." Romeo quickly shut up after that.

"I think it's a marvelous idea!" Wendy finally spoke. "Pun intended!" She added with a wink.

"You think so kid? I'd have to hire more workers, to take the baking load off our hands. When I say our hands, I mean yours." Gajeel's face flickered with a ghost of a smile only Wendy could bring out of him.

"I think it'll be fun!" Wendy said, grinning.

"However, I know this kind of our thing, and we're like a family for each other, and I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable with new additions."
Romeo, though he would never admit it, felt touched that he was considered a part of the store's family, considering he was just a friend of Wendy's who decided to apply one day. He knew Gajeel and Wendy were cousins, so they shared a close bond. To be a part of a that bond…

It made him blush a bit. (Don't tell anyone…)

"I have a building picked out that looks pretty good. It's next to Heartfilia Books. The old Books Galore."

"Oh, Mr. Justine owns that building, right?" Wendy asked. Gajeel nodded.

"Yeah. I haven't talked to him about it yet, but I'm planning on checking it out sometime this week."

"Ooooh! This is so exciting!" Wendy jumped out of her seat and did a small dance, Romeo and Gajeel chuckled at her childish behavior.

"So, I assume that's a yes?"

"Yes!" Wendy and Romeo exclaimed in unison.

"Alright! I'll call Freed then!"

A/N: AAAANNND, there are problems already! Yup, so I got this idea from a friend of a friend, so if it's already been done, I apologize.

Please leave comments, love, hate, anything! There's a review button right down there. Click it for me. Thanks!
