This is just a update for those waiting for an update to this story...


new idea but same setting with quite a few differences from the original. I already have 2 chapters typed up for it, I don't count one of them because it's not worthy of being called a chapter just a small opening my head came up with. For those who don't know yet I am doing the uploading the first of every month so I have a long enough time so I can type up starts of new stories, rewrite old ones, and type up new chapters for current ones.

so expect a lot of new stories from me in the future as well as massive amounts of chapters uploaded the first of every month. That is until I get a new job and the amount would be cut in half if my speculations are correct.

well that's all I got to say! See you all on the first of February as I already have at least or more then 30 chapters to upload of different stories!