These two are just... I have no words. This one's for Rachel cos it'll make her cry 3


Jocelyn can't manage to suppress the smile playing on her lips. She can sense Maggie's gaze. Her fingers find the button to switch off her audio book and she takes off her headphones, eyes still closed.

"I can feel you watching me," she whispers. She manages to open one eye and sees Maggie curled up on the sofa, smiling softly.

"Now you know how it feels." Maggie's smile turns playful as Jocelyn blushes.

"I didn't..." Jocelyn looks for the words. "I tried not to make it too obvious."

"And you failed miserably," laughs Maggie, snuggling into the cushions a little more. "But I didn't mind. I don't mind."

"I just don't want to forget what you look like when-"

"I know," interrupts Maggie. "I know. Come here."

Jocelyn gets up and walks over to the sofa. She sets herself down next to Maggie, who sits up and turns to face her.

"You're so beautiful. How will I manage when I can no longer see you?" There are tears in Jocelyn's eyes as she looks down into her lap. Maggie's fingers finds her chin and bring her face back up again.

"Hey." Her voice is so soft, so comforting, that Jocelyn almost breaks down. "Stop that. You'll have even less time to see me if you're crying."

Jocelyn lets out a little laugh through her tears and wipes her eyes. Maggie takes her hands and looks at her silently.

"What?" Jocelyn isn't sure what's going through Maggie's mind or why she's just looking at her.

"Just look at me," Maggie whispers. "I'm not going anywhere."

Jocelyn understands.

She puts a hand up to Maggie's hair and gently combs her fingers through the blonde strands that are tucked behind her ear. She looks at the soft frown lines on her forehead, her cheekbones, her jawline, her chin, fingers following the outline of her face. Jocelyn's gaze moves back up towards Maggie's strong blue eyes, the right first, then over the bridge of her nose to the left, both of them kindly and lovingly looking straight back at Jocelyn. She studies them for a while. Eyes are the easiest to recognise, but the hardest to remember, Jocelyn thinks. She can tell from Maggie's eyes that she's smiling and she looks down to her lips, a smile forming on her own. She loves every inch of Maggie's face and she'll miss it desperately. Her face is so beautiful that it almost hurts to look at it. But it's a nice hurt, one she would never be without.

"Ok," says Maggie. "Now close your eyes."

Jocelyn raises an eyebrow in question.

"Just do as I say," Maggie whispers playfully. Jocelyn does as she's told and feels Maggie's hands clasp hers again.

"Now what?" she asks.

"Can you picture my face?"

The image of Maggie's face forms in Jocelyn's mind's eye. She can see the shape of her face, all of the features, the shoulder-length blonde hair. No, it's shorter now, isn't it?

"I forgot you'd had your hair cut for a moment," she whispers, blindly reaching a hand up to feel how short it is now and correcting the image. She lets her hand drop down onto Maggie's shoulder, playing with the collar of her shirt, enjoying the intimacy and proximity.

"What are you thinking?" Maggie says quietly, bringing Jocelyn out of her reverie. She blinks before looking back into Maggie's eyes.

"You're perfect." Jocelyn's voice breaks. Maggie leans in and kisses her gently, then pulls back a little and rests her forehead against Jocelyn's.

"You're perfect," Maggie replies, almost inaudibly, before tangling her fingers in Jocelyn's hair and kissing her once more.