"You called Doom on me?" Loki asked her, voice calm but irate. "Why would you call Doom on me?"

"It was on you!" Darcy explained. "I called him about something else and he heard that I was sad."

"If you were sad you should have come to me!" Loki told her. "Especially if it was me causing the sadness."

"I tried!" She screamed. "Every time I bring up you being blue you deflect."

"What does me being blue have to do with me leaving? You realize no one else on Asgard is blue right?"

"But Asgard is your home."

Loki scoffed. "Since when?"

"…Since…" Hmmmm, how did she put this delicately? "Odin stole you?"

Loki took a breath realizing that she might have some legitimate reasons for thinking he was leaving. "Darcy, have I ever said I was leaving?"

"No. But you won't have sex with me!"

Confusion knit Loki's dark brows. "Is that what this is about? Haven't you taken notice? I'm blue!"

She threw his arms up. "What does that have to do with anything? You were all over me before Lokisleep."

"See the thing with that is, I kind of forgot I was blue and then one day I turned blue and I remembered… I'm blue!" And then he smiled as if that explained everything.

Darcy couldn't help but look at Loki like his was insane. What kind of stupid logic was that? "Loki I don't care you're blue."

This is it. I have no more plot. I might make a series out of it if I think of something else! Thanks for reading!

Loki opened his mouth to retort but he really didn't have anything to say. Being blue bothered him so much that he assumed everyone was bothered by it. "Oh. I guess I should have told just asked huh?"

"Yeah. I guess I should have just asked if you were going back." She admitted. It seemed all of their problems were due to a simple lack of communication.

Loki slowly moved closer and pulled her into his arms. "I have no intentions of leaving. Not on any permanent bases. I mean, now that Thanos is dead there is this dwarf that put a spell on me a while ago that made me tell the truth. I really should go back and kill him."

She pulled out of his embrace and looked him firmly in the eyes. "Dude, you can't go kill a dwarf."

"Oh… Well then I don't even plan to leave temporarily either."

She smiled at her homicidal boyfriend and tiptoed to kiss his lip. It was a chaste but loving kiss. "Soooo….. we gonna have sex tonight?"

Loki shrugged. "Yeah sure why not?"

She snorted. "You are not even a little romantic."

Then Loki snorted. "Like you were being romantic? It's not like you bought me flowers or anything before you propositioned me for sex."

She looked at him skeptically. "You want flowers?"

"No. What would I do with them? What do females do with them?"

"Put them in a vase and look at them." She informed.

"That's silly. They cost far too much money and die too quickly. Plants are better."

Again came the skeptic gaze. "You want me to buy you a plant?"

Loki thought about it. "Well, yes."

"Yeah…. I'll get on that…."

"Come… Doom I need to have a talk as well."

Darcy allowed herself to be pulled back into the house behind Loki. He entered the kitchen where Doom and Tony arguing about food. Somehow Thor had arrived; Loki and Darcy didn't know how they missed him coming in but then they really were only focused on each other.

Thor looked at his brother, head cocked to one side. "Brother. Why are you going back to Asgard? No one likes you there."

Loki's eyebrows moved closer together a look of offense evident in the thin lines of his lips. Very slowly he lifted his arm and then shot an energy blast at Thor who went flying into the nearest wall.

Odin, who was sitting on the chair next to the door rolled up a menu and hit Loki over the shoulder with it. "What did I tell you? Killing Thor isn't the answer to everything!"

Loki held his shoulder as if it hurt. "Oh, but Thor can just say truth to me and that's ok?"

Even Tony had to tilt his head in confusion.

"Um, yeah Meanie Beanie, people can say truth on Earth."

"Stupid planet. Ok, take a note. I will have to work on not killing Thor."

"Yeah… don't think I'll have to write that one down."

"In mean time. Doom, come I would like a word with you."

As Doom and Loki walked out Tony turned his attention Darcy. "So, he isn't leaving is he?"

She turned around. "Nope."

"Hey where are you going? It's lunch time."

"I gotta by a plant." Who had time for lunch when she had an alien to woo?


"Ok, first of all, I appreciate you listening to Darcy and take up her defense," Loki started once they got to his lair. "But I wish you would have told her to come to me."

"Go to you!" Doom snorted. "Loki she was in no condition to talk to you. You aren't always very sensitive."

"What!" He was offended. "I'm always sensitive! Name a time I wasn't!"

"When Amora broke up with her boyfriend you told her it was because she got fat."

"In my defense she kept calling me Skeletor."

Ok maybe she deserved that one. "Then there was the twenty minutes of laughter when Magneto tripped over his cape."

"Hey, I lost mine for a reason! I told him that they become uncontrollable especially when angry."

It was funny but admitting that wouldn't prove his point. "The point is, you are not Mr. Sensitivity."

"Alright... well…" Loki lost his argument but he wouldn't concede. "You still shouldn't have come over screaming nonsense."

"It wasn't nonsense. It was perfect English and it was perfectly justified. What am I going to do if you leave?"

"What where you doing before I came to Midgard?"

"Messing with Fantastic Four. They aren't as fun as the Avengers. They don't let me come for lunch."

"They sure don't. Security is real tight in the Fantastic Four Towers." Loki had tried to go over there for lunch but he couldn't get passed the first floor. Honestly he wasn't that interested in getting in, he just liked to hear to alarm bells ring whenever he entered the lobby.

"Tell me about it. So you aren't leaving?" Doom wanted to make sure.

"No." Loki confirmed.

"And everything is good with Darcy?"


"Good. I like her."

"I like her too I plan on keeping her."

"Well… then… all is well in the Avengers Towers." Doom nodded. "I'm going to go snag some lunch before I leave."

Loki shook his head and took a deep breath. What an emotional day. Between Odin's heart to heart, Doom's temper tantrum and the miscommunication with Darcy Loki was emotionally dry. He was in need of distraction and what better distraction was there than to mess with Banner.

Loki left his lair intent of finding Bruce and letting off some steam until he Hulked out. Before he managed to get safely to the kitchen, someone grabbed him from behind with a hand over his mouth he was roughly dragged into another room and thrown into a large freezer.

It took Loki a moment to even register that he was now locked in with meat and ice cream. It wasn't until he heard Banner's voice that he realized what was happening. "Are you blue yet?"

Freaking scientists.

He teleported behind him and his brother who was holding the door closed. What a traitor. He supposed it was his fault for blasting him with an energy ball.

It took Banner a moment before he realized Loki was sitting on a chair behind him. "We didn't think this through."

Thor turned to see his brother behind. Loki noted that look in his brother's eye. That was the look he always had whenever they would spar together.

Loki jumped out the chair and ran with Thor and Bruce hot on his tail. He saw Tony in the living room ad quickly ran to hid behind him.

"What's going on?" Tony questioned. "Why are you chasing Loki?"

"I want to see him turn blue." Bruce answered. "I have a curiosity."

"Come on guys, that isn't right."

"Yeah!" Loki yelled out.

"Tony, are you seriously telling me you aren't curious to see what makes this alien tick? I mean, he can do some amazing things. Perhaps if we study him, we can solve some of life's greatest mysteries."

Tony was still and quiet for a moment before turning slowly to Loki, who quickly realized that he was in trouble.

With a flick on the wrist, Tony summoned his suit and Loki ran as fast as could out of the room.

"Come now Loki!" Iron Man yelled. "You've turned Bruce green more times than we can count. It's only fair that we turn you blue."

Loki wasn't hearing any of it.

Tony used his lasers to try to slow Loki down but Loki was fast. They would need to use him for practice because Loki was one agile creature.

The blasts alerted SHIELD headquarters and Fury himself soon appeared watching three of his avengers chase around Loki who didn't look the least bit worried. He was laughing. He was having fun! This was not how they were supposed to be using the Avenger Towers.

Loki saw Fury and ran behind him.

Fury looked sternly as the three Avengers. "Someone want to tell me what is going on here?"

"We want to study Loki." Bruce told him.

"Why? Study Thor."

"Fury Loki turns blue." Tony explained. "Thor doesn't turn blue."

Fury arched a brow. "You turn blue!"

Loki refused to answer that.

"We do have funds to study alien life forms…"

Loki's eyes widened. Crap!

Now Fury was hot on his tail too. Missiles, lasers and a hammer were now being thrown at him as he dodged and ran for cover. Loki turned the corner to see Darcy coming through the door with a large plant.

He stopped running and threw up his hand creating a barrier between them and him. "Time out!" Loki called. But Fury was running too fast to slow down in time and he bumped head first into the force field knocking him on his butt.

"What's this?" Loki questioned.

"It's a plant." She handed it to him.

Loki too the plant and regarded it with interest. It was green with little thorns sticking up from all sides of it. He touched it but it pricked his finger. He hissed and looked at his finger. A small drop of blood came to the surface. "It's violent."

"It's a cactus." She told him.

A dark brow rose, his lips curled. "Well I'm turned on." He grabbed Darcy by the arm while looking back at the four men waiting behind the force field. "I don't want to play anymore."

The force field evaporated and the four men looked at each other. Thor shrugged and retrieved his hammer. "It's been fun. I must tend to Jane."

Fury dusted his ruffled clothes. "I don't even know why I come here anymore."

Bruce and Tony watch him leave and then looked at each other. Bruce smiled. "You want to go study Doom?"

Tony smiled. "Heck yeah!"