
Digi*girl: Haha¡Kactually I was a bit scared doing this. First time ne? My first new fic! Hope ya like it¡K

Disclaimers- Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me.

*** different POV¡¦s

The first time I¡¦ve met him, it¡¦s on the Internet at school.

To college people, the BBS on net was the best creation yet. Everyone was passionate about them, including me.

I remembered the first time when I signed in, using the ID as Kaoru. I was thinking so hard about the nickname I should use. My sempai who was sitting beside, guiding me, laughed.

¡§Jou-chan, it¡¦s only a nickname. You can change it anytime you like. Think of one first, I gotta teach you how to use it later.¡¨

¡§Mou, Sano! First time is first time, one has to be careful about it, ne?¡¨ I said shamelessly and glanced at him.

Sano clicked his tongue, turning his head back continuing to chat with his friends on net. ¡§Women. Tell me later when you thought of one.¡¨

I flipped my raven-black hair and scanned over the names that passed my mind.

¡§I¡¦ve got it. Tanuki!¡¨ I laughed in spite of myself.

Sano eyed me, his lips curved into an odd smile. ¡§The nickname that Fox gave you. Ha! Now that¡¦s interesting. Here, I¡¦ll show you,¡¨ He rolled his chair over to my computer and filled my e-mail info.

The instant he clicked ¡¥OK¡¦, the bottom of the screen lightened as a phrase of sentence appeared.

¡¸ Rurouni- Hey Tanuki!

I froze. ¡§Sano¡Kwhat¡¦s this?¡¨

Sano smirked, ¡§Seems like your status is good so far. Heh, you just signed in and already someone sent you a message.¡¨

My eyebrows went up in worry, ¡§But Sano- I don¡¦t know this person! What do I do?¡¨

¡§Your choice. You can ignore that person if you want to.¡¨ He explained, waiting for my next move.

I turned my head back to the screen, ¡§That¡¦s not nice. Hmm¡K¡¨

¡¸ Tanuki- Hihi

¡¸ Rurouni- Hi, you new here? Just signed in?

¡¸ Tanuki- yeah¡KI¡¦m slow at typing ^^¡¦

¡¸ Rurouni- That¡¦s alright. Everyone gets their first tries ne? ^^

It was the first time I talked on the BBS with an online friend. Although it¡¦s only a few simple exchanges, but to me this guy called ¡¥Rurouni¡¦ had earned a special place in my heart.

Every time I signed in, he will always say hi to me. Always. Then we would talk about simple stuff, or events that happened at school. He was so polite. The prefect gentlemen as I recall it.

He was there too, when I was finding the keys on the keyboard so slowly and it took quite sometime to answer him.

I thought of him as a very close friend of mine. Whenever things happened, I will always tell him. Things those are good, bad, exciting or nervous. We have countless subjects to talk about, whether it¡¦s online or just e-mails.

Soon, half a year passed without much to our recognition. I learned more and more about him as he did to me. He¡¦s in college also, older than me by three years.

My rate for typing had improved over these months, and I¡¦ve also met many people through the Internet, friends that are younger and older than me. Sometimes I would even meet them, face to face. But ¡¥Rurouni¡¦ and I never mentioned it before.

That is, until the night of Fireflies.

¡¸ Rurouni- I know a place where you can see a lot of fireflies

¡¸ Tanuki- Really really? I wanna go!

¡¸ Rurouni- lol, no prob I can take you there.

¡¸ Tanuki- Yeah! When?

¡¸ Rurouni- Hmm¡Khow about tomorrow night?

¡¸ Tanuki- tomorrow?

¡¸ Rurouni- Yup! Cuz I¡¦ll be busy the days after that. Got time?

¡¸ Tanuki- Of course! I just thought of something¡K

¡¸ Rurouni- wut is it?

¡¸ Tanuki- It¡¦s just that, we have known each other 4 so long. And it¡¦s finally time to meet.

¡¸ Rurouni- Haha, yeah, it¡¦s about time to anywayz.

Then after we thought about a place and time to meet, we both signed off.

I was so excited and nervous at the same time that night, it was as if I was finally going to meet an old friend of mine, and it also seemed like a long-time wish was about to come true. That night, I had a sweet dream.

The second day, I¡¦ve spent a lot of time in front of the mirror arranging myself. Because we¡¦re going to the mountains, so pretty dresses wouldn¡¦t do. So I simply wore a lilac tank top with dark blue jeans. I actually looked nice with my pink ribbon hanging loosely like that on my hair.

When I was checking myself thoroughly for the last time on front of the mirror, my best friend who was also my roommate rested her arm on my shoulders, with a devilish looking smile on her lips.

¡§Oooh¡Kgoing on a date with your boyfriend? You look so pretty Kaoru.¡¨ She smirked.

I blushed slightly, ¡§Misao! I¡¦m just going out with an online friend.¡¨

¡§An online friend? But I¡¦ve never seen you trying to fix yourself so badly. Don¡¦t tell me¡K¡¨ she trailed off as I stopped her.

¡§Don¡¦t tell you what? You know, I¡¦m finally going to meet that Rurouni.¡¨ I changed the subject and smiled, hoping she wouldn¡¦t go on any further.

Misao thought for a moment, then her eyes lit up and clapped her hands in cheery, ¡§Oh that guy who¡¦s older than you by three years? Heard you mentioned him a lot of times. I see¡K¡¨ she scratched her chin.

I nodded fervently, and turned too look at my reflection in the mirror, smiling.

At night, I skipped happily to the front gates of the school and waited. It just finished raining a while ago, and the air was wet and refreshing at the same time. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, smelling the nature within it.

¡§Ano¡Kare you Kaoru?¡¨ a voice asked suddenly.

I opened my eyes quickly and answered, ¡§Yes¡K¡¨

Then I turned my head, and gasped.