Preword: Oops! I Did It Again!

You didn't think I'd end it like that, did you?

Originally, The Siege Of Hadley's Hope was just going to be Aliens in a Mass Effect setting. Obviously… that didn't happen. I went off to NeverNeverLand on a rocket pack and kept running with the sucker. I pretty much just took a 12 gauge to everything you once knew.

When I started MEvA, it really was just going to be a rewrite of the Aliens movie within the Mass Effect Universe. The James Cameron screenplay was extremely helpful with the settings and dialogue, and was used rather religiously up until the eighth or ninth chapter. After that… I just went off in my own direction, and took the story to places I hadn't planned, and enjoyed it immensely.

I had originally planned to make a sort of stand-alone sequel that would cover Mass Effect vs. Predator: The Thrill Of The Hunt, involving a Turian Blackwatch team and the Yautja Predator from the first movie Predator. Unfortunately, I couldn't see a way to make it other than a word-for-word copy of the movie involving a bunch of Turians and one lone Asari. I eventually nix'ed the idea because it seems a lot of effort for traveling down the same road. Instead, two of the surviving characters will be in this upcoming story, and it will be mentioned periodically. The survivors are both Specter recruits, one being an OC from my Mass Effect: Battle Series Asha T'vara, an Asari Commando Vanguard, and the other being Garrus Vakarian, a Turian Blackwatch Sniper/Infiltrator.

The sequel will involve everyone's favorite creepy-crawly, the Xenomorph. The setting? The USG Ishimura, a planet-fracking mining, surveying, geological research vessel working in the Attican Traverse.

Wai… wha… the Ishimura?

Calm yourself, dear Padewans; this is still Mass Effect vs. Aliens. With a healthy dose of EA's Dead Space. Severed limbs and all.

So what do we know?

The majority of the 343 Mobile Infantry and N7 Team Dingo is dead, leaving few survivors.

The SSV Sulaco left LV 426 with ten facehugger eggs, while a mysterious Dreadnaught-sized ship went off with the contents of the derelict ship.

Shepard bypassed the Alliance and went straight to the Counsel with everything gleaned from LV 426. She has accepted becoming a Counsel Agent, and is now Humanity's First Specter.

Burke has turned traitor, taken by a Corporation of Capcom fame, spawning many video games and movies. You would need one of these on a rainy day.

So what can you expect out of a sequel?

No, Alien 3 will not be used. Nor Alien 4. You can breath easy.

More Crossovers! If you've never heard of the USG Ishimira… oh boy you're in for a treat. Only because I love Sci-Fi/Horror!

A more in-depth look at the Counsel, Specters, and Mass Effect technology. I like using hard science when possible.

Enough violence to sooth your savage souls. Because we love guns and poking dead things with a stick.

Now that we got that out of the way, let's get on with the show!

Welcome to 2177. Welcome to Mass Effect vs. Aliens 2: Valkyrie Rising