Hi! You may know me from my most popular fic, "Scandals and Secrets", but I'm back with a whole new one. Basically it's a role reversal, with Clary being the one adopted by the Lightwoods, and the Herondale's living in the mundane world. Stephen is a lawyer, and Celine is a stay at home mom, selling her old heirlooms to help the family get by. Clary was raised in the mundane world until she was ten, when Jocelyn was taken, forcing Clary to move in with the Lightwoods. She became Isabelle's parabatai, and they're some of the best Shadowhunters of their generation. Sebastian and Jonathan are two different people, and the Herondale's left the Circle before the Uprising.

I really hope you guys enjoy this! Please feel free to leave feedback in the reviews, and go check out "Scandals and Secrets" ;)

Chapter One

Clarissa Fairchild sat cross-legged in the art room of the New York Institute, trying to get his face right.

For the past three months, she had been drawing the Golden Boy. She had no idea who he was, or if he was even real, but she could not get him out of her head.

Most Shadowhunters didn't understand her love for painting, sketching, and sculpting, for they were warriors, not artists. She could never do it as an occupation, so why bother?

Sometimes, she didn't even know her self.

The door swung open, revealing a tall, brunette girl with coffee brown eyes. She regarded her Parabatai warmly.

"Hey, Izzy. What's up?" Clary sighed, not turning away from her canvas. She bit her lip. Something was not quite right.

"Clare, stop painting pornographic images of your fake boyfriend and get down to the library! We're going on a mission!" Isabelle said, beaming with jubilance.

Clary's ears perked up. A mission? They were only 16, too young to do anything but fight lesser demons for the Clave.

She tucked a long, dark red lock behind her ear, revealing the sparkle in her emerald green eyes.

"Let's go then."

The Institute Library was one of the biggest in the world, only topped by the one in London. Still, it was one of Clary's favorite places to come and distract herself from the life she led.

Mayrse Lightwood, Institute head and Isabelle's mother, sat behind her desk holding two packets of paper. She gave the two girls a warm smile before motioning for them to sit.

"Hello, ladies." Mayrse greeted them, taking her place in her high-backed chair, resembling a queen in her throne.

Clary waited for her to get to the point.

Sighing, the older, raven-haired woman pushed the two packets towards Isabelle and Clary.

"As you two may know, the Clave is supposed to identify Shadowhunter children who's parents have left the Clave and offer them a spot within our ranks. Well, we seem to have made a misstep…" Mayrse said, trailing off.

"Misstep?" Questioned Isabelle, knitting her eyebrows together. Clary began flipping through the papers, and froze. Oh no.

"Yes, well, we did not know where Stephen and Celine Herondale, former Circle members who fled before the Uprising, were until a few days ago. They are actually here, in New York, and their son Jonathan knows nothing of the Shadow World."

Isabelle rolled her eyes, while Clary said nothing. She knew exactly where this was going.

"So why don't you and dad just go to his house and tell him the same thing you tell everyone? 'Hi! You're secretly a Shadowhunter, a member of a hidden race whose mandate is to look hot while slaying demons. You too, could be so lucky, if you left your family and lived with us for the rest of your life!" Isabelle snorted, leaning back in her chair. She took out a nail file from her pocket and began to touch up her already perfect pink talons.

"It's not that simple." Muttered Clary under her breath, earning her a confused look from Isabelle.

"Jonathan is special, to put it in the most simplified terms. His father was Valentine Morgenstern's closest friend after his Parabatai vanished, and we have reason to believe Valentine experimented on Jonathan, as he experimented on his own children."

Clary felt as if all the breath had been knocked out of her. Don't let them see you sweat, Clary, she thought to herself. They couldn't know the truth.

They couldn't know who she really was and what she could do.

"So I'm assuming that if you or Robert went, Valentine would know where the Herondale's are, and their safety amongst the Mundanes would be void." Clary said in a bored tone, though she was anything but. She needed to meet this boy, to see what he knew and what he could do. After all, he was the only one like her.

"Correct, Clarissa. That's why you and Isabelle must infiltrate his high school, befriend Jonathan, and slowly break the news to him. Get him to trust you, and then bring him to the Institute. There is a picture of him, his family, and closest confidents included in the packet."

Clary glanced down, and stifled a gasp.

It was the Golden Boy.

"Jonathan Herondale, get down here this instant!" Yelled Celine Herondale, hands on her hips as Jace tumbled down the stairs.

His golden hair was disheveled, as always, and he was sporting his signature jeans and a t-shirt look. He never tried very hard on his appearance, but the school sluts were always all over him.

He obviously never took them up on their offer, but he supposed it was flattering.

"Sorry, mom." Jace said with a sheepish smile, kissing her on the cheek. She looked slightly mollified, and turned back to making breakfast for Jace and his father.

Stephen Herondale sat at the kitchen island, reading the New York Times, muttering things about their nitwit president and the recession they were in.

Stephen always encouraged Jace to help vote 'the reds' out of office, but since he was only 17, he could not comply.

"Simon is going to be here in a few minutes, Jace. Are you sure you want to go to school with no jacket? It is snowing outside, after all." Celine said with a small smirk.

Jace looked down, sighed, and rushed back up the stairs to grab his leather jacket before his best friend arrived.

"Hello, Simon." Celine greeted him warmly. The Lewis family had been the Herondale's neighbors for years, and their sons were like brothers.

People at their school, St. Xavier's Academy, found it odd that their star quarterback was best friends with the nerdy, glasses sporting captain of the robotics team, but Jace didn't mind. He cared nothing about the opinions of his peers.

He knew he was meant for something bigger than just his high school career, he just needed to figure out what.

"C'mon Jace! We're halfway through junior year, and we're still late to school everyday because of your inability to remember pertinent things!" Simon scolded him with a trace of a smile on his face. He was the only one at school who 'dared' to talk to Jace that way. He rolled his eyes. It's not like Jace would have done anything if they did. He didn't really believe in violence.

"Shut it, Si." Jace muttered, stalking out the door.

Simon and the Herondales exchanged eye rolls before Simon followed his friend down the snowy sidewalk. This would be an eventful day; he could feel it.

"How are we even supposed to dress?" Whined Isabelle, pawing through her large, walk in closet with a furious sigh. The girl had never had a fashion crisis in her life, and was not taking to it very well.

Clary looked down at the outfit she had picked for herself. Black and white striped dress, purple tights, and grey, heeled boots. She would have loved to just thrown on her gear, but it was too conspicuous. This was the next best thing to cover up all her runes.

"Just wear a plain dress, a cardigan, and a scarf. Plus tights so your runes won't show, and the mundanes will turn a blind eye since it's the middle of winter." Clary responded, plopping down on her best friend's glitter coated comforter.

Isabelle glared at her. "Since when are you the fashion expert?" Isabelle retorted before turning back to the task at hand.

"I grew up in the mundane world." Clary muttered sadly under her breath. She thought back to a time when things were simpler; before her mother was taken away by the man she hated the most.

Isabelle reemerged from her closet, looking amazing in her long sleeved, white lace dress, paired with a purple knit scarf and black high heeled hooker boots that only she could ever pull off. She noticed Clary's gaze trained on her choice of footwear and smirked.

"Nothing less than seven inches, darling." She winked at Clary, before pulling the redhead down on a stool to get her hair and makeup done.

"Hey, Jace!" A mid height blonde called, running up to him and Simon as they stood by his locker. Jace slammed his head against the top shelf, causing his U.S. History book to fall to the floor. Simon helpfully picked it up.

"Karly." He muttered, rolling his eyes. Karly White was the notorious school slut, and the only football player she hadn't been with yet was Jace.

She was donning her cheer uniform, showing off her perky chest and long legs. All the other cheerleaders chose to wear their track jackets over it, or even just the navy blue long-sleeved shirt they all were issued, but not Karly. It seemed to be against her religion to cover up. Jace respected the woman's right to do what she pleased with her body, but it was snowing outside, for God's sake.

The blonde ran a slightly spray tanned hand up and down Jace's bicep, causing him to jump away.

"Karly, how many times do I have to tell you? It's not going to happen. I'm not like that." Jace sighed, doing his best to dodge her very desperate advances.

Not all the girls in this school acted like her, but there were enough to drive Jace insane, not in the way they probably hoped.

"Jace, you're the quarterback of the football team, and you're sex on a stick. I'm the cheer captain. We're supposed to be together." Karly purred in his ear, in an attempt to be seductive, but Jace just brushed her off. He was sick of all the desperation. This wasn't him, and it would never be him.

Sure, he flirted incisively with the female populace, but he would never screw a bunch of girls just to keep up some football stereotype.

"Listen, Karly, I'm sorry if I've ever led you on, but we are not going to happen, so please, stop throwing yourself at me. It's getting really annoying."

With a deadly glare and a flick of her straight blonde hair, Karly huffed and strutted away.

Jace turned back to Simon, who had been patiently waiting during the confrontation, but he was staring down the hallway, mouth agape.

Jace's golden eyes followed his gaze.

Two gorgeous girls were striding down the hallway, coming his way.

The taller of the two had long dark hair that fell almost to her waist and coffee brown eyes. She was classically beautiful, but she wasn't the one he was immediately drawn to.

At her side was a shorter girl with hair like blood colored silk. Her piercing green eyes were smudged seductively with eyeliner, and her striped dress hugged her slim, but still prominent curves.

She approached him, amusement in her eyes.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but you're kind of blocking my locker." She said with a small smile, not meeting his gaze.

Oh. Hope fluttered, then promptly died in his chest. He thought the girl had wanted to talk to him, but no.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Jace said sheepishly, noticing Simon was eyeing her friend with awed glances.

"It's fine." She waved away his apology and took out a slip of paper. The redhead seemed to be having problems with opening a locker. Maybe she was home schooled.

"Here, let me help you with that." He said, easily spinning the numbers on her lock. She gave him an appreciative grin.

"So, are you new here?" Jace asked in a desperate effort to keep the conversation going. What could he say? She was enthralling, and different, somehow.

"Yeah. My siblings and I were all home schooled, but we wanted the crazy high school experience we saw in the movies." Clary said with a small smirk, like something was funny to her.

"That makes sense. You chose a great school. Can I see your schedule?" Jace asked politely, hoping he had classes with the mystery girl. She handed him her list of classes for the day, and it turns out they had all of them together. Luck was certainly on his side today.

"Oh my goodness, I totally forgot to introduce myself." She said, smacking her forehead with her palm. It was oddly endearing. "I'm Clarissa Fray, and this is my sister, Isabelle." Clarissa said, motioning to the brunette chatting up Simon. He looked like he was going to pass out.

"You two don't look like sisters." Jace blurted out and instantly regretted it. Clarissa's expression didn't change, but he saw a flash in her emerald eyes.

"I'm adopted." She trailed off, still setting things up in her locker. Isabelle sauntered over, dragging an already love struck Simon with her.

"Clary! This is Simon! He's wonderful." Isabelle said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Her red lipstick matched the flush that crept up his face.

Jace and Clary both stifled a laugh.

"Well, since this is your first day, and we seem to have the same schedule, can I show you around today? I'm Jace Herondale, by the way." Jace asked, trying to hide his nervousness. He had never been so attracted to someone in his entire life, and he needed to figure out why.

Clary shrugged, glancing back at Isabelle, and then smiled up at Jace.

"I don't see why not."

As Clary and Isabelle approached the doors of St. Xavier's high school, Isabelle turned to Clary, panic in her eyes.

"What if we mess this up? I mean, they went into hiding for a reason, Clare. We could be responsible for ruining the Herondale's lives."

Clary suppressed a shudder. She knew more than anyone what it felt like to have your life ripped apart by Valentine Morgenstern, the man presumably hunting the Herondale's son.

"Just follow my lead, Iz. We need to act like typical mundane girls. Can you manage that?" Clary asked her Parabatai, challenging her. Isabelle sniffed indignantly.

"I can do anything." She responded, rolling her eyes.

Clary bit back a grin. She knew exactly how to bait her best friend into doing what she wanted.

They rolled their shoulders back, putting on an air of confidence as they strode through the hallways, the clicking of their heels alerting the students to their presence.

Jaws dropped and envious glares were thrown. Clary knew they had made an entrance.

Clary's emerald eyes darted around until she located the Golden Boy, who was standing in front of his locker, talking to a girl in a very revealing cheerleader's uniform, as a tall, lanky kid with glasses stood off to the side.

The blonde cheerleader stormed away, bumping into Clary's shoulder as she went by. She stifled a laugh. Mundanes. They just could not take rejection.

She noticed the dark haired boy's gaze on them, and Clary knew it was showtime.

She stepped up to the Golden Boy, averting her gaze like she was embarrassed. "Uh, I'm sorry, but you're kind of blocking my locker." Clary said with a sheepish smile, willing blood to rush into her cheeks.

"Oh. Yeah, sorry." Said the boy, obviously flustered. Clary pushed down her amusement. The other boy was staring at Isabelle with awe. Clary threw her a look that clearly said, "take care of that one." Isabelle complied, and began using her "techniques" on the mundane. It took everything Clary had in her not to burst out laughing.

"It's fine." Clary mumbled meekly, digging through her bag for the locker combination the receptionist had given her. She and Isabelle both managed to get lockers next to Golden Boy's, and the same exact schedule. Persuasion runes were Clary's favorite to use.

Her fingers falsely fumbled with the dial, pretending not to know how to even use one.

"Here, let me help you with that." Golden Boy plucked the combination paper out of her hands and opened Clary's locker for her.

She beamed up at him, hoping her acting didn't seem too fake. She knew how clueless mundanes could be, but she didn't want to over do it.

"So are you new here?" He asked, clearly trying to keep up the conversation. Clary bit her lip. He was sweet. She almost felt bad about coning him.

"Yeah. My siblings and I were all home schooled, but we wanted the crazy high school experience we saw in the movies." Clary said with a small smirk, amused by how easy her lie rolled of her tongue. It was a good thing Isabelle let her take the lead on this. Izzy would have been tripping over her sentences.

"That makes sense. You chose a great school. Can I see your schedule?" Jace asked politely. Clary handed him her paper, and his golden eyes skimmed over it, lighting up in the fact that they shared all their classes. She already had him baited; all she need was the hook.

"Oh my goodness, I totally forgot to introduce myself." She said, smacking her forehead like a ditz. "I'm Clarissa Fray, and this is my sister, Isabelle." They had decided not to use their real Shadowhunter last names in case Jace decided to tell his parents about them. So they took on the personas 'Clary Fray' and 'Isabelle Woods'.

"You two don't look like sisters." Jace observed, almost causing to roll her eyes. Instead, she looked away, eyes flashing with pain.

"I'm adopted." She muttered, turning back to placing the hastily bought school supplies in her locker. It was true, Clary was adopted by the Lightwoods when she was ten years old, but they were her true family.

Isabelle chose that moment to insert herself into the conversation, which Clary was grateful for.

"Clary! This is Simon! He's wonderful." Isabelle said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Her red lipstick matched the flush that crept up his face.

Jace and Clary both stifled a laugh.

Clary loved that she was trying so hard, but she knew that given the chance, Isabelle would walk all over Simon's delicate, mundane heart in high-heeled boots.

"Well, since this is your first day, and we seem to have the same schedule, can I show you around today?" Jace asked, discreetly wiping his sweaty palms on the legs of his jeans. Clary gave him another winning smile.

"I don't see why not."

Hook, line, and sinker.

How do you guys like manipulative, sassy Clary? I know she's different than she is in the books, but it makes sense since she doesn't have the same life experiences. She grew up knowing she was a Fairchild and a Shadowhunter, but her and Jocelyn were still in hiding. Also, should the girls join the cheer team for fun or is that too predictable? Let me know in the reviews!

xoxo, A