High School Movie – A High School Musical Fanfiction…
A/N – Well here is something new I decided to whip up! I've always wanted to do a sort of a crossover like this and now I am! So before we begin I would like to tell you that this follows the plot lines of both Teen Beach Movie and High School Musical 2! Basically the main characters are living through Teen Beach Movie until they get into High School Musical 2 and then it sort of will switch over to that. So I wanted to explain that. Secondly I introduce the two main characters in this chapter. Now I know in Teen Beach Two Mack and Brady are a couple; well my characters are NOT a couple in this story because there both girls. So mainly there BEST FRIENDS who are based of me and my friend in school. Well I think that is about it for explaining this so there are spoilers for Teen Beach Movie and High School Musical 2 so if you haven't seen those then yeah. Finally I own nothing from either Teen Beach Movie or High School Musical 2 but I do own this story and my OC's Courtney; Nikki; and Lauren so enjoy!
Chapter One
Monday afternoon found the sun peaking over the ocean floor as the summer waves rolled along the sandy shore. While the waves rolled onto the beach two best friends who went by the name of Courtney Walker and Nicole Channy walked along the side allowing their feet to get wet as they did. Both girls had always done this every summer since they were little and they loved every moment of it. After all, ever since they could remember the two of them had been best friends since they were little and loved to surf together. It was indeed one of their favorite passing times and it gave them a reason to hang out with one another all summer long ending with them walking to each other's house.
The girls; Courtney Walker and Nicole Channy had gotten done with another day of surfing all day in the sun and waves and were now ending there day as I mentioned before. On the left Nicole who often went by Nikki stood with her surf board under her left arm and a smile on her face. Nikki had short wavy brown hair that went down to her shoulders. Brown eyes shined in the sunset and a blue and pink rash guard with black shorts dried as she walked. Next to her on the right stood Courtney Walker who also carried a surf board under her right arm and a smile on her face as well. Courtney had dirty blond hair that went to her shoulders as well and hazel eyes. She was 5'2 while Nikki was a few inches shorter than her and both were average weight. A black and white one piece clung to Courtney's body as it dried
"Best day ever!" Courtney exclaimed with happiness as she waved her free arm around while Nikki laughed and smiled along as she watched her friend.
"Tell me about it." Nikki agreed with happiness as well as she laughed again. "We totally showed those guys on the waves today!" Nikki stated as she and Courtney both laughed this time.
"I know!" Courtney exclaimed as she made a face. "Did you see their faces!?"Courtney asked as she laughed again and mimicked the faces that the boys had made earlier.
Nikki nodded and laughed once more as the two continued to walk down the beach. Silence came over them as the sun set even more in the horizon giving the beach a golden glow. With their day coming to an end they had decided to walk to Courtney's house since it was a little closer and as they walked they saw It getting closer and closer to them. Finally the silence was broken.
"Hey do you wanna stay the night tonight?" Courtney asked suddenly while turning to face Nikki. "My mom made dinner and said that there was plenty for you." Courtney added. "Plus she said you could enjoy it and just stay the night." Courtney finished with a hopeful look on her face.
"Of course!" Nikki stated with a smile. "I would love too!" Nikki finished as she moved her surf board into her other arm.
"Good cause tomorrow we are totally hitting those waves in the morning!" Courtney explained with excitement as she smiled once more.
"Yeah!" Nikki added in agreement. "Can you believe that there talking about 40 foot waves!?" Nikki asked with shock and excitement.
"Right!?" Courtney asked in amazement. "I mean when I heard it from my sisters I couldn't believe it." Courtney explained with excitement.
"It makes sense." Nikki added suddenly. "After all; a wave like this only comes every once in a while." Nikki finished as Courtney nodded in agreement.
"This will be so awesome!" Courtney added as the two laughed together once more.
Silence came over the two friends' again. However it didn't last long when Courtney decided to break the silence by shouting as loud as she could so almost the entire beach could hear her.
"SUMMER'S NOT OVER YET!" Courtney yelled at the top of her lungs making Nikki jump.
"Really!?" Nikki asked with an annoyed tone as she playfully rolled her eyes.
"What?" Courtney asked in confusion.
"Never mind." Nikki added in thought. "Come on; let's go to your house." Nikki added as she began to rush towards her friend's house leaving Courtney behind in the process.
"HEY! WAIT FOR ME!" Courtney yelled as she started chasing after her friend.
So the two ran up o Courtney's house which was a medium blue with a red front porch. Even the house was blue with a hint of red everything was decorated to have a beach vibe and that was why the friends loved it. Upon entering the house the two friends placed there stuff inside the mudroom; which was the first room they entered. Hanging up there towels they began to walk into the house.
"After we get something to eat we should defiantly play some video games." Courtney suggested with hope as she looked at her friend.
"Sounds good." Nikki added as the sound of distant music began to reach their ears as they got deeper into the house. "But before we do play video games there something I need to talk – "Nikki began.
"Sh!" Courtney stated all of sudden cutting off her friend by holding her hand up which caused Nikki to cross her arms. "Do you hear that!?" Courtney asked with interest.
Nikki shook her head and then she frowned when she did hear it. Music came into the room from the living room which was past the kitchen a little. All of a sudden Nikki knew exactly what that sound was and frowned even more when Courtney started to walk away. This left Nikki with no choice but to follow and shook her head when she saw that her theory was right. Lauren Walker; Courtney's middle sister; was in the living room watching that lame musical they both really like.
Lauren was about as tall as Courtney as she had short brown hair with blonde high lights that reach to her chin. She was wearing shorts and a t-shirt while leaning against the brown couch she was on. Nikki has known Lauren since was young and slightly smiled when she saw her singing along to the movie that was playing. Besides there was no use in trying to get her attention; Lauren's brown eyes were glued to the screen. Luckily she didn't have to worry about that Courtney began to speak.
"I can't believe you're watching this without me!" Courtney cried with a frown as she sat down in a rocking chair that was near the couch and facing the TV.
"I'd watch it rather you're here or not." Lauren explained instantly as Courtney rolled her eyes.
While saying that Nikki had taken a look at the screen only to frown once more. On the screen a bunch of kids her age was wearing working kitchen outfits and a kid with brown hair and blue eyes was talking. He was encouraging all his friends that their summer job would be okay and they all began to chant what team they were. Honestly Nikki rolled her eyes at the silliness her friend and her sister was watching. Soon enough a boy with darker skin and curly black hair began to break into song.
"Don't tell me this is – "Nikki began as she was cut off by Courtney and Lauren.
"High School Musical 2!"
"That." Nikki finished with a frown; she then turned to her friend instantly. "How can you like this silliness? Even you Lauren?" Nikki asked with confusion and wonder as she joined Lauren on the couch.
"Silliness!?" Lauren asked in defense as she turned to Nikki; the kids on the screen continued to sing. "Nikki this is not silliness this movie continues to define half of our entire culture!" Lauren explained.
"Yeah!" Courtney stated suddenly. "A boy gets his friends summers jobs at the Evens resort while Sharpay tries to plan to split Troy and Gabriella apart. While breaking them apart the kids break into musical numbers to move the story along and Ryan starts hanging with the wildcats." Courtney began to explain while using hand motions. "After that happens Troy tries to fix everything up with his friends and the gang try to get Gabriella back for Troy and everyone lives happily ever after!" Courtney finished as she turned to Nikki with a smug look on her face. "Silliness?" Courtney asked with a look.
"Whatever." Nikki stated. "Listen we need to eat and then I really need to talk to you!" Nikki explained as she got Courtney to stand up from the couch. Not before Courtney stopped walking again.
"Just finish watching my favorite song and part." Courtney plead as she turned back to the screen.
Nikki sighed knowing that she was going to lose this fight even if she tried. Finally she turned her head towards the screen as well and noticed that all the kids were still singing and dancing while working in a kitchen. Honestly some things to Nikki were just ridiculous.
"- Good enough to eat." A kid in a cook hat sang as he did eating motions.
"Gonna make some motion pictures." Another guy sang as he appeared in the screen for a moment.
"Hit the mall with all my sisters." A medium sized girl sang as she came across the screen with a whole bunch of other girls while dancing in a line; she disappeared also.
"Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers." The same kid with a cooking hat sang once more.
"Kick it with the music mixers." A girl with glasses and brown curly hair added in.
"Buy a ride that suites my ride." A guy with darker skin and black curly hair sang as he and another girl were rolled across the screen on some sort of a trolley.
"Make a - "The main boy with brown hair and blue eyes began.
Nikki had stopped listening at the point because honestly she thought it was silly once again and turned to her friend. As she turned back to her friend Nikki had noticed that Courtney was sitting there singing ever word of the song. That was when Nikki couldn't help but to roll her eyes and slightly laugh a little. As silence came over them with the movie still on in the background; Nikki decided to break the silence and grab Courtney by the arm while pulling her into the kitchen.
"What!?" Courtney asked with slight annoyance as she crossed her arms.
"I need to talk to you okay!" Nikki explained instantly. "After all; I only have today and if I don't tell you now – "Nikki began as Courtney looked at her with confusion.
Sadly though Nikki had never got to finish her conversation. Only because when she was interrupted both girls had turned their heads to the back door where people mainly entered. Someone had knocked on it and Courtney had walked past Nikki and over to it making Nikki follow her. As soon as they made it to the door Nikki had frowned when Courtney opened it. In front of them was an older women with brown curly hair and brown eyes. She was slightly taller than the two friends and she wore the most sophisticated outfit anyone of them had ever seen it there life. It was Nikki's aunt…
A/N - Well there was chapter one! So how was it? Good? Bad? Should I continue? Anyway thanks for reading and please remember that this story is meant for fun and an adventure between two of my favorite musicals so please go easy on me. Not exactly like Teen Beach Movie but close enough so it was suppose to be like that. So thanks again and please remember to review! I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up I have to write it first on Word but it will be up soon so until then please review! :) - DisneyChannelLover