Dynamo walked up and we all just stared. There was nothing I wanted to say. Zero was on the floor with Iris's arm wrapped around him. At this point she was just mindlessly shaking him. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second. I knew this had to be another after shock spell from the witch. How to break it? There was no tutorial this time. Did we have a time limit? Was there ever a time limit. I tried to think of something but there was only one thing on my mind.

Dynamo confused me.

For one, how did he know, he was at the party when all this was going on. Did he know this would happen? Is that why he shows up here all smug and calm? That's when I remember that he looked directly at me when we were running from the witch. He didn't stop and help. Something had to be going on. So I opened my eyes and looked at Dynamo, he stood there looking at Iris without a word. I spoke.

"Dynamo, explain." I said breaking the silence. All eyes looked at me as if I said something that didn't make sense. I didn't take my glare off Dynamo.

"He's under one of their spells obviously." He remarked as if I'd asked a dumb question. Suddenly I'd gotten upset.

"Don't fuck with me. Don't talk to me like I'm some invalid! I know you know what's going on!" I said voice rising with every word. I didn't mean it, it just happened. I was on edge. Dynamo looked unimpressed.

"What? You think I did something wrong?" He said with a smile.

"Yeah actually." Axl said. Iris was confused. Preach Axl preach.

"What? You too Axl? Tell me, I'd be happy to hear it. What involvement do I have with Zero being asleep on the floor right now?" Dynamo said.

"You didn't help us." Axl and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and nodded.

"Dude! I seen your ass look directly at me when that witch dropped me, why did you not help?!" Axl asked.

"What proof do you have?" He said. I shook my head.

"I practically ran past you and you looked at me. Didn't even move. That's two of us."

"You know the rules, protect the king at all cost. That's what we were doing. You purposely un-involved yourself." Axl said in a harsher tone. Dynamo raised his voice.

"You have no proof!" He yelled overpowering our voices.

"I believe X, and I believe myself. Dynamo, I know you've been different ever since Zero came into power." Axl said. I took a step back near Iris. This was getting a little too deep for me. Axl had this. But I felt that something was going to happen soon. I could feel it.

"Someone I believed in died. Of course I'd be different." Dynamo said, voice lowering.

"So you just don't care anymore is that it? Remove yourself then." Axl said. I'd never seen him this serious, and judging by the look on Iris' face, she hadn't either.

"Remove myself?! I've been here, since before you brats had any sense! What makes you think I-" He cut himself off.

"I get it now. I get the whole thing..." Axl's voice trailed off then he spoke again.

"You were next in line." Iris said from where she was kneeling. Dynamo had a look of Irritation.

"You can't be serious." Dynamo said with a sigh.

"No, no. I'm fucking serious. As serious as I've ever been. You did all this didn't you?" Axl hissed at Dynamo. I had a bad feeling about this. Axl spoke again.

"You called the wicked up to test Zero that night, because you knew he'd fail. You knew that Zero loved his father so naturally he'd be taken as a sacrifice, and you wanted Zero to be damned. So that he'd never show his face again, and you'd inherent the title of king." Axl said calmly. Iris was confused at this part. I'd never told her about the curse, none of us did. Funny how involved she is now, she probably just thinks that this was some random witch attack.

"What the fuck are you gonna do about it?" Dynamo said all of a sudden in retaliation to Axl.

We all got quiet. That's when it hit us all, what could we do about it?

"Well first, I'm gonna beat that ass. Second, you're going to jail bruh." Axl said gathering his thoughts. Dynamo smiled.

"You have literally no evidence, all you have is word of mouth from you lil fuckboys out here, and I'm sure Lady Iris doesn't believe you heathens, right dear."

"I trust them." She said, her face was as angered as ours.

"Alright, fuck you too then. I don't have to deal with you kids. Zero's asleep now, no one can help you. Knock them out!" Dynamo called.

Suddenly everything went black.

I found out it was hours later when I woke up. I heard the low buzzing of a TV and I felt bodies leaning on me. I opened my eyes to spot the small TV in the corner. My hands were tied. I looked over to see passed out Zero and Iris leaning on me. Axl was standing up, his back was to me, so I called to him.

"Axl." I breathed.

"X it's over." Axl said. Emotion was deep in his voice. I blinked to get a hold of the situation. I shook Iris. She stirred and soon her eyes were open as well.

"Axl. What's on the television."

"The speech Zero was supposed to make tonight." Axl said dropping on the floor as if everything was hopeless. I looked on the TV, to see Zero. I turned over and Zero was literally right next time.

"That's one of the witches? Right?" I asked. Axl nodded.

"This fucking blows." Axl screeched. I nodded.

"Have you tried waking Zero up?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course." Axl said.

"What are they going to do with us?" Iris asked.

"Prolly kill us." Axl said being honest. Way to go asshole, now Iris is worked up. I sighed.

"Shut up Axl... " I said. I heard Iris get up and frantically she yelled. It almost felt like a battle cry. Axl and I jumped a little bit, so much so Zero fell off of me, and hit his head. That would hurt when he woke up. I looked at Iris, she was glaring in our directions.

"What the fuck is this anyways?! Why would Dynamo go to such lengths? AND WHY THE FUCK IS ZERO THE ONLY ONE ASLEEP. MORE IMPORTANTLY! I know you all have been lying to me. Everything's changed since you got here X! Everything." She said walking in my direction. I knew this was going to be bad.

Suddenly she knocked herself on the ground and a knife fell out of her shirt.

"Axl pick that up with your mouth and cut me loose." She commanded. Axl nodded, and did it, it didn't take long and Iris was free. She cut Axl free. But not me. She glared in my direction.

"Ever since you got here." She repeated. I seriously, didn't like the way she was holding that knife.

"It was before he got here Iris, if you thinking taking your frustrations out on X will do any good then you're mistaken." Axl said grabbing the knife from Iris. She growled and literally punched Axl and grabbed the knife back, and ran towards me.

The next thing I knew there was a knife in my shoulder.

I let out a gasp of pain and I shuttered. But suddenly I looked at Zero and calmed down. Axl reacted almost immediately, trying to pull Iris off of me, but I did the opposite of trying to pull her off of me. I embraced her. She stopped trying to take the knife out and just looked at me.

"I know you're upset. I made things different, I get that. But this isn't my fault. You're only mad, because I stole him...you're only mad... I'm sorry." I felt my head getting dizzy again. It was painful, so much pain, the worst pain. Like stepping on a million Lego blocks, the tiny ones, the hardest of plastic. But constantly. My shoulder started to drip, and a drop fell on Zero's face. At that direct moment he opened his eyes.

He didn't make a noise, all he did was was look up at the situation that was happening. I was the only one who noticed he was awake. If I acknowledged him, would Iris stop? It hurt so bad. I didn't have the means to shake her off, my hands were completely tied and my legs were weighed down by her body weight, Axl was doing his best, I thought I was about to pass out again when suddenly, I heard Zero's voice, in what felt like forever, was probably a few hours.

"X" He said.

The whole jail cell stopped, but the TV was still blaring.

We all spoke at once.


Iris pulled out the knife successfully. I made a pained noise, Axl just stood there blank. I couldn't move even if I wanted to.

Zero sat up and wiped the blood off his face with a handkerchief that was in his back-pocket. The enemy was silly, they didn't tie Zero up.

"Iris, why did you cut X?" Zero said almost in disbelief.

"Cause she's fucking crazy." Axl said grabbing the knife from Iris. She didn't try to fight back this time.

"Zero tell me the truth!" She shouted all of a sudden. None of us said anything.

"I don't have to tell you anything, it's already taken care of." Zero said, getting up from where he was sitting.

"Obviously it's not!" Iris yelled.

"See this? This is why I don't tell you anything? I'm telling you everything will be taken care of soon, dear." Zero said, grabbing the knife from Axl, then he walked over to me and cut the rope, he picked me up and put me in his lap. Iris was fuming with anger. Axl sighed.

"Even when your reputation is about to be ruined, you're still smooth as hell." Axl said with a stretch, I guess being tied up made him tense.

"Well you know gotta keep up the rep." Zero said with a grin. He ripped the handkerchief and made it longer, then wrapped up my wound.

"I'm so glad you're safe." Zero said, he kissed me on the cheek. Iris was literally about to blow a vein and that made me smile Axl was looking at the TV, but at this point I didn't really care who saw. I felt better, but not amazing, still groggy.

"Zero...what are you going to do." I asked. He shrugged.

"Crash the speech." He answered pointing at the TV. Axl nodded.

"I was thinking the same thing." Axl said.

"How do we even get out of here." Iris asked.

"Oh no...you're staying in here "Miss stabby Mc stabbings" you clearly just stabbed a guy." Zero said flicking Iris in the nose. She punched the wall.

"You never...tell me anything. What am I to you?!" She yelled getting in his face. Zero shrugged.

"C'mon now this is not the time for this!" Zero yelled back.

"Open up" Zero yelled. The cell opened. That was easy.

"They probably didn't count on Zero waking up." Axl said to almost himself. I got up, and stood by myself. I walked out of the cell, then I looked back at the television. The copy really looked like Zero. I wonder how much power it takes to become a completely different person. That was insane. Axl followed me out and so did Zero and Iris followed.

We practically ran to the garden. We weren't all going as fast as we could've because of all the injuries that we had just recently gotten.
I couldn't help but think about how Zero had waken up, it didn't make any sense...but somehow I was more worried about the next 5 minutes.

When we got to the garden, there was a crowd and tons of cameras it was still night time, Zero and Axl knocked out some of the guards who were blocking us and proceeded to walk outside. Zero jumps on stage. He doesn't skip a beat, Axl follows him and we all see the doppelganger stop in mid speech, he turns over and Zero smiles at him, the audience makes all sorts of confused noises.

Suddenly Zero extends his leg and kicks the doppelganger out of the way, guards rise up but then Axl looks at them a certain way and they stop. Zero pulls a cross out of his pocket and throws it at the copy of Zero, it starts to scream and all of a sudden it doesn't sound like Zero anymore and it disintegrates. Everyone gets super quiet.

All of a sudden Zero walks over to the podium mike and laughs. Everyone stays quiet and I look again, Dynamo is gone. Zero starts to speak.

"So. What's up everybody! Did you enjoy the party?" Zero says. Everyone made a noise that sounded like yeah.

"See let me be honest guys, some craaaazy shit went down and, what you saw was a fake, I'm the real me, check out my birthmark, google me, It'll come up." Zero said as he lifted up his shirt and a bit above his hip on his back there was a small birthmark. The audience the part that was old and noble felt relief. At this point the camera's stop rolling, the public would never see this part. A few of the princesses gawked at Zero's nearly perfect Ab lines with the utmost of thirst.

I felt semi-embarrassed because I had no idea he had a birthmark right there. Maybe I was too shallow when Zero had his shirt off around me and I was looking in other places. Zero puts down his shirt and all the eyes go back up to his face.

"Alright guys, now that that's over, the speech was mainly true and all that and he pretty much told y'all the truth ,all that stuff about a relentless spirit and stuff, but now I also want to decree that Same-Sex Marriage is totally legal now, so old dude in the back, you can totally marry that one guy." Zero said pointing at a old dude. The old dude look embarrassed. Zero smirked.

"If you want to thank anyone thank that guy over there!" Zero said, then he pointed at me. The whole audience looked my

"X is just too damn fine guys." Zero said looking at me as well.

Everyone was looking at me, I was so embarrassed, I legit felt like I was going to pass out, mainly was for the wound from Iris. But still this wasn't helping.

"So I hope you guys all had a good time at this ball, buuuuut I'm sorta tired as hell and I legit just had to battle some witches, and stuff. So I'll take your questions now so we can end this, so I can get some sleep." Zero said with a smile. The audience was loving it.

"King Zero! Who was the fake!?" One guy yelled from the audience. I looked and he was in a knights armor. It makes sense he'd wanna know.

"The bitch ass witches from out country, they started a conspiracy in my castle so I dealt with them." Zero answered confidently. Suddenly there was a million flashes of pictures, Zero had a wide smile and a peace sign for all of them. I could tell he was in a really good mood.

"So who were the traitors?" Another person asked.

"For their previous honor, I won't say any names." Zero said, as he shook his head.

"S-So that boy over there, are you seeing him, is that why you've made gay marriage legal?!" A brave noble woman asked. Everyone wanted to ask that question but they just weren't brave enough. Zero smiled.

"Yeah, unfortunately I doubt I'll marry him, my fiance will have killed us both first." Zero said with a small smile.

"If I may, isn't he the one who did a interview on you about 6 months ago, Also is this Fiance lady Iris?" She asked. Zero nodded.

"Yeah, it was something about him I just couldn't shake, and Iris, even though she's polite and beautiful she can be a real monster when she wants to be." Zero admitted. Everyone in the audience laughed. That's when I realized these people that were here, these were people that were all close in the royal cabinet, none of these people that were still here were the third party reporters I'd seen awhile ago. I felt a bit more at ease.

"I want to end this by saying, thank you all of you for coming and supporting me in my reign, you guys are the real MVP's and fuck I'm tired, see you all, have a good night." Zero said with a yawn. He waved bye and everyone started to leave.

Zero bounced off the stage and Axl high fives him. Iris and I stood next to each other. Iris spoke first.

"My fiance would kill us both first?" She repeated. Zero nodded. The was a pause before Iris started talking.

"You know what Zero? Fuck you. I don't want to marry you if I'm not your priority. One day you're going to grow up and realize just how right I am for you." Iris said with her arms crossed. There was a completely different air about Iris at this point, all layers of lady were gone and that was left was someone who felt like they lost.

"You what Iris, I realized this, it's not because you don't put out, or the fact that you always put on the prim and proper act. It's because you try to control me, you're always acting pretentious and telling me things I already know. Iris, you're acting right for a king, and me... naaaaaaaah. Iris I've known you since we were little, I know you aren't like this. You don't have to keep up the act even when no one's watching." Zero said all the words stopped Iris from walking away.

"I'm doing what's expected of me, maybe you should try it." Iris said irritably.

"Listen Iris, I'm not gonna sit here and kiss your ass, I'm young. You're young, adventure some, live a little. You lived tonight didn't you?" Zero said with a smile. Iris punched him she had tears in her eyes.

"I love you. I've loved you. Why am I in love with such a non-caring, beautiful perfect haired, manipulative asshole!" Iris said out loud as if getting it all off her chest. I felt for her. I really did. I knew exactly how she felt. Zero didn't say a thing, none of us did, for a split second we all felt Iris' frustration and sadness.

I felt wrong for a second. It was my fault he wasn't paying attention to her. It was because of me.

"Iris. I'm sorry." Suddenly came out of my mouth. She shook her head. I looked at her and saw that there were tears in her eyes.

"It's not your fault. It's not. It's mine. I should've known." Iris started to walk away. I moved to follow her but Zero and Axl stopped me and shook their heads.

"Iris has been through a lot tonight, she needs to go home to get some normalcy back." Zero said to me.

"Yeah no kidding. I need a fucking nap, you guys don't stay up late we've got call and make repairs to the castle." Axl says with a yawn. He exits the garden.

"That was some crazy shit huh, X?" Zero said messing with his hair. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm emotionally drained." I said with a smile. I get up from where I'm leaning and Zero grabs my hand.

"Hey, let me carry you you legit got stabbed." Zero said, I got on his back, piggy back style and we walked in the castle, I assumed Zero was taking me to his room, the way he headed inside, it would be a little bit before we got there.

"Are your injuries okay Zero?" I asked

"To be honest, I'm pretty sore...but I think sleeping and doing nothing for a little bit should make me alright, and you've stop bleeding...I think we'll be alright." Zero said with a sigh.

"Zero...do you know what the spell you were under was, when you fell asleep?" I asked.

"Yeah, judging by the fact that I woke up because your blood hit my face, it was "Sleep after Victory." it was developed a long time ago. Where old witches used to curse anyone who'd beat them in a fight. They'd fall asleep and the only thing that'd wake them up is blood from a loved one. Spooky scary right?" Zero explained.

"Soooooo you love meeeeee?" I said with a smug tone.

"Yeah so?" Zero said with a scoff. I knew he was embarrassed, I could tell without even looking at his face.

"The proud and non-caring perfect haired asshole is in love with meeeeee~" I said in a sing song voice. Zero laughed.

"I'm going to drop you down the stairs." Zero said.

"No you won't because you love me." I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Zero said, we got to his room door, Zero used his free hand to open the door, I got off his back and we both plopped down on the huge bed. I was about to close my eyes when I heard a "nope" from Zero.

I got up and looked at him.

"We can't go to bed in battle scarred suits" Zero said. I nodded, but didn't get up. Zero got up and grabbed a first aid kit he had under his bed and took off my make shift bandage and actually re bandaged me right, putting a ointment and a legitimate bandage on it. Then he started undressing me, and I got super red.

"Errr...Zero?" I started.

"Yeah I'm not doing any weird stuff, don't worry." Zero said slightly red as well, as if he knew exactly what I was going to say. He undressed me to my underwear and it felt super intimate and It was hot but I was in no mood. I assumed Zero wasn't either. He walked away and went into his closet to get my pajamas, which were the plaid blue and red ones with a star on the pocket. He put them on me and then planted a kiss on my cheek, then he tucked me in.

I felt like a kid again almost.

"I'll take you to our clinic in the castle tomorrow morning, I know old doc is sleep right now." Zero said.

He the moved to the closet to also change into his pajamas, I watched him undress and redress, about 6 months ago I'd feel completely naughty and perverted at watching him like this but now I guess I was used to his body, and while I still found it attractive and amazing, I didn't feel any shame about looking over him, it's because he was mine.

It feel sorta strange to say it but, Zero was mine. He got into the bed and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled sleepily almost ready to sleep at any second,
Zero spoke.

"When am I going to meet your parents?" He said with a smile.

I immediately woke the hell up. So I countered his question with something else.

"Where the hell did Dynamo go?" I asked.

After a moment of silence Zero hopped out of the bed.

The end.

Welp X dodged a bullet there. I'm sure X's parent's are either upset because he hasn't called or talked to them in 6 months or semi worried as hell. As for Dynamo I hope he doesn't get found xD. I'm sure Iris will be back as well.

This marks the end you guys~ I'll start on some more stuff pretty soon. I got a little bit busier lately so don't worry, I'll be making more crack for your addictions pretty soon. Ya know it~

Give me more story ideas, I'll make one shots out of them before I start on that multi chapter stuff again.

Stay gucci.


- #ThatUglyGayRobotFanfictionMakingNiggaFroggy.