ATTENTION: This is the final chapter of this story! I've looked over the previous chapters and have decided that this is a good place to end. HOWEVER, I am thinking of making a sequel; if you'd like to see a sequel, please say so in a review or visit my bio, where I'll have a poll about it. It's been an honor and a privilege to write this story, and I hope you all have enjoyed reading it!

Thank you to all of my reviewers, especially- without your encouragement, this story wouldn't have gotten nearly as far!

Now, without further ado, here is the final chapter of Lullabies and Broken Wings. Enjoy!

Agatha finished ripping the sticky material from her face, officially clearing it of all 'scars'. She wadded it up and threw it into the small wastebasket beside her sink, feeling an amazing sense of relief at its riddance. She didn't have to act anymore.

From the other room, Timothy began to cry.

"Coming, Sweetheart!" She called happily, sprinting into the small bedroom and pulling the infant into her arms. "Oh, baby… I love you, you know that?" She asked rhetorically, rubbing her nose against his. He immediately calmed at her presence, staring at her with wide blue eyes. Those were her eyes, and seeing them on him… Well, the feeling was quite surreal. Her heart fluttered as she gazed on her son for the first genuine time in weeks. He was healthy, uninjured and well fed. She couldn't be happier for that. His hair had grown in some; a bit curlier and thicker than it had been at his birth.

She turned her attention to the sleeping baby on the bed. He was laid flat on his back, bent arms on either side of his head and curled legs spread out slightly. His tiny chest rose and fell steadily with each blessed breath, and his little eyelashes fluttered as he dreamed. He would occasionally lick his lips noisily or scrunch up his face.

"I love you both… I love you." Agatha whispered with tears in her eyes. She hadn't known if she'd ever get to say that to them. "You're so beautiful, and so smart, and you're going to be the best little boys on this earth!" She continued, sitting carefully on the bed next to Damian and rocking Timothy to soothe him. "I don't care who your father is… was. You'll be nothing like him. You'll be the finest citizens anyone has ever seen, and then I'll rub it in Bruce's…" She cut off, voice cracking.

Damian fussed a little, so she gently rested Timmy in her folded legs before pulling the older twin into her arms. It was rather dark in the bedroom to help the infants sleep, but that didn't obstruct her view of Dami's emerald eyes when he sleepily opened them to look at her adoringly.

Gat had been slightly fearful that, upon seeing those Joker-esque eyes, she might react negatively or not look at him the same way. Sure, she'd been fine during those hours after his birth, but that could have just been hormones overwhelming her.

Thankfully, the only thing she felt for him was love. His eye color was beautiful, and symbolized nothing about his personality- he would be kind, considerate, and good, she could feel it.

A small, teary smile turned up the corners of her lips. "You're going to prove your grandfather wrong, Dami. You too, Timmy. You've got such a bright future." She kissed their foreheads and chuckled a little when Damian squirmed.

How she had missed them! She felt complete with them in her arms, safe and sound.

Well, almost complete. Her team, her father… They weren't there. And they would never be there for her again, she was certain of that. After all, even family can't be 100% forgiving after you've killed someone.

She'd used her rarely revealed power of suicidal suggestion on the father of her children. She hadn't gone into that school with the intentions of doing such a thing- her goal had been solely to rescue her sons. But he'd struck a nerve, and seeing him there, threatening her babies… She'd intentionally gotten him to say cruel things to activate the fight-or-flight response. She'd intentionally made him kill himself.

What somewhat scared her, on an ignored level of her subconscious, was that she didn't regret it. Not one bit.

No, what she regretted were the consequences. She could never face her family again. Her team would hate her after what she'd done- her father, too, considering she'd broken their one rule of not killing. Besides, he'd made it clear he didn't like the idea of having the twins in his house- so she'd spare him the trouble and live someplace else.

She sang them a lullaby in her native tongue, one twin in each arm, and rocked them until they were both pulled back into a peaceful slumber. Then she carefully laid them side-by-side on the cheap apartment's mattress, fixing up the barrier of pillows on both sides of the bed to prevent them from falling off.

Agatha stealthily made her way to the kitchenette, plopping into the single foldable dining chair and resting her elbows on the card table. She rubbed at the headache that was beginning to form behind her eyes at the constant stream of thoughts revolving around what she had resolved to leave behind. Could she do this? Was she ready for this?

The answer wasn't that simple.

She needed to stay away from the people she'd surely hurt, but she couldn't do this on her own. She had two babies to look after, and getting a job would be difficult. She'd just barely secured this tiny apartment with the 'just in case' money she'd kept in her sash.

She needed to get ahold of her money at Wayne Manor, but she also needed to stay away.

She settled for an in-between and pulled out the holo-button she'd fastened to the green sash of her Saint disguise.

The screen came to life and she smiled a little before opening an encrypted email window and beginning to type.


Don't come looking for me- I'm long gone. Don't worry, though, because I'll be safe; this is what I want- NEED- to do. I broke our one rule when I killed Joker, and I can't bring myself to face you right now. The Team will be fine without me, I'm sure. Don't beat yourself up or drive everyone out, either. Go on living your life- I'll come back to you when I'm ready to. Until then, I need all of the allowance I've saved over the years. You're the only one who has access to it, and I would appreciate it if you could transfer it to the online bank account listed below. I'm depending on you for that.

I don't expect to be back for a good year or so, so don't obsess over waiting for me. I'll take care of myself and the boys, and when you meet them next they'll be the kindest, best children you've ever met. I know you don't want them in your house, and while I can't say I in any way agree with it, I can accept that that's your stance for now. As such, I would appreciate it if you rethought your opinion on them so that I can bring them with me if I come back to speak with you in person one day.

Tell the Team I love them. Tell Alfred I love him. Know that I love you.


Angry as she still was over his hesitance to accept her sons, she couldn't stop herself from adding her love to the short email. He'd come around eventually, and her being cruel would not help.

Before she lost her nerve, she pressed 'send' and watched the progress bar as the message was sent.

She expected him to be angry. To deny her the money. To pull every single trick he could think of to track her down and drag her to the base for punishment.

What she didn't expect was an emailed response just two days later.

She'd just finished changing Timmy's diaper- damn, she was running out and had no money to buy more!- when the holo-button alerted her to an encrypted email received. She laid the smaller twin on a blanket on the floor and handed him a cheap plastic baby toy to entertain him. Damian was napping.

Agatha pulled up the display and her heart skipped a beat when she found that the mysterious email was from her father. How had he tracked her email address? She'd taken extra precautions to avoid that so he couldn't send endless messages, begging her to return.

Her finger shook as she clicked on the message, and her eyes hungrily took in the reply.


I understand your decision- I once did the same thing you did, and that's consequently how I learned the fighting skills I use. It's hard for me to let you go- you're sixteen now, and you've got two babies to care for- but I do know that you need some time away from what you know to "find yourself". Just know that you always have a home at the Manor, and Batman will await the day his Robin returns.

As for the boys- Agatha, you seem to have taken my hesitance the wrong way back when you asked me if they had me to count on. While I hate the idea that he is their father, the fact that you, my daughter, are their mother guarantees that they'll be raised into good. It's just… I was overwhelmed and didn't know what to say. I genuinely look forward to seeing them in the future.

I know you're afraid that I'm angry about what you did. But do you want to know why killing is against our code? It's because I killed, once, before you were around. He was a criminal, and I saw no other choice at the time, but I felt immeasurably guilty that his mother was now raising his young children. Anyway, just know that I don't hold it against you- I've seen KF-Cam footage of the incident (don't tell him his emblem has a camera in it, by the way) and all evidence points to it being a necessary evil. He was threatening your sons. I would kill for you, and I wouldn't hold you to a standard that I, myself, cannot meet.

While we're on the topic- I didn't know you had powers. I assume, from the fact that you've never used it in my presence, and the fact that it can kill people, that it's something you don't like to use. I won't punish you for keeping it from me- just make sure nobody is unnecessarily hurt by it.

I've transferred your money as requested, and have taken the liberty of setting up monthly transfers of extra 'allowance' to help you live comfortably. I won't use it to track you, since I know that would break your trust in me.

Agatha, daughter, please take care- be cautious, even if it seems too paranoid. Always keep a phone, weapon, and spare mask on your person- you don't want old enemies finding you again. I would also suggest making some change to your appearance to better conceal yourself.

Last of all, I want you to find a city, settle there, and make a new group of friends. I know I'm not one to talk about being social, but take it from someone who's turned his back on friendly help/advice too many times: friends that you can rely on are the most valuable resource you can have. Find a few and bond with them- the Team will understand.

But NO BOYS. I mean it.

Be safe and be happy, Gatzi. You're out on your own now, so unfortunately I can't be there to protect you- though I suppose I've done a fairly lousy job of it so far. I'll handle everything on this end and make a cover story for you. You just worry about your sons.

I have one more thing to ask of you: tell the twins about me. I want them to know me at least somewhat when we meet again. I do love them, Aggie, and please let them know that.

If you ever need anything at all, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

I love you.


A tear fell from her eye and she didn't care. Her faith in her father was restored tenfold, and she was touched. He cared about her, but he also cared enough to know when to let her go- at least for a while, until she was ready to face him again. He didn't hate her for what she did.

Knowing that she had a welcoming home to fall back on should things turn bad for her small family was immensely comforting, and she now felt that she could, in fact, do this. He was right- she did need to find herself and forgive herself for letting her babies get taken from her. She needed to take a break from the team that had seen too much of the dark side she regretted possessing.

But now she was sure that, whatever happened, everything would be okay.

A big grin on her face, Agatha ran into the living room and swept Timmy into her arms, the child giggling happily.

"D'you know what, little man?" She asked as she held him close. "We're going to be just fine!" The glee she felt from being able to honestly say that completely filled her. "We're going to be okay!" The baby gurgled and weakly punched her chin. She just laughed and tickled under his. "Our little family is going to be perfectly fine!"

Line Break

Agatha woke up at seven the next morning, one infant snugly nestled into each of her sides. She smiled despite her tiredness and snuck out into the kitchen to grab some cereal before the twins woke up for their feeding. She scanned the bus schedule again and again, double-checking her plan and making sure everything was in order. Then she slipped into some plain civvies- jeans and a breastfeeding shirt- and packed all of their clothing into the single duffle bag she'd bought with the money Bruce had sent.

By the time all of that was taken care of, Damian was fussing and squirming. Hearing his cries, she dropped her hairbrush into the bag and picked him up, settling his heavy head on her shoulder. His chubby little cheek was squished against her shoulder, and drool slipped out of the corner of his mouth. Spotting the wet spot on her shirt, she chuckled with an exasperated sigh.

"Can't wear anything nice with you, can I?" She teased. Her son grunted and cooed hungrily. "I know, I know. Don't worry, breakfast is ready." She sat on the couch and put the boppy pillow around her waist, positioning him and beginning to breastfeed him. He ate greedily for nearly ten minutes before falling asleep, still attached to her.

"Oh, Dami." She crooned fondly, putting the rag over her shoulder and burping him. She felt the warmth of the spit-up he produced, thankful that she'd bought the burp she laid him back beside his twin and grabbed Timothy to repeat the process.

By nine, she had them both dressed for the chilly weather and was ready to depart. She made a final payment to the owner of the apartment, strapped the twins into their stroller, pulled on a baggy hoodie, and threw the duffle over her shoulder.

Then she walked to the nearest bus stop, where she boarded the first bus to Jump City.

AAANDDD… Scene! Lame ending, right? I just felt like doing something domestic and simple, so I wrote it!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I enjoyed writing it! :D

Alright, so- let's talk sequel. Want one? It would mostly detail Aggie's life raising the twins with the Titans, and would, of course, feature her relationship with male!Starfire- I love this pairing, and she does need someone to fall in love with! Wally would be too weird, considering he's like her older brother, so…. Yeah. Why get creative when the comics/cartoons provide it for you?

Anywho, tell me your stance on a sequel in either a review or by voting on the poll I'm putting on my bio! I'm eager to see what ya'll want!

If the sequel is green-lighted, I'll post the first chapter on February 20th- so mark it on your calendars! ;)

Thank you for reading, favoriting, following, and reviewing! You guys are the absolute best! I loved writing this story, and, should you choose it, I would love writing a sequel! Have a fabulous day!

God bless!
