There was a shout from outside the lounge.

Megara Sarkis placed her other earbud in her ear. Her friend Esmeralda Mollenhaur buried herself ever further in The History of Racism in America. Currently, they were sitting in their bedroom with two others, in companionable silence.

The shouts got louder.

Meg sighed. Co-ed dorm buildings were so annoying- guys were so loud. And this was the SECOND floor! The girl's floor! The ground floor and first floor were for guys. The two top floors were for girls! How hard was this to understand? She cranked up the volume of her iPod and leant back on the wall. Damn, that was a hard wall.

Still she could hear the shouts coming from the hallway.

Meg ripped her earbuds out and stood up indignantly. "What in the name of Quasimodo is going on out there?"

"Hey!" the said boy protested. Meg ignored him and stomped over to the door, where she opened it.

She could clearly now hear the chants of "PULL!" Pause. "PULL!" Pause… and a small dragging sound. "PULL!"

You get the idea.

Rapunzel ran over to the door, squealing excitedly, "What's pull? Is it some kind of war cry?" she asked, clapping her hands.

Meg rolled her eyes and yanked on a piece of the girl's blonde hair.

"Ow!" Rapunzel yelped. "What was that for?"

"That's pull." Meg deadpanned. Rapunzel scrunched up her face in confusion, but soon got it. "Ohhhhh…."

Meg poked her head out of the doorway. Five figures, plus one lying on the ground, were coming ever closer. Rapunzel ducked down and poked her head out from under Meg's, spying sitcom style.

"What's happening?" Quasimodo Hulce wandered. He knelt on the floor and poked his head out from under Rapunzel's.

"Oh for God's sakes!" Meg complained. "Are we in some kind of crappy sitcom or something?"

"PULL!" Pause and a small dragging sound. "PULL!" Pause and a small dragging sound. "PULL!"

"What the heck…?" Esmeralda, as the tallest, still had to stand on her tippy-toes to poke her head out from over Meg's.

Meg looked up and down. "God's sakes." she muttered.


The "PULL!" people had finally reached them. It was a Chinese girl, a white girl with very long and very curly red hair and a dark-skinned girl with white hair, dragging Gaston Charier along the dorm corridor. The red head was pulling him along by a rope that was tied around his waist, and the others were yanking his arms. A nerdy guy with huge glasses and a muscly Chinese boy were walking along after them.

"This isn't very necessary…" the nerdy guy put in. The girls ignored him and kept pulling, but when they saw the four heads poking out sitcom style, they stopped. "Oh, hi." the Chinese girl greeted.

Esmeralda stepped into the doorway. The three others broke their spying. "Explanation." Esmeralda said simply, waving her hand over the current situation.

"Oh, we're teaching Charier a lesson." the Chinese girl said airily. "I'm Fa Mulan, but call me Mulan, and that there is Merida Dunbroch and Kida Nedakh." She indicated the redhead and the dark-skinned white-haired girl respectively. "And the guys are Li Shang, call him Shang, and Milo Thatch."

"OK…" Meg said slowly, turning her attention to the males in the group.

"JUSTICE!" Esmeralda exclaimed, applauding enthusiastically.

"So, is this the first time?" Shang was asking the nerdy guy, Milo.

"Look guys, you don't have to do this." Milo replied.

"But we want to." Kida replied.

"Seriously!" Milo protested. "I don't want to be patronised."

"Would you rather we let you get beat up?" Mulan challenged, hand on her hip.

"And you're so cute!" Meg mocked. The guy shot her an impressively condescending look for some nerd shorter than her.

Esmeralda looked down. "Why did you drag him on the floor? Then he can see up all our skirts." She indicated her purple gypsy skirt.

"First, we're wearing pants." Merida indicated her green sweatpants and white T-shirt. "Secondly, we tied a blindfold."

"Hey, sweethearts." Gaston Charier said suddenly, pushing up his blindfold.

"Damn…" Kida muttered. "I didn't think he'd wake up so fast…"

"Hey, ladies. Mind negotiating with your friends here?" Gaston attempted to muster a charming smile, while staring up at them in a very creepy way.

Meg kicked the spike heel of her stiletto boots up his balls. Gaston yelled in pain and winced, tears in his eyes as his face turned red. Quasimodo applauded, Rapunzel looked on in unhealthy excitement. Esmeralda snickered, knelt down and tied the blindfold back on. Merida got a roll of duct tape and wound it round and round the blindfold.

"Will you be able to get that off?" Shang asked.

"Probably not, Shang." Merida shrugged, applying more. Shang didn't seem to care much.

"What's happening?" Kronk asked as he walked along the corridor.

"Nothing!" they shouted, jumping in front of the still-yelling and wincing Gaston.

Kronk nodded and smiled stupidly. "OK…" Suddenly he gasped as the smell of burning and the sound of beeping reached the students. "My spinach puffs!" He dashed off.

"Kronk…" the (very very very) mature student, Yzma, shouted, attempting to chase him. "I told you not to make spinach puffs in the microwave!"

Naveen Maldon and Flynn Rider approached them. "Yeah!" Flynn cheered. "Someone showed that asshole a lesson!" He pointed at the captured Gaston.

"Yeah. Great. Now, as I was saying," Naveen replied. "You just gotta love those curves on that chick- she's so perfectly amazing- I don't even know how to describe her… ohhhh…"

"This isn't your floor." Tiana Rose demanded, glaring at the guys (well, the ones who were standing up). She looked at the shifty group assembled in front of her. "What's going on in here?"

"Nothing!" they shouted, once again simultaneously jumping in front of a now silent Gaston.

Tiana was smarter than Kronk though, and actually peered round the wall of students. "Oh. It's Charier." she deadpanned. "I'll let it slide."

Naveen waved to her. She rolled her eyes and walked off.

"By the way." Meg called. "He was talking about your ass." She indicated Naveen.

Tiana scowled furiously, turned around immediately, strode back towards the group and smacked Naveen across the face, then left without another word.

"Damn, better luck next time, man." Flynn snorted, laughing at his unfortunate friend. Said friend was rubbing his face, but smiling.

"Hey, at least she's acknowledging I exist." Naveen reasoned. "Hey, Tiana!" He ran off, calling for her. "Tiana, Tiana, I'm sorry! Tiana!"

"Optimism." Meg sighed. "Oh, what a dangerous thing it is."

"Later, you two." Mulan waved at them, then they continued on their way.

"PULL!" Small dragging sound. "PULL!" Small… you get it.

"Milo, you can always come to me, or any of us guys if this happens again…"

"HELP!" Flynn Rider was shouting, knocking on the door of Esmeralda and Meg's dorm. "Do any of you know first-aid?"

"DON'T OPEN THE DOOR, I'M CHANGING!" Esmeralda shouted in alarm.

"It was an accident!" a Southern voice protested. "I didn't mean to!"

Esmeralda finished changing, and gave Meg the OK to open the door. Meg opened it. Standing in her doorway was Flynn propping up an out-of-it Naveen while holding a bloody cloth to his head, with an apologetic Tiana in their wake.

"What did you do?" Meg demanded of the Louisianan.

"Well, he wouldn't leave me alone, so I had to take desperate measures…" Tiana trailed off miserably, looking suitably embarrassed. "I smacked him and he bumped his head into the corner… but I guess I did smack him…"

"Tut tut tut." Meg mocked. "Not appropriate behaviour for a hall… person. Anyway, you have authority, and should not act like this."

"That was lame." Esme commented. "What happened to your snark?"

"Do you have an ice-pack?" Flynn asked in alarm.

"No." Meg answered.

"Actually, I have a first aid kit." Esme produced the said kit from under her bed.

"OK… does it have an ice-pack?" Flynn pressed on.

"Um, yeeeaahhh…I have a Make-Your-Own ice pack." Esmeralda pulled out a gold and hot-pink striped sock and a small freezer box.

"Why do you randomly have a freezer box?" Flynn looked confused.

"More importantly." Tiana placed her hand on her hip. "Why would you put it in a sock?"

"It's a clean sock!" Esmeralda defended.


"Never mind." Meg huffed as her friend placed the ice-sock on Naveen's head. "I'm surrounded by crazy people…"

Flynn dragged him into the room and lay his friend on Meg's bed. "Hey! I just changed my sheets.. and you've got blood all over them… TIANA ROSE, YOU OWE ME A NEW SET OF SHEETS! GET THE FITTED KIND!"

"Sugar, I don' have money!"

"He'll pay." Flynn pointed to his friend. Naveen nodded sleepily, not registering the fact that he was paying someone.

"Come on!" Esmeralda protested. "That's not fair… he's totally out of it."

Flynn scoffed before she could cry 'JUSTICE!'. "A deal is a deal. And he's rich enough."

"But-!" Esmeralda indicated the passed-out man on Meg's bed. "Just…look-!"

"Mmmph." Naveen muttered. "Tianaaaa… baby… love… curves…ass… racial diversity…"

A tanned, dark-haired man was running around the hallways, screaming blue bloody murder as a slim Greek girl with a huge brown curly ponytail chased him, whipping him with a sheet. People poked their heads out of doors, wondering what the noise was.

A certain Esmeralda Mollenhaur walked out of the shower, dressed in pyjamas. "What's happening…?" she wondered, staring in awe at the students crowded around.

Just then she saw two figures approach, one chasing the other. "Oh no." she groaned, seeing who it was.