Disclaimer- All Characters involved belong to Bioware and EA

This is a story I just thought up randomly. I wanted to show what a nerdy Jack would be like. This Jack is completely different from the one in Mass Effect. She's shy, quiet and introverted. She's also good friends with Miranda. This whole thing is about how she reacts to being asked on a date by Shepard. ENJOY!

He was 17 years old and the king of the school, Mr Perfect in just about every way imaginable. He's strong, atehletic, charismatic, charming, good looking etc. Sean Shepard was good at just about anything he chose to do and he knew it. It also caused a lot of people to worship him in some form or another. Men wanted to be him and women wanted to be with him.

The register had just been taken and now Samara allowed the students to talk. Immediately Shepard was swarmed by an army of females of many races. Turian, Asari, human and Quarian each surrounded him with the same lustful look in their eyes. The fuss they caused over him was quite audible and to many it was rather annoying. But eventually, all grew accustomed to the noise since they all realised it was unavoidable.

Sean never made any attempt to dismiss the women; in fact he embraced their cheers and adoration with open arms. He had a selection to choose from, whether it was for a date, to be his girlfriend or simply sex. He was set, all he had to do was ask and they were putty in his hands. He also set some of his friends up with the girls but after a while Garrus, Kaidan, James, Jacob and Grunt gained some semblance of his status. Steve was the only one who didn't care.

The women who surrounded him were considered to be some of the most beautiful in the school including Liara T'Soni, Gabriella Daniels, Kelly Chambers, Kasumi Goto, Tali Zorah and others including Dahlia and Nassana Dantius. He wore his usual arrogant smirk and made no eye contact with any of them and revelled in the amount of power he was in possession of. They loved him.

That included a certain dark, brown haired girl who looked on from afar. She tossed sly looks in his direction whilst attempting to read her book. She adjusted her glasses and brushed a stray bit of her ponytail aside. Her hair was slightly unkempt and was pushed back at her right ear by her amp. She licked at the warm metal that comprised her braces

Jack had a bunch of data pads laying in front of her just waiting to be read. Including the new Blasto and Hulk comic, the new Justice League comic, Conrad Verner: Dark Energy Theorem, Justicar Weekly and the Citadel News net update. But no matter how hard she tried to focus on her 'fun' reading she couldn't help but take a peep at him.

She just wished that her eyes would meet his beautiful brown ones and that they'd instantly just share the connection. But every time she tried some girls ass or back was in the way.

He was in almost all of her classes: chemistry, biology, physics, maths, ICT, Art, History, English Lit and Language. They were even in the same PE class but they never had an actual conversation. The only class they didn't share was weapons tech. She was invisible to him and it unnerved her to no end.

Jack's thoughts were interrupted by someone's bag landing on her desk causing her to put her hand over her mouth and yelp. She looked up at who did it.

"Sam I told you to stop doing that"

Samantha Traynor stood over her best friend with a grin. I love that I can still make her jump "Sorry it was the only way to get your attention"

"How about 'Hey Jack how is it going'"

"And deny myself the pleasure of seeing you jump like that"

"You are a vindictive shrew you know that" Jack stated

"'Shrew?'. Jack dear you do realise that it isn't 17th Century England"

"Sam, I was enjoying my fun reading"

"Really… what are you reading?"

"Conrad Verners dissertation on dark energy and Blasto the new issue"

"I've read that, it's really interesting, his ideas on the mass effect and how it could be used to create mass relays is really cool. And you should get to the part where he reaches the Shroud Facility"

"Hey I am going to get to that. Do not ruin it for me"

Sam stuck her tongue out before letting Jack return to her reading. But Sam just couldn't resist teasing her "Sean is so hot isn't he" she whispered into her ear.

Jack almost dropped the datapad on the floor in shock "Sam I am trying to read here"

"By all means continue your 'fun' I'm just thinking out loud"

Jack blushed furiously and used one of the books before her to hide it. "I-I—I had n-not n-noticed"

"Really, because I could have sworn that you were ogling him" Traynor uttered

She is so evil. "I was looking at something else" Jack lied

"Oh something else she says. You were just admiring Tali's hips or Liara's ass then? Because I know I was" Sam interrogated.

"I was not even looking at him" Jack defended

"So you haven't noticed his sexy black, skin tight tank top he's wearing"

"It is white"

"I thought you weren't looking" I've got her now

Realising that she had just talked herself into a corner she opened her book and hid behind it. Behind it was a scarlet faced teenage girl embarrassed by her best friend. They were approached by another girl. She wore a grey Adidas tracksuit with pink stripes. In her hand was a Nike sports bag which she dropped on the ground. It opened slightly, revealing a pair of pom-poms

"Miranda" Sam cheered. But the Australian born human focused on her best friend who was hiding behind her book

"Sam what did you do this time?"

"I didn't do anything. I caught her staring at Sean and she's embarrassed" Traynor cooed the last part

"I am not… I'm just struggling to read so I need a closer look"

"Isn't that what your glasses are for Jack" Sam countered

"Sam leave her alone. And trust me Jack. I've hung out with his lot. You're not missing much" Miranda assured

Of course you have hung out with them. You are so beautiful and sexy, why would they not let you join. Me, I am flat as a board, my butt has no shape. My face is too bony, lips too big and I am punk wannabe. It's my fault for listening to my mom and letting her give me that makeover

"Besides Sean is a self-entitled asshole. You deserve better than someone like him" Miranda said patting Jack on the back.

Her attraction to him was something her friends didn't totally understand. Sure to them it may have been the case of the geek girl worshipping the jock. But to her it was so much more. I have watched him, a lot of the time he has that arrogant look on his face. But I have seen the cracks in the façade. He looks unhappy, bored maybe even disinterested. He does not want to be there.

"Come on Sam give him more credit than that" Miri defended

"Really! The one time that I voluntarily spoke to him he walked away when I said I only dated girls."

"To be honest most guys are like that"

"Was Kaidan?" Traynor inquired

Miranda didn't blush like her best friend. She never did that sort of thing; she was always in control of her emotions. But the fact that Traynor knew about Kaidan was a shock to her. She merely cocked an eyebrow

"Did he inform you of this?"

"No, I just saw you glaring daggers at Gabby when she flirted with him. For someone who's so in control of themselves; you sure are jealous"

Miranda scowled at the fact she was betrayed by her own emotion "What Kaidan and I do is none of your concern. Besides do you really think Gabby could compete with me" Miranda defended before growling about letting her feelings get the better of her.

"Wow! All I said was that I know about you and Kaidan and you do that"

"Let's drop the issue" Miranda huffed

"Don't have a hissy fit over this. You're prettier when you smile" Sam teased "And for your information was that SHE flirted with him. Not the other way around"

Jack chanced a glance at Sean's table and was surprised to see that he was looking their direction. He is probably looking at the cheerleader. She tried to focus on her reading but his stare kept on breaking her concentration.

The wall of asses had now moved and he was no longer obstructed from their view. Jack, for what she thought was a quick second looked Sean in the eye. He smirked and winked at her.

She nosedived into her datapads in order to hide the stain of her cheeks. No way! Was that directed at me? Quick I have to do something cool… should I throw up a piece sign or say something hip… oh god I just used the word hip.

"What's with the blush… did he do something?" Sam guessed

"He winked at her. He obviously likes what he sees" Miranda observed

"Quick guys what am I supposed to do. I have his interest I do not want to lose it" Jack almost begged. She began her nervous habit of chewing her hair.

Miranda and Samantha looked to each other before laughing. "Firstly relax and take that hair out of your mouth." Sam reached for her ponytail and gently tugged it from her teeth "He may be a man whore but he isn't a child. He thinks you're pretty. That should hold him for a few days"

Miranda cleared her throat "What our physically challenged friend is trying to say" she jabbed causing Sam to punch her arm "Is that he probably wants to talk to you and will likely try to do so soon"

Jack stared at the two of them with her jaw on the floor. Her mouth was open and she was struggling to find any words. What am I going to do. I will probably end up hyperventilating or have an asthma attack or something along those lines. Please tell me my mom packed my inhaler with me.

"Jack dear at some point you're going to have to make a choice. I say you just sleep with him and get it over with. I mean if what some of the girls that he and I have been with say is any indication then he's a very good…"

Jack put her hands in her ear and starts saying LALALA. This caused Sam to raise her voice and Jack did also. Sam then tried to remove her hands from her ears. Miranda merely sat with her eyes closed and her fingers rubbing the bridge of her knows

"I can't believe that these two are my closest friends."

The three of them heard someone clear their throat. Jack and Samantha too busy struggling to notice that he was directly behind them. He tapped Jack's shoulder and she slowly turned.

Her mouth hung open like a drawbridge as she sat in front of her crush. "Hi" he greeted

"Sean what's going on?" Lawson wondered

"Did your whore squad finally find something better to do?" Traynor snapped

Shepard looked toward the Brit and scowled "What's your problem with me Traynor. Angry that I took your last girlfriend"

Before Sam could insult Sean again Miranda interrupted. "Why are you here? Did you want to talk?"

Sean turned his glare away from Samantha and returned his focus to Miranda. "Actually I came to talk to… Jennifer"

"Her name is Jack" Sam corrected not hiding the annoyance in her voice

"Sorry… it's just that your name's never came up before"

All Jack could do was being dumbstruck at the fact that he was even considering speaking to her. "The bells is about to ring and I have weapons tech next. I wanted to see if you wanted to have lunch today"

Jack's expression never changed once and she continued to stare. Not wanting her friend's opportunity wasted Miranda decided to step in "She'd love to". Jack nodded in agreement after shutting her mouth.

"Cool so what have you got now? I'll meet you outside your class"

Jack suddenly found her voice but she sounded too forceful and eager "I have a free period. I will be in the common room". Her tone caused Sean to cock an eyebrow. A few snickers could be heard coming from his entourage.

Great now he probably thinks I'm some crazy loser. Wait a minute I am a loser.


I cannot believe that Sean Shepard actually asked me out. Ok he did not actually ask me out. It is the closest thing to a date I have ever had. I know that I am a geek. I have never had sex, a boyfriend or even kissed anyone. Yeah Sam will even admit to being a nerd she can at least get a girl. Besides Sam is gorgeous whereas I am so plain. To make things worse he will probably ask me for help in class since I am the class nerd just about everywhere I go.

"Jack, snap out of it. Sean will be back here in 3 hours and we need to get you prepped" Traynor urged

"Yeah we'll probably only get one shot at this" Miranda added

"I am not so sure about this… what if I end up embarrassing myself" Jack confessed

Sam had to bite her tongue to prevent her from teasing since she realised how serious this was for Jack. "Look, if you don't do this you'll likely end up regretting it for a long time. This could well be your only chance with him. At least try to talk to him"

"You are right, it is not like we are in any relationship that could potentially be wrecked" Jack admitted

"Our relationship is barely platonic." Jack smiled at Sam who started glaring at her since she was still biting her tongue

"Hopefully it could blossom into something more meaningful and everlasting" Jack smirked towards Samantha. Miranda caught on to what Jack was doing.

"I have not got anything to lose."

"Except for your…" Miranda put her hand over Sam's mouth to prevent her from speaking

"You were goading her on purpose weren't you? She would have pounced on that first comment but she kept her mouth shut."

Jack giggled at Sam. "At that point it was a game. If she gave in she lost and she knew that. And she fell for my trap MWAHAHAHA" she did a fake evil villains laugh

Despite the childish nature of her two friends Miranda found herself laughing. She wasn't normally one for juvenile antics but for those two she made an exception. "I don't even know why we need to give her pointers. If she acts like herself then he has to love her"

Jack blushed at the cheerleader's praise. "With the two of you it is so easy. But with him I… I cannot seem to catch my breath and words escape me"

"Just relax around him and you should be alright" Sam assured.

Sam and Miranda looked to one another and nodded "Jack I know Sean very well. He isn't the relationship kind of guy. He isn't exactly a user. He's always upfront with girls and he's very honest. But he chases what he wants and if he's very forward don't be surprised. But most importantly do not let me press you into doing anything you'd never do" Miri assured.

"You mean like…." Jack began to blush as her train of thought ran away

"Kiss him, screw him, tattoo his name on your body, get piercings, cover your body in tattoos, become a punk etc." Sam listed off. Miranda gave Sam a glare to which she raised her hands defensively

The next half hour was spent trying to get rid of Jacks stutter when Sean was involved. It was like shock therapy. Miranda showed her pictures of Sean topless and she nearly had a heart attack. Once she could look at the picture without a blush and she could verbalise her feelings for him they felt that, that section of preparation was complete.

"OK now that you can talk to him. We need to work on a couple of things" Miranda and Samantha examined her. Jack took her glasses off and wiped them but not before almost dropping them to the ground.

"She's so adorable" Sam cooed "She's so nerdy that its cute. I mean look at her. She has the glasses, the inhaler, inward facing feet and the braces."

She began to look deflated "Is that not what we are trying to fix here."

An idea popped into Miranda's head "Actually no it isn't. You can use that to your advantage. I think part of the reason he wants to know you is because you're different. From the others and we can use that to our advantage. He's used to girls falling all over him and throwing themselves at him and in all honesty acting stupid in order to appease him"

"Are you sure about the acting part. I've heard what they say and part of me thinks they are genuinely that stupid" Sam interjected

"No it's an act. Kelly Chambers is one of the smartest people my age I've ever spoken to. I've never understood her need to play dumb… But we're getting side tracked. The bottom line is that your… 'quirkiness' could be used to your advantage"

"So I should act like a total nerd?"

"Who said you'd be acting" Jack gave Traynor a glare "What? Jack you are a nerd. Just be yourself. You shouldn't have to act around this guy. If he doesn't like you for you then he isn't worth your time" Sam stated. This guy had better treat her right!

They spent the next half hour trying to convince her to use more contractions and speak in a less formal manner. There were some cringe worthy moments when Jack attempted to use slang. Sam and Miranda couldn't believe what they were hearing. Sam also tried to get Jack to start cursing more. Something which Jack fought fervently. All that was left was to fix up her appearance.

"Are you sure about this? I am pretty sure that makeup will not make me look any better"

"Jack we aren't going to smother you with it. You're already very pretty so we won't even need to apply much."

"If you think it will help. But no foundation, I am allergic to the pigment inside it"

"The last thing we need to do is run a brush threw your hair and we'll be done"


"I am telling you Sam. Blasto could not possibly have survived the explosion when the Catalyst blew everything up. Having him alive afterward just doesn't make sense" Jack argued

"If you want to pick apart what doesn't make sense then let's go. How did he survive laser beam that destroyed his convoy. And how did he say goodbye to his squad without Harbinger ripping them in half." Sam countered

"Those are just some of the problems but what I am saying is that Blasto 3 Part 6: Assault on Kahje was way worse than any other Blasto movie"

"Are you forgetting Blasto 2 Part 6. The one where he breaks into the vault on Bekenstein. The one where he recruits the engineer on Haelstrom"

"That was much earlier in the movies development of course they were going to have budget restrictions about what they could do. But Assault on Kajhe had the biggest budget and it still sucked"

In the midst of their heated argument they completely failed to realise that someone was there. That was until he cleared his throat.

Jack was wearing a hoodie so he couldn't see her face properly but he could still tell it was her. "So Traynor is your cute friend around?" Sean asked

Jack was giddy on the inside He thinks I am cute! I better not screw this up… I am right here… I should probably say it out loud instead of in my head.

"I am right hee-re" she tripped over her feet as she stood up and landed on the floor beside Sean. She raised a hand in the air "I'm okay, I'm okay". She drew quite a bit of attention to herself. The students at adjacent tables laughed at her clumsiness. Great, now he thinks that I am a loser.

Sam face palmed and shook her head. Despite herself she still found herself smiling. She's too cute. Judging from the smile on Shepard's face then he's thinking the same thing

He grabbed her hand and began pulling her up. Her hoodie fell from her head revealing her face to Sean. He was shocked at how she looked. She still had that same pale complexion but her blemishes were covered up. She had her eyebrows drawn to suit the slits that were cut into them. Her hair was styled so that it had a side fringe but it was still tucked behind her ear revealing her amp. She had blood red lipstick on her pouty lips.

She stared at Sean with some confusion. Why is he staring at me like that?

"Don't the two of you have a lunch date? In case you haven't noticed you have a time limit"

"Oh yeah that's right. We should really head towards the spot" Shepard snapped out of his trance. He grabbed Jack's hand and guided her.


What Jack and Sean didn't know was the Miranda and Samantha had put a listening bug in Jack's bag. They were following them from a distance.


Fighting the stutter that threatened to ruin her chances Jack asked "S-So where are you taking me?"

"There's this fountain just outside the Central Building. I thought it would be a good place for us to hang out"

The rest of the walk there was in complete silence. It was due to nerves on Jack's side since she had no idea what to talk about whereas Sean just didn't want to.

They reached the fountain and Sean sat down at the bench. Jack was fidgeting with her fingers and spent a lot of time staring at her shoes. And now we are completely alone. No one here to interrupt us… What if he's expecting us to have sex? No way I'm doing that with him yet… did I just say yet? Oh God

Miranda- Good they've finally reached the fountain. Sam I think we should blend in with the crowd

Samantha- Miri you're being overprotective. Jack will be fine

M- This is literally her first date. I want to be here in case something bad happens.

S- Sean may be an ass but I doubt that he'll try anything on her.

M- Sean won't press too far. What I'm worried about is his groupies getting involved. I just texted Tali asking where Sean was. He told them that he was in the gym with Kaidan and Garrus

S- I'll bet they won't be happy with Jack for stealing their man

M- That's why I'm going to be here

Meanwhile off in the distance Sean and Jack were sitting by the fountain. Jack was still staring at her shoes

"You know this might go better if you actually look me in the eyes" Sean smirked. Jack slowly faced him and smiled sheepishly

"You look really good you know that" he smirked.

"Wow… thanks, I was really worried you would think I was a bit unusual"

"Really… why would you think that?" he had a look on his face that said 'go on this should be good'

"Um… well" Jack began fidgeting a lot more. "The weather… is it not… um… warm" she tried to change the subject

"I guess" Sean gave her a questioning look

They sat in an uncomfortable silence waiting for someone to say something. I need to say something or else he will get bored! Come on brain remember what Sam said, avoid the nerdy stuff like Blasto, Dark Energy, Marvell, DC, video games, anime, star wars…. Oh my god what are we going to talk about.

"Are you okay over there? You look like you're about to have a panic attack" he teased

Jack laughed nervously. "No, no I am fine… I am just a little nervous"

"Do you always do that… you know speak in full sentences"


"And yet you still use informal language"

"A lot of the time yes" Jack responded very quickly. Remember what Samantha told me. Try and use more slang. I mean it's not that hard. Just use words like mofo, coolio, phat and trippin'.

Just as Jack was about to speak Sean butted in "Good then you're not like Tali. She tries to use slang but it doesn't sound right. I prefer it when she talks normally"

S- This is bad, he's talking about other girls. He's losing interest.

M- I know what to do.

Miranda took out her omni-tool. Please tell me that you never changed your ringtone.

Jack's omni-tool began to ring. She had put it in her bag so she had to reach inside to try and answer. Whilst she was searching Sean began nodding along to the song.

"And they high off Shakespeare lines." Sean sang along with near perfect pitch.

"There's enough to pass around you don't gotta wait in line.
And the clocks don't work, you don't gotta check the time"

Whilst she searched Jack found herself singing as well "And the blinds don't work you don't gotta check the skies. We'll be going all night, til light" Jack didn't find her omni-tool in time. The song was finished but they continued to sing

"I've got a test for you.
You say you want my heart
Well baby you can have it all
There's just something that I need from you
Is to meet my boys
I've got a lot of boys
And we can make you right
And if you get too high
Baby come over here and ride it out, ride it out"

Sean looked at Jack with great surprise. "Damn I never pegged you as a Weeknd fan"

"Initiation is one of my favourite songs" Jack responded

"I never thought that I'd meet someone who wasn't strictly into club music crap"

The only person I know who isn't into that sort of thing is Miranda but she mainly listens to classical music and that puts me to sleep"

M- Lying twat told me that he loved Bach

S- Here's a tip Miri. If a guy tells you specifically he loves classical music. Then he's lying and trying to sleep with you

"Yeah I love the Weeknd." Jack said rather dreamily. Sean rolled his eyes but still wore a comforting smile

"Let me guess you love how he looks"

"No I love his voice. It's just so… soothing, intoxicating and… sexy" she sighed out of admiration.

"Wow Jack I really never expected this side of you. I asked Miranda about you but she always told me to ask you"

"Really! You've asked about me"

S- Way to sound like a fan girl Jack

"Yeah, I found you interesting. You were always sort of isolated, shy and weird"

So his interest in me was simply because I'm a freak. Of course he wasn't genuinely interested. He just wanted a front row seat to the freak show.

"But the main reason that I came to talk to you was that I thought that it's a shame that such a very beautiful woman like you doesn't have a man in her life" Sean smirked

S- Nice way to make a girl feel special

M- I think I'm going to be sick

S- Green with envy is such a terrible colour on you Miranda

M- More like green with sickness

"Oh" was all Jack could utter "Um… t-thank you"

"You're welcome"

"So you listen to the Weeknd. He isn't that popular nowadays. Then again his music is from 200 years ago. I didn't think I'd meet another person who liked his music"

"Sam's into that sort of thing as well"

"Sam Traynor?"

"Yeah she was the one who introduced us"


"Yeah, Abel and I… duh" Jack smiled. Her smile is gorgeous. Is she wearing braces?

"Of course how could I be so dense" Sean joked

"What are your favourite songs?" Jack asked

"Let me see… I'm going with… Loft Music… Birds Part I and II… and Same Old Song" Sean said

"I am going to have to go with… Initiation, Or Nah, Twenty Eight and Wicked Games"

"Nice! But Or Nah really, the only reason I know about that song is because of how explicit the song is. I couldn't believe that someone could be that direct about that sort of thing in their lyrics. It's the main reason it's on my playlist"

"Playlist for what?"

"You know…"

"No I really do not" Jack answered rather innocently

S- She cannot possibly be this innocent

M- It's Jack, anything's possible with her

"Sex… it's on my sex playlist"

Jack's eyes shot open and her entire face was covered in a scarlet red blush. "Oh… I-I-I d-did not know you c-could um" she gulped "… make a playlists for…. that" she staggered over her words

"Yeah you can"

"That is… umm" Jack furrowed her brows together and in doing so she also made her eyes look bigger.

"What's the matter are you…" Sean began but soon found his words failing. Her mouth was slightly agape and she put her finger over her bottom lip. She looked him in the eye with a longing gaze. The light coming from the artificial lights made her eyes shinier and lighter.

Damn she looks so damn beautiful right now. Is she playing me? Nah I doubt that she has it in her but I'll be damned if it isn't working.

Jack remained where she sat, confused about what was going on. "I'm sorry it's just that look on your face. You looked really… cute" Sean whispered the last part so she couldn't hear. She was meant to be the one who was fawning all over me and becoming speechless.

They proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes talking about music. They had a lot in common in terms of music with the two of them preferring R&B and Soul. I might have had this girl wrong. I'm actually starting to have fun on this date

S- Lunch is almost over and there's still no sign of his groupies

M- Let's hope that nothing happens in the next two minutes

The bell rang and it brought the two of them back to reality. I don't want this to be over. I'm finally talking to Sean and this could be my only chance to even hang out with him.

"Looks like our time's up. Too bad, it's been fun" Sean said as he packed his bags up.

"Yeah it really has. I would like to do it again" Jack confessed. Sean pulled her in for a hug one which Jack had gladly accepted.

S- You see Miri, Jack's had her dream date, no one's messed it up and I've successfully wasted 30 minutes of my life.

M- Please! If we hadn't been here you would've spent the entire lunch talking and worrying about how she's doing. And in case you hadn't noticed we gave them something to talk about

Sean pulled away from Jack and planted a little peck on her cheek.

S- At least he gave her something to cherish

As Sean pulled out of the hug Jack got on to her tip toes and planted a small peck on Sean's lips. Although that peck meant nearly nothing to Sean it meant the world to Jack. It was the culmination of years of fantasies and dreams she had, had over the past number of years. She'd thought of what it would be like to kiss him and now she was living one of her dreams.

M- Looks like she took it more than him giving it


"Sorry… I… just"

"Don't be" Sean smiled. I wasn't expecting her to do that. That's a couple of times now that this girl has surprised me.

"We really should do this again. How about tomorrow" Shepard suggested

"Yes, I would really like that"

Sean walked away from the scene and it was only then that he realised that his heart was pumping. That wasn't exactly what I was expecting. Now that I've got it out of my system I think I should get over it. He licked his lips in order to taste what those soft lips were coloured with. Strawberry my favourite.

Jack was giddy as a child in a chocolate factory. She was on cloud nine and couldn't even realise that her two best friends were trying to speak to her.

"She's gone Miri"

"Let her enjoy the moment. It's not every day that you have your first kiss"

"Well she had better snap out of it soon. I don't think Dr Solus will be happy if she's like this for the next two hours"

The two of them guided Jack to their class whilst she was blissfully unaware of the strange looks she was getting. She was happy and that was all she cared about.

OK that's it. I might add another chapter if I feel like it. Hope you enjoyed reading it. REVIEW!