Chapter Three
Tomorrow Night
(Come See My Dark Side)
Light Smut (cuts off before the do)

Tony signed as he leaned his back against the archway of the back entrance that led to an open valley.

He fucking screwed up again. Like he always does. He should have kept his fuckin mouth shut then he an-

"I'm sorry." He looked up at the person who startled him from his self hating session.

"Steve, you have nothing to be-"

"Yes I do Tony." Steve said, put his arm on the opposite side of the archway.

"I should've known that some of the stuff Maximoff showed would trigger-"

"Look, Steve, I. Am. Fine. Water under the bridge okay." Tony started to walk away before being grabbed by his forearm.

"No, not okay." He pulled Tony to him. "I got angry because I was scared. Because I've lost too many people Tony. I, I can't lose you to. And then after Maximoff messed with our brains, you started acting more suicidal on the battle field. Not saying you are, but it scared me. Because I was scared that what the kid showed me was going to become true." Steve hand both of his hands on Tony's shoulders, slightly shaking him, his eyes glossy with unshed tears.

"Because what I saw was you dying. Over and over again."


Tony couldn't finish because Steve was kissing him. Steve's hand holding his head and his arm around his waist.

Tony gripped the front of Steve's gray muscle shirt, pulling him closer.

Steve threw Tony against the wall of his (technically Barton's) wall. He was the only one that got a room to himself. Thank God for that.

He attacked the mechanics mouth again, pushing his cold palms up the man's black tank top. It was strange not to see the glowing light that would seep through his shirts, but it was a better feeling in his stomach to know that the Ark Reactor wasn't crushing Tony's heart and lungs anymore.

He felt Tony shiver beneath his hands. He pulled back to take of the shirt and smirked as Tony whimpered at the loss of contact with his lips.

Tony grabbed Steve's shirt and pulled him back, kissing him once again as his hands roamed up his shirt, then down before going below Steve's elastic waistband of his sweats.

Steve groaned into Tony's mouth as he moved his hands up Tony's thighs, and sucking at his neck, creating multiple wet and red hickeys.

Tony moaned, moving his hands from Steve's pants and buried them in the soft blonde hair. Steve hiked up his thighs making Tony wrap them around his waist, his arms around Steve's shoulders.

Steve, still leaving hickeys across Tony's neck and chest, walked them over to the bed, flopping them on it. He sat up on his knees to take off his shirt then attack Tony's lips once more. His hands started at Tony's shoulders, going down, massaging every inch of skin they could touch.

Tony arched into every touch, clutching the fabric of the bed sheets by his head.

"Steve." He moaned lowly as he rolled his hips upward. He felt the hands slowly outline the top of his jeans before unzipping them.

"Yes Tony?" Oh god, the low, husky, voice turned him even more.

"L-" Tony sucked in his breath as Steve hands wondered down, inside the unzipped jeans.

"Lube. Do you ha-" Tony moaned before he could finish, feeling teeth scraping down his chest.

"No." Steve said, sucking at one of Tony's nipples. "But I found some butter in the kitchen."

Tony nodded. Wait, that meant Steve had been planning thi- He quickly grabbed the headboard, moaning as he felt Steve around him.

(I suck at smut. I am so sorry)