(Rated M for sex in later chapters. Will eventually turn into Klena)

(Damon is dying of a werewolf bite. Stefan is out and trying to find a cure, desparate like the rest of us. Caroline and the others are having a wonderful time trying to cheer up. Katherine is still stuck in there with Klaus. Elijah betrayed us and we can't find him. Oh what is a poor doppelganger to do? The only person I can turn to is the very same person who killed not but a few hours ago. What should I do? There is only one choice and it's to do what I was planning on from the very start of when I heard about Klaus. Surrender.)

I was at Alarics' apartment. Damon was at the Salvatore Boarding house, Stefan was in there and I was here. Probably making the worst mistake in my life. Going inside Alarics' apartment complex, even an inch near Klaus and Katerina. Oh well. Whoever's watching this? Wish me good luck and that I don't die.

My thought was interrupted by the sound of Stefan screaming in agony. I ran in without a second thought, wielding my stake like it was a sword. I was Klaus who had his hand rammed in Stefans' chest and Katherine who was flabbergasted. They stared at me for a second and before either Stefan or Katerina could move, I was pushed up against the wall with Klaus' arm at my throat. I gasped for air but it wouldn't come.

"Ah. So the doppelganger is still alive is she? Well then Stefan, looks like I won't be needing you." Klaus whispered and he took his hand out of his chest and he fell to the floor. I staked Klaus in the chest with my dagger, made out of birch and it was very pointy. He kept eye contact with me and as he did he gently, slowly took his other hand and pulled the stake out of his heart. What! But he should be dead on the floor! I got his heart! What's going on here?!

"Nice try Elena but I cannot be killed. To answer your thoughts. Now why did you make the biggest mistake you could EVER make and come to see me of all people considering that you are still human?" he asked.

"I want help. I want you to heal Damon Salvatore."

"Well I don't know love. I quite enjoy the thought that Damon is suffering for interfering with my plans. You on the other hand might have or might not have helped my plans. Now why don't you sit down and we can discuss this like civilized people?" He said and threw me on the couch, which went flying against the wall. I gasped at the impact. He sat down right in front of me. "Let's get down to business shall we? First what can YOU offer me?"

Everyone stared at me. Stefan and Katherine seemed to be disappointed that I'd showed up. I on the other hand had no clue what I could offer the meanest person alive. The way he seems, there probably isn't much he doesn't have.

"First I need to know what you can do to save Damon. Otherwise there will be no deal making allowed." He snatched my hair in his grasp and I felt a slight tug.

"You are not the one making the rules here my lovely." He said. He pulled my hair so hard I felt a few strands come out. I saw a few of my hairs in his closed palm and glared at him. "I suggest you change your attitude or I will just kill you again." I looked away. "Katerina dear. Come over here."

She walked over and sat down by me. She seemed to motion for me to run. Klaus however was a step ahead. He took her hand and bit down on her wrist, HARD. She screamed in agony and Stefan stood up. He ran over to push Klaus away from us but he just went flying into the wall.

He then bit himself and forced Katherine to drink. His bite left her arm and she was perfectly healed. Good. I know I should hate her but she has been running from Klaus for a long time. I felt bad for her. Then he showed me her arm.

"I've seen it." I said and turned away. He then forced me have eye contact with him. I stared at him. "Now what can you offer me my sweet Elena?"

"I'll come with you. I'm the doppelgänger. You need me. I could be useful."

"Well I do need to find out if I am supposed to kill you or not. So…." He looked at the others and his eyes finally rested on me. "We have a deal." He stood up and collected a bottle. He bit himself and let his blood fall into the glass.

"NO! Take me instead. I insist!" Stefan called. He didn't even look at him. Just continue doing what he was doing. "Please take me and leave her. She just started her life. I'll what you want, I will do as you say. I'll be the Ripper again." He turned around and handed the closed glass to Katherine.

"Katerina I want you to—"

"NO! She'll never take it to—" I was interrupted by Katherine shoving me against the wall.

"Listen here you little bitch—" Klaus ripped her hands away from my neck and threw her to the floor.

"Fine Elena. WE will take it to him and you can say your ONLY goodbyes. How does that sound? Katerina do NOT test me, I could still kill you. We are making an exquisite deal right now." He said and then growled at her. "Lead the way Elena."

So I walked out of the apartment. What I just done? "Oh that's easy. You just made a deal with the devil. You signed your life over to me." He answered from behind me. Oh great. I was with an all-powerful Hybrid and he could read my thoughts as well. What had I done...?

(Should I continue or not? Sorry for the long wait but I wanted to update them all at the same time for everyone.)