Howdy everyone, well met!

Sadly this ain't a long awaited chapter for the story that you may have had decided to follow in the past, so I apologize in advance for the false alarm. But this is a fairly important Notice so do bear with me for a while.

As most of my you probably knows by now; I'm not exactly the type of an Author who wastes a chapter for single Author's Notice, however in this scenario I'm willing to make an Exception.

So with all that being said I'll be as frank with you as possible...

I'm going to abandon few of my stories and those fics are:

- The Harbinger Of Destruction

- Drakengard, Halkeginia

- The Ultimate Zerg Of Zero: Zergling (Will be replaced with something else I had in mind for a long time now)

- The Wings Of Storm

This is a decision that was pretty much a long due by now, since at this point I have absolutely zero inspiration to write any of the ones mentioned above. The situation for Wraith Of Zero and Team SKAR doesn't seem to be looking all that good either as it is now... They are not abandoned completely yet, so I can only hope I find some dedication to write these two in the future.

Still though, can't believe it's already been 3 years since I've started this hobby and how far I've progressed in my writing skills if you were to compare some of my older fics with the standards I have in Seiryuutei.

Although I'm not exactly planning on removing these from the site altogether if only for memories sake, but PM me if someone amongst you feel interested in adopting the fics I'm abandoning.

That's all I have to say for now.

