As the Las Vegas sun peaked through the dark curtains of the hotel room. Savannah's eyes slowly opened as the sound of the busy day was just beginning. Feeling a arm wrapped tightly around her. She shot up. Well tried to as she laid back down moving one leg out of the bed then the other one as they touched the floor. Moving the arm over her head she slips landing her ass on the floor.

"Shit!" She softly whispered hearing movement from the bed as she shot up trying to keep still as the movement stopped. When she placed her hands on her chest, feeling her heart beating fast trying to keep her composure her bladder was telling a different story as she was trying to stand up but felt her legs were sore as hell. Going on her hands and knees crawling to the bathroom. She turned on the light that blinded the hell out of her..

"Damn it! She said as she covered her eyes. Her head was killing her to the point where she wished that she could pee in the dark. She rubbed her eyes as she finished up. Washing her hands she looked up at the big mirror when she seen her self..

"Oh my god! What the hell?!" She said as she washed the smeared mascara from her eyes and tried to brush her messy hair. Noticing she had a glmr kills shirt on. Which was making her think about that fine ass man she was talking to last night, while walking out of the bathroom.

"I wish I would have gotten that fine ass man's number last night. Shoot what was his name? Seth? Colby? I don't remember. He was hot as hell! Cute smile gorgeous brown eyes!" Savannah said to herself walking towards the bed wondering who the fuck was in that bed. Grabbing the sheets pulling them back to reveal a half naked man in her bed..

"What the fuck?!" She said quietly catching herself staring hard at him when she heard the door banging.

"Who the hell could it be this early in the morning!" She said going to the door and there stood Dean with a grin on his face..

"Well if it isn't the blushing bride."

"Huh?! What you talking about blue eyes?!" I'm not a bride, I'm not even engaged!"

"Sav or well Mrs. Rollins.. Where is the old ball and chain. And don't act like you don't remember last night! Let's see if I remember correctly.. "The best fucking night of your life?" Dean said trying to hold a laugh in..

"Wait before I start screaming at you where's your fine ass friend at?"

"Roman? Your husband wouldn't like that you were all about Rollins last night no I'm sorry your puppy last night!"

"No ass! Not lush haired man! The other one! The one with gorgeous eyes! Where's he at?!" Savannah said as her head started hurting again..

"You serious?! He's in your bed! Where else would he be? I mean you two sealed the deal last night! He is your husband after all!"

"Say what?! My husband?! That is not my husband!" She said pointing at the bed.

"Yea you and Rollins got married last night. I have photos and video to prove it!" Dean said laughing when she smacked him..

"Oh my god! I'm married!?" She screamed..

"Oh yeah sunshine you and him tied the knot see!" Dean said holding up the photo of the wedding from the night before..

"Oh my god aghhhhhahhhh!" Savannah yelled moving her hands up and down..

"Yeah you and Seth are well.. I should say again your Puppy because that's what you called him last night." Dean said

"No fucking way I'm married to puppy!" Savannah said covering her face..

"Do you want to see the video?!" Dean said as she yelled again..

"NO!" Her yelling that woke up the man in the bed as he turned to look at her and Dean revealing the half naked man was indeed Seth Rollins.

"Ughhha..." What the hell dude?" He said as he watched Dean and Savannah arguing..

"I don't know what to tell you sunshine but your southern ass is married!" Dean said showing her, her hand with the diamond and the band with it.. It was a pretty purplish rock that was sparkling in her eyes..

"Whoa! That's fucking huge ass ring!"

"Let me quote the groom ok.. "Only the best for my southern belle" Seth wouldn't settle for anything less" Dean said as he smirked as Savannah touched the ring when they both heard Seth...

"Good morning my darling wife." Seth said with the biggest grin as he stretched just right and she noticed the wedding band on his hand..

"So.. So it's true we got married last night?" Savannah said with hesitation.

"Oh yea we did and we had one hell of a honeymoon night my Belle. Now come over here and give your husband a kiss!" Seth said grinning.. Savannah wasn't too sure about this whole thing about getting married in Vegas while drunk but the man was hot and maybe she was still drunk but she still walked over to the bed and in one swift motion, he pulled her to the bed and gave her a passionate wild kiss.

"Ambrose we'll meet up later.. I am gonna enjoy my honeymoon." Seth said as Ambrose smirked and walked out of the room.

"Listen Belle I know this is a lot to take in right now. But it just feels right. Maybe it's still the booze talking I don't know nor do I care you're my wife now." Seth said kissing her deeply as she didn't hesitate and leaned in to kiss her new husband..