Well I tried to finish this story before Friday's two episodes but I couldn't. I thought perhaps those episodes would be exciting and boost my inspiration; instead they dampened it. The only good news was that Danny is Charlie's father. Hands up everyone who suspected it right from day one?
Speaking of the season finale, there was nothing to look forward to next season. Season finales mean cliffhanger and in my opinion they missed a golden opportunity to do one with the chopper caught in the explosion. Such a blast would have created a tsunami of some proportion. Nothing. It was too predictable and boring. It was definitely not season finale material.
Anyhow, hopefully this ending is not too dreary and mushy. I'll be back with the first chapter of my revamp of the season finale final moments and a season premiere episode tomorrow Monday.
Thanks again for reading.
If was late the next morning when Steve cracked open his eyes, his nose crinkling to get a whiff of the tantalizing aroma wafting in the air. He turned toward the smell and saw Chin and Kono eating a pizza. He instinctively licked his lips and as he was about to groan his presence, he felt a tug on his arm. He turned the other way to see Danny sitting next to him in a wheelchair.
"It's about time you woke up," Danny teased with the brightest smile he'd ever seen on his partner's face. "It's almost noon."
"Dannnnnny," Steve managed to whisper, though with great pain.
Chin and Kono put their half-eaten slices down on the carton, wiped their greasy fingers clean and walked up to the bed.
"Hey boss, how are you feeling?"
Steve smiled and nodded. He held out his hand for Danny to clasp it. Once the bond was made, he squeezed Danny's hand with all of his might, his eyes asking the question.
"I'm ok. Still a bit dizzy and queasy, but alive." Steve placed his other hand on top of Danny's. "Chin told you about Alexander?" Steve nodded, his eyes shining with sorrow but with a hint of pride. "I don't remember killing him. I was so stoned out of my mind."
Steve tapped Danny's hand, telling him that he shouldn't hold any qualms or regrets for doing the right thing.
"I killed two men, Steve," Danny quavered, eyes filling up with tears. "When did I become this monster?"
"Don't do this to yourself, Danny," Chin said from across the bed. "You did what you had to do and we'll all be safer for it."
"I'm not so sure. You squash one critter, dozens of others swarm in."
Steve tugged at Danny's hand and pulled. Danny rose shakily on his legs and leaned in. "What is it?"
"Did good, Danno," he said in a soft whisper, cringing at the raw soreness down his throat.
"He's right," Kono seconded.
"When I think of what he did to you and Grace, I guess my mind just snapped."
Steve pulled Danny into a brotherly hug. As they disengaged, Danny noticed the small twitch on his partner's face. "You all right there?" Steve forced a smile and nodded but Danny was not convinced. "Uh uh, you've got aneurysm face, babe. Kono, better get the doctor."
Steve waved his hand and tapped Danny's when he reached for the IV line to release some pain medication. "I wasn't going to," Danny assured. "Just checking the drips." Steve shot him an incredulous stare. "Ok, so I was. It's either the medication or the doctor's visit. Which will it be?" Danny's ultimatum was met with a dark glare. When Danny reached for the IV line again, Steve shook his head. "That means the doctor, Kono."
"I'll get him."
Chin's amused grin turned into a deep frown upon noticing the beads of perspiration on Danny's forehead. "Looks like Steve's not the only one who needs a doctor. Danny you're about to drop. Let me help you back into bed."
"Yeah I think you'd better. I'm starting to feel a bit woozy." Steve's concern grew at the obvious pallor of his friend. "I'll be all right, Steven. Just need to lie down."
"That was way too early for you get out of bed, but did you listen? You and Steve are two of a kind: stubborn as mules."
"I got that from him," Danny groused as he allowed Chin to assist him back into bed. Once settled they both glanced at Steve who had nodded off.
"He'll be all right," Chin reassured a worried Danny. "And so will you."
A few days cascaded down and on this late morning, Doctor Hanson checked on his two patients.
"I'll need you to fill another cup, Detective."
"Ah, not again?!" Danny griped. "I did early this morning."
"We need to make sure your system is thallium free before we release you."
"But I don't have to go," Danny pouted with arms crossed against his chest.
"Turn on the water; it'll inspire you," Hanson wisecracked.
"Oh, humor from the good doctor. Can it wait awhile until I…can?"
"I'll give you another twenty minutes, no more."
"And what if it doesn't work?" Hanson's silence was self-explanatory and elicited a small guttural chuckle out of Steve.
"Well, well, well, look who's been eavesdropping. I thought you were out like a light, babe."
Hanson crossed to Steve's bed. "How are you feeling this morning, Commander?" he asked as he placed the stethoscope on the patient's chest to listen for breath sounds. Steve nodded. "How does the throat feel?"
"A bit better," he whispered.
"Can you make sounds or is it still painful?"
Steve swallowed hard and braced himself to utter a word out loud, but had to resign himself to merely shake his head.
"That's ok. We won't rush it. All in due time. The good news is your other injuries are healing well and if you continue on this recovery path, you might just bid farewell to this place in less than a week."
Steve's smile somehow didn't reach his eyes.
"What the matter, Steven?" Danny asked, puzzled.
Steve flashed him a smile and shook his head, but his eyes told another story.
"Doctor, would you leave us alone for a minute?"
"Sure. I'll be back to collect that cup, Detective."
Danny cringed in disgust. "I'll give it my best shot, but there's no guarantee."
Once Hanson left the room, Danny slid out of bed and slouched over to his partner's bed. He sat down on the chair and just stared at Steve without uttering a word, waiting for a sign that he was ready to share his qualms.
"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's bugging you."
Steve frowned and shrugged.
"Don't give me that," Danny chided. "I know something's gnawing at you. I can see it in your eyes. You want to write it down?"
Steve shook his head and turned away from Danny's stare. Danny scooted the chair closer to the bed and grabbed Steve's wrist, giving it a squeeze. "Look at me, Steven." When Steve failed to comply, he insisted, "LOOK AT ME!"
When Steve turned, Danny could see tears brimming over in his eyes. "Why the tears, huh? Come on, tell me dammit! I'm your friend. I wanna help."
Following a few second of heavy silence, Steve spoke in a low whisper, "Tired. Tired of people getting hurt because of me."
"What are you talking about? Alexander was after me for killing Reyes. You got hurt because of me." Steve shook his head. "Yes Steven it was because of ME. Don't you dare go on a guilt trip with this one." Steve bowed his head. "Now you just focus on getting your strength back so you can get out of here. We still owe Grace an outing to the water park."
Steve wiped his nose on the back on his hand and nodded.
"I'll keep an eye on you to make sure you heed my warning. YOU my friend are not to blame for this or anything else that occurred since we met. Sure I joke about you being Danger Magnet but hell Steven, you're the best friend I ever had. I trust you with my and Grace's life, pal."
Steve flashed Danny a grateful smile.
"That's better. You and me we rise above adversity and always manage to stay afloat." Steve nodded. "The Dynamic Duo: Dumb and Dumber." Steve let out a small chuckle. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a job to do for Dr. Hanson." He rose from his chair and steadied himself. "Wish me luck."
Steve grinned and tapped Danny's hand. "Knock yourself out," he breathed out.
Another two weeks elapsed before Steve's condition was deemed satisfactory enough to allow him to go home. Danny had already moved into his partner's guest bedroom a week earlier to ensure the house was all set and in order for his return home on his birthday.
Danny went to pick up Steve at the hospital. The SEAL was aloof on the drive home, staring out the window as the scenery whizzed by. Finally Danny broke the silence. "Cheer up babe, it's your birthday. One year shy of forty." Steve's lip curled up slightly at the thought. "Something else on your mind?
"Joe called before you came to pick me up," Steve croaked out.
"What did he say?"
"Said that the threat is still out there and that he and Wade were making sure it wouldn't come knocking down our doors again." Steve shook his head dejectedly. "It's not over, Danno. We're still targets and," his hoarse voice faltered at the thought, "Grace." He sniffed back an errant tear. "I'm sorry I involved you in my battles. Now you and your family are paying the price."
"Don't you dare give me that hogwash again, Steven," Danny scolded harshly. "You know I'm responsible for raising Cain in that drug cartel, not you. If anyone should apologize it's me. My brother Matt triggered that domino fall that spiraled out of control. It was my battle and you helped me win it but dammit Steve! Don't say it's your fault or I'm going to smack you."
"I meant about Wo Fat, my mother and all the others."
"We're partners, friends and I'd like to think brothers. WE fight together, side by side, regardless of the odds." Steve turned to Danny with tears in his eyes. "You're turning into an emotional wreck you know that? That's unlike you but you know what? I like it. It shows you're human after all."
"It's a flaw."
Danny huffed out an annoyed sigh. "There we go again! It's not a flaw, it's part of who we are. You may have been trained to withstand torture and pain without flinching in the face of your enemies, but that tough and domineering demeanor won't work on me. I like you best when you are yourself, Steven McGarrett and not Lieutenant Commander. Just let your hair down, babe, and enjoy yourself, today of all days."
They arrived at Steve's house and Danny parked the car in the driveway. He assisted Steve out of the car despite his protest and followed him closely to the door. Once inside, people shouted 'Surprise!"
Grace was first to welcome Steve home by running into his arms. "Welcome back home Uncle Steve! And happy birthday!"
"Thank you sweetheart," he said hoarsely, hugging her tight. "Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm much better. My tummy doesn't hurt anymore."
Chin, Kono, Lou and Amber each took turn wishing him a happy birthday and led him to the table where champagne, gifts and a cake in the shape of a grenade awaited him. "Wait don't tell me, let me guess. The cake was Danny's idea, right?"
"He knows me so well," Danny replied.
"Is it safe to eat? I mean it's not made out of salt or it won't blow in my face or anything?" Steve said in jest, getting suspicious when they all look at each other. He turned to Danny. "You eat the first bite."
"I'll…I'll get the glasses," Danny said uneasy, as he started for the kitchen. Steve soon treaded on his heels.
"It will, won't it? Blow in my face."
"Would I do that to you?" Danny humored.
"Well you're wrong there, SuperSEAL. Truth be told I thought about it but then I realized after what you've been through it would have been a cruel joke."
"Then why did you excuse yourself to come get the glasses?"
"Well like you I was getting a bit emotional and didn't want anyone to notice." Steve grinned. "Don't look at me like that! I mean it Steven, wipe that cheeky, toothy grin off your face."
"You're my hero, Danno."
"Shut up and let's go back to the others to celebrate."
"Right behind you."