It's been forever!

I know I have a bunch of other stories that I need to be working on, but right now, I'm currently obsessed with the TV show known as "Doctor Who". 10 is my favorite, followed by 9, and then 11. I haven't seen any of the classic Who, and I'm waiting for season 8 to come out on Netflix so I can watch 12 (technically 14…).

Anyhoo, I decided that I was going to start a one-shot-fic concerning the Doctor and his companions. They will encircle Nine, Ten, Eleven, and their companions. I'll put the info (characters, themes, ect.) at the beginning, so no one gets confused.

I'm hoping that this will get me back onto some sort of writing schedule. I have a bunch of other Doctor Who story-ideas in my head, as well as a WhoVengerLock fic.

God bless and enjoy!


Writing Prompt #92: It's All in the Name

Characters: Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, River Song, Jack Harkness, Amy Pond, Rory Pond (Williams), Donna Noble, Rose Tyler

Shippings: Perhaps slight River/Eleven, and Jack/anyone else who happens to be within five feet of him

Genre: Humor

Rating: K

Nobody really knew how it had happened. One moment, the Doctor was flying around in his T.A.R.D.I.S., showing Amy, Rory, and their daughter, River, the wonders of the universe. And he had been doing a pretty good job of it, too.

"GERONIMOOOOOOO!" He had yelled excitedly, yanking down on levers. "So," he continued, facing his three companions. "Where to? The Medusa Cascade? How about the Silver Plains of the planet Slaviera-Komp? The plants are transparent, so they reflect the same color as the light that shines on them." He wiggled his fingers in the air, impersonating sunlight filtering through leaves.


The Doctor sighed.

"What is it, Rory?"

"Why would they be called 'the silver plains'? I mean, when the sunlight is shining on them, wouldn't that make it yellow? Or the golden plains?"

"It's mostly nighttime there," the Doctor responded, flipping another switch. "It's a lovely place. Been there twice, you know."

"When?" River questioned. She loved hearing about his past adventures, even the ones that he had before he was in his present form.

"Oh…let's see." He scratched his head. "I think…according to earth time, it was March 3, 2011. Why do you ask?"

Without saying anything, River turned the consul's computer-screen towards him and pointed at the date. The Doctor's eyes widened. Just then, an alarm began ringing, and lights started to flash.

"What's going on?!" Amy screamed, holding onto the railing for dear life. The T.A.R.D.I.S. moaned and rocked back and forth, sending her occupants flying around the room.

"The Doctor has been an idiot," River informed her mother, "again."

"I'm soooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrry!" the Doctor yelled as he went flying through the air.

"So let me get this straight," the man sporting a leather jacket and dark pants said for the umpteenth time. He was standing outside of a smoking T.A.R.D.I.S., accompanied by a small group of people. Standing next to him, one on either side, were two men. One of them was wearing a tweed jacket, suspenders, a bowtie, and had doffed a fruit hat for no apparent reason. The other man was a bit more…normally dressed. He was skinny though. My gosh! Talk about skinny. Did he have anything underneath that brown pinstripe suit and trenchcoat?

"You two are me from my future," the one in the leather began slowly.

"Yep." The one in the pinstripe popped the "p" at the end of the word.

"You bet," the other one responded.

"And those…people," Leather-jacket motioned to the group of males and females standing awkwardly around, introducing each other as "the Doctor's companion(s)", "are our…my companions from the future?"

"Yep!" Again the "p" was emphasized.

"You bet!" The other Doctor pulled a banana off of his hat, peeled it, and bit an enormous chunk off of it.

"I'm gettin' a headache," the youngest Doctor complained, rubbing his head vigorously.

"It's his fault," Spikey-hair stated, looking pointedly at the eldest Doctor (who nearly choked on his banana).

"Excuse me!" he exclaimed, offended. "What exactly are you doing here? Wouldn't you remember that you came here as Dumbo on this exact date and time?"

"I didn't forget!" whined the pinstripe Doctor. "Weeell, maybe it did slip my mind, but can you blame me?! I…we go on so many adventures, I'm surprised I can remember all the ones that I do!" He jabbed an accusing finger at his oldest regeneration. "Besides, you're more to blame, 'cause this is the second time for you."

"Oh, yeah. Let's all blame the oldest one for converging the T.A.R.D.I.S.'s, why don't we," Tweed-Doctor muttered darkly, shoving the rest of the banana into his mouth.

"Yoo-hoo! Sweetie!"

The three men jumped and turned. River was standing in front of the T.A.R.D.I.S., waving and motioning for them.

"What is it, River?" The oldest Doctor asked. Seeing as his mouth was full of banana, it actually came out sounding more like: "Wah ihf itf Rwivwer?"

"If you three would stop arguing, we could actually accomplish something useful, like fixing the poor T.A.R.D.I.S. before the galaxy blows up."

"Coming, dear." Having finished the banana, the bowtie-Doctor ran over to the blond-haired woman. The two younger Doctors exchanged disbelieving, and somewhat disgusted, glances.

"I can't believe I come to this," muttered the youngest Doctor. "Rose! Don't go asking too many questions. Can't have you figuring out something before it happens. And Jack!"

"Just stop it!" the Doctor in the trenchcoat finished the sentence.

"I was just saying 'hi'," the captain argued.

"And that's more than enough social interaction for you, don't you think?" the youngest Doctor responded smoothly. Amy and Rose chuckled.

"Nice of you two to come and help," the tweed Doctor said as his two younger selves ambled over.

"I was thinking I'd just supervise, actually," Leather-Doctor replied.

"Hold this, Sweetie," River commanded, handing the oldest Doctor a piece of metal.

"What's with the sappy nickname?" Leather-jacket wanted to know.

"It's not sappy," snapped Suspenders defensively. "It's a term of endearment."

"Whatever." Big-ears rolled his eyes.

"And you, Pretty Boy," River sauntered over to the skinny Doctor, "I want you to untangle these wires and connect them." She gave him a huge smile, and he couldn't help but notice how nice her teeth looked. He sighed, shrugged, and seated himself cross-legged on the grass. He ran his hands along the wire, trying to find where one began. The youngest Doctor felt himself slowly despairing of his future.

"You've both been…" he paused, trying to find the right word, "domesticated."

"And you…" River paused. "I don't have a name for you," she realized.

"That's 'cause I don't need one," Leather-Doctor said obstinately. "I'm the Doctor. I'm called that for a reason. I don't need a sappy nickname."

"Oh, yes you do," River responded with a mischievous grin. "Now," she settled herself down on the grass, next to Skinny. "What to call you?"

"How about Dumbo?" the oldest asked without looking up.

"Why on earth would you call me that?" the youngest asked incredulously.

"Seriously?" Pinstripe looked up at him. "I was thinking 'Biker', or something like that."

River shook her head slowly. "Nooo…none of those would do. I need something more…endearing."

"Dearie?" Tweed began listing titles, "Honeycomb? Appleblossom? Twinkie?"

Pinstripes made a face. "I hate Twinkies," he hissed darkly. Bowtie glanced over at him.

"It was once!" he exclaimed. Leather looked back and forth between the two.

"Do I really want to know what happened with the Twinkies and him?"

The eldest started to respond, but a look from his immediate predecessor shut him up.

"Doctooooooooor!" Rose moaned, running up to the Doctor in the black leather jacket and throwing herself dejectedly onto the ground. "We're going to miss that dance party if we don't get outta here soon!"

"I have a time machine, Rose," the Doctor pointed out. Sometimes humans could be pretty stupid (no offense, humans). River snapped her fingers and stood up, a smiling lighting up her face.

"Weren't you the regeneration that danced with Rose Tyler?" she asked the youngest Doctor excitedly.

"Yes…" he answered her warily, searching her face. Hands on her hips, River looked around her, triumph flashing in her eyes.

"I have the perfect name," she stated dramatically. All three Doctors (and the companions within hearing range) waited with baited breath.

"Twinkle-toes!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms out. There were several seconds of deafening silence, broken by a loud laugh from Donna (of course Donna would be the one to start it). Within the next few seconds, everyone was rolling on the ground, heaving with laughter.

Weeeell…almost everyone. The youngest Doctor, recently dubbed "Twinkle-toes" by his future wife, stood in the middle of them, gazing at them with his most foreboding expression.

"I hate you all," he breathed through gritted teeth. Unfortunately, everyone was too busy gasping and laughing to pay attention to him.

Hope you all enjoyed this. I won't be posting too regularly for this; I'll be posting whenever I get something written. I hope that as time goes on, I can start some sort of schedule for this. But in the meantime, God bless and Allons-y!