
This, is the finale. And you have no say about it. Personalities final chapter is here. It shall not continue. There may be a sequel later on, but this story is ending here, on this note. What note it is, is what you'll find out if you read the chapter. Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed my story, Personalities.

"I just want to know what I can do to help you?" Ruby imitated Yang's voice, and huffed angrily. "Why can't she just leave me alone..." Ruby growled angrily, and sat herself down in her chair. "Hey, I find that offensive." "Oh, shut it Yang." The two voices, Weiss and Yang, began to argue in Ruby's mind. "Hey, shut up. I'm thinking... Or trying to at least..." Ruby muttered, and voices in her head quietened.

"Uh, Ru-" Yang's muffled voice began, but Ruby instantaneously cut her off.

"No. Go away." She said, and the blonde's voice stopped, and soft plods arose as she descended down the stairs. "That was a little rude, Ruby." Ruby growled at that, and spoke up.

"I don't care what you think, Jaune. I don't want to talk to her." Ruby spoke angrily, and another voice spoke up after that. "What's wrong with you?" The normally hyperactive voice of Nora questioned quietly "Excuse me?" Ruby replied, her eyes narrowed at the air in front of her. "Why don't you like her anymore?" Ruby slammed her fist onto her desk.

"Because she left me! I thought she was gone forever just like Mum!" Ruby cried, her eyes welling with tears. "I thought that I was the only one left. Mum had left, Dad was dead, and then she was gone too! And then, what, a month or so later, the police turn up at my doorstep saying that she is dead too! I couldn't cope!" Ruby sobbed, laying her head on her desk. "It hurt... I-I-I didn't have anyone left to turn to, I-I was on my own... No Mum, no Dad, no sister. No family to speak of... My life was full of loneliness and sadness... Then you guys turn up, and I was thinking it was starting to get better again. And then the person I grieved for turns up around a year after their supposed death. I-I-I didn't know what to do... I was stunned. Stuck between happiness and anger... And anger won, I guess..." Ruby whispered sadly, tears dripping from her cheeks onto the wooden desk. "And... And I haven't been able to let it go... I-I wish I could... Bu-But I can't... I just can't and I don't know why..." Ruby said quietly, and leaned back. "I just... I just wish I could start over. I would tell her, that I understand why she did what she did... I just wish she hadn't. I... She let things go that I would never have thought about letting go, and I guess I should try to let some things go too..." She muttered, and stood up, wiping tears from her face. The brunette walked over to her bedroom door, and pushed it open. Ruby slowly headed down the stairs, her eyes still looking slightly watery from her moment in her bedroom. She quietly pushed open the front room door, but saw no one was in there, and headed back up the stairs. The girl reached her sister's room, and quiet sobbing could be heard coming from inside. Ruby took a deep breath, and opened the door. "Yang..?" The dark haired girl questioned quietly, and she saw her older sister curled up into a ball on her small bed. "Comfort her Ruby. It's the least you could do." Ren told her, and the younger girl nodded and plodded over to the blonde. "Yang..." Ruby said again, but got no answer. She placed her hand on her sister's head, and the body jerked.

"What is it..." She said quietly, not looking up at the other girl.

"I... I'm sorry." Ruby said, and then Yang looked at her with confusion in her lilac eyes. "I-I-I messed up. I-I wasn't think straight. And I took it out on you, even though it wasn't really your fault. I should have been happy to see you, bu-but I just shouted at you and... I just... I don't even know why you're still here..." Ruby sighed, and a tear rolled down her cheek again. Yang brushed it away, and looked into Ruby's silver eyes, which were full of sadness and regret.

"Ruby... It's OK. I wouldn't leave you again. I don't think that would be a good idea." Yang whispered, wrapping her younger sister in a tight hug, causing the brunette to squeak slightly. "Besides, I don't want to leave any-time soon. I just want to sit at home and relax... Just me, you, and whoever else is livin' in your head." Yang joked, and placed her arm over her sister's shoulders. "I know I shouldn't have left you so suddenly that time last year. But I had those thoughts clouding my brain, I was the one not thinking straight. I should never have gone in the first place... But the past is the past, it's all happened and there's nothing you can do about. You can only stop it from happening again..." Yang told the brunette, who nodded slightly in her sister's tight grasp.

"Yang... I am really, really sorry..." Ruby began, but her blonde sister cut her off.

"No no. No more of this 'I'm sorry' stuff. I'm bored of it Rubes. Come on, let's get down stairs. Don't want to waste a good day of catching up between us, huh?" Yang said, and dashed out of her room and down the stairs. Ruby felt herself smile, and her other Yang spoke up. "Hey, you gonna go after her or what?" The mental Yang questioned Ruby, and Ruby dashed after her older sister, tearing down the stairs.

*Cue dramatic, film-ending music* Hey, I really really hope you enjoyed this story. As I said at the top, there may be a sequel at some time in the future, so keep your eyes peeled for it. I don't know what it'll be called, or when it'll be released, but I hope it will. Anyway, with Yang and Ruby's relationship mended (partly, that is) who knows what's in store for them in a sequel. It could be fun, it could be hilarious. It could be dramatic, it could be scary. It could be anything, even I don't know. Once again, I hope you enjoyed, and remember that Constructive Criticism is always useful, Reviews are welcomed, and keep moving forward!

Stinger out!