LeBeau woke in a half-world of drowsiness aroused by the sound of heavy footsteps on the floor. He blinked open his eyes and saw Schultz and another sergeant carrying out a rectangular box.

"Poor Colonel Hogan!" Schultz sniffed. The other sergeant rolled his eyes and trudged forward, bearing most of the weight of the coffin. LeBeau went slack-jawed when he saw the three other coffins that lay on the floor.

"No! Newkirk! Kinch! Carter….well, I could do without him anyway." LeBeau snorted at the latter. He then fell to his knees and laid across the coffins.

"How could I have done this?"

Foster looked over LeBeau's shoulder and patted him.

"It's alright. There's nothing you could have done to save them." he consoled. LeBeau glanced up at him.

"How did this happen?"

Foster looked ahead and narrowed his eyes. "Food poisoning." he said grimly. LeBeau was horrified. His chili had done this! No! He was to blame!

"I'm a murderer!" he cried out, sobbing. Foster gasped.

"So it was you!" he shouted incredulously. The other POWs started throwing fruit and other items at the French corporal. He welcomed their assault, knowing full well that he deserved it.


LeBeau sat up in bed, in a cold sweat. He widened his eyes and looked around at the bunks. Kinch, Carter, and Newkirk were missing.

His dream! It was true!

LeBeau hurriedly got out of bed and looked around the barrack. Running into Colonel Hogan's room, he saw them.

"Oh thank goodness, I thought I had killed you!"

Newkirk frowned. "Ya well, you're not far off, buddy."

Carter nodded. "Yeah. Worse dream ever. Remind me not to eat anymore of your chili!" Kinch shrugged.

"Sorry LeBeau. Your chili was…average."

Hogan twisted his lip in amusement. "Now, men, have a little respect. I'm sure LeBeau is willing to own up to his terrible mistake?"

LeBeau crossed his arms.

"Eh? How?"

Hogan smiled. "How's about you make us a cake?"

LeBeau grew excited. "Better yet, why not apple strudel?" he suggested. "There's a good corporal!" Hogan declared. Newkirk and Carter were a bit nervous.

"You're not gonna put chili powder in it, are you?" Carter asked warily.

Before LeBeau could reply, Hogan interrupted. "No, he's not. Tomorrow, we'll go to Klink and convince him that LeBeau wants to make him strudel, out of kindness of course. Then, when his kitchen is being used, we can sneak more supplies. It's as simple as that."

LeBeau nodded. "Yeah, who knows? I might even make soup!"

Kinch, Newkirk, Carter and Hogan all shouted at once a great big, "NO!"