Chapter 1- California?

Annabeth POV

6:30 AM

September 2

I ran through the murky woods panting and dodging branches. There was obviously something behind me, but I didn't have any weapon. My dagger, which had been taken out of Tartarus was at the Hotel on my nightstand.

"Di Imortales! How could I have been so stupid?" I said nearly ramming into a tree trunk. The first rule of a demigod was to always have your dagger! How could I have forgotten that? Before I continue let me explain something to you.

You probably think I'm crazy ranting on about a dagger, something called Tartarus, and a demiwhoever. But it's true, I'm a daughter of the Greek god Athena. And if you say that's a myth they will blast you out of the sky! I assure you I am not crazy. I am absolutely sane. Mostly.

First things first

*Are you missing a parent that disappeared right after or before you were born?

*Do you have dyslexia and/or ADHD?

*Do you see things no one else does? Scary things?

If you answered "yah so?" to any one of these questions, then


Now that any demigods are safe, I hope, then let me continue where I left off in my story. ah yes, running away from something behind me.

I kept running as fast as I could, the wind blowing the stray blond hair out of my face. I heard a growl closer behind me, and made a sharp right. I hadn't fainted of exhaustion thanks to years of camp training.

As I kept running I noticed something. Even though I had just turned around the wind was still on my face. Suddenly the wind picked up and began blowing me backwards toward the monster. The wind turned me around, and I saw that I would crash into the monster in about

3…2…1… but impact never came.

The ground opened up before me and I began falling down a dark deep hole. I heard screams and recognized that one of them was mine. I saw the ground in front of me and crashed down. Though I didn't hurt myself, my shirt was ripped, showing my tank top underneath. I recognized the place. It was Tartarus. Tartarus. The one place that was my worst nightmare. And Percy wasn't here to help me. I heard a scream and saw Gaea standing next to 2 people who were in chains. The two people were Percy and Bob the titan.

I ran over to Percy but was stopped by an invisible force. I kept trying to run toward them but kept getting pushed backwards. I yelled Percy's name. He didn't answer. Then after a few seconds Percy looked up with rage in his eyes,

"Why did you do this to me Annabeth?" He said his eyes full of hurt now. with traces of anger,

"What happened to together forever. Why did you put me in chains? Why did you drag me through Tartarus? Help Me." I began to tear up. This cant be real. Percy would never be mad at me for something like this. I began crying and tried to run to him again, but the wall of force stopped me. So instead I talked to him

"What are you talking about Percy? I Love you and will always be here for you. I'm sorry for putting you through this. I want to help, but I can't!" I screamed his name he just stared at me with anger in his eyes.

"That's what they all say Chase." Then Bob spoke up.

"Why did you leave me down here to die?" He said,"I wanted to say hi to the stars, but you left me here to die. You KILLED me." I cried harder, and tried still to run at them. Then Gaea looked at me laughing.

"poor little girl. Watch as I destroy the people you love." She raised her fingers, and a light went on behind her. I saw the fates who were looking at Percy with a string in their hands. They were grabbing scissors.

"No!" I screamed,"Please don't do this. Take me instead." Gaea smirked,

"You mean nothing to me." She snapped her fingers and the fates cut the string. Percy screamed and went rigged, before being completely still. She had killed him. I cried, and screamed, trying still to run to him. She then snapped her fingers and the fates cut another string, causing Bob to fall limp in his chains. I screamed and then everything went black.

I opened my eyes to see myself in my Hotel room with my dagger on my nightstand. I looked at my shirt and saw that it was not in shreds. It was a nightmare.I took a deep breath. Ever since Tartarus they had been getting worse. I didn't tell Percy though because he had his own nightmares to worry about.

I know what you might be thinking. "Percy would help you. You HAVE to tell him". Well, Pride is my fatal flaw, so to bad.

I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 7:00. Time to get up. I suddenly was excited because then i remembered that I was going to Percy's school! Goode High School. I hadn't seen My seaweed brain for almost 2 months. Sure we Im'd every day, but it wasn't the same. I missed him. A lot. I was even going to stay in a guest room at the Blofis's.

The only reason Athena agreed, is because I would be closer to Olympus to work on redesigning it. Which by the way, the gods are being REALLY annoying about. Gods I'm only one person.

Anyway my dream momentarily forgotten, I got out of bed to get dressed, just as Percy texted me.

'Hey wise girl! :) Good Morning.' Percy did't know that I was going to his school, and I intend to keep it like that until I see hime today at school.

'Morning Seaweed Brain! ;)' I texted back.

I turned to my closet and pocket out an outfit. Grey Jeans and an owl T-shirt. With Grey flats, and a Sea green and Grey necklace Percy had gotten me after Tartarus. My phone dinged, and I saw it was Percy.

'Whatcha doin today? I'm starting school :( ' I forgot to mention Leo had made us all monster-proof phones. Which meant I could use my phone with out expecting 20 monsters coming up the elevator to say hi.

'not much. I'm starting school today too' I snickered. If only he knew.

'What school?' uh oh… um…

'I gtg text you later love you!' i let out a breath. It's really hard to keep a secret from Percy, especially when he gives me his baby seal eyes. It's sooo cute!

'Fine…Love you :) Text you later!' I grabbed my backpack and headed down the elevator to the lobby, where they served breakfast.

I grabbed a bagel, and some orange juice. I looked at my watch, and widened my eyes. It was already 7:20, and school starts at 7:45. I still had to get my locker number, schedule, and find my first class!. I scarfed down the bagel, gulped down the orange juice, and ran out of the hotel. I hailed cab, and told the driver to get me to Goode High and fast. He got there in 10 minutes, and I thanked and paid him. I looked up and saw Goode High for the first time. It was so pretty, and the Architecture was amazing! Surprisingly, it had Some Greek and Roman aspects to it! I gaped at it, and began walking up the steps to the front door. I heard some boys whistle, and some of the girls, (the populars by the looks of them), glare.

I sighed. This happened all the time at my old school. I wished it would change, but apparently not. Demigods aren't ugly, I mean we're half god. I opened the door, and walked forward looks at the architecture some more, when I ran into someone. We both fell to the floor. No one bothered to look at us or help us up, which I was glad of. I didn't need anymore attention.

I got up of of the girl that had bumped into me, and helped her up. She had Carmel hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry about that!" I said," I wasn't looking where I was going .I'm Annabeth" She shook my hand

"It's fine. I'm Natalie, but mist people call me Nati If you don't mind me asking, Are you new?" She said kindly. I smiled at her,

"Yah, can you show me where the office is?" I asked. She nodded,

"Sure, follow me." She led me through a few hallways. I looked for Percy but couldn't find him so far. We got to the office, and nocked. I hear a muffled, "come in" an opened the door.

There was a lady with honey-blond hair, and grey eyes.. I gasped,, because I knew her! She was my half sister Ella (who by the way was good friends with the harpy Ella). She immediately recognized me.

"Annabeth! It's so good too see you. How are you? What are you doing here? How's camp?" She gave me a hug.

"It's good to see you to Ella. I came to Goode because I missed Percy, and you know who is pestering me to finish redesigning their houses." She nodded

"How's everyone at camp?"

"There good, we have a new camper in our cabin. She's 11, Her name is Catherine, we all call her Cat." We then remembered Nati who looked very shocked.

"She's my half sister." I explain. Nati nods still a little shocked. Ella went back to her computer and typed something, before handing me a few papers.

"Here's all of your information for the day. Goode luck. Oh and Nati can you be her guide for the day?"

"Sure, Miss Cook." I have Ella one more hug, and Nati and I went out the door. I found my locker, and put my stuff in it. I then looked at my schedule and smiled when I realized Ella had printed it out in Greek.

Home room: (8:45-9:20)

1st period: Ancient Greek: (9:25-10:15)

2nd period: English (10:20-11:05)

3rd period: Writing (11:10-12:10)

4th period: Lunch (12:15-1:00)

6th period: Elective-Architecture (1:05-1:35)

7th period: PE:(1:40-2:25)

7th Period:Math (2:30-3:15)


Suddenly everyone in the hallway got quiet and I looked up to see what they were all staring at. It was a guy with black hair and green eyes, Percy! I hid by my locker, and realized that he was putting some stuff into his own locker which was right next to mine.

"Hi" I said

"Hey" he replied. Not very enthusiastically.

"Percy ple-"

"No thanks I have a girlfriend" he still wasn't looking at me.

"Perseus Jackson it's me, wise girl." He looked over and when he saw me, smiled and gave me a bone crushing hug. He then kissed me and I melted into his arms.

Realizing that half of the schools eyes were on us, we broke apart.

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"I came to Goode because I missed You, and you know who is pestering me to finish redesigning their houses." He nodded in understanding.

"Let me see your schedule." He looked at it for a second, then smiled

"We have all of the same classes except instead of Architecture I have study hall."

"You don't actually study do you?"

"You know me so well!" He said giving me a kiss

I smiled very happy with how the day was showing so far. I shouldn't of said anything because just then I heard the most annoying voice ever!

"Who the hell are you and what do you think you're doing with my boyfriend?"

Phew done! If you guys don't know, this is a rewriting of my other story ANNABETH AND THE SEVEN GO TO GOODE HIGH. Please Review, and I'm gonna have Q/A thingie on here, so if you write a review and then a question about pretty much anything(except things like my full and or where I live, STALKERS!), I will answer them on here!