Hello! This is the Phantompenance!

Some of you may know me by my other fanfic that I'm working on (you should check it out), but this is an entirely different story now.

You as the readers are encouraged to send inspiring reviews, they act like my fuel for my creative stories, and your reviews can change the direction of my stories in a moment's notice

Without further ado, Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!

Regular speech: "Kill you!"

Demon/god-like speech: "You're dead."

Communicators/Thoughts: 'I don't trust him'

King of gods/goddesses

Chapter 1: Crime and Punishment

Tonight was special, it was made to be special, fought to be special.

Tonight signified the end of tyranny for the race of an iconic female warrior race who would become the symbol for women everywhere that they were just as capable as their male counterparts. That night, the Amazons were free from Man and their leader, the God of War, Ares.

Hippolyta should be as pleased as her sisters, even more so in fact. For her bravery of being the female who killed Ares, she was to be Queen of the Amazons, it was a momentous task, but she would forever be respected by her fellow female warriors until the end of time. But no one knew that her fight was not yet over, that it wouldn't be over until she had gotten what she was really after.

So while her fellow Amazons celebrated on the beaches of the island that was to be their home forever, Hippolyta climbed the highest peak of the mountain unattended, she wore the same armor she had at the battle that was held only hours ago along with a bag tied to her side. It was round and kept bouncing on her leg, proving to be a distraction for the Queen.

For a lesser being, climbing the peak was a fool-hardy task, but Hippolyta was an earnest learner from her sisters and other people she met in her life, when she found a secure rock, she gripped it firmly and used her upper body to pull her to another spot where she could plant her feet.

She pulled herself upward until the edges started to bend inward and made way to a somewhat solid ground.

Her hard work was greeted with an impressive sight of the ocean with a dark blue color to match the cloudless night sky, the sounds of waves crashing was in front of Hippolyta and the faint, jumbled noises of her sisters was behind her.

"Lady Athena, I humbly ask for your presence," Hippolyta spoke out, as if in a prayer, and not a request. An owl flew from the island and landed in front of the woman, and from this owl, a woman bathed in yellow light did appear.

"Hippolyta, or rather Queen now, this is a surprise. I would have thought that you would be with your sisters after your impossible victory." Athena commented in a melodic voice,

Hippolyta averted her gaze from the Wisdom goddess as was the custom she was raised in before daring to speak, "I would present to you the head of the War god Ares."

She withdrew from the bag a shagged head of man, he wasn't non-appealing to the eye with his cleanly shaven face and blonde hair, but his features were frozen in a horrific pose, he was clearly afraid of the blade that removed his head from his body.

Hippolyta none-too-gently dropped the head on the ground, Athena watched its descent impassively, she held no love for her barbarian of a relative, that was the main reason why she helped the Amazons against him.

"I'll admit that I was not expecting this, I assume that this is a sacrifice of sorts. What is the purpose of presenting this to me?"

"Lady Athena, before I led my sisters to battle, I was…with child. And that murderous pig of a War god, he… he took that from me, took her from me." Hippolyta admitted while her eyes still barely burned with rage for Ares

"….I see. You want me to give you your daughter back as some sort of payment for humbling my father's favorite weapon?" Athena surmised, she kept a smooth face as to not allude the Amazon Queen anything. Hippolyta bowed her head lower.

"If that… appeases you." "Hmmmmm…"

Hippolyta could not see, but she assumed Athena was rubbing her chin in thought, it was something she would have done.

"Your request is not beyond my abilities, however, there is a price you must pay if this is to be done. Are you willing to pay it?"

Hippolyta's face shone with determination, it was as if the Wisdom goddess had asked a rhetorical question. "Lady Athena, there is nothing I would not do to be a mother once again, I swear."

"Very well then," Athena replied in a pleased tone, "I require you mix dirt and water to form a thick clay. From this clay, you will construct the form of a baby girl, and a boy."

Hippolyta widened her eyes in shock and surprise, 'A SON!?' "S-Surely Lady Athena, you jest!"

"I do no such thing." Athena replied softly, "This is also your punishment for laying with Hades, the god of Death and brother of both Zeus and Poseidon."

"I-I am not to be held responsible for that!" Hippolyta instantly objected, "I had no choice! There was no other option!"
"I am aware of why you slept with him," Athena assured. "It is not blind to me that Hades would have turned a blind eye to Ares' death without your…. persuasion, but the fact remains is that you had done the act, and are asking for the first demigoddess in years."

"B-But…!" Hippolyta dared to plea, then she fiercely clamped her mouth.

No. She would not beg ever again, she was an Amazon, a queen, and it was time for her to start accepting the consequences of her choices.

"As you wish, Lady Athena."

And so she did. She departed from the peak and made two figures of clay, one was a girl, the other, a boy. With the help of Lady Athena, life was breathed into the princess of the Amazons, and the scion of Themiscarya. Hippolyta loved her daughter despite her having the raven hair of her diseased father, but her son was a different story. As a man himself, he was the focal point of the Amazon's animosity for the male race, only the command of both Athena and Hippolyta kept him alive to his eighth birthday. From the day of his birth, the whole island knew the name of-

"Madara! Are you paying any attention at all!?"

First Chapter Done!

You all thought it was going to be Naruto didn't you? Not in this fic!

The worst traitor in Leaf history being the brother of Wonder Woman herself, that's what it's all about!

Unlike my other fic, the action is happening right in the next chapter, and the Justice League will be introduced in the chapter after that!

Review if you want Madara to be paired with anybody, or to be villain at the end of this!

As Jedi Master Gai would say: May the Youth be with you, always