It was that time of the month again Merlin mused. Playfully batting a chain around he waited for the tell tale boat to emerge onto the lake. For months now a blonde man had been circling the waters of his lake, Merlin had spied him from afar when he had decided to eat one time. It had been a mistake, one look at that golden hair and he had refused to kill the blonde. Instead he followed the trail of the boat as it made its way along the water.

Sure enough it floated above him minutes later. Smirking slightly he floated up and under the boat, swimming beneath it and knocking it every now and then. He wondered what had the blonde returning to the lake like clockwork as he tipped it up threateningly. The cloak Merlin had stole showed that he was high born and most likely a noble. Noblemen usually kept themselves in castles, not rowing themselves across lakes.

He had contemplated a knight and this seemed like the most reasonable explanation if it weren't for the blondes lack of a party. Knights travelled in packs and yet this one was alone every time he came.

Sighing he swam to the front of the boat and pushed back a little against the man's rowing. A muffled grunt from above showed that he had succeeded in slowing down his journey. Tiring of this after a while he returned to the bottom and flicked his tail lazily at the wood.

The boat was nearing the shores so Merlin stopped and circled to his usual hiding spot to watch the blonde get out. He took a satchel and his sword from the boat, leaving the oars for his return, and left towards the trees.

Merlin counted the minutes away before he swam as close to the boat he could. There was nothing in it now save for the smell of human. His teeth bit painfully at his lips at the prospect of meat but Merlin ignored it. This human was more interesting alive than dead.

He tried reaching out towards the boat but all it did was drag his tail more painfully on the lakes rocks. Scowling he knew there was nothing for it but to use some of his magic. Having been born with it moving a boat from its anchor was nothing. A simple will at the boat to come to him and it did. When it got near enough he dragged it further out until his tail wasn't too cramped and looked inside.

Boats were usually wrecked when they reached his home, the most intact one he had seen was just the front end of one. Boats above the surface therefore were always something to admire. This one was rather plain looking with nothing more fancy in its wood than what it needed to float. Disappointed Merlin circled it again and looked around his lake for some place to put it. It was always fun messing with the blonde. He had discovered that when he knocked the boat accidentally the first time. The first exclamation of fright had Merlin simmering in glee.

"What the hell are you doing with my boat!" Came the shout. Merlin froze then turned and saw the blonde standing horrified at the riverbank.

Thinking quickly he took hold of the boats rope and called back "It was floating off, thought I'd get it for you," He held the rope up.

The blonde scowled "Give it here, now!"

Merlin swam as far as he could and held the rope out to him. The blonde didn't move, "It's not that deep," Merlin told him.

"It doesn't matter how deep it is. Give it here," He held out his hand. Merlin looked at it, shrugged and threw the rope as far as he could. It landed in the shallows which made the man look even more furious. Merlin heard him mutter to himself when it became apparent that Merlin wasn't going to move the rope closer to him. Three swift yanks and the blonde was safely back in his boat and pushing off into the lake. "You'd best get to the bank," He advised passing.

"And why's that?" Merlin queried, keeping pace with the boat.

The blonde gave him a patronising look which turned worried the further out they got "The water's dangerous. So either go to the bank or get in the boat," He offered holding his hand out to Merlin. There was a ring on one of his fingers. It shined in the sunlight and reminded Merlin of some chainmail they would strip from their victims.

"It doesn't seem that dangerous," Merlin muttered. The man made a grab for him as the boat went deeper into the lake. Avoiding easily, Merlin swam around to the other side of the boat "Is it because you can't swim that it's dangerous?"

"I can swim!" The blonde retorted making another grab at him "And no, it's not that you idiot! This lake's infested with monsters. One wiff of you and you'll be pulled under. So I'm telling you again, get in the boat!"

Merlin pretended to think about it "No," He swam off a bit and watched as the blonde paddled after him "I can swim faster than your boat, so I wouldn't bother if I were you," Merlin commented.

The blonde ignore the teasing "Stop swimming off and get in the boat! Who knows what's already caught your scent," Nothing, Merlin thought, but I've definitely caught yours.

"I'd rather stay here thank you," he grinned enjoying the look of frustration on the blondes face.

He didn't seem to like Merlin making fun of him and soon turned to threats "Get in the boat now or I swear I'll make sure you never swim again."

"And how are you going to manage that?" Merlin swam over to knock the boat slightly making the blonde clutch the sides.

"Tell me, do you know how to walk on your knees?" He seethed.


"You will by the time I'm done with you," He promised.

Merlin sighed "All this talk of mutilation really makes me want to get in there with you now," He told him sarcastically.

Seeming to think he'd won some ground the blonde declared "You know, you can't talk to me like that." Did he not understand sarcasm? Or was Merlin's tone off?

"Like what?" Merlin asked "Like you're a prat, because you are one."

He huffed in anger "You can't speak to me like that!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise you needed some respectful title," Merlin smirked. The blonde seemed to find that funny as well since he too smirked.

"Actually I do being royalty an' all," Merlin frowned. So he wasn't a knight after all. "And as the prince I'm telling you to get in this boat and stop disrespecting me."

"No," Merlin told him but nevertheless rested his head on the side of the boat. The blonde gave up trying to move him after a few minutes and paddled on towards the end of the lake. All the while Merlin drifted along with him. They had almost reached the shallows when Merlin asked his name.

"Arthur Pendragon," In an arrogant tone that said Merlin should already know this.

He removed himself from the boat as the water made way for land. The blonde waited patiently for him to catch up, then removed himself when he didn't Making a defensive stance he waited again at the shore for Merlin to come out.

"You can't stay in there," Arthur told him. Merlin was rather happy to put a name to the blondes face.

"Sure I can," He replied dreamily, watching the light catch off the man's sword.

"No you can't. Haven't you been listening to a thing I've told you. There are monsters living in there! If my father hears of another missing or dead person, just because I couldn't get you out of the water, then I'm going to-" He cut himself short. Merlin amusedly thought the rest of that sentence had his father telling him off which sounded rather childish to Merlin. No wonder he cut himself off. "Just get out now and hopefully the mermaids won't know you've been there."

Mermaids? How rude, mermen lived there too, he was living proof. "I doubt they'll bother me," He started backing away from the blonde. Sinking deeper as Arthur made a step towards the water. The last thing he heard was a shout as his head submerged and then he was gone.

Merlin contented himself until the next time Arthur visited by helping his mother fashion another lyre out of old human cast-offs. Still hauntingly beautiful Merlin sat and listened to her strum songs his father had sung her before he went back into hiding. It was a lovely tale of his parents meeting. His father was a sorcerer on the run from a king. He'd heard his mother singing in the lake one day and returned the next and the day after in the hopes to hear her again. At the fifth he struck lucky and saw her singing to a passing fisherman, the next day he went onto the lake in his own boat and sang the song she had sung to the fisherman to the lake. Finding out she was a creature of the water hadn't hindered their love. Magic had a way of bending the rules enough to let them be together, however briefly. The twentieth day of their love affair his father had taken his mother back to the lake in a panic and turned her back into a mermaid. She never saw him again, but every year on the day they met, she goes up and sings along the lake hoping he'll come back to her.

"Still," She'd tell him "At least I have you," A little surprise he left her when Merlin was born. Half human his first days had been a struggle but his magic had made it so he adapted quickly to life underwater. His mother often wondered if he could survive above land but they didn't want to try it in case he couldn't.

"He's a bit annoying," Merlin told her as she fashioned another lyre. "Not to mention arrogant."

"All this from speaking to him one time?" She tutted. "Honestly Merlin."

He pouted. His mother wasn't' supposed to make fun of him, she was meant to be on his side. "I could tell all I needed to from that one time," He mumbled strumming absently on a string. She rolled her eyes and let him rant some more.

By the time Arthur's visit neared his mother urged him to "Be careful Merlin. It's a wonder others haven't started approaching Arthur." He may have had something to do with that. Still he bade his mother goodbye and made his way towards the wrecked boats.

Swimming in and out of holes his friends had made he watched the surface for the telling ripples of the blonde's approach. When the first one appeared Merlin smiled in joy and made his way under the boat.

Not wanting to reveal himself just yet he contented himself with knocking the boat more violently this time from underneath. Hearing the Arthur gasp had him laughing. When the girly squeal came Merlin frowned. He hadn't known Arthur to make a sound like that yet. Rocking the boat again a feminine voice cried out.

Stopping Merlin swam to the edge of the lake and looked up and out at the boat. Three figures were in it this time alongside Arthur. Another male, blonde with curly locks rowed with a tense back. The other two were females, both dark haired with hoods obscuring the rest of their features.

This wasn't right. Never before had Arthur brought others. Why now? Intent on finding out Merlin glided over. The blonde manning the oars saw his approach and drew his sword menacingly. Arthur steadied the man's hand when he saw it was Merlin.

"You seriously have a death wish don't you," Was his greeting.

Smirking, Merlin propped himself on the side of the boat "It's good to see you too. Who are your friends?" He smiled in the ladies direction.

"None of your buisness peasant," The blonde told him. One of the girls scoffed. "Now get in the boat before you're killed."

Rolling his eyes Merlin muttered "Not this again." He swam closer to the ladies side and out of the blonde man's reach.

"You're wasting your breath Leon. I spent all of my last trip trying to convince him to get in. It seems that- er,"

"Merlin," He supplied.

"Merlin," Arthur rolled his eyes "Has an urge to die young."

"Do you always swim naked?" One of the girls asked. The other one giggled into her hand, blushing slightly.

"Only when there's beautiful women to admire me," He winked causing both of them to laugh.

"Merlin," Arthur growled.

"Oh do shut up Arthur," The green eyed one snapped. "Sorry about him, I dread to think how he treated you last time. You must have felt the lake was more comfortable than sitting with him. I know I do," She scowled in his direction and he pouted back.

"Well he did threaten me," Merlin told her trying for some sympathy. They just laughed instead.

She offered her hand "Do sit with us. It'll be nice to have some civilised conversation," She shot at Arthur pointedly.

"I hate to point it out My Lady but the man's naked, as you pointed out. It would be inappropriate for him to join you in that state," The blonde was still scowling at Merlin. He probably perceived him as some unwanted voyeur at their secret dip in the lake. If only he knew how much more dangerous Merlin was.

"Then give him your cloak," She reasoned.

"It's alright," Merlin told her "I don't need a cloak. Your escort's right that it'd be inappropriate. To be honest I just came over to see who was out on the lake. I'd better get back to..." He trailed pointing behind him.

He dunked under before one of them could protest and watched the boat sail off to the shore. Looking down he realised that the boats recent journey had acquired an audience. Three girls were huddled together watching Merlin and looking at the boat repeatedly. He hissed to ward them off and accompanied the boat back to the other side when they returned.

Arthur's next visit had him coming solo. Merlin hadn't really been expecting him since it had only been two weeks since he had left with his entourage. Singing a deer to its doom he hadn't noticed the boat on the lake since he was too focused on making the deer swim towards him.

When something bumped into his back, that's when he noticed. Turning he saw the butt of an oar at his back and Arthur drifting off over it.

"I didn't know you could sing," was Merlin's greeting this time.

"Er, yeah. It's a talent of mine," He stammered. Arthur had took him completely off guard.

Humming he noticed the deer for the first time "What are you doing?" The dreamy look was gone and replaced with blatant confusion and arrogance.

Thinking quickly Merlin said "Offering something to the mermaids. I thought if I could get the deer in the water they would go after it instead of me."

Arthur playfully contemplated Merlin's excuse "Or you could just stay out of the water."

Hissing through his teeth he commented that "I like swimming here too much to do that." He came over to the boat and sorrowfully abandoned his meal in favour of getting Arthur to the other side of the lake. "So what brings you out here again?"

"I can't tell you," He had started rowing again which was a good sign. His tone had come back as well.

"Who were those women you were with last time?" Merlin asked instead.

Again "I can't tell you."

"Is there anything you can tell me?" he demanded.

Arthur stopped rowing and looked him dead in the face "You have a lovely singing voice." Merlin felt his cheeks colouring slightly "If it wasn't for your lack of brains I'd offer you a chance to sing at the castle," And he ruined it.

"I don't think I'd like to sing there even if I did have brains," Merlin retorted "Their standard for what constitutes royalty is quite appalling."

Arthur barked a laugh "You can't talk to me like that," He reiterated.

"And yet I do," He started singing again to stop Arthur from snapping at him. He was rather enjoying having the blonde all to himself, his last visit had left Merlin in a sour mood.

He also enjoyed the dreamy look that overcame anyone that heard his kind sing. On Arthur it turned his face slack with what looked like stupidity. He kept his tone light so Arthur remained enough sense to keep rowing and not listen to Merlin. That was how they drew their victims in, sing the right song and people were just asking you to drown them.

He stopped when they reached the shore where Arthur shook himself from his doze and got out of his boat. Looking back at Merlin as he went into the trees had the merman wondering how susceptible Arthur was under Merlin's singing. He could probably get him to spill all sorts of secrets if he asked right. Putting that thought away from later Merlin called Arthur's boat to him again and set it loose on the lake, after all the man did just cost him his meal.

He sat himself in his little hiding place and lounged in the sun warmed water for Arthur to return. A muttered curse had Merlin upright and watching Arthur edge around the lake. The man walked too and fro, stopping now and then to shout abuse at his waylaid boat. Merlin laughed into his hand to muffle the sound. Every now and then Arthur would dip his toes into the water but pull back abruptly.

It was when a shouted "Merlin!" reached his ears that he finally revealed himself .

"Something wrong?" He asked innocently.

Arthur pointed to his boat "You couldn't have kept an eye on it," He seethed.

"I was busy," Merlin shrugged.

"Too busy being a bloody idiot!" Arthur stormed back and forth again. Merlin was getting rather tired of being called stupid. If anyone was lacking brains it was Arthur. Didn't he find it suspicious that Merlin kept appearing at the lake?

"You know you could be nicer," Merlin told him.

Arthur wasn't hearing it "Nicer! My way back's gone! I can call you whatever the hell I want because you were too busy swanning around the lake to notice my boat floating off!"

"You know the 'swanning off' around the lake you accused me of doing could get you to the other side just as fast as a boat," Merlin told him.

The prospect of going in the water himself had Arthur pulling his foot violently back from the edge. "I don't fancy being eaten thank you," Arthur ran a hand down his face and gazed at the boat contemplatively.

"I could go over and fetch it for you," Merlin offered.

Arthur shook his head and walked back into the trees. Figuring he went to find another way around the lake Merlin went to the middle of the lake again to float in the sun. Hearing a splash had him looking back to where Arthur had disappeared to and found the blonde heaving something behind him.

Curious Merlin swam closer and made out the shape of a deer. Arthur was huffing from the weight and was near drowning when he managed to get it in the water alongside him. Spotting him Arthur pointed to the deer.

"I thought about what you said. Do you think this will let me cross?" Merlin felt his brows leave his face. He was offering food to them? Merlin had just made that up. Then again it had Arthur in the water so perhaps it wasn't a wasted lie. For some reason seeing Arthur drenched had him happy.

He floated along the edges as Arthur finally threw the deer into the deep part of the lake. Waiting two minutes before he started swimming, Arthur started making progress towards the other shore. Merlin knew that the prince wasn't in any danger but still watched from afar as Arthur swam as fast as he could.

He left the boat where it was and staggered out while wringing his shirt. Casting one last look back at the lake he nodded to Merlin and left. Meanwhile Merlin made a dive straight for whatever was left of the deer, he was starving.

Merlin didn't see Arthur for another three weeks. All of which he spent luxuriating in the summer heat alongside his giggling kind. They had spotted a knight walk to and from the lake and had taken quite a fancy to him. It wasn't unheard of for them to let one or two people go and from the sounds of it this man had made the cut. They talked about his handsome face with glee and hoped he would come onto the water soon so they could sing to him. Merlin just flicked water on their tittering faces.

When Merlin did see Arthur it wasn't at all how he pictured it. Making his way towards his mother near the bottom he saw something glinting in the sunlight. Figuring it was some chainmail he swam over to collect it and have his mother fashion it into something only to find that it still had a body attached. It was Arthur.

Not breathing and unconscious Merlin swatted his face around to see if he could elicit a response. When none came he set his sights on the chainmail that was weighing him down. It took seconds for Merlin to give up and eventually ripping through the metal. Yet still he didn't rise to the surface. Merlin tried to drag him and even searched for somewhere he was caught but it seemed like he was just stuck in the water.

Setting his sights to the surface he called behind him for some of the others. They came and made a dive for the prince but Merlin warded them off with promises of other meat. They all looked up and across to the shore where two feet were perched delicately in the rocks.

Merlin skimmed the surface for a quick look and saw a girl, blonde and fair with blood red eyes, casting some spell towards their lake.

Relaying this to the others they were more than on board with taking down this sorceress. No one was allowed to cast magic on their lake without permission. Therefore it took seconds before those feet were dragged down to the depths with the girl screaming as she went. Despite the horrific transformation her face had taken meat was meat and mermaids weren't too picky. She was gone in a flash of teeth and talons with the dress she wore being divided up between the girls.

The spell broken Arthur lifted easily to the surface. He had almost broken it when another two feet splashed their way in. It seemed the girl wasn't alone and foolishly the man had entered the lake despite what he had just seen. He too was gone when the girls caught his scent. Merlin may have even joined in slightly when the man made a dive for the shallows.

Naturally when Merlin had gotten Arthur above the water they couldn't go on land. The other option was the boat which Merlin called towards them. Pushing the prince inside he waited for him to start breathing properly again.

When it didn't happen he remembered seeing a human rescued from their lake once, he too hadn't been breathing so one of them pounded on his chest. Replicating this Merlin had Arthur sputtering water and himself sinking back into the lake.

Coughing Arthur demanded to know "What happened? Why am I here?"

"There's this word, I believe it's called 'thank you.' Usually people say it when someone's just saved their lives," Arthur just scowled at him. Sighing Merlin complied with his wishes "You looked like you were being attacked by some witch. Do witches always have red eyes?" he asked. His mother had said his own go gold when he does magic.

Arthur was frowning "A witch. That can't be right."

"Well she was trying to drown you in any case. You were lucky I was here," He smirked.

Arthur peered suspiciously at him "Yes, I was. Tell me Merlin," He drawled sitting up "What exactly had you down at the lake this time. I'm starting to believe swimming isn't all you come here to do."

"Sorry to disappoint," Merlin shrugged "But that's all I was doing."

Arthur looked like he didn't believe him. "So were exactly is this witch you spoke of?" He asked instead looking out over the lake.

Merlin looked too and saw the ripples from where they had just emerged "The mermaids took her and the man. Did she have some grudge against you? A lady you once courted perhaps?"

"Man," This seemed to confuse him more "I don't remember anything," He ran his hand through his wet hair in frustration and stopped suddenly "Unless. Merlin what did she look like?"

Thinking back he answered "Blonde, pale, fair and red eyes."

"The man she was with, was it her father. Was her name Sophia?" Arthur urged.

Shaking his head he told him "The mermaids took them. All I saw were their appearances and some of the words they were uttering. That's why I thought she was a witch. Well, that and the fact you wouldn't come up for air until she was dead."

Arthur seemed worried by the news "I must go tell my father," He muttered and sat up properly. Pale and shaking Merlin pushed the boat most of the way to shore so Arthur didn't have to row much. Getting out he cast a look back "About what you did..."

"Saving your life?" Merlin clarified.

"That, thank you," He was half turned when he said it and practically sprinting once the words were out his mouth. Huffing a laugh Merlin went to see if there were any scraps.

He's not that good looking, Merlin thought hiding with the other merpeople. They were watching a dark haired man row himself across. Most of those watching were sighing with each flex of his shoulders.

Rolling his eyes Merlin sank back down to the depths. His mother was just finishing his present when he came in. Stealing the metal that made up Arthur's chainmail, his mother had said she would make something out of it for him.

Sure enough he was presented with a necklace when she saw him. "You know just because people think we're all called mermaids doesn't mean we're all girls," He whined taking the necklace anyway.

"Which is why I made you a manly chain instead. Look there," She pointed to the dragon she had fashioned "It was the crest your father wore as he came to see me. Apparently he was someone high up in court and had to wear the kings sigil. I thought you might like it." He did but he still complained about it.

Three days later a mermaid was screeching back into her home with others not far behind. Merlin managed to corner one and ask what happened.

Apparently the man they had spied was back on the lake. One of them had tried to approach him only for him to pull his sword out and cut her. He'd been warned about the lake then.

Since he had attacked the girl who had declared immunity for him he was fair game. Three of them had tried to take him out only to be slashed as well. He could see anarchy was breaking out ahead, the maid who had been cut along with others who had taken a fancy were trying to hold back those who wanted a bite out of him.

One of the girls came over to him and asked if he could get the man to stop fighting and start rowing. Sighing he agreed and went to the top.

The man's sword was drawn and pointed at the edge of his boat. Alternating the angle it pointed at Merlin tried to find a safe opening.

"Evening," He called. The man swung his sword in an arc and had it pointed menacingly at Merlin. He moved back slightly. "I thought I'd give you some advice and tell you to start rowing."

"And have those witches snatch me up as soon as I let my guard down?" he sneered.

Shrugging Merlin called "Fair enough," And drifted away "Enjoy being eaten."

The man called Merlin to stop "How do I know you're not deceiving me?" he seemed to be weighing his options. It was a good start.

He swam back over and perched himself on the edge of the boat "You don't. But if you do believe me then you'd best get going. The water's starting to bubble and I don't think you've made any friends here."

"She tried to drown me," Merlin snorted. "She was," he defended "She was pulling me towards her and the water." More like she was going in for a kiss.

"Still," Merlin conceded "You probably made things worse when you attacked her."

The man was looking wildly around as a bubble popped nearby "Don't suppose you know how many are living in this lake?" Did everyone think that only women could be merpeople?

He shrugged vaguely "Lots."

The man nodded and moved to the side "You'd best get in if we're going to get to the other side then. It'll be safer if one of us rows while the other defends." How had had the man went from assuming he was a potential threat to a human in a crisis?

"Er, actually I can't. See I've got this agreement with them. I'm just supposed to tell you to shift and then leave," He pointed in the other direction.

The man frowned considering "Refusing to get in the boat? You wouldn't happen to be called Merlin would you?"

Shocked "How did you know?"

The man smiled and held his hand out "Lancelot. And Arthur told me about you before I was exiled. He said that you might be here to help me across and here you are."

"Arthur talks about me?" Why did that make him happy?

"Yep," Lancelot had taken up an oar, thankfully, and was deciding whether to take the other. "He mentioned how stupid you were to trust the mermaids."

"Did he now?" Merlin scowled.

Lancelot threw away the sword and started rowing "Don't worry I didn't believe him for a second. If you ask me, making an agreement with this kind would be great. You can probably go anywhere without fear of being eaten."

Merlin nodded and chatted with Lancelot to the other side. He bade Merlin goodbye after Merlin declined joining him on his new adventures. Swimming back he found the deep in a much calmer state now that Lancelot was gone.

Arthur didn't come to the lake that month. Nor the month after. After three months Merlin admitted to himself that he had maybe taken a liking to this human. In more than just a, I like to torment you kind of way as well.

When Arthur did come the fourth month Merlin was so happy he couldn't care that he wasn't alone. The dark haired woman he had seen ages ago was with him along with the blonde knight and a number of others. Merlin was scared to approach so watched from afar as they sailed across. He dived now and then to keep the others from attacking as he did so.

Once they had reached the other bank they didn't go off into the trees. Instead they made camp along the shore. The knights made a fire and set up traps along the woods and the lake to keep their little party safe while Arthur and the woman sat around the cooking meat talking.

Night fell and Merlin went to check on them again. The fire was blazing and they were all laughing merrily around it. Merlin sank down into his own home after that. His mother had the young ones around their home. Teaching them songs they would later use on prey. Taking out one of her lyres he went to side of the lake to try and entice his own meal to come to him.

The smell of human was overpowering and unfair on his nose. Especially since he was hunting animals instead of them. Strumming he let his voice carry into the woods. Sinking into the wind's whistles and curling in the green plants that ensnared the wildlife within it.

He heard hooves after a while, large and fat it smelled meaning it couldn't be a deer. A horse emerged and walked towards him with dreamy grace. The saddle on its back was gone but the reins were still there. Chewed off where a knot had most likely been to keep it in place. Closer it came until all Merlin had to do was drag it under and let it drown.

He rose up after feeding to check on his humans. Frowning when he counted two missing he swam for a closer look. Arthur and the girl were gone. The knights had stationed themselves to watch the lake and one pointed when he caught sight of Merlin.

Rolling his eyes he figured they were singling him out to be killed and made to dive. When a voice called out "Merlin," He found out otherwise. "There you are," Arthur grinned rowing closer. Him and the girl must have taken the boat out when he was feeding. "I heard you singing but it took some time to find you."

"I was busy," He wiped his face, hoping the none of the blood still remained. "So, what brings you to the lake. Let me guess, you can't tell me."

Arthur grinned smugly "Actually I came here to see you." Confusion fell upon him so Arthur continued "I was recently injured badly-"

"Dying more like it," the girl muttered.

"And now I've recovered. It took some time for father to finally let me out and even then I needed a good excuse so I told him I was going to visit you." Merlin stilled. "I told him how nice your singing was and offered to show it to Morgana," He introduced.

The woman smiled kindly at him "I have to say I didn't believe Arthur. I thought he was just inventing your singing voice. But that..." She sighed "You really have a gift."

"Thanks," He smiled. "So are you Arthur's sister or his new recipient of affection?" She laughed.

"Neither thankfully. I'm the king's ward," She explained "Speaking of affection," She cast a side-long look at Arthur.

"Shut up," He told her and faced Merlin "So how often do you come here?"

"I practically live here if that's what you mean," Laughing so much on the inside at his little joke.

Arthur nodded like he already suspected as much. Morgana on the other hand looked worried. "Is it true that you're protected in there?"

"It is," He told her seriously.

"Still, you should at least wear something. Make it harder for them to get to your flesh," Merlin glanced down at his chest. He supposed it looked like he was naked. The skin stretched a good way down until it turned to scales.

He hummed absently "I guess, but I hate the feeling of clothes. Besides," He turned charmingly at her again "You're not the only women in this lake. And everyone knows women prefer their men barely clothed and strikingly handsome," He playfully tossed his head. She laughed merrily at him while Arthur scowled.

"Careful Merlin," He drawled "I'd hate to have to take you in for trying it on with a member of the court."

Morgana rolled her eyes at his behaviour "He's just jealous because I'm taking all your attention away."

"Who can blame him. With you here, everything else just dims in comparison," He complimented. She seemed to preen more under Merlin's words and Arthur to darken.

"I like your pendant," She pointed. He looked down to the little dragon his mother had made.

"My mother made it," He told her proudly.

"It's lovely," She complimented "What's it made from?"

Frowning Merlin told her "I don't know," it wouldn't do to tell her that he had gotten the metal from Arthur's torn chainmail.

"Shame," She made a gesturing motion and Merlin let her take hold of the pendant. "Look Arthur," She showed him "It's shaped just like Camelot's dragons."

"Hmm, so it is," He took the pendant from her "Do you live there?"


"Camelot," Arthur told him in that arrogant tone of his.

"No." Morgana took the pendant and handed it back to him with some reluctance. "Why don't you keep it," He offered.

"Won't your mother mind?" He shook his head. Truthfully she had another five waiting at home after he had lost the first one. "Well in that case, I'd love to keep it."

"If you two girls are finished exchanging jewellery," Arthur mocked.

Morgana turned on him "Well what else am I supposed to do? You brought me out here and so far all we've done is make a camp," She pointed towards where the knights were still keeping watch.

"Fine," He pouted and turned to Merlin "Don't suppose you'd fancy singing for us would you."

"Only if you say please," Merlin smirked. Arthur sniffed and looked haughtily away.

"Please," Morgana asked instead. "Will you come and sing around our fire?"

"No, but I will sing for you," He compromised and began his melody immediately to stop any more negotiations. Already a trance like state had overcame them.

By the end of his songs Morgana was leaning so far over the boat it would be no surprise to him if she fell in. Tempting though that was, Merlin reluctantly pushed her back in the boat. Arthur came back to reality slowly as Morgana righted herself. He slipped away quickly while they were disorientated and gave the boat a little push towards shore as he did so. It wouldn't do for him to start another conversation with them. Not when the knights had threateningly held a crossbow up as Morgana slipped forwards. He was just thankful that the boat hid his escape.

He didn't see Arthur again for another two months. Merlin figured his father had him kept busy with princely things so he contented himself with listening to the mermaids chatter about their lives. This month they had developed a game, one in which each of them were to go further than the last. By further in this case he meant in different lakes. They had the means to travel to each of them but out of necessity in numbers congregated together in this one. The furthest one of the maids had travelled was down to the borders of Camelot.

She was bragging about having seen the spires that signalled the white castle, central to the city. She had even said she saw knights coming in and out of the woods where she hid. After that it became a matter of challenge. Who was to go one step further and actually swim into the capitol itself? Naturally Merlin volunteered. The prospect of seeing where Arthur lived was too tempting to pass up.

The next day he bid goodbye to his mother and set off upstream towards the little rivers that ran into Camelot. He kept as close to the deep as he could but usually ended up looking like someone who hadn't learned to swim all that well as he dragged his tail along the rocky currents.

After five hours of excruciating agony and another ten minutes of picking errant stones out his tale he saw the shining white spires of Camelot. Stretching to the heavens, the white made it look like clouds forming a solid structure. In awe he swam into the deep ravine that made up Camelot's water supply and made his way into the capitol itself.

Bobbing his head just above the water every now and then gave him glimpses of farms that lived on the outskirts. Then stalls as markets replaced hutches. After that came the wall where he would need to slip under the water until he made his way into the castle. Excitement coursed through him, so this was what humans lived like.

The swim into the castle wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. Without any sunlight to the water it was hard to see in. Multiple times he had banged into the stone walls of the castle and eventually just swum with a hand to it to guide him.

He was just about to turn around when a light appeared on top of the water. Merlin stilled and kept close to the wall as the fire drew nearer. Sinking further down he tried to avoid its light as a voice sounded.

"I know you're down there," It wasn't spoken. Truthfully Merlin had only heard other merpeople speak like that to him. Looking around for another being like him he heard the voice again "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you."

Merlin hesitantly asked it "Are you alone?"

"Yes, but there are others with me," Well that wasn't at all cryptic. "They're busy at the moment."

Merlin surfaced slightly and saw that the source of light was coming from a small boy holding a torch. "Who are you?"

The boy smiled slightly and held his hand out "My name is Mordred." Merlin shook his hand "It's a pleasure to meet you Emrys."

"My name is Merlin," He told the boy.

He nodded but still didn't change how he addressed Merlin "I got you this to help you. You'd better be careful though Emrys, I saw some guards on my way down. They may come and find you if you don't hurry."

"What about you?" He felt slightly guilty for leaving the boy. He could always eat him, but then Camelot would have a murder case on its hands. Merlin wanted to get in and out without any more complications.

"I have to go back," He pointed behind him "I just wanted to meet you. Help you."

Merlin smiled and held the torch up as Mordred gave it to him "Well, thanks." Then Mordred was scampering away with a little goodbye. Merlin didn't know whether to be scared that a small boy had known he was there or thankful that someone had helped him. Either way he set off quickly down his path.

The walls were narrowing to a small archway that only let in water. With a reluctant look at the torch Merlin put it out and swam through with the water. It opened out and into three different channels. Choosing the first on the right he went down and came to a well.

It was a dead end and really dull so Merlin made his way back. Not before someone saw him though. One minute he was diving back into the water and the next searing agony was coursing through his body. His tail felt aflame as he swam back the way he came and into the connecting channels. Shouts could be heard down the one he had just came out of. He paid no attention and looked apprehensively towards his tail. An arrow was sticking between two scales, wedged in deep Merlin was scared to touch it until he was safe.

A bell tolled through the castle making the water vibrate with every dong that sounded. Through the dizzying pain one thing rang out louder than the others. At first he thought it was Mordred but the tone was too deep to be that of a child's.

"Merlin. Down here Merlin. Take the left one," He didn't know what to do. The only thoughts running through his head weren't even his own. "Merlin," It called and he obeyed.

A chasm opened up from the left channel. Stretching higher than he cared to look at this moment Merlin wearily swam towards a rocky bank. Lifting himself slightly out he looked at the arrow and yanked it out quickly. Muffling his pain with his hand he willed the wound to close. Never having been good with healing magic it only stopped bleeding and scabbed slightly. Better than nothing Merlin collapsed backwards and came face to face with a dragon.

"Hello," He greeted. You would think he would be more scared but dragons were relatively peaceful creatures most of the time.

"Evening young warlock," The dragon greeted "I was wondering if I would ever get the chance to meet you."

"Well I hate to disappoint," he grinned "And if you don't mind I prefer merman to warlock. Though the latter does sound manlier."

The dragon grinned as much as a dragon could "Indeed." He came closer towards Merlin and curled himself around the big rock. "How's your tail?"

Merlin winced as the mention of it sent pain flaring to his scabbed up skin "Not good."

The dragon hummed "It's a shame your people don't practice the healing arts," He commented "Getting you back to good health will require some outside assistance I fear."

"So long as they don't try to kill me I'm fine with it," Merlin tried to put his injured side in the water to soothe it. Hissing and spitting later he was back in the same position as before. "Who did you have in mind?"

"His name is Gaius. He works as the physician to the king. He's usually sympathetic to our kind but calling him down here will be a struggle," The dragon mused.

"Maybe I can ask Mordred to fetch him," Merlin said thinking back to the helpful little boy he met.

The dragon said no immediately to that idea "He's trouble Merlin," was all the dragon gave.

"Then I don't have any more options. This was your plan, you do the thinking," He tried again to get himself in the water. He stayed in longer that time which he counted as a win.

"I could always call him," The dragon spoke aloud "But he usually ignores me. Perhaps if we're lucky, this time he won't." The dragon uncurled himself and perched dramatically on the rock. Crouched low with his tail swinging Merlin heard the call ring out in his head as the dragon spoke. Clutching his hands to his ears was pointless but still Merlin did it. It was never nice having someone shout in your head.

"Do you have to be so loud?" Merlin complained. The dragon started and gave him an amused look.

"You can hear me?"

"Obviously," Merlin exclaimed.

"Hmm, you're more powerful than I thought. Don't worry young warlock, I'll try again for another minute then cease for the night." Merlin endured once again the call of the dragon.

He sighed blissfully when the dragon stopped and unfurled himself from his clutch on the bank. Trying again Merlin managed to swim a little before the pain in his tail had him racing back to the bank. The dragon watched him attempt again and again to get himself back in the water. What was worse was he was offering advice.

"I've been doing this all my life thank you," Merlin snarled.

"All I'm saying is if you moved your fins more and your tail less then you might be able to swim longer," Merlin could almost see why the dragon was locked up. He probably annoyed the king so much that he had no choice but to imprison it.

Footsteps sounded from above. Merlin hastily shuffled around the back of the rock as the dragon reared itself up. Merlin scoffed slightly at the intimidating stance.

"Alright what is this about. I'm telling you now, if you want me to set you free, forget it!" Someone shouted in.

"Not this time," The dragon told him. Merlin peered around the edge and saw a hunched elderly man in his nightclothes. He hadn't realised it was late.

"Then what is it?" The man asked since the dragon wasn't forthcoming with information.

"A little warlock has injured himself. I thought you might provide some assistance to him," Gaius turned away slightly in fright and seemed to be looking around for someone.

"You know I can't," He hissed back.

"I think you'll make an exception," The dragon promised "After all, Emrys is the hope for all of us."

Merlin didn't understand what the dragon meant by that. The only thing he did understand was that he had called Merlin the same thing that boy Mordred had. Truthfully even that didn't make much sense but it struck something in Gaius.

"He's here?" He gasped "Where? He needs to get out!"

"That's where I need your assistance physician," A swat to the head had Merlin tumbling sideways and into the water. Splashing around he pulled himself back up and scowled at the dragon "He's taken a battering. I need you to look at him."

There was a moment of silence "I'll need to look at him," He heard and the man clambering down stone steps "This isn't saying I'm helping you!" He pointed to the dragon.

"Of course it is. You're helping everyone by doing this including myself," Annoying cryptic lizard.

The man hobbled over to the dragons rock and skirted around the bank towards where Merlin was hiding "You're going to have to come out," Gaius told him.

Merlin took one look at the dragon "You're sure he'll help?"

The dragon nodded so he shuffled around into Gaius' light. To say the man was shocked was an understatement, one look had him dropping his torch and descending them all into darkness. "You're a-" He cleared his throat "Right, well let's look at you," He croaked and offered the torch for the dragon to relight.

Merlin held his tail out "One of the arrows got in," he pointed to the hole in his scales.

Gaius tutted and prodded lightly at the wound. He hissed but stayed still. "I don't know much about healing your kind," Gaius told him "It may take some trial and error."

"But you can?"

"I can try," The man promised him. Then he turned to the dragon "Where's he going to stay?"

The dragon looked around as if that was answer enough "I'm sure the water will agree with him more than your chambers Gaius."

Gaius tutted "Very well. Make sure no one finds him then."

Gaius was gone shortly after that with advice for Merlin to keep the wound dry. Then he changed his mind and said to keep it moist. Merlin didn't know which one to follow so he alternated each for an hour after the man left.

He was back the next evening with foul smelling herbs and a concoction that he promised didn't taste as bad as it smelled. Liar. He applied a salve and had Merlin keep his wound out of the water while the salve was on. Promising to check on him the next evening he retired once again.

By the fourth night Merlin was looking forward to Gaius coming back. The dragon was a nightmare to talk to. After he advised him on how he could improve his singing Merlin had given Kilgarragh the silent treatment.

"When will I be well enough to leave?" Merlin asked eagerly.

Gaius frowned "With a wound like this it could be weeks. I'm sorry Emrys."

Pouting he told him "It's Merlin." Gaius looked up surprised "My name, it's Merlin," He clarified. "Not Emrys."

Gaius nodded "You know you remind me of another patient of mine. Can't wait to get back on the battlefield even if he's close to death."

The dragon perked up at the mention of this mystery patient. He was eyeing Merlin carefully "Let's hope that he doesn't die before he should."

Gaius looked up at the dragon with narrowed eyes "Indeed."

Yellow eyes peered curiously into his "Tell me young Warlock. What made you come to Camelot?"

Merlin was happy to answer a direct question "A game. We were seeing who could get the furthest inside Camelot. It seems I've won."

The dragon didn't seem satisfied "Anything else?"

"Well," Merlin didn't know if he should mention Arthur or not.

He didn't need to since the dragon turned to Gaius "Does the name Merlin sound familiar to you at all Gaius?"

The man frowned "Now that you mention it..." He looked sharply at Merlin "You wouldn't happen to be the Merlin Arthur's been seeing at the lake would you?"

"You know Arthur?" Merlin asked excitedly. Then he argued that of course Gaius would know Arthur, he was the court physician, he probably saw him all the time.

Gaius didn't seem to share his excitement "This isn't good."

The dragon on the other hand seemed immensely pleased "It seems destiny always does find a way."