After a year away from fanfiction, I have managed to acquire some much-needed writing skills. As such, I don't think I can finish this story. I was improvising the whole thing, and I had a minor plan for it that had been forgotten a while back. Sorry to disappoint. I wish I could finish the story, but in retrospect, there were parts that were poorly written, and the sheer amount of plot was too confusing for some people (particularly me, a year later).

However, during my time away, I've come up with some ideas (okay, just one, but it's really impressive) that could be turned into a fanfiction of some kind. And I doubt I'll have OC's in that one. Maybe post-Borderlands 2. Or before.

It's beginning to sound a lot like I'm planning to write a story without a plan. Oops.

Again, terribly sorry that I can't finish this now, especially to anyone who has stuck with it from the start. I might finish this a while (read as "decades or so") from now. In the meantime, I have a planet to perfect.

Noble Jasper, out. *cri*