
Chapter 12.

So here we go for the very final chapter, hope you enjoy it!

The next morning after she and Tony have had some breakfast they seem to get themselves packed up slightly sadly, when he notices the look on Charlie's face he massages the back of her neck and gives her a kiss and says "I know that this is difficult, but we do have too do this, but hopefully this should all be over soon."

She answers "I know but it's a shame that this honeymoon period has to come to an end."

He says "Well I promise you that as soon as this is all over we'll make up for it, I love you and will wait for however long it takes, but I really hope that it won't be that long."

"And me too, as I love you too." They then kiss and head back to Gibbs once again.

When they get back to Gibbs they find them all having breakfast, as they walk in there's a chorus of "Morning Mommy." From both Rosie and Andrew while Tony takes their bags upstairs. After she kisses the top of both kids heads, Gibbs gets up and says "Are you ok?"

She answers "I'm fine, just getting nervous I suppose about what's going too be coming."

As he gives her a hug and kiss he says "Try not to worry about it, I promise you that I will always protect you." As Tony then comes back down again he says "So has there been any news?"

Gibbs replies "Nothing as yet, but we are keeping a close eye on things. I'm going to start interviewing the parents today and see if and what I can get anything out of them, if anything at all. I want you in observation Tony so that if anything does come up you can then check it out."


He then says to Charlie "While you're here on your own if you're worrying about anything please call one of us and we'll be straight home."

She answers "I will do." As they then all hug Tony and Gibbs then leave.

As she and the kids have just a quiet morning she later leaves them watching tv as she goes to get them all some lunch. When she all of a sudden hears a noise she goes and grabs her gun, she then goes back into the kitchen and carries on sorting the lunch out. All of a sudden the door comes flying open, which was locked as she promised that she would do to Gibbs. It's Simon who tries to grab Rosie, but she won't let him get her to pick her up with all her wriggling. As Charlie pulls her gun he then makes sure he puts Rosie in the way so that Charlie can't take a shot without not hurting Rosie. As Andrew joins her they both grab a ball that they both throw at Simon. Both hit him in such a way that makes him let go of Rosie, she then yells at the two of them to go and hide. As Simon goes to get after them Charlie grabs him and a fight between them breaks out. He finally manages to bang her head against the wall, but because of the way he's bent over her doing it she gets in a direct kick in his face, because of the damage she does to him with the kick he finally runs off. She then manages to get at her phone and calls Gibbs, as he answers right away she says "Dad he's been here, he just tried to grab the kids." He replies with some urgency "Ok we're on our way."

When he and Tony get there they rush in and find her still on the floor by the wall, Tony rushes to her side and hugs her and says "What happened and where's the kids?" She then explains what happened and that she told them to go and hide, and as Simon didn't go after them again after she kicked him in the face he left. She'd not been able to go after them because of him having banged her head on the wall and she's now got a banging headache. Tony then says that he'll go and find them and gives her a kiss. When he's gone Gibbs helps her to get up but as she goes dizzy he catches her, picks her up and then lays her on the sofa as he says "We'd better get you to the hospital as I think you've got concussion. Don't worry about anything, me and Tony will be with you and we'll also bring the kids. I'm going to call McGee so that he can come and get the evidence from here and to also get the security raised round you all again. Seeing as today he has shown us that he can stay under the radar, as none of the alerts went off for him being here." While he then does the call Tony comes up from the basement with Rosie in his arms and holding Andrew's hand as Charlie moves to sitting and he sits next to her he says quietly "They were under the boat in the basement, but it's taken a lot to get them out of there." She then says to the both of them "You two have been very brave and very good for doing what Mommy told you too do." Andrew then gives her a hug and says "Are you ok Mommy?"

She answers "I am, but I have got a really bad headache from where I hit it on the wall, so we're going to go too the hospital so I can get checked." Gibbs then comes off the phone and says "Ok the others are on their way to get everything from here. Bishop is also coming on behind us to the hospital just in case he tries something again. McGee has also put out a BOLO out on him, he's also sending the picture to your phone Tony so we can show it at the hospital, just in case Charlie managed to hurt him enough for him to go to the hospital."

At the hospital they confirm that Charlie does have concussion and advise that she should be in at least over night. So Gibbs insists that they have a private room with extra beds for the kids, himself and for Tony. Plus they will also be putting extra guards on the door, due to her ex-husband being out to get her and the kids.

Once they finally get them all settled into a room they give Charlie some painkillers, which then pretty much knock her her out so she spends most of the time asleep. Between Gibbs and Tony as they sit with them all they do what they can in the search for Simon. Later on that afternoon leaving Bishop to sit with them because they go off to join in with some raids on places that he might be in. One turns out too be a completely false lead. The other one does turn out too be his hide out, but it turns out that they just miss him.

That night ends up being a bad one for Charlie because she keeps having a reoccurring nightmare about she and Tony being shot. Each time she has it she wakes with a jump and also has to wipe away the tears because of crying in her sleep. It also then sets her off worrying that the dream may be a premonition of things to come. Each time she wakes either Gibbs or Tony or the both of them end up hugging her and holding her hand, as they try to reassure her that it is just a dream.

Once she gets given the all clear the next day, for all of their safety they transfer she and Tony to one safe house under guard and the kids to another one. Gibbs also ensures that he spends time between both of the houses, but at night he makes sure that he remains with Charlie and Tony. Especially so that he can also be there for when she has the nightmare again, as she still continues to get it, but not quite as many times as getting it in the hospital. Of course day and night they're always on alert, armed and wearing their bulletproof vests. They also vacate the place at regular intervals, but like when they get food deliveries they constantly change the time it happens, just in case they're being watched.

In between keeping an eye on them all in the safe houses Gibbs is also still interviewing Simon's parents. With the father he finds that he hardly gets anything out of him, but with the mother she does keep giving the odd thing away. So of course he goes and checks those leads out.

Finally it's a few days later when Simon finally strikes. It comes on the day that his parents are charged with knowing what really happened to Nick. The father also gets charged with being an accessory to murder and for also helping to dispose of the body. Things happen later on that afternoon when luckily everyone is around. As due to having the feeling that something might happen with the charges being bought and the days events. The suspicion is that Charlie and Tony will be his targets, because if anything happened to them he thinks that he will then get the kids. As well as being ready for him and having everything on they also all have ear wigs in so everyone can be there if they're needed. All of a sudden during the silence as she, Gibbs and Tony are sitting there waiting they hear the back door click and they're soon ready for anything. In the end it ends up being a big shoot out between them all. Simon also somehow also ends up getting to Tony and grabs him attempting to drag him out of there. During the struggle between Tony and Simon, Tony ends up getting knocks unconscious so Simon then goes after Charlie. She tries to avoid him but somehow he still ends up getting hold of her, but she manages to fight him off. As he then has another attempt at dragging Tony out again, Simon puts him into a position where he can cover him with his gun. As she gets what she thinks is a clear shot at him, he moves Tony in his arms and then shoots at the same time that she does. She feels the bullet hit her in the shoulder and goes down. As she starts to lose consciousness she sees both Simon's and Tony's body go down, making her think that she hit Tony and not Simon.

In reality she manage to hit Simon with her bullet and it was also a kill shot. Tony went down because of being still unconscious, but before her shot hit Simon he took a final shot into Tony's shoulder. Once it is all over the two of them get rushed to hospital. Gibbs goes with Charlie, leaving the others to deal with the clean up.

With Tony the shot in the shoulder was just a through and through and it also managed to avoid anything important, other than just chipping the bone. Plus of course by the time they reach the hospital he had once again regained consciousness, so as soon as he got sorted out and given the all clear he goes straight to find Gibbs. When he finds him he's standing at the window to the room where they're working on Charlie. When Gibbs senses that Tony is there he asks "Are you ok?"

Tony answers "In a little bit of pain, but it's just a bone chip, how's Charlie?"

Gibbs replies "I don't know they haven't told me anything yet, but she was still unconscious when we got here."

Tony then asks "What about Simon?"

"It's over, that final shot that she fired killed him. She was protecting you again, as I think she thought he was going to kill you even as she did lose consciousness. I just wish that I'd lived up to my promise of protecting her."

Tony then tries to reassure him by saying "We all did our best, we just weren't sure exactly where he was going to hit. The main thing at least is that the kids are at least safe. As you say with Simon now gone we can now all recover and for the two of us we can now build our lives together." As the doctor then comes out of the room he asks if they're family and next of kin, so Gibbs tells him that he's her father and then adds with a slight lie that Tony is her fiance. He then explains to them that they're going to have to operate because she has a shattered shoulder and that they've also got to repair an archery which also got caught. All in all though they were very lucky because if the bullet had hit just a tiny bit lower, then they would've lost her. The reason for the unconsciousness is because of the amount of blood that she had lost. They then ask if they can see her and the doctor agrees that they can until they come and get her to take her to theatre.

They both go in and take her hands, then when they do come and get her for theatre they both keep hold of her until the last possible second. Just before going in Tony whispers in her ear "I love you and I am ok." Then he gives her a kiss on the forehead. Gibbs then does the same but whispers "I'm sorry, I love you." After he kisses her they then take her straight in.

While they sit and wait for her to come out of theatre Tony calls round everyone to give them an update, as well as going to see the kids so that he can also update them. When they ask about their dad he tells them that he's dead, but doesn't tell them about Charlie shooting him. To start off with they seem to be a little sad, but then they pipe up and say that at least it will mean that Tony will be their only Dad now. When he returns again to the hospital he finds Gibbs still sitting in the same place and he tells him that there's been no news. Tony tells him that everyone sends their love and thoughts, that they will also be staying altogether at the Navy Yard until they get some news. He also tells him about the kids reaction as he felt he should tell them as they asked, although he didn't tell them that it was their Mom that had shot their dad. But they did seem too be happy that he was going too be their dad now.

A couple of hours later the doctor comes to see them, he explains to them that the operation has been a success, although when they got into her shoulder they found that it was more shattered than they originally thought. So it means that she won't be able to use the shoulder for a little while and will be needing physical therapy. At the moment they're still struggling with the blood loss and controlling it, they've had a couple of close calls, but they can tell that she is really fighting it. Because of what's happened and going on, once they've got things under control they will be putting her under a very heavy sedation for a few days so that she can get some rest and her system can recover. He then tells them that once they have things under control they will be transferring her to a private room so that they can be by her side and someone will come and get them once they're ready.

Once they do get to the room they also find that they've also put beds in there for the both of them. The doctor tells them that while she's out of it they won't really be able too do much so advises them to get as much rest themselves as possible, especially for Tony with his own injury. Once the doctors leave them they both get chairs and sit at the side of her bed holding her.

The next day with knowing what the two of them would be like McGee and Ducky go to their places for some stuff, so that they can at least have a freshen up. They also take flowers and cards from everyone when they take the other stuff in, including some home made cards from the kids. They also alert Tony to be on guard for his father, as they had tried to intercept him because the story of what had happened to them had been on the news late the night before. They're names had been released on the news as the two injured enents. They had tried to get hold of him, but couldn't and had also enen trying to get hold of him that morning. But it seems as though his cell must be off, so they think that he might be en route there. Tony says that he'll try and get hold of him, if not then he'll be on guard for him. Ducky also explains that Abby has got the kids for them, but they are really begging to come and see both Tony and their Mom. Gibbs says that she does need to rest as much as possible, but getting to hear their voices might help her. So Tony says that if Abby can manage to bring them in for around tea time, they can have a short visit with her and he'll then take them down to the canteen for something to eat, so Ducky says that he'll pass the message on.

Later on that afternoon the doctors decide on reducing the sedative a little bit. Meanwhile for most of the day he has been trying to get hold of his father, but with no luck. Later on he realizes that he's managed to get there when he hears a commotion going on outside the room and hears his voice. He then goes out to him and once he gets Snr calmed down he explains that he can't be too far away, so they sit on the chairs just outside the room. He then explains about the case with Charlie's husband and that he got shot during the shoot out with him, but all it did was chip a bone in his shoulder. She's under sedation because of her injuries and if it hadn't been for her shooting her husband then he would have most probably ended up being in the same position as her. He also tells him about how they've fallen in love with each other, as Snr then starts on about it being too soon for him to say he's in love with her and the tension starts building between them, Tony is relieved to see Gibbs standing in the doorway facing them and goes over to him, Gibbs then whispers to him "Tony you'd better come back in here again, she seems to know that you're gone." As they both then go back into the room they find her tossing about and calling out Tony's name. He goes to her and grabs her hand and then lets go to start stroking her forehead, as he also gives her a kiss and whispers "Sssh, it's ok I'm here." She starts to settle again, he then sits down and takes her hand again. Gibbs then explains as Tony says that it seems like she's starting to become more aware that he thinks she might be reliving the events of what happened with Simon and because she couldn't sense him being there anymore, she was probably thinking that Simon had perhaps got him after all because of it being the last thing she saw before losing consciousness. Gibbs then says that he'll make sure he's got his phone on him in case Tony needs him, but he'll take care father off for a walk, as he has a feeling that they need to have a father to father talk. Tony thanks him for doing it because he had a feeling that if he hadn't come out when he did that it could've been heading for one of their usual spats again.

As he goes out the room he tells Snr to go with him and they then go outside to get a coffee and sit. Snr then says "I get the impression that Tony thinks I'm wrong about it being too fast for them to have fallen in love with each other."

Gibbs replies "Normally I would've agreed with you, especially where Tony is concerned, but after seeing them in the last few weeks I can see that it's real. Especially with how protective they've been of each other and he has also changed for the better I think. Not only that I know that he didn't tell you, but my daughter has got two kids from her marriage. He is being a great father to them both. He wants to marry her and I have given them my blessing. He has also already adopted the kids and is officially their father and I know that they also want their own children."

After a pause Snr then says "So you've got a daughter then? And it looks like we're going too be father's-in -law to each other's kids. Never in a million years did I think that would happen."

Gibbs sighs and says "Me neither. Saying that though I never thought that I would ever get her in my life with her mother having kept her hidden from me. But I am happy that we have found each other. It certainly has been a difficult start for us all, but especially for them. But hopefully once she recovers things can finally get settled for us all."

Snr replies "I hope that it will do."

Gibbs then says "Me too. Anyway how did you find out that they were here? Although with what was going on I did tell Tony to get in touch and let you know some of what was going on, but he said that he wanted the case out of the way first."

"It was on the news last night, I missed it, but Linda called and told me because she saw it. I wanted to come here straight away, but she told me to wait until this morning because of it not saying how injured they were so I just guessed that they were here. When I did hear Gibbs when I finally got to see a report I did actually wonder if you were related." As he finishes speaking Gibbs phone then goes, after ending the call he then says "She's coming round a bit more so I'd better go in. Abby should be bringing the kids in later for a short visit. Tony did say that he'd take them for something to eat in the canteen afterwards if you'd like to meet them."

Snr replies "That would be good, thank you."

By the time Gibbs gets back up to Charlie's room again, following having woken up just slightly she has once again drifted off. Before he got there as well the doctor had also been in and explained that she will be awake at any time now because she's fighting against the sedative. Just as he says it they start hearing a banging on the bed because of them having their backs to her. As they go over to her and ask what's wrong she starts indicating to the tube that's in her throat so Gibbs says "I think she's trying to say that she wants the tube out." After he says it she nods her head, so Tony goes off to get the doctor again. When they come back the doctor agrees to take it out for her, Tony and Gibbs then take her hand and after the doctor gets her to cough he pulls the tube out, then after then giving her a mask to get in some oxygen quickly, he then replaces it with a nasal cannula. He then tells her that they will start to reduce the sedation but when she does start to feel tired or like she's going to drop off, she must let herself do it and get some rest. The other thing that she must do is if she's in a lot of pain, then she must report it, so that they can get the painkillers dosage right, to which she croakily says that she will do so. Once that's done he lets her have a few sips of water. He then takes Gibbs and Tony outside the room and says that she's making very good progress, but that they should keep an eye on her because he is worrying that if she tries to go too fast, that she might end up crashing or having the same outcome if she also ends up doing too much, so even if she argues they should get her to slow down again. When the doctor goes off and before he and Gibbs go back into the room again Tony says "Are we going to tell her about Simon and what happened or keep it quiet for now?"

Gibbs replies "Let's just see how this plays out, if she asks us then we will tell her the truth, but only if we really have too." As they then go back into the room again, they find that she has once again drifted off.

Just before the kids arrive she wakes up once again and she also still has a sore throat from where the tube had been, so instead of talking she indicates for Tony to go to her. When he does so she then whispers "I'm glad that you're ok and here with me."

He takes her hand and says "As soon as I got myself sorted out I was here by your side. So other than when you were in theatre having your op, both me and your dad have been here by your side."

She then says slightly sadly "I thought that I'd shot you."

"That's what we both guessed you'd thought that had happened. It wasn't you that got me, Simon did."

She then says "Did I get him and is he dead?"

Because of Gibbs hearing what's going on he goes over to her bed, sits on it and takes her hand as he then says "It's all over with him, you did get him and it was instant, he did die." She then bursts into tears, but it seems to be more of a release rather than grief. When she finally settles she then says "What about the kids?"

Tony answers "I went and told them both last night, because they were worrying about the both of us and I think that they were also worrying about him coming back after them again."

"Thank you, do they actually know that it was me who killed him?"

He then answers "I didn't tell them anything about that, plus I think it might be worth keeping it quiet from them, unless of course they end up asking about things when they get older."

"That's a good idea."

He then says "Talking of the kids they should actually be here soon as we told them that they could have a short visit, seeing as they were asking about coming."

"I do want to see them, so thank you. Could you help me to freshen up a bit though before they come?" As Tony then helps her they manage too do quite well between them, although she does every so often end up hurting herself because of trying to do things with her bad arm. Once they're done she thanks him and they finally have their first kiss since everything happened. As she then gets back into bed again Tony says "If you think you might be up to it before the kids come would you be up to meeting someone else?"

She then asks "I might be who is it?"

"My dad heard about what happened to us on the news last night so he came this morning to find out if we were ok. I told him everything about us and he also stayed on so that he could meet the kids as well."

"I would love to meet him." So with that Tony goes out to get Snr as they both come back in again he then says "Dad this is Charlie, Charlie this is my dad Anthony DiNozzo snr." They both hug and she says "Pleased to meet you."

Snr replies "And you too. I've heard a lot about you this morning. I'm pleased to see that you're ok and I hope that Tony is looking after you?"

"He is and he has been."

When the kids arrive they come running into the room and changing at Tony yelling "Daddy!" As he then gives them both a hug Gibbs then has to lift them both onto Charlie's bed because of the way they start trying to climb up it, after giving her a hug and kiss they then settle in on either side of her, once settled they then say in unison "We're glad that you're ok Mommy." As she then kisses them both on the head she says "So am I and I'm also very glad to see you both." As Abby comes in they also hug and kiss as Abby also hands her some flowers and Charlie says "Thanks for having them, I hope that they're behaving themselves for you." She replies "That's ok I've loved having them and they have been behaving themselves." When Abby then sees Snr there also she goes and gives him a hug as well.

The visit ends up going well for all of them, but by the time Tony takes them all off for food she finds herself glad of the silence, especially as she's also starting to feel tired as well. No only that it also gives her a chance of finally getting some alone time with her dad. After asking him to help her with a drink she then says "Why did you say that you were sorry to me before I had the op?"

He answers "I didn't know if you would actually hear me say it, but I felt that I had let you down and that I didn't protect you like I promised you that I would do."

She replies "You did the best you could dad. And we'll probably never find out why he got so obsessed with trying to get us. I was determined though that I was going to come back again and really fight too be here back with you again, because I know that it was a very close thing between it not happening, but someone or something was telling me that I needed to be here with you, but especially you. So that we had each other to look after and of course too be happy with Tony as well. I know that I did want all of this too be over, but I don't know in a way I am sort of feeling slightly guilty for having taken his life, even if in a way I know that it's probably for the best that it has ended this way."

As he puts his hand lightly on her shoulder with a squeeze of reassurance he says "It probably was for the best because of his obsession with you, as if he'd have ended up in jail with all of this, you would have probably been on edge all the more because of worrying about the possibility of him escaping and coming after you again. But from now on just promise me that you won't bottle everything up from now on, when you need to come and talk to me do so. Because I am always here for you." She then yawns and says tiredly "I know you will be and I'm so happy that we've had this chance of being together as I do love you dad." He replies "And I love you too." He then kisses the top of her head and then starts stroking her hair until she falls asleep.

It's the early hours of the morning, Gibbs is in the chair fast asleep, while Tony has fallen asleep with his head on the bed while holding Charlie's hand. When she first wakes up she just lays there watching him sleep, then as she can't resist it she starts to stroke his hair. When he wakes and looks at her blearily he whispers "Are you ok?"

She says quietly back "I'm fine, just loving watching you sleep. Even if you do look uncomfortable, it was still nice to feel you holding my hand."

"It is a bit uncomfortable, but this is the closest we're probably going to get for a while."

She says "I suppose it could be but hopefully we'll be able to make up for it soon. As if I'm honest I can't wait for us to be able to get out of here and start planning for our future."

He answers "Neither can I, especially as my dad really loved you and I also have a feeling that he's going to love being a grandfather to the kids."

She says "I'm glad that he did and I really liked him as well and I can certainly see where you get the DiNozzo charm from."

He replies "I'm glad about that because I want to ask you something." As she asks "And what is that?" He begins to fiddle in his pockets and finally says "I've been carrying this around with me waiting for the right moment too do this and I think that after the last few months and weeks we should have some happiness and also look to our future." He then finally finds what he's looking for and gets the ring box out, although he then struggles with the ring box to get it open with being one handed. When he does finally get it open he says "Charlotte Gibbs will you marry me?" As she starts to cry happy tears she replies "Yes Anthony DiNozzo I will." He then puts the ring on her finger and wipes away some of the tears with his thumb before they finally kiss. What they also don't see is that Gibbs had woken up and heard everything going on, so he sits there not letting them know, but does have a very happy smile on his face!

The End!?

A/N: So we've reached the end of my very first story that I ever wrote and I'd just like to say thank you to everyone for all of their reviews and support with my writing! I have loved sharing my work with you and will be keeping going! Especially as I think I've now been bitten by the writing bug! As well as ones I'm working on I have also got a very full note book full of ideas for other ones! I know this final chapter is a bit of a long one and I had originally tried to split it up, but nothing seemed to work with it and it kept leaving me with a tiny last chapter that didn't feel right so I left it as the one big one! Even though this is the final bit of this story I may explore Charlie and Tony's world once again, but you'll just have to wait and see! D. Xxx. :-)