Elizabeth goes to extremes to get through to Jason after they break up when Michael is shot. Will it be the end of their relationship, or will it usher in a new beginning?
A/N - This is short (4 ½ chapters). This is a feisty Liz. I posted this early cause I want be around wifi until later in the evening.
Chapter 1 – Morgan vs. Webber
The baliff saw the door opening to the judge's chambers and loudly said, "All rise. The case of Webber vs. Morgan is now in session."
The judge took a seat and looked around the courtroom.
"You may be seated."
Jason could not believe that Elizabeth was taking it this far. He just knew she was going to back down at the last minute, but she didn't and now he wasn't quite sure what to expect. Diane was pissed at him for being so nonchalant about the whole thing. Jason had assured her that he and Elizabeth had a firm agreement about not going public with Jake's paternity. When they had found out that Elizabeth was getting Ric of all people to represent her, Jason knew that she was dead serious and he wasn't happy about it at all.
Ric watched Elizabeth walk into his office.
"I'm surprised to see you here," Ric said.
Things were still tense due to their past and Liz's on again off again friendship with the man he hated most in the world.
"I need your help."
Ric sighed and sat back in his chair. "I'm listening."
"I need you to represent me in a case."
"Is this about Lucky?" he asked.
Everyone had been shocked when the two of them had broken up.
"Contrary to popular opinion, my head is not stuck up Lucky's ass and I want nothing to do with him," she said making Ric smirk.
"Go on."
"Someone asked me to marry them and then reneged on it," she explained.
Ric frowned. "Are you serious?"
"Do I look like I'm playing?" Liz asked defiantly.
God she was gorgeous. He had completely ruined his chances but a feisty Liz was just stunning and hot. There was nothing he wouldn't do to get back with her which made her request a pretty easy decision.
"No. What exactly do you hope to accomplish?" Ric asked curiously.
"That he gets his head out of his ass and grows some balls," Liz said much to Ric's amusement. This time, he couldn't help but smile. Someone had gotten her all worked up and now his curiosity was definitely getting the best of him.
"Are you going to tell me who you are suing or do I have to beg?"
"You're not going to like it but I'm not paying you to like him. I just need you to take him down and you are the perfect person to do so," Liz said smugly.
Ric closed his eyes for a moment and then looked into hers. "You're suing Jason aren't you?"
"You're damn right I am and he is going to regret what he did to me."
"Mr. Lansing, your opening statement please," the judge said. When the case had come across his desk, he was going to dismiss it but then he got a curious call from Edward Quartermaine and decided to let it play out.
Edward watched Elizabeth Webber walk into his office. He had no idea why she was coming to see him, but had decided to hear what she had to say because curiosity had gotten the best of him.
"Hello Elizabeth," he said pleasantly wondering why the young woman wanted to see him.
"Hello Edward. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice," she said sitting down.
In the next few minutes, she was going to rock his world and she knew that she would have the man right where she wanted him.
"How can I help you?" he asked.
"I'm going to sue Jason and I need your help," she explained.
Edward frowned. "I don't even speak to Jason anymore. How could I possibly help you?"
Now he was pissing her off. "You see, that is part of the problem. Both of you are too stubborn for your own good. Regardless of who Jason works for, or what he calls himself, he is still a Quartermaine. The fact that you only love him conditionally is horrible. I'm sure Lila doesn't appreciate your selective feelings and don't even get me started about what an idiot your grandson is," she said watching Edward's mouth drop open.
"Well I never…."
"That's right, you never should have given up on him. Everyone acts like Jason doesn't have feelings. You don't think it hurts him that you can't accept him for who he is? It's not like he's asking you to lay in bed with Sonny. The bottom line is that if you want to have anything to do with your grandsons in the future, you will help me," she said firmly.
Now Edward downright thought he needed a heart pill. Did she just say what he thought she said?
"Edward?" Elizabeth asking watching his skin grow pale. Shit, she didn't want to kill him. Jumping up, she saw a small refrigerator in the corner and grabbed a water and quickly poured it into a glass before handing it to him.
He gulped it down. "I think I need something stronger. Did you say grandsons?"
"I did. Jake is Jason's son but he also loves Cameron as well," Liz said.
Edward was stunned. He took another drink and then studied the woman in front of him for a moment and then he smiled. Jason had gone and found himself a Lila. He wanted to laugh gleefully but decided to curb his amusement and quickly lost the smile. "What do you need me to do?"
"Jason and I were secretly seeing each other. He has never claimed Jake because of the danger which frankly, if he brings it up in court, I might need you to bail me out of jail for contempt and intent to do bodily harm," she said dramatically making Edward grin. "Anyway, he asked me to marry him but then took it back after Michael got shot. Therefore, I am suing him for breach of contract. I intend to embarrass his ass and make him take responsibility for his son. I'm done playing this game with him," she said angrily.
Edward chuckled. "Well, I would have never guessed you had this much sass after being with that idiot Lucky Spencer for so many years on and off. I was ready to have your head examined myself."
"Trust me. In the past, if you tried to break that bond, I would have been kicking and screaming. Today, if he was standing on train tracks and a train was hurtling towards him, I wouldn't push him out of the way. Lucky is dead to me."
When Lucky moved in with Sam after all that woman had done, she was finished with him.
"Now back to your extremely dense and single-minded grandson," she said taking a breath. "I need you to talk to the judge and make sure that he doesn't throw the case out. From what I've read, Judge Cochran and you are old friends."
She had done her research so that she could make sure that Diane wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
Edward smiled. "Leave it to me."
"And you can tell Lila, but no one else. I will know if you do Edward and will make your life extremely miserable," she said giving him a glare.
Edward grinned. He was liking her more every second. "You have my word."
"I also might need you to testify against Jason."
"But you said…."
"I know what I said, but for the trial, you need to play a part. Ric will want to question you about what a pain in the ass Jason is and his numerous issues. I'm sure you can handle it," Liz said. If there was one thing Edward was good at, it was complaining about his family.
"Ric Lansing?" Edward asked. He was aware of what Ric had done. Not much happened in Port Charles without his knowledge.
"He's the perfect person really. His hate for Jason will have us coming out on top. Besides, I need to throw Diane off her game."
"And Ric has no problem with you wanting Jason in the end?" Edward asked suspiciously.
"No, because he knows he has no chance in hell to get me back so I think he's quite content with making Jason squirm," Liz explained.
Using Ric could backfire, but it could also be the one thing that made Jason realize she was dead serious.
"Well, I'm in," Edward said. He was going to thoroughly enjoy this.
Liz grinned and handed him something.
Edward looked down and gasped as he studied the picture of Jake and Cam. "They are beautiful. Jake looks so much like Jason," Edward said tearing up.
"I promise I'll bring them over when all of this is over," Liz said.
"Thank you Elizabeth. Lila will be thrilled to," he said smiling.
Liz smiled back and left the office.
Liz looked over at Jason. God he was so handsome. She loved his longer hair now that it had grown past the awkward stage, although she had to admit that there were many nights where she just wanted to rip it out. For several months they had been seeing each other in secret. Everything was great. They spent time at the Metro Court and then a safe house that Jason had put aside for them to meet at. Then Michael got shot and it had rocked everyone's world. But she hadn't expected him to change his mind like he did. At first, she was so crushed that she said okay, but the next day she was so angry she could spit nails. She knew that there was danger in Jason's world, but there was danger everywhere. Jake deserved to have a father that would love him unconditionally and not try to use him as a weapon which is why Lucky had to go. Claiming Jake as his son just gave Lucky ammunition to rub it in Jason's face every time he could. Telling him to shove it and letting him know that Jason's name was on Jake's birth certificate was one of the happiest memories she had in recent years.
Lucky stared at Elizabeth like she had grown two heads. "What did you just say?"
"I said, I can't do this anymore; you pretending to be Jake's father is not working for me."
Lucky blinked and then tilted his head. "What's the problem? Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to agree to that arrangement after all we went through? Now, you're willing to expose him to danger? Did you not see Michael lying in that casket? Have you lost your mind?" he yelled.
Liz cleared her throat. This conversation was a long time coming and she was going to let him throw her off her game with his attitude. "Lucky, I can assure you that I am completely sane. What was insane was asking a drug addict to be a father to my children as if you were somehow the better choice. You were probably more dangerous than Jason at the time, but I was scared to trust his love for me and I agreed to this stupid arrangement. We put you and Sam before our own happiness which is just idiotic. We should have put Jake's needs first and what he needed was his mommy and daddy as a united front."
"You can't seriously say that I was more dangerous than Morgan," Lucky yelled.
"The hell I can. Have you forgotten that you left drugs lying around the house? You couldn't even get clean for Cameron or me, but you think a Spencer Spawn is on the way and suddenly you want to get clean? Instead of being disgusted like I should have been, as usual your eyes welled up with tears and I suddenly felt responsible for fixing you. Well I want to fix something alright and that is mainly this situation," Liz said heavy on the sass. "You don't have to worry about me or the boys anymore. We'll be fine. Trust me on that."
Lucky was furious. "Fuck that. There is no way in hell I'm giving them up."
"You mean there is no way in hell that you're willing to give up Jake right?" she asked pointedly. "You've never even once asked to adopt Cameron."
"You are being ridiculous. I'm sure I have."
Liz rolled her eyes. "No Lucky, I'm finally going to make things right and you will not say a word to anyone. Go home to Sam and have fun with the woman who put our sons in danger twice; another reason that you don't deserve them. Thank God Jason didn't take that skank back in the end or I'd have no use for him either," Liz said venomously. "He has brain damage. I don't know what you're excuse is."
"She's sorry for what she did Elizabeth. We all make mistakes," Lucky said.
"Don't I know it. I've made my fair share. In fact, you're my biggest one, but I'd rather be stuck in a room being screamed at by your harpy sister and Carly then to have Sam spend one more minute around my children. And speaking of Lulu, if she gets in my face about this, her ass is going to get laid out. That is a promise," she said standing up. She was tired of Lulu thinking that she say whatever she wanted wherever she wanted to. The opinionated little bitch actually showed at her job and got in her face in front of a group of her co-workers. Elizabeth was done taking the high road.
"If you try to fight me, I will have your ass thrown in jail for the drugs and that will include Maxie as well. I will tell everyone that it was Jason who rescued me from Manny Ruiz because you were so fucked up on drugs, he had to save us both. I will tell everyone every one of your dirty little secrets and you'll never be able to hold your head up in this town again," she promised. Her days of coddling Lucky were over.
Lucky's mouth dropped open. "What happened to you?"
"Years of taking your shit and always putting everyone's needs ahead of your own tends to fuck you up in the head, although I feel like I'm seeing clearly for the first time in years," she said walking towards the door.
"What are you going to tell the Cameron?"
She opened the door and turned to look at him. "I'll explain things to him, don't you worry about that," Liz said. Jake was too young for it to really affect him but she was a little worried about Cameron. But if there was one thing her boy was, it was resilient.
Carly sat in the back of the court room. She wasn't sure if Elizabeth had lost her mind or she was the most brilliant woman on the face of the earth. And given that it was Elizabeth, she felt better thinking that she was crazy. When Jason had told her that Elizabeth was suing him, she was stunned. The muffin had never shown as much balls as she had by doing this. It was in all of the papers. People were going nuts wondering how Muffin had ended up with the king of the bad boys.
Truth be told, Carly couldn't stand Elizabeth but she had to admit, anyone who was willing to go to these kind of lengths to get back at someone was taking a page right from her play book. All she wanted to know was what Elizabeth was really up to. Carly had spent a half hour going off about Princess Purity the night before. Jason had finally told her to stop. For some reason the man just has a weak spot for Elizabeth and that was unfathomable to her. Liz was small, annoying, smug, and hypocritical on a good day. She just didn't get the attraction. Either she was a whore in bed or she needed to get Patrick to re-examine Jason's brain. Clearly he had suffered more brain damage.