"I'm going to go hunting today while you're with the soldiers." Hiccup said the next morning at breakfast. "Is that alright?" Alvin eyed him for a moment before nodding. Hiccup smiled. "Thank you."

After that, it was easy to slip away into the dense forest that went almost to the edge of the cliffs. Dagur was already there waiting for him and Hiccup went into his arms with a sigh.

"I'm sorry about last night. Savage is.. Kind of an idiot." And that was putting it lightly.

"Stoick attacks in two days." Dagur frowned, clearly having more important concerns. "Shouldn't you be in training with the others? Or getting as far from here as you can?"

"I'm not running!" Hiccup growled, before forcing himself to calm down. "…Stoick is my battle. I'm not going to hide away in some cave while my tribe fights for me."

"How is he your battle? And if you're planning on taking him on, you should definitely be in training."

"…He's my father." Hiccup muttered darkly. "He cast me off the island on a damn raft when I was a year old because I was born small. He's attacking because he believes I belong on Berk now that he knows I'm alive." He paused for a moment, shaking his head. "Training wouldn't do me any good anyway. Everyone is too scared of hurting me. Alvin is the only one who gives me any challenge, and even he doesn't really try." He pulled away from Dagur and wandered over to one of the trees, hooking his hand over a branch and pulling himself up. He weaved between the branches as he climbed, something he did when he was restless. "I only really learned to fight through dragon training. If it weren't for that, I'd probably be a weakling."

"So what you're saying is, you don't know how to fight another person." Hiccup paused. With a sly smile, he pulled a knife from his leg, holding it loosely as he walked out over a branch. Without a moment of hesitation, he dropped out of the tree and landed squarely on Dagur's back, latching on to him and sending them both sprawling to the ground. The knife went to his throat, and he gave a smirk.

"Who said that?" Dagur looked up at him with something between surprise and pride. Before either of them knew how it began, they were tousling on the forest floor, each getting the upper hand for a moment before it was quickly stolen away. Dagur didn't ease up at all, using every trick he knew, but in the end Hiccup had him pinned, his dagger lightly touching his throat.

"Give up." Hiccup panted.

"Come to Berserk with me."

The sudden request had Hiccup reeling, surprise on his face as he sat back on his ankles. "What?" Dagur sat up and pulled him in for a kiss, which Hiccup returned.

"Once this stupid battle is over. Come with me. Away from Alvin."

"I.. You're going to help us?" Hiccup asked hesitantly. Dagur rolled his eyes.

"Of course."

"..Alvin would never let you take me." He whispered. "We wouldn't make it a mile off the shore."

"Screw Alvin."

Hiccup hesitated, eyeing Dagur for a moment before nodding slowly. "Yeah. Yes, I'll come with you." Dagur grinned and leaned over to kiss him. Hiccup laughed and let him push him against the cold grass, their hips rocking together slowly as they held each other close.

"Hiccup!" The brunette groaned and pulled away, wriggling out of Dagur's arms. He wiped off his swollen lips quickly, giving Dagur a sad look before slipping through the trees to find Alvin.

"Yes Alvin?"

"You were late coming back. What happened?"

"Was I?" Hiccup flushed. "Sorry. Must have gotten distracted. Did I miss lunch?" Alvin eyed him for a moment before shaking his head.

"No. Come on, I'll walk you to the Great Hall." Hiccup glanced over his shoulder briefly, seeing the fleeting shape of Dagur slipping away, before following Alvin out of the forest.