A/N: This is a one-shot, unless there is sufficient interest to create a sequel.
Five times Caitlin and Barry are called a couple and the one time they're not (?)
They're out at the mall. Cisco is on a date with some girl, and for lack of activity at STAR Labs, they decided to have lunch together.
A very platonic lunch, which isn't all that platonic, with Barry thinking thoughts about Caitlin and Caitlin thinking thoughts about Barry.
Caitlin sips her grape smoothie, and Barry picks at a chip.
One woman with her husband, comes over and says something in a language they both don't understand, but her husband translates anyway.
"You make a beautiful couple."
Barry and Caitlin look at each other, trying to communicate through looks. By the time they have decided, the couple is long gone.
That night, each of them dreamt of a future in which the idea wasn't so far after all...
ii. (Captain)
The precinct are on a case, and Caitlin who was there, is assisting Barry in the investigation. Barry, however, was nowhere to be seen as she sat in the police van.
There was the sound of gunshots and her heart stopped.
"Barry!" She yells, and a tear escapes her cheek. Barry bursts into the police van, and he had a nasty cut on his cheek.
"Oh my god. Don't ever do that again, you hear me? Or I'l move to Opal City and never come back."
He embraces her and she feels reassured by the fact that it's not Barry who's dead and-
"Who died?"
He gives her a quirky little smile, allowing his arms to loosen by a few inches, not letting go altogether.
"The bad guy did."
"I wish me and my wife were like you two. How long have you guys been together?" Lance, the tech guy, says.
They spring apart and look at each other, then back at him. "We-"'re" "Not" "Together." They say simultaneously.
"Such a shame." He tsks. "You guys have great chemistry."
"Thank" "You?" They both say again, before going out the door to get some coffee and laugh it all off.
The third time, they're out with Joe at a diner. They're seated on the barstools and a biker-type guy orders a creaming soda and looks over at them.
"You keep close watch on your kid, alright? One of them will get pregnant and die."
They wait before he's out of earshot before they laugh themselves half to death.
This time, they're not even in the same place. Barry is asking Caitlin for advice on what kind of sugar to buy.
"Well," she says, "I can't believe this, of all things, is what you're calling me about."
"Fine then." He says, placing his hand on his hip and looking up at all the sugar on the shelves, "What kind of sugar do you have?"
"Oh, I use the homebrand one. I find the luxury ones are great for icing, but not for tea."
"Are they any good for coffee?"
"Yeah, with the amount of chemicals in that, it dissolves."
"Oi, do not criticise coffee!"
"I wasn't! Honest to god!"
"Kay, I was only teasing you. Bye, see you tonight."
"Bye." She hangs up, and the old man next to him says, "You keep her, alright?"
He says he will, not exactly sure what the guy means. After dinner with Caitlin, he finally realises.
They're at a playground. It's early autumn, so they both have jeans, sweaters and sneakers on. Of course, she wears her navy blue Vans while he wears his usual black Converse, but after buying the other a pair in their color in their brand, they've both goven up on the whole shebang.
They're playing on the playground, pushing each other on the swings, going down the slide together, and later, a little girl, dressed entirely in pink, complete with fairy doll, comes up to them.
"Aw yeou boiyfriend and gewlfriend?" She enquires.
They sigh and begin to say no, but she's already ran back to her mother.
This is it, he tells himself. Today is the day I'm going to ask out Caitlin Snow.
He has the petals set up, the post-it notes and a bouquet of roses.
Cisco and Dr Wells know about his plan, and have wisely decided to skip work for the morning.
"Barry? Cisco? Dr Wells? What's going on?" Caitlin's voice echoes down the passage. She walks into the cortex, and he's there in an instant, handing her the flowers and awkwardly stuttering out the question, "Will you go out with me?"
She says yes (Thank God) and they go to a nice frozen yogurt bar in the middle of town. They get an old lady to take their picture, and when she comments on how lovely a couple they make, they smile and thank her.
Just how it's s'posed to be.
So, anyone want a sequel?