Conner knew what it meant to love someone, what it meant to be loved. He also knew what it meant to lose the people that he loved.

He had never loved while he was in Cadmus, he hadn't really felt anything. Those days had passed in a blur. It was not long after he had left Cadmus that he met Tana. He could easily say that she was the very first person that he had loved. And her death had crushed him. It was not the first time he had seen someone die, and he knew it would not be the last. The life of a superhero was by no means pretty. But it had been the first time someone he had lost someone he loved.

He did not date for awhile after that, until he had met Cassie.

She was strong, beautiful, and had a fire in her eyes that could bring anyone to their knees. Being with her had made the world seem so bright. But after things with Superboy-Prime had calmed down, and he had essentially come back from the dead. Well, a lot had changed in a year he had been gone. They had stayed together for a few months before they had decided to see other people. They had become different people, who wanted different things. They had remained friends and teammates. And somehow there was no awkward tension between them.

Conner would without hesitation say that he loved the Titans. They were his family. He also loved Clark and Kara as though they were family, which the sorta were. And he absolutely adored Ma' and Pa' Kent. Their farm in Smallville had become a safe haven for him. Someplace where he could go and for a short period of time and just forget the rest of the world existed.

And then there was Tim.

When he had first met Tim he had hated him. During their days as Young Justice, they did nothing but fight. But things had begun to calm down after they had become the Titans. They had grown as people and with that their relationship had grown as well. And soon they had become best friends, and before Conner knew it he could not imagine his life without Tim. When Tim had quit being Robin he had no idea what to do. Then the next day some girl had shown up in Tim's costume. Conner had been sickened by how fast someone else had replaced him.

He had listens for hours to heartbeats of the world until he found Tim's. He had followed the sound to Tim. And when he saw him he could immediately tell that something was wrong. Tim's eyes were bloodshot and his hair was a mess. Conner had asked him if he was alright, even tho he already knew the answer.

Tim had laughed, his voice hoarse, and said he was fine. In the end, Conner had to leave before he could convince Tim to become Robin again.

He had never warmed up to the new Robin and she had been fired very quickly. He did feel bad that she was forced to give up the suit.

It was a few weeks later Tim had come back. Conner had been ecstatic. He had his best friend back. It was a few days later that Conner had found out that Tim's father had died. He had kept a close eye on his friend after that.

It was a year or two later that Superboy-Prime had appeared.

The fight had been long and he did not make it out. Looking back he found it strange that his last thought had been of Tim and not Cassie. He did not have time to think about it after it had happened. Because after his 'death', he had woken up in the future with a war raging around him. And that did not give him any time to be thinking about the small stuff.

When he had finally made it back, he had been so happy that he had he had felt high, he had come crashing back to earth when he found out just how much had changed.

Bruce Wayne was dead.

Dick Grayson was Batman.

There was someone else in the Robin costume.

Tim was no longer a member of the Titans and no one had a way to contact him.

Conner had panicked and listened for days to find Tim's heartbeat. When he finally did find Tim, he was in Paris.

He had been expecting a lot of things when saw Tim. He had been expecting a heartfelt reunion with tears and maybe even a hug. He had not been expecting to see Tim to in Jason's old Red Robin costume, or for him to simply say his name, as though nothing had changed. For Tim to show no emotion to the fact that he was back from the dead.

He had followed Tim to one of Luthor's old labs and he had been unprepared to hear what Tim had said.

Tim had tried to clone him after his death.

Tim had been so broken after his death that he had tried to clone him.

He could not find it in himself to be mad.

They had sat in silence until Tim had told him that Bruce was alive. And when Conner had told him that he believed him, the visible loss of tension in Tims body had given him mixed feelings. He was happy that Tim had seemed to brighten up at his words. But he was also been worried by the fact that Tim had been so tense. It was almost as tho he had been expecting a fight.

At the time, he had not known what his words had meant to Tim. It was only now that he knew Tim had been expecting him to call him crazy, just like everyone else had.

He did not see Tim for two months or maybe it was longer.

It had felt like an eternity.

He had been worried when finally got the chance to see Tim again and he had just stood there in silence. He was, well, the best way he could put it was to say he was surprised, when Tim jumped into his arms and gave him a hug. He was happy to see Tim smile again, especially after everything that had happened with their last encounter.

They had met several times after that and nothing big happened. Well, everything in their line of work could be considered big, but nothing that had made a huge dent in Conners mind. Except that he could remember every little detail, down to the tiniest movements that Tim had made.

It was sometime during one of those missions that he picked up a strange habit.

Anytime he was stressed, sad, or even if he was just bored, he would listen to Tim heartbeat. The constant steadily beat of Tim's heart filled him with a strange emotion. It calmed him down and yet somehow it made him high at the same time.

And that was what he was doing now. Listening to the beat of Tim's heart.

He was laying on his bed at Kent farm. His eyes closed, listening to the sound as though it was an elegant song. And then suddenly he heard Tim's heart speed up and the start to slow down. Conner had sat up and listened as Tims heartbeat continued to slow down. Conner was worried, Tim's heartbeat had become dangerously slow.

Unnaturally slow.

But he knew Tim would be fine. The other Bats would watch Tim's back, and make sure nothing bad would happen to him.

And then he heard it.

Tim's voice, broken and so small as he struggled to speak. " 'm sorry Kon."

and then everything was quite.