After watching a Thieves in Time playthrough on Youtube, I decided to get back into SC. I sadly don't have a playstation, so that explains the playthrough thing ^^;
My OC is loosely based off Annie Oakley. Annie was one of the first lady "superstars", as she had landed a role in "Buffalo Bill's Wild West" show. She was a sharpshooter, obviously.
You should totally look her up, she's such a badass!
Also, we all know that famous (or infamous, take your pick) song with the guy and girl singing how they can do things better than the other? Well it's from a movie that was loosely based on Annie's life! It's called "Annie Get Your Gun", it's a musical, if you couldn't figure it out.
*cough cough*
Ahem, anyways, let's get this started, shall we?
Don't own Sly Cooper in any shape or form, it belongs to Sucker Punch and Sanzaru Games!
P.S. There will not be accents. As sad as it sounds, I'm not exactly good at accents *nervous grin*. Though there will be slight mention of some.
2 miles from Cotton Mouth Bluff, June 21st, 1884, 5-7 weeks before Tennessee met Sly
"Are we there yet?" A young raccoon asked, holding a lantern in a carriage, as it was still dark, the sun only just starting to peek over the horizon. But, it would still be a while till it managed to cast enough light upon the land. The young raccoon had only a few tufts of black hair on top of his head, which was combed down and was currently under a black cowboy hat. He also had dark green eyes, and had on a black neckerchief, a white button-up shirt, no pants, and he wore no shoes, as they were tossed carelessly into a corner of the carriage. An older female raccoon sighed, looking at the younger. She had a brown cowboy hat on, and she had long dark brown hair that was in twin braids, and had light brown eyes. She wore a blue neckerchief, a brown vest, a white shirt underneath said vest, brown bell-bottom pants, and cowboy boots under said pants. But what stuck out the most was that she had a brown holster, with a revolver in said holster.
"No, Sammy, not yet. But almost." The older one replied, and Samuel sighed.
"This is so boring, Rebecca!" Samuel cried, turning on his side.
"Sam, what did I tell you about going on your side?" Rebecca cried as she stopped the horses, making them neigh in response. Sammy sighed,
"I told you, sis, it healed enough. Don't worry about it."
"Does it still hurt and sometimes slightly bleed?"
"Thought so." Samuel sat back up, rubbing his side. Rebecca sighed and slapped the reins, making the horses go again.
"When can I start to learn shooting again?"
"When it heals, Sammy. Right now, you gotta let it heal. It'll heal by next week, you'll see."
"Whatever." Once again the horses stopped, but this time Rebecca didn't do the deed of stopping them. Gunshots were heard in the air as they had neared Cotton Mouth Bluff, slightly infamous for harboring a very infamous thief. The horses stood on their hind legs, kicking their front legs as the shots continued. "Sis, what's goin' on!?" Samuel asked, scared. Rebecca gritted her teeth, getting off the small seat that was in front of the carriage.
"Must be Tennessee Kid Cooper again." Rebecca growled. Ah yes, Tennessee Kid Cooper. He was notorious for stealing from many famous banks and traincarts. In fact, he had a $5,000 bounty on his head, though it was expected to go up in the coming weeks.
"I wanna see, sis!"
"No way in hell, Sam!" Rebecca growled, putting a hand over her gun's holster, "You stay here. I'm goin' to go see what exactly is goin' on." And with that, Rebecca left Samuel, whom groaned and lied down on his back.
Rebecca put in some more ammo into her revolver, and then spun the chamber, walking into the oddly quiet town. She looked around with her trained eyes, holding up her gun by cheek just in case she had to use it at any time. She quickly stopped as she saw two men standing off, looking at each other. One was Tennessee "Kid" Cooper, his brown vest, orange shirt, yellow neckerchief, brown boots with golden spurs, and bowler hat easily recognizable; especially with his cane-gun hybrid at his side. Rebecca watched as the rhino pulled out his gun first, shooting at Tennessee. He only smirked, and Rebecca watched in slight wonder as Tennessee shot back, faster and more fluidly. It was only mere seconds later that Rebecca was grabbed from behind, a huge hand being put over her mouth. Tennessee watched as the rhino fell down dead from a fatal shot to the heart. Tennessee grinned in triumph; never underestimate his crackshot technique!
"Hey Kiddie Cooper!" Another rhino said, pulling Rebecca with him out of the darkness. Tennessee looked at the female, widening his eyes slightly. "I have a hostage, so you better not think of killing me, because then I'll kill this cutie right here." And with that, using Rebecca's own revolver, he put it to her head. Rebecca narrowed her eyes and shook, trying to get free. The rhino only laughed at her failing plan, cocking the gun.
"Now that isn't nice, sir, holding a young lady hostage." Tennessee said, putting down his gun, trying to think of a quick plan.
"As if I care, Kiddie. Now, hand over the gold and this will be over." Rebecca shook her head, trying to regain her footing, searching with her foot for his. Tennessee noticed this, gaining a little respect for her already; So she wasn't just a lovely lady in distress. If she could just kick hard enough...
"Yah!" Rebecca cried, her voice muffled as she found his foot. She swung her foot as high as it would go, meeting his family jewels. The rhino cried out in pain and let Rebecca go, and she narrowly missed a bullet from her revolver, as he had shot it in panic. He let it go and she grabbed it, shooting him in both legs and the shoulder, going almost as fast as Tennessee would. He fell to the ground, unconscious but alive due to the pain.
"You alright, ma'am?" Tennessee asked, walking up to her. Rebecca swung around and pointed her revolver at Tennessee, making him stop in his tracks.
"I'm more than alright, Kid Cooper!" Rebecca growled, and Tennessee grinned nervously. "You know, that bounty money will be just enough to help my brother heal. With that kind of money I could get the best doctor in the US!"
"Say, ma'am, can I at least know your name? Before the fat lady sings for me."
"It's Rebecca. That's all you're gettin'." Rebecca growled, her finger on the trigger.
"Miss. Rebecca. A fine name for a fine lady." He said, and backed up, grabbing his gun and the gold.
"Don't you even-" And with that, Tennessee had gone to the pipes, climbing up them with ease. Rebecca growled, and then realized that her younger brother was still in the outskirts of town. Rebecca widened her eyes, quickly holstering her gun and running off. Tennessee, meanwhile, watched as she ran off, urgency clearly in her steps. Tennessee chuckled,
"Very interestin'. She's got quicker aim than Mr. Buffalo Brian and Mr. Buck the Kid combined! She's almost got my quick aim, in fact! Feisty and hotheaded too, I see, way more than mom on a bad day!" He mused, turning as she disappeared out of sight.
"I hope to see her again." He thought as he picked up the gold, holstering his gun. And then, just like that, he was gone like the wind, off to his clock tower.
"What happened sis?" Samuel asked excitedly, looking at his sister as she trudged over to him.
"I nearly had a bullet in my head, that's what. And I have a feelin' that we'll be here for a while." Rebecca huffed, getting onto the horses and riding the carriage into town. Samuel cocked his head but didn't question it.
"I'm going to get you Tennessee Kid Cooper, even if it's the last thing I do! Now, to find a hotel so Sam can rest for a while..."
I hope I kept everyone in character *nervous grin*
Hopefully I can get daily chapters out, but I have other fanfics to tend to.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! This was merely a prologue, so of course it was pretty short.
Maybe I can someday, when all of my fanfics are done and over with, I'll make more fanfics for all ancestors... I already have a Sir Galleth one in the idea stage, so maybe!