Okay, I actually went back to fix this. Now, there's no corrupted text LOL. Sorry about that.

"Hello! Wow, it's been so long since I last updated this story. So, uh...how is it going? Do people even still read this?

Anyways, yeah, I kind of left this story because of writer's block happening, my schedule just got busier as I moved to higher education, and it also didn't help that my caballero flare was dying out a few months after the last story update. So yeah, that's what happened. I had Chapter 5 and 6 in the works, but I can't find the original documents anymore! I just recently came back to the fandom, but as much as I want to continue this story, I can't remember much of my original plan of what I wanted to do with the Three Caballeros. However, I thought I'd give this story some closure.

"Fun fact, I was planning on calling the the trio, the three troublemakers. Not sure if I would've stuck with it!/span/p

"So, originally this was supposed to have eleven or twelve chapters total. Panchito had his own character arc, Jose was supposed to have own arc, and Donald would grow as a character as the story progressed. I'm glad I was able to at least somewhat accomplish two of these goals.

"While I did finish Panchito's arc, I wasn't able to write the effect of Panchito's attitude change with his family (Diego, Miguel, and possibly Sofia?). Just to keep things short and simple, Diego would've been skeptical but happy that Panchito isn't as violent before. Miguel would've been so glad to see the changes, and there was a point where I wanted to write a scene where he shows Donald gratitude for becoming Panchito's first friend. Sofia was only going to be present by phone calls since I decided to put her in college mainly just to reflect how I was graduating high school at the time and wanted a character to relate too. She probably would've been surprised but happy that her little brother is doing better.

"I feel like I should've put a cap on the cast of characters I was going to use. I originally wanted this universe to be like what ducktales 2017 is doing for the disney afternoon block, a realm where all anthropomorphs know each other despite coming from different shows and movies. That's why Mickey and Goofy were present here as well, I can't really remember if they were going to serve any big purpose in this story other than being Donald's support gang.

Pete was going to be the main villain throughout the story. He would've showed up, fight with most of the characters (mainly Donald), and he would play the victim. However, I was planning that on the last chapter, I would have the caballeros stand up against Pete and somehow get the adults to catch him for what he's been doing to all the students and neighborhood kids. So in the end, he was going to pay for all he was doing.

Jose. Yes, I know I stopped writing before my favorite caballero could even join the story! Shameful! Anyways, while my memory is fuzzy about my plans for Joe I do remember a couple things. By the way, I have not read the Ze Carioca comics (I wish they were sold where I lived though!), so most of Jose's character and background are what I always believed about the character.

One, Jose couldn't speak english. While I understand that in canon he's shown to be bilingual, I always imagined Jose being able to speak only Portuguese at a young age. He would understand some extent of Spanish since there are some similarities between it and Portuguese. So, Instead of being that charming Brazilian parrot we all know, I was going to make him a shy boy who clings to Panchito for the most part. He'd would hardly speak to anyone else since his English isn't that great, and if someone did try to talk to him, Jose would give them this confused look like "What? What are you trying to tell me? You're speaking in an alien language, how am I supposed to understand what you just said?" and this would make people think that he was disinterested in talking with them. So since he could understand bits and pieces of Spanish, he'd cling to Panchito because he's the only student that he can somewhat converse with. At first, Panchito is annoyed about Jose constantly following him around, but the rooster grows used to it.

Two, his move to America was mainly for a better life. I was originally going to have Miguel and Jose's dad, who I decided to name Iago, be old college roommates who've kept in touch with each other. Miguel tells Iago that he should move to America with Jose, and maybe things will get better for them. Jose and his dad were originally from the or the slums in Rio. Jose's mother left when he was eight years old, the reason was going to be left open ended for the reader to make up their own reason (I chose to do this because a personal friend grew up in this type of household, and since Jose's backstory is rather...unknown in Disney canon I thought why not.). So, in hoping that things will get better for him and his son, Iago decided to save up money to afford plane tickets to the states. He found a cheap complex and picked up a few jobs in order to bring food to the table and to keep a roof over both Jose and him.

Three, I believe I wanted to make Jose, Pete's new target for bullying. Just like how I made Pete bully Panchito, he would've done the same to Jose. I can't remember what would've acted as a catalyst for the fight, but if anything it was probably going to be about how he couldn't speak English. So yeah, it would've ended the same way as Panchito's fight, Donald comes in, saves the day, and gains respect from Jose which would've improved their relationship a bit./span/p

Four, while I was watching a video about the Grand Fiesta Tour at Epcot years ago, I fell in love with the idea of Jose being the shortest caballero, to the point where I was tempted to write scenes where Panchito and Donald would carry him on their backs. I don't know why, this adds nothing to the story.

Five, since Jose has the misfortune of being my favorite caballero, any character I love suffers through a lot of ANGST whenever I write about them. But since he's a kid in this story, I couldn't go too far, so I kept things simple such as questioning why his mother left the family, constantly wondering if he was better off in Brazil than in America, or thinking that he was already making life hard for his dad. If Panchito and Donald weren't present, he'd be that kid sitting on the side of the wall at recess all curled up and silent, not trying to socialize with anyone around him. You know, those kinds of things.

Okay, everything's a jumbled mess with ideas, but here's the last thing I want to say, and it pertains to the ending and epilogue I wanted to make.

So to sum everything up, the last chapter would have had Donald, Jose, and Panchito facing off against Pete during recess where all the other kids are watching. They beat Pete, his act of being the victim doesn't work, and he gets detention. Everyone is happy for the rest of the school day. As they all head home after school, Panchito and Jose learn that both their families are planning on moving out of town because of...reasons that I can no longer remember. They don't want to, but it's already been decided, so within the next few days, both of them move out of town, and Donald misses them but learns to move on.

Then, the epilogue would've opened up to the filming of The Three Caballeros. Donald is told by Walt that he'll be filming with Jose Carioca and Fransico Quintero Gonzales for their upcoming film. Donald recalls the names being familiar, but he shrugs it off. He rehearses his lines and heads out to film the movie. He meets Jose and Panchito, all three of them don't recall their childhood meeting, but they can't help feel that they all know each other. Their personalities here are exactly what we see in the old classic disney films: Panchito is loud and energetic, Jose is suave and flamboyant, and Donald is your average duck getting stuck with all the bad luck.

Thanks everyone for sitting and reading through my talk. Who knows, I may possibly rewrite this story, but for now I think I'll just make drabbles about this when I have time.