

Slip and fall.

Getting back up.

Foot steps hit the snow and ice covered ground.

Not good! Keep running! If I stopped then its all over. Fall again and I am done. The end is near but I can't stop they are chasing me. I can't believe what is real or not anymore. I pray this is a dream. I pray this isn't real.

"Natsu!" Ice shoots out and hits me sending me into a tree. I try and pull away but the ice is too strong and my magic isnt working.

A sword lands next to my head as they surround me. Fear and horror fill me from my toes to the tips of my hair. I dont know what to do anything more and I start to cry.

"You are E.N.D! You will die!" Gray shouts angrily as he slams more ice at me.

"We will end you and your kind!" Erza shouts slicing at the ice till she hits skin and I cry out in pain.

"You will hurt us! We must stop you before you kill us all!" Another member of Fairy Tail shouts at me. Pain fills all my senses.

I hear my blood hitting the snow making a sizzling sound as it melted the white substance.

"No! Please stop!" I cry out trying to stop all this. I shake my head trying to pull away trying to get free trying to stop this.

The whole world suddenly starts to shake. My body and the members of Fairy Tail all shake like an earthquake a god like voice starts to echo in the world.

"Natsu wake up!"

I wake up with a cold sweat shooting out of bed. The memory of the dream fades. All I remember is the pain the blood and the betrayal from my family and friends. But it was a dream they would never ever do that to me.

I look around I don't know who woke me up I mean Happy is on a mission with Carla and Lily to go help the Exceeds get resituated to this world a bit better. Oh well whatever it was, was a god send their was no way I could have dealt with that dream any longer than I already had.

I go up and put a pair of pants on and a t-shirt on, before leaving my room. I looked around my dark house and grabbed my scarf wrapping it around my neck I held on a bit longer before taking a step outside into the softly warm summer night. It was a bit past midnight so the streets were completely empty.

I walk out of the woods and aimless around the town. With no where to go I end up on a bridge looking over a long river. I know I should just stay at home but I look out at the river and hang my head sighing I try and calm myself down from the dream.

Suddenly something slams into me. "Hey wha...Gray?" Those dark eyes look up at me with sadness and fear in them.

"What are you doing? I thought you hated the heat." I tease trying to make him smile try to get any reaction out of him but he is shaken up pretty badly. I grab his shoulders and shake him a bit trying to get him to at least focus on me.

"I….I... " He broke into tears, shoving his head into my chest he cried out. "He-Help me!"

I freeze. Gray normally would never ask me for anything least of all help and least of all would he cry in front of me. "What's wrong ice princess?" I ask rubbing his back.

"Just don't go away." He said clinging to me even tighter than before.

"I ain't going anywhere not till I stop those tears coming from your eyes alright?" I said petting his hair down.

"Ok." He wrapped his arms around my waist. I knew this was clearly something that he either needed to talk about or fight it out. I knew Erza would kill us if she found out we fought while everyone was asleep.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked in a quiet voice. Just enough for him to hear me.

"No." He replied.

"Gray, why are you outside in the heat? You're going to melt!" I say smiling at him trying to get him out of this unnaturally dark mood even for Gray it was strange.

"Its burning away the blood." He replies quietly not looking at me. That stuns me a bit.

"Blood?" I asked not sure what else to do about this.

"Had a dream. Lots of blood. Fire covered my body though and burned it away." He said sniffiling.

"Fire? Ice is your thing not fire. If you want something burned you come to me." I say proudly as I brush away a tear from his cheek.

"You were dead." That took me back a bit more then the blood thing. What the hell was Gray smoking to have this kind of dream? Seriously!?

"I will never die you hear me? We may be rivals but there ain't no way I am leaving Fairy Tail by death. Understand?" I say sternly looking into his eyes making sure he knew I wasn't going anywhere.

"Alright." He said wiping his nose on his shirt. Thats so gross but I won't say anything about it.

"Now lets get you back to you house so that I can have some alone time." As I lead him back to his apartment.

"What are you doing out here anyway?" Well shit now I have to come up with something that didn't say I was copying him. I mean if I say I had a bad dream too he will think I am making fun of him so I came up with the next best thing.

"Hmmm? Oh I like to take walks at night to see the stars." I replied but he didn't seem to convinced at that answer.

"But that stars are Lucy's thing." Oh thank god! I was sure he figured it out.

"Ya. Igneel used to take me out side our cave and show me the stars at night weather it be winter or summer he would show me the stars and explain what each star rotation was the moon cycles and what the different seasons did with the stars. In all honesty I had no idea what the calendar was or what days where before I got to Fairy Tail. Time was never a thing to me. The sun would have three positions rising, high, and setting. Same went with the moon and I would count how many moon shifts till there was no moon and start all over again. The stars though if they could speak the stories they could tell! What they have seen from way up there and what they could tell us would be unimaginable!" Which was true. I wasn't lying Igneel really did teach me all that.

"You never really talk about your time with Igneel. I am glad I was able to hear that." Gray replies with a small smile.

"The time I spent with Igneel was a time when I knew nothing but what he showed me. Humans were unknown to me and other living creatures were like dragons and fairies to you guys. It was just a different time and place. I try to keep that time separate from this one so that I am not held back by the things I know already and have a chance to learn more in the future." Shit! Now I will have to explain more! Why didn't I just go with the dream thing! Or say something less truthful! Oh well maybe he didn't catch that.

"Fairy's?" And I was not that lucky. He picked up on the one thing I was really hoping he would not.

"I didnt mean what you think I meant." I say looking away. That island was so much fun but not being able to talk about was kinda a bore oh well.

"It sounded like you have seen them before." Gray stated looking over at me.

"Well I haven't! Their an everlasting adventure nothing more than that." I shouted at Gray before stopping and pushing my hand through my hair. "Come on lets get you into your house." And I kept walking.

"Natsu?" He asked as he tried to keep up with me. You know it was really nice when all I had to deal with was that stupid dream and now I was talking to Gray about his dream and Fairy's what the hell is wrong with me!?

"You cant tell anyone I said that got it? Igneel made me promise not even to mention it." I tell him looking down at the ground now.

"I wont. We all have our secrets. I will keep that one as long as you don't tell anyone that I cried about your death." He stated and he finally gave an honest smile to me.

"Sure." I replied drifting back to the island that Igneel had taken me to so many years ago.

We finally got to Gray's apartment. I watched Gray hesitate before looking back over to me. I just shrugged it off though if he wanted to talk more about it he can go see someone who may care a bit more than I do.

"Well see you later Ice Princess." I say and wave him off before going to walk away, as I did I glanced up at the sky as I remembered all the stories Igneel had told me about the stars.

"Hey Natsu!" Gray calls out and I turned back. "Happy is on a mission right now."

"Ya so what about it?" I asked eyeing Gray. I didn't like where this was going.

"Is the real reason you walked around because you were lonely?" Gray asked.

"Dont be silly. I am used to being alone. Was alone for a year and a half before the old man found me anyway." I replied. Shit this is just getting worse and worse! Why did he have to talk so much?

I heard him run up to me and started walking next to me. I rolled my eyes but kept quiet. I wasn't going to tell him about my dream not now. No one needed to know about that. Its just how it was.

"I ain't going home you know that right?" I say after a while after walking for a while.

"Don't care you seemed lonely so I joined you." Gray stated with a shrug.

"Well I am not so stop following me." I growled at him. I know he was trying to be a friend but I didn't really want one right now.

"Nah I think I will stay." He says with a smile from next to me.

"Do what you like just not following me." I huffed in reply to that.

He smiled back at me and I rolled my eyes. It was going to be a long night I could tell already.

So I don't know why I wrote this. Got bored I guess. Please review and as always have a great time reading things! Weather it be day or night please keep reaping and writing! From all of us at Lunawolf5, have a great time!