This is the last chapter, sorry it took so long to get up. I had sort of a set back mentally with how I ended the last chapter and wanted to make sure that this chapter completely explained everything and made sense.
I appreciate all the reads and reviews and all those who have stuck with this story!
Happy reading!
"How did they know Emily was going to be in Hotch's room?" Garcia asked, while a few of the agents took a break from a long day's work, resting at their desks in the bull pen.
"Sometimes unsubs make the best profilers." Morgan replied.
"It was a three man job." JJ added, taking a seat on top of her desk, after grabbing a much needed cup of coffee.
Reid rambled off the scenario, "Vincent Parker, the man who killed Emily's mother was the one waiting in Hotch's room subsequently he had another man in Emily's room and one following Emily and Hotch. The man following Emily and Hotch alerted Parker and the other man waiting in Emily's room through small ear pieces, similar to those we wear when were in the field."
"Sounds like a lot of work." Garcia summized from Reid's rambling, before taking a sip of her sugar spiked coffee.
Reid continued, "It was Rossi's persistence that ultimately lead to the fall of Parker's illegal adoption ring; but Parker's focus was on Emily. Emily was his first, his first abduction, his first successful adoption, his first paycheck, where it all began. Emily was the start of his empire and the end of it, in Parker's mind the blame fell on Emily and that's why he wanted to kill Emily, for revenge. Not to mention he wanted to make her suffer, by killing her mom. Parker didn't confess to this but if you had a way of knowing, Parker probably was watching Emily from the moment she found out about her mother's death."
There was a moment of silence. Morgan, JJ, Reid and Garcia thought about how fortunate both Emily and Hotch had been to survive, which brought JJ to ask a question. "For this all to be so planned, his execution wasn't even moderately successful. I'm glad it wasn't, but you would think that he would of had a fool proof plan."
"When an unsub becomes emotionally involved in their kills, they tend to make mistakes, similar to an unsub who is devolving." Morgan explained. "It's likely once he was with Emily, he wanted to spend time with her and thought he would get that chance."
"He didn't count on Hotch..."JJ said.
Reid quickly interupted JJ to add, "Even though he didn't admit it, Parker probably had plans to use Hotch against Emily and thought once he had a gun pointed at Emily's head Hotch would submit to his will." Reid deduced.
"I'm just glad no one got hurt." JJ said.
"You and me both." Morgan agreed.
"We all need a break and after the week we just had, a long one." Garcia said, before taking another sip of coffee.
Hotch stepped out of his office, overhearing the last part of the team's conversations. "I agree. Go home, enjoy a three day weekend." Hotch pulled his door shut and headed down the stairs of the catwalk with his briefcase.
"I'm waiting on one more report from the ME's office." Morgan said.
Hotch stopped and said, "It can wait until Monday. Go home." He took off walking again and stopped one more time, turned around and finished, "All of you did excellent work on this case."
The agents were brought to a humbling silence with the rarity of Hotch's complement.
Hotch didn't linger for a response. He only nodded in satisfaction, thinning his lips almost in a grin before proceeding out the bull pen doors.
JJ could see it, the look on Hotch's face and the longing. He was distracted and his focus was on someone he wasn't sure he would ever have and that someone was Emily. JJ watched as Hotch pressed the elevator button, his head hung low, staring at the floor. She couldn't let him leave without saying something. She excused herself and ran after Hotch. JJ pushed through the bull pen doors, "Hotch."
Hotch turned at the sound of his name. He looked into those blue, understanding eyes coming towards him. Before JJ even said anything Hotch knew why she ran after him.
JJ stopped just a few feet away, "Give her time."
"I am." Hotch tried to admit, but in reality he was growing impatient and selfishly so. He wanted Emily to see he was being more than protective or her supervisor, he cared for her and in the past week his feelings had grown to something more, it was something close to love, but he couldn't admit it to himself.
JJ could see through his dark eyes, "Keep being there for her and you'll see. I know being patient is hard but it's worth it Hotch. Right now things are really messed up for her, don't give up."
The elevator dinged.
Hotch looked towards the elevator and then back at JJ, "Thank you." JJ always had the right thing to say, knowing the perfect time to say it. Hotch was grateful.
JJ smiled in response, watching as he stepped on the elevator and left.
Emily stood in Rossi's grand living room, staring out of the picture window. The snow had begun to fall while she sipped on a dry, red wine from Rossi's vintage collection. All of a sudden she was startled from her stare while looking at a nearby street lamp that lit up the first snowfall of the year.
"I see it's snowing." Rossi said from behind her. He watched her jump, nearly spilling her wine on his white sofa. "I'm sorry..." He tried to apologize, not realizing he was going to scare her.
"It's okay." Emily sighed, letting her heart slow back to it's normal pace, before continuing. "Aren't you suppose to be resting?" She asked raising one eyebrow.
"I'm fine." Rossi said, placing a hand over the bandage that nearly covered half of his head. "It just grazed my head, in another week I nearly be good as new. It's a flesh wound."
"Really, the impact of the bullet nearly killed you. It did kill you for like a minute!" Emily bursted, almost angry that Rossi was so dismissive of what happened. "I couldn't breath Rossi! I thought you were..." Emily gasped, catching her breath, realizing that she was still very emotionally fragile. She caught Rossi's surprised glance from across the room. She tilted her head sideways, disappointed with her sudden outburst. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to mean." She said holding back the tears that ached her eyes.
Rossi heard her voice crack. "I didn't mean to belittle what happened. I was just trying to let you know that I'm okay, but I understand it doesn't make the events any less traumatic."
"Hmph." Emily let out a small laugh, to cover up the tears.
"What is it?" Rossi asked.
"I must get that from you." Emily told him. I do the exact same thing, she thought. When things are not fine, she always makes them seem as though they are. "Making things less than what they really are. Making sure everyone around me thinks I'm okay and that everything is alright when it really isn't."
Rossi almost smiled realizing that they shared a similar trait.
Emily took a deep breath and more calmly approached the subject, "You should rest." She insisted.
"We should talk." Rossi said.
Emily wasn't sure she was ready to talk.
Rossi could see Emily's resistance, on her face. "Okay, you don't have to talk, you can listen if you'd like." Rossi suggested.
Emily set her glass of wine on the coffee table and took a seat on the white sofa.
Rossi walked slowly across the room and took a seat in his chair, perpendicular to the sofa. He pulled the locket out of his pant's pocket. It was the locket Emily found when he was nearly killed. She had given it back to him when they were at the hospital. Rossi opened the locket and looked at the picture before handing it over to Emily. "Your mother had this made when you were born." Rossi held out his hand.
Emily reached for the locket.
"You were her greatest joy."
Emily had a hard time envisioning another mother, after burying her adoptive mother only two days ago, the only mother she had ever known. Emily did however understand heartache and couldn't imagine what her biological mother felt when she was taken and having to live with that knowledge until her death, would be unimaginable.
Rossi reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a photo. "This is your mother, Ellen."
Emily took the photo, "Wow." Emily's eyes teared up. She looked at Rossi then back at the photo, "I look just like her."
"A spittin' image."
"It's hard to imagine that she is..."
Rossi knew that all this information was overwhelming, "Look, when I get better and you have had time to get use to all these changes, I have a huge album we can go through one day. We can eat some lasagna, drink wine and reminiss about the good ole days."
"That would be nice." Emily agreed.
Rossi leaned forward leaning on the arm of his chair. "Keep the picture and the locket, they yours."
"Really? Are you sure?"
"I'm positive." Rossi sighed thinking about what he would say next. "I understand this is a lot to take in, but I want to make something clear."
Emily asked curiously, "What's that?"
"Just because I'm your dad, doesn't mean we have to change how we use to be. You've been with me nearly night and day since I was hurt and I don't want you to feel like you have to be here and..."
"Stop." Emily said softly. "I want to be here." Emily sat on the edge of the couch and placed her hand on top of Rossi's, "Even if you weren't my dad I would still be here with you."
"We won't figure this all out in one day." Rossi said, "I want to get to know you more than I do now and that will take time. There's nothing to rush into or figure out." Rossi placed his other hand on top of hers, "You just lost your mom and I understand that you have spent your whole life with her and if you ever want to talk about her I'm here to listen. It makes me happy to know that you were raised by such a strong woman."
"The only thing that was missing in my life was a dad and I have that now, I'm just having a hard time..." Emily admitted, "It's all happening at once."
"Look I know this sounds weird and all of this will take some getting use to but know that, I'm glad to have found you and we can take all the time we need to, to get through this."
"To be honest, I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through all of this. I haven't even been able to take in all that has happened and my mom..." Emily stopped, she stood to her feet tenderly pocketing the picture and locket she had just been given. She picked up her wine glass and walked to the kitchen. Emily made her way to the table where she had left a half empty bottle of wine. With a sigh she gently rubbed her teary eyes then laced her fingers around the neck of the bottle, to top off her glass.
"That bottle is only a temporary fix." Rossi said, slowly coming up behind her.
Emily knew Rossi was right, she set down the bottle and glass. "I know."
"Why don't you get out of here for awhile. You've been couped up with me for two weeks."
"It's snowing." Emily tried to rebutle, turning around to face Rossi.
"Go for a walk, get outside, smell the roses. Take a breath of fresh air." Rossi tried to convince her.
"Okay, okay. I'll go." Emily smiled.
Rossi looked at his watch, "It's about 8pm, there's a nice little coffee place across town. It's called Riki's Cup."
"That's original." Emily said referring to the name of the coffee place.
"Give it a chance."
"I'll grab my coat." The longer Emily thought about getting out of the house the more she was convinced it was a good idea.
"Good." Rossi smiled in satisfaction.
"I still hate leaving you here alone." Emily confessed throwing on her jacket.
"I'm a big boy, don't worry about me."
Emily shrugged her shoulders, "I can't help it. We're family."
Rossi felt a great deal of satisfaction hearing her say that. "There's one other thing before you leave."
Emily tied a red scarf around her neck, "What's that?"
"There is one person who has been there for you since the abduction case."
"Hotch." Emily didn't hesitate. "He saved me." Emily couldn't get that heroic moment out of her head, for it was that moment that changed her feelings towards Hotch.
"Why don't you talk to him?" Rossi could see the look in her eyes. It was the same look he noticed in Hotch only a few weeks ago.
"What do I say?" Emily shoved her hands in her coat pocket and scuffed her foot on the rug at the door.
"Start with hi and see how it goes from there."
"Thanks, a very wise piece of advice." Emily said jokingly, opening the front door. She started to leave and stopped. She turned around and said, "Rossi, I know it may not seem like it right now but I'm happy your If I was going to have a long lost dad I couldn't have picked a better one."
Rossi bit his lip as he swelled with pride and overwhelming emotion.
Rossi couldn't help himself. He walked over to Emily and embraced her.
Emily returned the hug, tightly wrapping her arms around him. After a moment they both pulled away at the same time.
Rossi cleared his throat, "Now get outta here. If you need me I'm just a phone call away."
"Will do." Emily stepped out into the cold and a shiver quaked her body. She looked over her shoulder at Rossi, "Bye..." Emily smiled. ""
"Keep talking like that and..." Rossi's vision blurred with tears, "...well just keep talking like that and we will make it through this." Rossi closed the door part of the way and said, "Now leave, I expect a full report tomorrow on what you thought of Riki's."
"Will do." Emily proceeded down the porch stairs and heard the door close behind her.
Emily sat in her warm car, staring through the window of the coffee shop. She sat solemnly, her heart was heavy and she was struggling to find the energy to go inside. Solitude always proved to be her own worst enemy, magnifying everything she felt. She slumped in the driver's seat, resting her hands on the bottom of the steering wheel. All she wanted to do was sit there. I can't do this, she told herself. Emily closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the seat. She felt the tears trapse down her cheeks then all of a sudden, Emily was jolted upright gasping in a panic, her heart beating out of her chest. She looked left out of her car window to the source of the noise that surprised her. "Hotch." Emily wiped her cheeks and opened the door.
Hotch took a step back and held up his right hand, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." As Emily stepped out of the vehicle he saw the watery look in her eyes.
"It's okay." Emily felt a waft of cold air, whip past her face as she stepped into the cold.
"How have you been?" Hotch asked casually with deep rooted concern hidden beneath his tone.
Emily purposefully avoided the question, "Uh...Rossi told me to try this place."
"It's the best." Hotch said.
"You come here often?" Emily asked him, watching the snow fall on his dark hair, lingering on his black coat.
"All the time between 8:30pm and 9:00pm, unless a case keeps me at the office which is more often than not, but you know that."
Emily looked at her watch, it was 8:45pm. She smiled.
"What is it?"
"Rossi, but how did he know you would..." Emily thought a moment, Rossi set me up.
Hotch thought, JJ called Rossi, letting him know I was leaving the office. If this works out, I'll have to thank her one day.
Both of them breathed heavily.
Hotch motioned towards the entrance of the coffee house, "Shall we grab a drink and then I..." he paused. Hotch watched as Emily tilted her head sideways waiting on him to finish his sentence. I can't go back now, but what if she says no, she doesn't want to walk in the snow.
"It's just..."
Emily pulled her scarf a little tighter.
Hotch could see Emily was cold and decided to just spit it out, "Let's grab a cup of coffee and then I would like to show you something." Hotch finally said, great come across as demanding, quit acting like her boss for once. "I'm mean if you're up to it and are interested there is something I would like to show you, it would require a small walk in the snow."
Emily almost smiled, listening to Hotch trying to re-pharase his statement. She felt her stomach flutter with nervous excitement, he's trying so hard, I don't know how I could say no, but I'm just not feeling up to anything. "It sounds nice..."
"So what do you say?"
Hotch walked over to the entrance of Riki's Cup and held open the door.
Emily walked into the inviting warm atmosphere and felt a slight pressure in the small of her back. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and noticed Hotch was guiding her in, almost protectively. Emily felt her face flush while her heart quivered in excitement. "So what's good?"
"I usually get the coffee of the day. It's always a surprise and I've never been disappointed."
"Sounds perfect." Emily stepped up to the counter and was just about to order when Hotch stepped up next to her, brushing the side of her arm gently.
Hotch pulled out his wallet and said, "I'll have two specials, make them a large."
Oh gosh he's buying my coffee, he can't buy my coffee that means... Emily quickly started fumbling in her pockets, "I've got it."
"My treat, it's the least I could do." Hotch said handing his money to the cashier
"But you've already done so much." Emily quickly looked away, careful to avoid eye contact. That was a serious statement and she didn't want Hotch to see the emotion swell in her eyes. A flood of memory over came her conciousness. She turned her back to Hotch and walked over to the window. The snow started to form a thin, white layer on the sidewalk. Her eyes were drawn to the glow of the street light. She watched as the big flakes fell beneath it's golden hue. This would be the first Christmas she would spend without her mom.
Hotch stood at the counter waiting on the coffee, he wanted to give Emily her space. He pocketed his hands and looked over at her standing by the window. He wanted to make her pain go away but he knew that was something that would only lessen with time. Hotch did however want to make the process comforting and as easy for Emily as he could. Finally the coffee was ready and Hotch took both cups, feeling the warmth of the hot liquid, through the styrofoam transfer onto his palms. He walked over to Emily, the look on her face was one of longing and profound sadness. Hotch cleared his throat trying to grab her attention subtly without startling her. He met her glassy eyes and handed her the coffee, "We don't have to go for walk if you'd rather stay inside."
"I want to." Emily said without hesitation.
"You don't have to, just because..." Hotch paused, "You won't hurt my feelings is what I'm trying to say."
Emily smirked, "Honestly, my heart is not in it, but I'm going to take my dad's advice to go for walk and breathe some fresh air."
"Sounds like good advice." Hotch went to hold open the door when he felt Emily's hand grasp his forearm.
"Wait." Emily looked down at her coffee. "I want to taste the coffee first."
Hotch pulled his arm away from the door. He smiled, "I want a full report."
"You should do that more often." Emily felt her face blush, she had accidentally said outloud what she was thinking.
"What should I do more often?" Hotch asked curiously.
"Smile." Emily looked away and took a nervous sip of coffee. "Hmmmm..." Emily swallowed the hot liquid feeling it travel to the pit of her stomach, momentarily forgetting the bold statement she made about Hotch's smile. " just in, this coffee is perfection."
Hotch reveled in the excitement of Emily's voice and the satisfaction expressed on her face.
Emily took another gulp of the hot liquid, "Hmmm, this are no words, I haven't tasted anything so good in all my life."
Hotch smiled again, he opened the door allowing the cool air to sweep past their bodies. "Shall we?"
Emily smiled back at him, feeling her heart shake with girlish excitement.
Hotch followed her out into the cold, "It's just two blocks away and I promise it will be worth it."
The two of them walked side by side along the snow dusted side walk. Quietly they sipped their coffee and enjoyed the night air which hovered with a God given solace. As they neared the end of the second block a warm glow could be seen illuminating between a grove of trees.
Emily nearly stopped as they began to round the corner of an old antique shop, looking to see if she could make out the scene when after a slight moment of pause she pressed quickly toward the glow, anxious to see what it was. Emily's feet began to pick up pace, a childlike excitement had taken over. She was begining to see a glimpse, it was nearly in full view, just a few more steps, finally she emersed into the open and stopped. Emily could feel the cold numbing her cheeks, her nose had colored rosy from the crisp air and her breath steamed deep from within her lungs.
Hotch kept a fair distance behind Emily, allowing her to completely be taken by the view without distraction. He watched Emily in silence, finishing his coffee just steps behind her. With his last sip he threw away the cup and said, "It's the first Christmas tree of the season."
Emily swiveled around at the sound of Hotch's voice, "The tree..." Emily paused, "I can feel, the cold on my cheeks, the warmth of the lights, I'm not numb tonight like I've felt for the past several days. It's the first time in awhile that I can feel something other than hurt." Emily wiped away the salty emotion that had trickled down her cheeks. "Mom loved Christmas trees."
Hotch stepped up to Emily, their chests brushing against one another. Tenderly Hotch cupped the lower side of her cheek with his fingers extending into her soft, raven tendrils. "It will take time but you will heal and eventually the hurt will stop. When you remember her, like tonight you will remember the good." Hotch noticed his hand was cupping her cheek and he quickly removed it, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry." Emily sat down her coffee cup and took both of his hands in hers. "It's always been you. I first felt alive when you saved me and I realized you have always been there, even since the case with the little girl."
Hotch tightened his grip on her hands, physically letting Emily know he was listening while also explaining to her, "I care about you Emily." Hotch could feel himself finding the courage, "I care about every member on this team, but over the past few weeks my care for you has grown deeper."
"I saw it in your eyes." Emily's voice a whisper as she forced back her emotion. "I didn't just feel you that night, but I began to have feelings for you." Emily's face struggled to keep back the emotion, "It wasn't the right time but I couldn't control it." Emily was finding the strength to continue more strongly, as her voice regained it's firm sound, "In that hotel room, the man who killed my mother nearly killed me and when you took him down all I could think about was you. That man wasn't important anymore, you were. He didn't deserve to have my thoughts. You were there for me, you sustained me and I don't want you to stop."
"I don't want to." Hotch replied. Once again Hotch took his right hand and cupped the underside of her cheek, tilting her head upwards, towards his. He wrapped his left arm around her waist pulling Emily against him. He briefly thought he might kiss her, but didn't feel it was the right time.
Emily looked into eyes, "You make me feel alive and tonight you gave me so much more. It is a new season, a new begining, a time to reflect and heal." Emily laid her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his waist, feeling protected in his embrace. "Hotch?"
"Yes?" Hotch easily rested his head against hers, waiting to hear what she had to say.
A moment of silence lingered as they stood resting against one another, beneath the warm glow of a Christmas tree. Together they found in eachother strength, courage and security allowing them to feel something so many are afraid of and that is love. They were able to silently and completely let themselves go. The snow played in the air, swirling around them, bringing in a new season of hope, giving light to darkness and igniting a flame that had once burned out.
"I want you to always be there." Emily's voice pleaded.
"I will be." And I'll never let you go.
~I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful New Year, may it bring you much happiness the whole year through! ~