President Vale sat quietly at her desk reviewing the results of the escort drawing as she waited for the crew to finish setting up her office for the announcement. This was a big moment for her, just three years into her Presidency this would be the moment she took total control and reminded Panem that it was the Capital as a whole and not just the recently departed President Snow who ruled them. "Mam, sorry to disturb you but Miss Minos insists on speaking to you before the announcement." "I was wondering when she would decide to turn up, send her in and insure we aren't disturbed again until the broadcast." "Yes mam." Decius was a good man but need to be reminded at times that her commands were just that commands and not polite suggestions. It was a symptom of a larger problem she'd been fighting since her election, a problem she intended to eradicate this year, with the help of a small purge in the cabinet and the Hunger Games, but those could wait today was a celebration after all it's not every year the 100th Hunger Games come around.

Celine Minos strode confidently down the hall of the Presidential Mansion a pace and a half or so behind the aid dispatched to take her to the president, admiring the decor changes Tyranna had instituted since coming to power. President Vale she corrected herself, she'd have to remember that her old friend was now in a different sphere then she was, sure Head Game-maker was a prestigious post but it paled in comparison to President of Panem. They stopped in front of the office door and the aid quietly entered to announce her presence while she nervously fidgeted with her notes for the arena. "Miss Minos the president will see you now." Ready or not it was time to show her old friend what she could do, for her and the nation.

"Celine, welcome please have a seat." "Thank you Madam President." The smile on Tyranna's face put her a bit more at ease and the slight chuckle made it feel like old times between the two. After a few minutes of small talk and catch up were quickly interrupted as a tech walked in to inform them that they were ready for the President. "Thank you Attics, give us five and then we'll both be along." The man quietly acknowledged the instruction and left without another word. "I hope you'll join me for the quell announcement, after all who better to accompany me than the Head Game-maker?" Celine was honestly taken aback by the offer, never before had a President shared the stage to announce a quell it simply wasn't done. "I'd be honored to." "Good, having someone there will help this is quite an announcement for me. Before i forget did you bring the design plans with you?" She had honestly forgot all about them but handed them over all the same for her to review. "These are great Celine, I can't wait to see them in action." "Thank you, my team and I spent a lot of time on them and we're very proud of it." "As you should be, but we've waited long enough haven't we lets go announce the quell twist to the masses."

"Live in 3…..2…...1" "Good Evening Panem today is a time for celebration nationwide, today I have the privilege of announcing to you the twist for this years 100th Annual Hunger Games and 4th Quarter Quell. I know you're all as anxious as i am so lets do it shall we?"

"To remind the districts of the Capitals mercy and fairness for this the One Hundredth Hunger Games and Fourth Quarter Quell one gender from each district will be exempt from the Reaping this year. The method of which is to be determined by the sitting President of Panem. However to insure adequate district representation in the quell, the gender not selected must supply their district with a second tribute for the games."

"Earlier today the escorts from each district and I selected which gender will be supplied by each district, the results will follow this announcement. Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!"

District 1-Female

District 2-Male

District 3-Male

District 4-Female

District 5-Male

District 6-Male

District 7-Female

District 8-Female

District 9-Female

District 10-Male

District 11- Male

District 12-Female

A/N: Thank you to everyone who read this, it's an idea I've been tossing around for a bit and i finally decided to do it. First off I prefer submissions by PM however i will take them by review but will give priority to district selection to ones received by PM. The form is on my profile. I also intend to give every tribute 2 POV's before the games but that will depend on time and and story flow but i do guarantee at least 1 and a part of another to all submitted tributes. I'm also going to be doing something I've seen a lot of in other stories and only doing 1 reaping chapter because I don't think i could keep the interest level up with 12 nearly identical chapters. Any-who i hope you all liked this and will decide to send in a tribute. Thank you for reading my insanely long note as well as the story.