Disclaimer: All source content belongs to Rooster Teeth. This first chapter, credits to Gloomiebunny009

October 26, 2019
Announcement: I've deleted chapters 11-21 for the revisions that will be happening in the near future.

Sun loved days like this even though he would prefer to be outside. Warm and sunny. Not a single cloud in the blue sky. It was days like this that Sun would just find a good tree and climb it, lounge on the biggest branch, eat a banana, maybe even throw the banana peel at an unsuspecting person below, hide; and relax.

But instead, he was inside Team RWBY's dorm room. Not that he minds, since he was comfortable on Blake's bed, especially with her held close to him and his nose buried in her long black hair. Blake was reading a book-half ignoring the fellow Faunus-about a princess traveling to another kingdom to retrieve a holy artifact. The princess was accompanied by three bodyguards.

Sun's tail was limp and laying behind him. His leg was over her leg and his arms were wrapped around her shoulders. He felt himself begin to doze off a little. Content with the beautiful girl in his arms and the perfect day, he was slowly drifting off to sleep.

Blake and Sun had been "dating" for about two months. She had asked him to keep it quiet. The excuse being it was their business and no one else had to know about it. Not even her own team. Sun didn't agree with it at first, seeing as he didn't like to keep secrets from his friends. When he brought up the issue to her, she just shook her head saying, he could do whatever he wanted, but she didn't want to tell anyone because she was afraid of the many questions she'd receive from the school staff and . . . especially from her team.

Sun had considered her perspective and decided to go along with her "keeping it quiet" suggestion. But if anyone brought it up and asked him, he would be honest with them. Unless of course, it was a professor or a member of the academy staff. Students weren't allowed to date, yet the academy has no problem putting girls and boys in the same room. The reason went along the lines of, "students must be able to focus completely on their training" or something like that. What a bunch of crap. Until then, his mouth was zipped shut.

Blake shifted, checking the time on her scroll. Weiss would be back soon from her early-afternoon swim at the pool in the gym, which meant that Sun had to leave soon. Or else he'll face the scolding of a lifetime for "breaking in" to their dorm room again.

"What time is it?" He asked groggily. She felt his breath against her neck, making her shiver.

"Around two," she answered. She put her scroll back on the bed and continued reading her book.

"Ugh . . . why can't your friends stay out longer?" He groaned, holding her tighter against him.

She simply hummed in response, silence returning to the dorm room. Only the quiet whirl of fans inside the vents were audible.

From time to time, Blake would think about how comfortable she was with Sun around her. He was a very talkative guy, but he liked the quiet as much as she did. And that meant they didn't really have to talk, which was nice for her. And she welcomed his company. On the other hand, Sun was surprised that Blake was okay with him being this close to her. When they first met, she didn't say a single word to him and stayed ten feet away. But after the whole Torchwick incident at the docks, she was okay with him being near her. That cleared up some confusion, sort of.

The whirling sound of the fan in the vents began to lull Blake into a sleepy state. It was hard to keep reading when her eyelids kept closing slowly, getting heavier by the second. The book kept falling out of her hand every time she drifted from consciousness.

Maybe a quick nap wouldn't be a bad idea. . . .

She shook her head, determined to finish the chapter she was on. But halfway through, she was about to fall asleep when she froze. Something had slithered around her abdomen and was tickling her bare stomach. She looked down to inspect and scowled. She closed her book and thwacked Sun on the head with it.

"Ow!" He flinched, becoming more alert from his sleepy state. "What was that for?!"

"Your tail, get it off," she said coldly.

"Huh- What?"

"Get your tail off of me." She pointed to the golden furry tail that was circled around her waist.

Grumbling, Sun removed his tail from her and scooted away. He looked away, mumbling stuff to himself. "Lighten up, geez. . . ." then turned his back to her.

Every time something like this happened, Blake would always be surprised at how sensitive Sun could be. She wouldn't expect an outgoing and cocky person to act like that. Over the last month, she had figured out some things that made him tick.

One of them, was "wasting a good banana". Whenever he saw a someone throw away a good banana, he went out of his way to walk up to that person and scold him or her about wasting food, as long as it wasn't a food fight, he cared. The other thing was "dressing up in formal attire". Sun and shirt-and-tie did not go together. Then the thing she found the weirdest was how irritated he would become when she didn't want to hold hands with him. For a while, in her mind, it hadn't sunk in that she was dating him. They were just really close friends. She needed time for her attitude to switch to "it was okay for him to hold her hand" from "that's so stupid". Even now she pulled away sometimes.

The idiot took it the wrong way when it happened the first time. He wouldn't talk to her for days until she finally cornered him and demanded to know why he was avoiding her. And his reason? Because he thought she didn't like him being around her and other stupid reasons. She yelled at him and smacked him on the head with a book. He listened (flinching every time she raised her hand, thinking she was going to hit him again) to her explanation of the issue. Since then, he'd been pretty patient with her.

Now this.

Blake suspected it was the same issue with the hand-holding misunderstanding. Sun honestly thought she didn't like him touching her.

Groaning, she knew she had over reacted. And she hated saying apologies . . .

She glanced at him, sighing. "You idiot. I didn't mean it like that. . . . " She poked his back with her finger.

"Huh?" He looked over his shoulder before sitting up.

She sighed. "I mean . . . I just . . . " Why was it so hard to apologize? She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her cat ears twitching. "Sun. Your tail just surprised me. I didn't mean to make it sound like I hated it."

Sun looked at her, making her fidget slightly under his stare and look away. He smiled, wrapping his arms around her and falling back on the bed with her, making her grunt slightly. Grinning, he wrapped his tail around her waist again. Blake decided to ignore the ticklish feeling and return to her reading.

Sun knew that was probably the closest thing to an apology that he would receive. She didn't like apologizing, even if she was the one at fault. Being smart, he kept quiet, knowing to take what he gets. Even if she didn't outright apologize, he knew she meant it. Underneath that timid and anti-social facade, she was sweet.