A/n: I made it! Updated within less than a month! Yaay! Big thanks to all those who are following this :) Hope you like this chapter.


Chapter 8 : Remind me next time to save the nostalgia for some other time

"Don't you grasp the gravity of the matter, Ichigo? We absolutely cannot tell them your real identity." Urahara whispered, for even though Masaki and Isshin were well out of earshot, there was no telling how good a Mother's hearing abilities were. And for some reason, he felt that even the walls of the Kurosaki household had ears.

"Fancy you using big words like 'gravity'." Ichigo made air brackets with his hand, "Just tell me what happened here in plain words like you always do, and then," He removed the hat from the shopkeeper's face, "A way to get out of here, also like you always do."

His words were sincere and filled with emotions. Ichigo knew that Urahara was always kidding and making fun of him, but he had also helped his friends many times, and despite the downright ludicrity of some of his plans, he did get them out of situations. Not to mention that the man had his contacts, and while ninety-nine-per-cent of them could potentially be his murderers, at times they were helpful. In a way, Urahara had his back.

"Why? Does staying here make you feel uncomfortable? I thought you quite liked your mother."

"Being here is making me very happy." Ichigo lowered his head, "But not like… this."

"Like what?" Urahara questioned.

"This." Ichigo couldn't explain it well with words, so he motioned with his hands spread apart. "This house, the same furniture, my same dad-of course, he never changes-it's bringing

back too many memories for me. And I… I can't just suddenly be throttled back down the time-lane and deal with it normally."

It's making me too emotional and the last thing I would do in front of her is cry… is what he wanted to say, but never did.

Memories of the Dojo with Tatsuki and those bright days with his mother were coming back to him. Those days when he could watch the sunset with them without a care in this world, when Karin and Yuzu were babies who Isshin had to carry, and when he could forget the hardship and tears of Karate practice just by looking at his mother's smile, as bright and radiant as the sun itself.

"I can't do this. Let's go back as soon as possible. What's the deal?"

"There's no deal here, Ichigo, it's as simple as that."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll put it simply: there's no way you can go back to your time right now."

A/n: This one is short because I had very little time to work on it, but I'm happy with the result. I'll update soon, so wait for that! :) Thank you for reading :)